Loving can hurt (A Scorpius a...

By mikie545

54.4K 747 462

It's not going to be easy for a Weasley and a Malfoy to date each other, since they are pretty much sworn ene... More

Scorpius:The Truth
Rose:You and me
Scorpius:First Class
Scorpius:Potions Class
Scorpius:A Day
Scorpius: Night to Remember
Rose: Telling our Parents
Scorpius: Finally
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2
New Scorose fanfic?


2.3K 32 12
By mikie545

Potions class seems to have finished really quickly since we just talked about school rules. As I was on my way out the classroom, me and Scorpius were called by Professor Thruss.

"Yes, professor?" I asked him politely. He smiles at me and Scorpius and says, "Since you two have been my greatest students ever since your first year, I decided to choose you two as my assistants, if you don't mind?" Scorpius speaks up before I could even open my mouth, "Assistants? You mean me and Rose could help you teach the class?" Professor Thruss smiles at us and nods. 

"Of course, professor!" Me and Scorpius say at the same time.

"Okay, then. So you two should meet me here everyday at 7:00 pm starting tonight so we can talk about the lesson I will teach. Off you go, then! Wouldn't want to be late for your next class on the first day of school!" He smiles at both of us and we turn back to door and go out of the classroom.

"Did you really want to be his assistant?" I ask Scorpius when we're out of the classroom.

"Yeah, I did. I thought it would be fun to try to teach students in Potions. Did you want to be his assistant?" Scorpius asks me with a smile.

"I did, too. And if you're going to ask why, it's the same reasons as yours," I smile back at him.

He holds my hand and then says, "Oh, and another reason was that I had an excuse to hang out with the most beautiful girl in school more often," he smirks at me and I giggle and tell him, "Okay, let's go to Charms before we're late."

We make our way towards the Charms classroom and as soon as we get in, our class starts.


All of our classes finish hours later and when it did, it was dinner time. Me and Scorpius went to the Great Hall hand-in-hand together and we could still hear the gasps from the students around us. This time, I ignored them, since I shouldn't care about what they say about me and Scorpius. 

Again, I head towards the Gryffindor table and Scorpius goes to the Slytherin table. As soon as I sit down, Lily starts nudging my shoulder and winks at me.

"So, how's it going with Scorpius?" She asked me with a smirk.

"Good, I guess," I answer quite confused at what I should say. Lily rolls her eyes.

"How come you've never told me that you liked him? We're cousins for crying out loud! We can tell each other our secrets, like I told you that I liked Lorcan--I mean..."

It's those last few words that makes her regret what she said. She had just said, out loud, that every student from every year turns to look at as. Including Lorcan.

"What did you just say, Lily?" He asks in an amused tone from the Ravenclaw table.

"Nothing," Lily tries to deny what she had said.

"I know what I heard, you like me," he smirks and I have a feeling that he likes her, too, judging from his reaction. Now it's my turn to nudge her in the shoulder and wink at her.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, Lily, because my brother likes you, too," said Lysander, who was Lorcan's twin.

Immediately Lily blushes, and I notice it before she can even look away.

I laugh at her and in response, she punches my shoulder playfully.

"What was that for?" I giggle and she answers, "For embarrassing me."

"Hey, you would have been embarrassed if he didn't like you back," I answer back at her.

"Fine, fine. Just eat dinner so this night could be over," she rolls her eyes and starts eating.

I check my watch to see what time it is, and it says 6:27, which means I still had time to eat before I would be meeting up with Professor Thruss.


I finished eating my dinner, and when I do I notice that I'm the first to finish eating my food.

"Hey, what's the rush?" Lily asks me when I stand up.

"I have a meeting with Professor Thruss. Me and Scorpius agreed to be his assistants for Potions class and we have to meet up everyday at 7."

"Oh, okay. See you later, then," and she continues eating her food.

I check my watch and I see that it's 6:55, which meant I only had five minutes before our meeting started. I turn to look at the Slytherin table to check on Scorpius, but he's not there. I turn back to the doors of the Great Hall and start running. 

When I was almost at the door of the Potions classroom, I bumped into someone that was just about to open the door. We both drop to the floor, and I realized that I was on top of someone's back.

"Ow, what the bloody--Scorpius! I'm so sorry for bumping into you!" I tell him with an apologetic look on my face.

"It's fine. Let's just get in and get this meeting started."

I get off from his back and I help him stand up. Scorpius knocked on the door and Professor Thruss opens it immediately.

"Oh, hello, Mister Malfoy and Miss Weasley. Please come in and take a seat so we can get started with what we are going to discuss tomorrow."

"Wait, professor. Would you mind if I just asked you if we will be your assistant at all times even if our class wasn't Potions?" Scorpius asks Professor Thruss politely.

"Oh, of course not! I choose different students from different years, so don't worry about missing your other classes!" He smiles at us and we both nod.

"Okay, then. Take a seat and we'll discuss what we will be doing."

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