Wailing walls (A The green m...

By TheIndividualist

906 19 19

"Sometimes we put up walls not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to knock them down. " When a f... More

Of introductions and inquiries

Introducing Percy Wetmore

501 11 18
By TheIndividualist

(Chapter 2 is finally here! Sorry, it took ages to write, as to be honest I struggled to write it. )


I had only been at the mile for around twenty minutes and already I seem to be occupied with work, but not the paperwork kind.

That Percy guy had been grabbing my concentration like an annoyingly catchy tune constantly playing inside your head, no matter how hard you try to shake it off.

Luckily I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when muffled grunting sounds could be heard coming from the toilet. I only had to look at Dean for him to tell me that Paul currently had some sort of infection, poor bloke.

When he did emerge from the toilet the sweat dripping down his forehead was enough to tell you he wasn't having an easy time.

"Let's look alive everyone," Paul said as he walked over to the cell the new inmate would be held in for his last days.

While all this was going on I did try to focus my attention on the paperwork. But with my slight interest in this Percy fellow along with the new inmate due to arrive at any moment, I found myself watching the door and waiting just as the men were.

"Damn, they're riding on the axle" Brutal suddenly said, looking out of the fenced wired little slit of a window on the door.

The sounds of heavy doors clanking open were enough to distract me from thinking about anything else to do with Percy. Instead, I finally settled on getting back to doing the paperwork, even if I was to take a couple of glances at what was going to happen.

Brutal must have seen a glimpse of the new arrival through the window as he suddenly became stiff in posture as if he was stuck on the very spot he stood on.

"Dead man, dead man walking, we got a dead man walking here!" Was the unexpected yelled out repeated phrase, which only became louder as it soon became clear whoever was calling had the prisoner with him. This most certainly drove the men as well as myself a little mad.

"Jesus please us, what's he yelling about!" Paul shouted from across the mile, him being the only one to vocalize his irritation.

Brutal could only stand and look at Paul for a few seconds before stating,"you might want to reconsider getting in the cell with this guy, he's enormous." He then gave Paul a look as if to say, maybe I should be there with you.

"He can't be bigger than you" Paul replied with a small smile. I personally struggled to picture anyone taller than Brutal.

However, I was soon proved wrong when Brutal went to open the door, he along with the rest of us was greeted by the sight of a seven-foot tall man being lead by another much shorter guard, who to him must have been the size of a flea. In fact, he must have been three times the size of Brutal if not more, and here I was thinking it couldn't have been possible.

The new inmate himself had a vastly bulging chest whose every inch of skin was covered in deep nasty scars, some of which weren't afraid to be seen. His chest alone seemed forceful enough to leave one of these men fighting for their life, as it was to the overalls that tried and failed to cover him. To accompany his rather bulky build he held boundless shoulders, his arms and legs resembled ones of an elephant, and the way his feet plodded along the floor created a booming sound that echoed across the entire E block.

The two prisoners who watched his every move from behind the barred cell gates looked up at him with their mouths hanging wide open from most likely a mixture of shock and fear. In the end, I had to move my chair closer to the edge of the desk, wincing at the screeching sound the chair made as its legs scraped across the floor. Leaving scratch marks from where I had moved away in attempt to protect myself, the paperwork having been long forgotten.

It was only when I dared to look up at his face that I saw something I would never have imagined a man of his size to look like. His brown eyes held a soft texture to them, almost as if he had no idea what was going on or why he was even brought here. You could almost say he looked... Innocent.

But that thought didn't stay with me for long as the shorter man leading the inmate shouting continued "Dead man, dead man walking, we got a dead man walking here!"

"Percy, that's enough!" Paul interrupted to warn the shorter man he was going too far, the same moment which made my heart skip a beat. This was the unlikable Percy. Speaking of Percy I could see his fed up facial expression bore into Paul, before he was given a small but powerful shove from Brutal.

