đź’™Vikuuri One Shots | by Kitt...

By kittyyuri

1.7K 31 18

These will be a bunch of one-shots so each chapter is a different story! If you have any requests, comment or... More

|| Pastel Yuuri: Part One ||
High School AU: Artist Yuri
|| Pastel Yuuri: Part Two ||
College Neighbors AU: My first Smut???

||Vikuri Business AU||

335 12 9
By kittyyuri

A/N okay so, this is my first one-shot and I'm so nervous about it. I also couldn't think of a name for it so if you think of one, please tell me! I will credit you. I'm sorry if this is too long or too short. I'm not sure how long these things are suppose to be??? But I really liked how it turned out so I hope you guys like it to! Make sure to comment and vote if you did enjoy it <333 love you guys 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Yuri Katsuki did like his job. He hadn't at first. Being bossed around, never figuring out where he needed to be, the office gossip. But it all grew on him. Or someone grew on him.

Viktor Nikiforov is the CEO of the company Yuri works at and he's probably the best part of the whole job. Everyone loves Viktor because of how easy going and light hearted he is. He makes everyone feel comfortable when he's around. And during meetings, he's always making jokes. He even makes the younger employees feel better around the higher ups.

Sadly, Yuri didn't see him much, though. He was a coffee boy, taking orders, getting copies and handing out memos and he was on many floors under Viktor's. But every chance he got, he was up there with Viktor.

Today happened to be his lucky day, however. Because someone asked him to sit in on one of Viktor's meetings to take notes.

The dark-haired boy sat in a chair, inches away from Viktor's. He wearing a blue sweater and black slacks, pushing up his glasses every so often. He looked silly compared to his boss who was wearing an all-black suit with a red tie, his silver hair glowing with contrasts from the suit. And his eyes were as piercing as all the girls downstairs said they were. Yuri felt like a complete mess next to him.

Yuri tried his best to take detailed notes but it was hard when he had no idea what they were talking about.

"At a base level, this just comes down to global reciprocal innovation," A bald haired man to Yuri's left said.

"I understand that but we just can't handle those numbers right now," Viktor insisted. He used a sweet but tough voice. He smiled at the man but still maintained power.

"If you insist, but I can't help you out when the guys downtown hear about this." The other man said, talking with his hands.

"I understand. And I think we're finished here." Viktor stood up, adjusting his suit before shaking hands with the man.

After the man left, Yuri stood up, adjusting his glasses and looking down at his notes. He was worried they weren't good enough but they would have to do for the people downstairs.

"Did you enjoy that?" A deep Russian voice startled Yuri, looking up now.

"Wh-what?" He asked, looking at Viktor.

"These meetings, they're so dull. Even I space during them. How did you do on your notes?" Viktor smiled, sitting back down in his chair and then gesturing to where Yuri was sat, indicating he should sit too.

"Oh, um, I think I did okay," Yuri said, trying his best not to blush under Viktor's stare.

"Good! What is your name again? I'm sorry, I meet so many people, I can never remember all their names." Viktor seemed sincere when he spoke which was another thing Yuri adored about the man.

"Yuri... Yuri Katsuki," He answered, giving a small smile.

"That is a beautiful name," Viktor responded, Yuri unable to hide his blush now.

"Oh... Thank you. I um, should get going. JJ would kill me if I didn't get this in on time." Yuri stood up then, reaching out his hand even with his eyes down, ready to shake Mr. Nikiforov's hand.

"Right, of course. It was nice to spend some time with you, Yuri. Hope we can do it again soon." Viktor shook his hand and gave him a wink before leaving the meeting room.

The rest of the day, Yuri felt light headed, finding it hard to believe that he got to be around Viktor that long, and then got to talk to him! All the girls would be jealous if they knew. Not that he would tell anyone. He wanted to keep this to himself.

As the weeks went on, Yuri seemed to see a lot more of Mr. Nikiforov. He came down a lot more to Yuri's floor, checking up on the employees and sometimes to just hang out. Yuri thought it weird but didn't think too much of it. He truly liked seeing a lot more of Viktor so he didn't complain. His only true complaint was that he still didn't get to speak to Viktor a whole lot. Not when most of the floor gathered around him as if he was a boy band star and they were his groupies. Everyone wanted to be on his good side.

A few days later, Yuri found himself in the copy room. He was doing a printing job when he heard a familiar Russian voice behind him.

He jumped, papers flying out of his hands as he spun around and saw Viktor leaning against the doorframe.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" Victor apologized, getting down on the floor to pick up the papers that had fallen.

It took Yuri a few moments to regain himself, calming his breath and heartbeat down. Though, his heart beat would never go down much when Viktor was around.

"It's fine, really," Yuri eventually said, getting down on the floor as well to pick up the papers.

They both reached for the same piece of paper then, their hands touching. Yuri pulled his hand away, blushing.

