Running Blind

By Fave101

57.8K 1.6K 411

Jack Frost ran away from Asgard 220 years ago and ended up on earth. He has been blind from birth, but never... More

Running Blind
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Epilogue
Aren't You Cold?
Warm or Cold?

Chapter 12

1.9K 68 21
By Fave101

AN: looking for one shot requests! Thanks to everyone who followed, faved, reviewed and commented. Plz excuse spelling and grammar!


Jacks eyes fluttered open to the all too familiar blackness. He sighed as his fingers curled around his staff.

"Jokul, you’re finally awake." Jack almost jumped out of his hoodie at the sound of Odin's voice. He turned his head to where his voice had come from.

"Um... Ya." Jack said awkwardly running his hand through his hair. He rolled out of bed and tapped his staff. In his mind an image formed of Odin sitting in an arm chair next to his bed, the door to the hall beside him. Odin stood and walked towards where Jack stood.

"I believe you owe me an explanation." Odin said.

"No Dad, I think you owe me one." Jack hissed. He heard Odin's sharp intake of breath.

"How....? Who told you?" Odin Sputtered.

"So it is true?" Jack whispered. "Was Joro in on it?"

"No. Jokul, I'm sorry I should have told you and Loki, but I was too blind to see what would happen." Odin said apologetically.

"I forgive you, but,” Jack got distracted by a thought and was sidetracked as something clicked in his mind. "This might be random, but have you had any nightmares?"

"What?" Odin asked confused by the sudden change of subject.

"Nightmares? Have you had any?" Jack asked again.

"Yes, but I don't see why that matters." Odin said defensively.

"What were they about?" Jack asked jumping up to balance on top of his staff.

"That's none of your business." Odin growled.

"I believe it is." Jack snapped.

"Don't take that tone with me young man." Odin said in a commanding voice.

"I'm a teenager. Get use to it." Jack hissed. "What were they about?" The temperature dropped in the room.

Odin sighed. "They were about you."

"What?" Jack asked in disbelief. Blind eyes going wide.

"They were all about you, killing people. You always died at the end though. I killed you." Odin took a deep breath and continued. "I was scared that you would hurt someone and I would have to punish you."

"Is that why you always had a guard with me?" Jack asked. Odin nodded. The blind boy raised an eyebrow hearing the gesture, but not seeing it.


"And why you hated me?"

"Jokul, I never hated you. I just wanted the best for you." Said Odin with a sad smile on his face.

"Oh yeah, and constant pestering from a guard was the answer? You know what? I should be thanking you." Jack smiled and continued. "It might be an odd way of looking at it, but if you never did that then I would have never left. Never would have met Emily, Jamie, the Avengers or the Guardians. I wouldn't have found my center. So thanks."

"Your welcome?" Odin asked.

"Any-who that might be how Pitch found out I have brothers." Jack said switching topics yet again.

"Pitch?" Odin asked curiously.

"Oh right you don't know. His real name is Kosmotis Pitchiner or something like that, but we call him Pitch because it sounds like a certain swear word that happens to describe him perfectly." Jack laughed a little. "The Guardians protect the children of earth from his nightmares. He's the one who hurt me, but how did he get to Asgard?"

"Can he travel off world?" Odin suggested.

"I think a long time ago. I should ask North." Jack said. "Speaking of witch where are the others?"

"They are with Joro in the main indoor garden." Said Odin. Jack turned to walk away, but Odin grabbed his arm. Jack turned his head to him. "Please don't tell Joro. She is very happy to see you. I don't want her to be mad." Odin pleaded.

"Fine." Jack paused. "But promise me that you will tell her once I leave." Odin nodded and Jack sighed. "You know I can't see you do that."

"Yes, I promise." He said. Jack walked out the door, the wind ruffled his hair, happy to have its long not so lost rider back. It whispered an idea into his ear. Jack laughed and nodded. He stood beside the door frame waiting for Odin to exit. Footsteps came towards the door and Jack formed ice underneath Odin's feet. He screamed as he fell. Jack used the wind to slow Odin's fall so he wouldn't get hurt. He iced the rest of the hall way creating a slippery slide. Odin slid down the hall screaming like a girl with Jack flying close behind using the wind to make sure they were going the right way.


Guards laughed as they watched their king slide down the hall scrabbling to try to hold onto something. He called to them, but they couldn't hear him for their laughter. Soon after Odin slid by the young prince followed flying on the wind.


Bunny's ears flickered towards the sound of Jack laughter.

"Here he comes." He muttered. Everyone gave him a confused look. Seconds later an old man with long white hair and a beard and one eye covered with a golden patch slid into the room on an ice path. He crashed into the back of Joro's chair knocking her over. She fell into his lap.

Joro laughed. "I'm guessing he's awake." The man gulped and nodded. Jack flew in smiling like nothing happened.

"Whoops sorry." He said innocently.

"Sure you are." Tony said.

"How are you feeling?" Joro asked helping Odin up.

"Great!" Jack laughed. Odin glared at Jack, who didn't notice. "Hey, North, can Pitch travel through space or realms?"

"A very long time ago, yes." North answered.

"How long is a long time?" Jack asked perplexed floating down to sit crossed legged on the floor.

"At least 600 years." North said. "Why do you ask, my boy?"

"Odin's been having nightmares. Thor and Loki had that one. All three where on Asgard, so how did Pitch get here?" Jack explained.

"He could not have gotten past Heimdall." Thor said.

"Loki and Jack have been for years." Odin said.

"Maybe he sent nightmare sand through when the bifrost was open." Loki suggested.

"Ummm..." North interrupted. "Something's wrong on earth. I can feel it, in my belly."

Edit: errors corrected

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