Unorthodox Obsession: A Mafia...

By HopelessAmorous02

926K 23.1K 3.7K

Highest Rank: #2 in passion : #1 in kidnapping : #3 in posses... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15: Part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chpater 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 11

24.2K 629 44
By HopelessAmorous02

Dedicated to batsy07


Amira's POV

Looking down at my feet nervously, my cheeks turning red as I felt their eyes on me.

I could feel their stares burning into my skin as I refuse to move from my spot. The floor suddenly seem like the most important thing in the room as my eyes were glued it it.

My heart is pounding, my palms getting clammy with sweat. This alway happens whenever I'm around people that I don't know or when I'm the center of attention.

My mom would always bug me about my shyness whenever I visited her at work and her colleagues would try talking to me but I would just blush and hide behind her.

I miss her so much.

A hand being placed on my shoulder brought me out of my thought. I flinched from surprise but blink up at Alfanso who threw his arm around my shoulder.

I can feel Xiden's stare burning into my skin as I hug Alfanso side ways. I release him from the hug seconds later. "Hey." He greets me with a wide contagious smile because I felt one tugging on my lips.

"Hey, how have you been, Alfanso?"

"Good but now I'm great, when are you going to be cooking again?" He asked with a pout. "I miss your cooking."

A laugh pass through my lips, "I've only cooked for you once."

"The best that I've ever had."

Laughing, I replied "Okay, I'll cook something for you..." I was cut off by a stern voice.

"No. You aren't here for him. The only person that you will be cooking for is me." Xiden said leaving no room for arguing but Alfanso wouldn't back down.

"That not fair," he whines. "Why does she have to cook for you alone."

"Because she's my girl."

My eyes snapped over to Xiden as soon as my mind registered what he said.

Because she's my girl.

Did - did he just call me his girl.

I think I forgot how to breath for a few seconds. My ears began to ring, blocking out Xiden and Alfanso's back and forth bickering.

He called me his girl.

What does this mean. Does this mean that we are officially together now, was that him staking his claim on me, as his lover.

My heart fluttered, a giddy feeling takes over my whole body, making a smile appear on my lips and a light blush coat my cheeks.

This...felt good. Hearing him said that I was his felt wonderful.

We've done stuff before, and through his actions I could tell that he has already claimed me.

Mind, body and soul, no doubt.

But hearing him say it out loud and in front of his friends at that, I couldn't help what happened next.

My body moves out of Alfanso friendly hold and drifted towards Xiden. My hands found themselves around his waist, my head buried in his firm chest.

Everything went silent for a moment, even Xiden's breathing. It took a moment before he hugged me back, drawing my into his body, trying to make us one.

I look up into his clear blue eyes, the same eyes that dominates me with one glance, the same eyes that holds me, his willing prisoner, the eyes that I never want to look away from.

"Do, do you mean it?" I ask, still looking in his eyes.

"Mean what, brown eyes?"

My cheeks flush more at his new endearment. I never really liked my eyes, I thought that they're plain, just like me. But with Xiden, he makes me feel like I'm special, like I'm precious and the way that he looks at me makes me feel like I'm a one of a kind diamond that is priceless.

He brushes his fingers in a feather like manner on my warm cheeks and my face leans in more into his touch, my eyes closing to savor the feeling.

"I want to see those beautiful brown eyes of your baby." And just like that, my eyes snap open, meeting his piercing blue one that sent a shiver through my spine.

His hands tighten around my waste as he brought his face slowly down to mine. My heart speed accelerates the closer he reaches to my lips.

"Mean what brown eyes?" He repeated his question.

I lick my suddenly dry lips, my pink tongue lightly grazing his to how close he was. He groans from deep within his throat and it sent vibrations throughout my body.

"That I'm your girl?" I whisper like it's suppose to be a secret, truth is, my voice wouldn't come out louder than that.

"Of course I mean it, brown eyes. Your mine."

"Oh, I didn't remember being asked to be anyone's girl?" I teased.

"Careful brown eyes," he warns me.

"Or what?"

He growled before closing the gap between us, placing a scorching, punishing, dominating kiss on my lips. My hands fist his jacket as he devours my mouth and my body following behind.

He release my lips, the both of us breathing hard. "I want to do this right brown eyes. I want to ask you properly to be mine. I want to court you, to show you off to world that this beautiful, sweet girl is mine, all mine." He said while looking into my eyes that weld up with tears at how serious he sounded when he said that.

I don't know what I did to end up with a loving man like this. I must have been a saint in the past life but whatever it is, thank you, is what I thought before he took my lips in a passionate kiss.

When Xiden and I emerged from our bubble, we were alone. His friends were no where to be seen, I'm guessing that while Xiden and I was lost in each other they slipped away giving us privacy.