Viktor chuckled, "It's almost like your scared of me. Always so tense when I'm around," He teased, looking up into Yuri's eyes.

Yuri felt his face burn up under the other man's stare, "I- um. Not scared," was all he could muster out.

Viktor chuckled again, "If you say so."

The two finished picking up the papers, Viktor handing his pile back to Yuri.

"I only came in here to say that there is going to be an office party happening tonight. I'm sure you've heard about it. I was wondering if you were going?" It was Viktor's turn to be shy, staggering over his words a bit as he spoke.

"Oh. No, I don't really go to those things. I either stay sober and have no fun or get drunk and have too much fun." Yuri laughed.

Viktor looked disappointed now, pouting a bit, "But it'll be so much fun. And I never see you at these things. You must go!"

"I didn't know you cared so much about me being there," Yuri mumbled, looking down at his feet.

"Oh, well, I um," Viktor rubbed the back of his head, "I care about all my employee's. I'd like to see them all there!"

"So, you're going to talk to Otabeck about him never going to those things as well?" Yuri smirked.

"Otabeck?" Viktor questioned, "Right! Otabeck," He said but still seemed unsure of himself.

"I'll see about going. But I need to get back to work now." Yuri said with a sly smile, a little more confidence in his walk as he passed Viktor.

"Good, great," Viktor mumbled to himself, being left in the copy room alone now.

Yuri really wasn't planning on going to the party tonight, due to all the stories he's heard of people going crazy at them. Especially Chris, Yuri's coworker who he has been told, starts to do strip teases in the middle of the dance floor close to the end of the night.

But if Yuri was being totally honest, he just wanted to go to see Viktor anyways. He just hoped they would get a chance to talk at this thing.

The party started at six but Yuri decided not to get there until around eight, trying to do the whole 'fashionably late' thing.

He showed up wearing a pair of tight, black jeans and a light blue button up with the first two buttons undone. He let his hair do it's whole messy thing, hoping it would look sexy. He also decided to put in contacts tonight, allowing people to see his eyes for how they really were.

When he showed up to the party, everyone seemed to have arrived and already, a few people were drunk and dancing on each other on the dance floor.

They managed to do something to the lights to give the room a red tint and Yuri's place of work didn't look anything like it usually did. There were tables of food and drinks and the whole middle of the floor was vacant of desks on the dance floor. There was also a DJ in the corner and the music was loud. It seemed like, all in all, a good party.

Yuri found his way to the table of refreshments and took a glass of champagne. Then he did a walkthrough of the place, saying hello to everyone he recognized which was not a lot, as it was a big building, full of a lot of people.

When he made his way back to the table, his glass was half empty and he still couldn't spot Viktor. He was starting to wonder if the man even showed up, making him feel foolish for coming.

But it was then when he felt someone tap his shoulder.

Yuri turned around and smiled when he saw a tall, slim, silver-haired man in front of him. Viktor was dressed down this time, wearing dark jeans and an ice blue button-down with the sleeves rolled up. Yuri actually licked his lips at the sight of his boss.

"You made it! I was looking for you earlier!" Viktor yelled over the music.

"I just got here a few minutes ago!" Yuri also yelled. They were both standing close to the DJ so Viktor took Yuri's elbow and dragged him over to another, quieter corner.

"Sorry, it was too loud over there. How are you?" Viktor asked, leaning against the wall.

"It's fine. And I'm okay. Not use to these kinds of things," He looked around the room, "You guys go all out for parties, don't you?"

"It's the only time for us to really wind down. The CEO's and such, I mean." Viktor explained, "Are you having a nice time?"

Yuri nodded, "At the moment. We'll see how things go down later."

"Would you like to dance?" Viktor asked.

Yuri's eyes widened, surprised by the question, "Oh, um. I don't do much dancing..." Which was a lie but he was feeling nervous.

"Oh, come on. It's not like anyone out there right now looks good at dancing. You won't even be noticed."

Which Yuri felt to be true as he was never noticed.

Viktor took Yuri's drink out of his hands and sat it down before taking Yuri's hand and going over to the dance floor.

Yuri had no idea what to do, just watched as Viktor dance kind of silly like in front of him, making him smile and chuckle.

"Come on, Yuri! Dance with me," He yelled as he grabbed Yuri's hands and started to make him move. They both began dancing to no real beat which was odd for Yuri since he was a ballet dancer but he went with it. He allowed himself to be silly.

It was half way through the song though, that Yuri noticed people staring at him and Viktor. He didn't even think about it because no one usually looked at him but they did look at their handsome boss, Viktor. The silver haired man didn't seem to notice, however. He danced away and tried to bring Yuri with him, who was slowing down at the eyes that were all on him.

"I think we should stop," Yuri said, hoping Viktor could hear him.

"Oh why!? I love this song." Viktor closed his eyes and continued dancing but Yuri managed to get his hands out of Viktor's grip and walked off. Viktor followed fast behind, still ignoring all the eyes that were on him.

"What is wrong? Did I do something?" Viktor asked as they went back over to the corner.

Yuri grabbed another drink on their way there, gulping it down a little faster than he had before. "No, it's not you. It's all of them," Yuri mumbled.

Viktor looked around now, noticing all the people staring. They all seemed to look away fast when Viktor looked at them.

"Oh, don't worry about them. Are you going to let them get in the way of a fun time?" Viktor asked, putting his hand on Yuri's waist, standing awfully close now.

Yuri blushed and took another gulp of the beverage in his hand, "Kinda. I don't like the attention."

"Do you not like my attention either?" Viktor asked in a husky voice that made a shot of butterflies go through Yuri's stomach.

"I... Do you like my attention?" He fired back.

"Yes, yes I do," Viktor said blatantly.

"Oh," Was all Yuri could make come out.

It was then that Viktor pushed Yuri up against the wall with a little force, both hands on either side of Yuri's waist. "I actually like it quite a bit. And would like it if we could pay more attention to each other in the future," He smirked.

Yuri gulped and tried to ignore every fiber of his being that wanted to crash his lips against Viktor's.

"I didn't know," Yuri said, setting down his drink on the table next to them. He couldn't even see if people were looking because Viktor was standing in the way of them all. He felt safe now, even if he was freaking out.

Viktor chuckled, "You know, Yuri, I've been trying to read you for weeks now. Trying to understand what your likes are, who you're interested in. I've asked so many people about you but none of them know a thing about you. You're a mystery," Viktor's voice was now low and rough, "And it's driving me mad because I want nothing more than to know you." He slid his right hand up Yuri's side, clinging to the fabric of his shirt, making Yuri shake.

"You- You want to know me? But I'm no one!" Yuri exclaimed.

"But you're not, Yuri! You're beautiful and smart and according to everyone, a hard worker. You shouldn't think so low of yourself. I certainly don't think that way of you." Viktor moved his face closer to Yuri's, their lips only a few inches apart. Yuri could feel Viktor's breath on him and all he wanted was to kiss him right then and there.

"Wh-Why-" Yuri began but Viktor hushed him with a quick, small kiss.

"Don't ask questions anymore, Yuri. Let me know you," Viktor growled, making Yuri melt.

Screw it, Yuri thought. He wanted Viktor and it was clear now that Viktor wanted him too, God knows why, but he was going to have him. Yuri put his arms around Viktor's neck and kissed him passionately, Viktor leaning into it right away.

The two stayed there kissing for some time. They were forgetting about everyone else at the party, focusing on each other's touch.

Eventually, the two had to come up for air and when they did, they stared into each other's eyes, both sparkling.

"Wow..." Yuri said, breathlessly.

"I think you're the best kisser I've ever met," Viktor mumbled, his lips finding the corner of Yuri's lips.

Yuri chuckled, "I think I'd have to say the same about you."

"Well, both of us can't be the best kisser. We'll have to fight each other on it. Kissing war?" Viktor proposed, smirking.

"Oh, shut up." Yuri blushed and looked down.

"I don't think you're supposed to say that to the CEO." Viktor teased but this caused a panic in Yuri, remembering where they were at.

"Oh shit." He let go of Viktor and peaked around him to find almost everyone watching them. Yuri was as red and red can get at this point.

Viktor looked over his shoulder and laughed, looking back at Yuri. "I think we've been caught," He whispered in Yuri's ear.

"Uh, yeah," Yuri said sarcastically. "We should go now," He said before grabbing Viktor's hand and dragging him across the room to the nearest exit.

When they got to an Elevator, Viktor pushed Yuri up against the wall again and kissed him, "Your place or mine?" He asked, Yuri unsure if he was serious or not.

"Viktor! The whole office thinks we're together now... Or knows we're together. This is serious. You're the CEO!" Yuri panicked.

"Hush, don't worry about that right now," Viktor mumbled as he pressed his lips to Yuri's neck.

Yuri tried to continue the conversation but it was so hard when the hottest man in Yuri's eyes was sucking on his neck. He finally gave in.

"Fine. We'll talk about it tomorrow... My place. I prefer my bed."

"You've never been in mine, though. It's a king size, very comfy." Viktor smirked, only speaking quickly and going back to sucking on his new lover's neck.

"We can try yours another time. Promise." Yuri said with hooded lids, his legs feeling weak.

Eventually, they got to the bottom floor and they quickly flagged down a taxi to take them to Yuri's place, making out in the backseat the whole time.

The rest of the night was spent passionately tied together and Yuri didn't think it could get better than this. It couldn't get better than this.  

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: 

P.S. I didn't know how to end this and if you want more, just tell me and I'll write a second part <33

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