We had a late breakfast before Xiden was called in to office and he dragged me along with him. We are in his sleek black mercadies that is being driven by his driver Piero.

Piero is a 6'1 middle aged man being in his fifties but he is a built guy. His eyes are a light green, a slightly crook nose and a kind smile. His head is covered with a black hat with grey strands of hair peeking out.

I learned that he is married with two kids and has been working for the Xiden for about five years now.

Passing all the tall building and shops with the street litter with people going about their day I couldn't help but look in wonderment.

Xiden intertwined our hands together dragging my attention from outside to our join hands. I gave it a slight squeeze a smile tugging at me lips and I turn my gaze back to the busy street feeling content.

Soon we stop in front a tall building that read Luciano's and Co.

"You work here?"

"Baby, I'm the boss."

"Cocky much." I mumbled.

He leans in to my ear and whispers, "Very and a big one too." I gasp, my cheeks heating up. I swear when I'm with him my cheeks are permanently red or he's going to give me a heart attack.

Piero opens the door and let Xiden out. He straighten his suit jacket before placing his hand as the door which I eagerly take but as soon as I emerge from the vehicle a horde of flashing lights blind me for a few seconds before we're surrounded by a bunch of paparazzi who started throwing questions left and right.

'Mr. Luciano over here.'

'Mr. Luciano who's she?'

'Mr. Luciano is it true that you're dating the famous model Gisele?'

"Mr. Luciano, over here."

"Mr. Luciano...."

"Mr. Luciano...... "

My head is spinning, my heart rate accelerate at all the flash and questions being thrown at us. I close my eyes tightly trying to block out the blinding light.

In a splict second one of the camera man grips my hand pulling me in his direction harshly.

'Who are you?'

'What's your name?'

'What's your relationship with Luciano?'

I shriek, my eyes welding up with tears as he kept firing questions at me but I'm more focus at getting his hands off me.

"Please let me go, your hurting me." As soon as I finish the man's grip was gone and he's on the ground, I look up to see an angry Xiden as he steps over towards the man and whispers something in his ear that drain all the colour from his face.

I cradle my hand, already seeing a bruise forming. Around five big bulky men in black made a circle around me, blocking the flashing light and rapid questions. The man from this morning, Armanno, gently place his arm around my shoulders and guide me into the building where curious eyes followed my every move.

He led me to an elevator and press the CEO button. Two of the guards came with us.

Armanno turns my body to face him. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks straight away.

I blink up at him before shaking my head and showing him my wrist. He cursed something in Italian before pulling me into a warm hug, almost brotherly but I can't help but wish that they were Xiden's but none the less I cuddled further into his hold.

I heard him talking to the guards in Italian before the elevator doors open, he ushers me out, passing a desk with a pretty girl with blonde hair and blue eyes who stood up as soon as she sees us but Armanno waved he off.

He led me to an office at the end of the hall. He opens the door and shut it behind us, leaving the two guards outside.

He leads me to a black leather couch where he tells me to sit and I did as he requested, I just wanted to see Xiden.

He got a first aid kit and gently took my bruised wrist in his big, rough hand. He applies an ointment before wrapping it with a bandage. He place the contents back in the kit and usher me to a bathroom where I wash my face and went back to the couch.

My mind is still reeling from what happened.

That was crazy. Didn't Xiden told me that he has a small business? If this is the kind of press that small business get here then everyone is going to be successful.

Armanno sighs, running his hand through his white hair. I don't want to think anymore, I was getting tired as the time passed and Xiden still isn't with me.

My eyes involuntary close as I leaned on Armanno's shoulder, drifting off to sleep.

I don't know how long I was asleep for but when I open my eyes again I was looking into a pair of blue eyes. "Brown eyes," was all he had to say before my head raise from his lap to his chest where I inhale his calming scent.

I latced on to him, refusing to let him go. I felt my body relax, melting into him. He gently took my bruise wrist and place a kiss on the bandage, warming my heart.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine now." I said looking into his eyes. "What happened?"

"I don't know how they knew that you would be there," he sighed. "Don't worry about it, my team is working on it." He said kissing my forehead.

My head is buried in his neck when there's a knock on the door. Xiden groaned before giving the person on the other side permission to enter.

I heard low talking in Italian before I was hand over to another strong pair of arms that grips me tightly when I start to struggle, wanting to go back in Xiden's safe arms.

I look up with blurry eyes at Armanno. His face emotionless as he carrys me to the elevator.

"Where are you taking me? Let me down, I want to go back to Xiden." I shouted continuing to struggle.

"Xiden! Put me down, put me down!"

"Relax princess, he just wants you safe and away from the craziness." He said in a deep voice, his Italian accent coming out.

I stop struggling, and just relax in his brotherly hold. We existed the building through the garage where Piero was waiting for us. Armanno place my in the back seat, doing my seat belt before closing the door went to sit in the passenger seat beside Piero.

The ride back to Xiden's penthouse was quite, but as soon as we reach the noise emerges. The paparazzis was camped out at the entrance of the building.

Armanno angrily existed the car, slamming the door shut. He looked to be shouting angrily at them before taking out his phone, taking rapidly.

Three bulky men in black suits approach the car, blocking the paparazzi from bombarding the car.

He came back to the car, sticking his head in, he looked at me for a brief moment before turning back to Piero. "Drive, take her out of here. I will call you when it's safe to come back."

Piero drives off, speeding down the road before taking a left, out of their view.

"Is there anywhere specific that you would like to go, ma'am?"

"No." I whispered.

"Do you mind if I take you somewhere then?" He asked, glancing at my through the mirror.

I was hesitant for a moment before I saw the small smile that he was giving me. "O-okay."

A few minutes later we pull up to a cozy looking diner. He got our of the car, closing his door behind him before opening my door. Taking his awaiting hand, he leads me to the door. He opens the door and the bell chimed, reminding me of how the bell would chimed at the library. I should probably call Aaliyah to let her know that I'm okay.

She's probably worried.

"After you, ma'am," I smile at Piero, stepping into the semi busy diner, hearing chattering in different languages, laughing with their pers and I couldn't help but to inhale deeply the freshly baked goodies.

"Right this way ma'am," he said walking ahead of me.

"You know," I said following behind him. "You can call me by my name."

"That's highly inappropriate ma'am."

"But I insist." I grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks, turning him around to face me. "Hi, I'm Amira Dawson." I said sticking my hand out for him to shake.

Piero looks at me strangely before a small smile tugs at his lips. "Ciao dolcezza," he said placing a kiss on the back of my hand. "My name is Piero Costa." I smiled, taking my hand out of his and placing it at my side.

He led us to a booth at the window, before excusing himself. I look around the diner with a smile on my face, my crazy morning being pushed to the back of my mind.

I was looking out the window when my eyes cause something. I closed my eyes, shaking my head before looking out the window again and it was still there.

Oh God.

It's a dark figure in a hood. The person waves at me before taking out a phone, the person holds it up for a few seconds. A bus drove by and the figure disappeared.

I look around for the figure but I didn't see anything. I sighed, maybe I was imaging it, yeah, it was just my imagination.

A few minutes later Piero returns with a beautiful elderly lady on his arm. "Ms. Amira, this is my lovely wife Lily," he said placing a kiss on her cheek, causing her face to turn slightly red.

"Oh, stop it Piero," she said, hitting him with her hands softly but I could see the love that she has for him in her eyes. "It's true honey."

"This is Amira, Xiden's girlfriend." A gasp pass his lips as she squeal, pulling me out of my chair and into a tight hug.

"Okay honey, release her, we don't want anything bad happening to her now do we." He said chuckling softly as Lily slowly release me.

"I'm just so happy, he was so lonely and always working." She said sniffling. "Please take care of him."

I held both of her hands tightly in mine, "I promise that I will."

She smiled before hugging me again, I giggled when she release me again, ushing us to sit while she gets us something to eat.

"Your wife is very nice."

"She is." He smiles and I couldn't help but think that that's how I want me and Xiden to be when we get that old. Happy and in love.

Getting to know Piero and his lovely wife Lily was a delight.

Armanno called a few minutes ago and now we are on our way back to Xiden's penthouse with a smile on my face.

Xiden has been checking up on me all day since I left his office and my heart melted at his sweetness or maybe it's his protective, possessive behavior that makes me feel...

My phone ringing pulls me out of my thoughts, answering it with out checking the caller ID was a mistake.

"Hello," heavy breathing could be heard from the line. "He-hello...?" I repeated.

"I. See. You." Said a deep, scary voice, "You shouldn't have left. I will always find you, you're not leaving me again, you belong to me. You. Are. Mine." The voice continues before the line went dead. A few seconds later my phone pinged, signaling that I have a message and to be honest, I am scared out of my wits to check it.

My hands trembled as I click on the message icon and regret it instantly. It was a picture of me and Xiden outside of his office building.

Another ping.

The next picture was when I was leaving with Armanno.

And another ping.

This time it's a picture of me sitting in the diner. My eyes weld up with tears as the phone slips from my grasp.

Oh no.

It was real. IT IS REAL!

I'm being followed.

As always vote and comment.

Xoxo J

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