Throughout the time I tried to prevent myself from gawping at Percy, I couldn't help but notice his intensely, shimmering ocean blue eyes, or the fact he had a slightly attractive swagger to his step as if he owned the place. The next thing my eyes came across was how he puffed out his chest, just enough to make him seem like a tough piece of work. The way his delicate, slightly hardened facial features complemented his flawless, baby face, all while his smooth as silk clear skin proudly showed off his sharp jawline.

Out of all the endless enjoyable features it his voice was what really gained him my attention, those light but confidently spoken words echoing straight into my ears.

From the corner of my eye, I caught Percy glancing towards my direction, his blue eyes piercing into my brown ones. This only lasted for a few seconds due to Paul's questioning tone directed at the new prisoner, which soon made Percy's head snap towards the front.

The next thing I hear is the sound of a baton hitting against John Cofferrys's semi-clothed chest, making me jump slightly in the process.

"Move your ass, come on" were the direct orders from Percy, tapping his baton against the cell door. Also, a small smile made it's way onto Percy's lips when watching John enter his cell, just as someone would when thinking of the perfect plan for their enemies.

Watching as the seemingly terrified John timidly stepped into his cell, Paul eyed him up for a split second before lowering his eye contact to Percy.

"Percy, they're moving house down in the infirmary. Why don't you go and see if they need some help?"

"They got all the men they need" Percy replied, not budging from where he stood. Along with hitting his baton within the palm of his hand, as if he intended to use it on Paul if he wasn't careful.

Somehow this managed to trigger a fierce shivering sensation down my spine, a sensation I had never felt before.

"Why don't you just go and make sure" Paul suggested, even if it was more of an order than a suggestion.

Again Percy refused, those blue eyes turning cold at the very words spoken by Paul.

Having become increasingly fed up with his apparent tendency to be difficult Paul said in the same calm tone, "I don't care where you go Percy, as long as your not here this very moment." Although, anyone could tell he was ready to snap if he didn't cooperate.

For a moment Percy didn't say anything, only the slight noise of him gritting his teeth could be a substitute for his lack of words. Then all of a sudden he whipped his head towards my direction, glaring daggers at me like a bullet to someone's chest. Even though he couldn't inflict any kind of physical force to me, it was enough to make the pen I had in my hand fall to the floor, sharing my feelings of shock mixed with a hint of surprise.

"Why can't she go?!" Was his questioning demand, having not taken his eyes off me for the few seconds it took for his question to come out into the open. This only contributed to my mixed feelings.

"Because I asked you to go. And Percy, I expect you to treat her with respect, just as you should to everyone else around here." Paul responded, clearly having seen my reaction to his minor outburst.

"Perhaps Percy could show me where the infirmary is, I mean if I'm going to be working here I will need to know where certain rooms are." Everyone's eyes were then aimed at me as I found myself blurting out the very words that were to stay inside my head, their looks only confirmed my thoughts.

Licking his lips as if to decide whether he was for or against my offer, Percy then turned to face me with the same tough man look I had seen earlier. "I'm sure a clever girl like you could figure it out," he said with a slight smile, though I doubt in was meant to be a friendly gesture.

"Percy" Paul stated in a deeper and firmer tone than before, "I won't tell you again. I don't care what you do or where you go, just as long as your not here."

This time Paul's words seemed to sink in as the much smaller man only let out a one worded whisper, before making his way to leave. On the way he bumped into Brutal, his shorter figure barely reaching above Brutal's chest. Brutal himself could only attempt to hide a smirk as he watched Percy leave in frustration.

However, we were all soon to witness his frustration come to life as I despite, making the effort to put my head down, closely watched him walk past the cell that contained Del. Then within an instant the cajon's laughter transformed into cries of agony due to Percy forcefully slammed his baton against Del's fingers. The harsh sound of fingers breaking giving him obvious pleasure that he was able to release such anger onto someone, who couldn't do anything to retaliate.

"I wiped that grin off your shit poked face didn't I!" Percy shouted to the now sobbing Del who had fallen in a heap due to the extreme pain.

"Goddamit Percy, get the hell off my block!" yelled Paul, Percy gave him a sour look just before giving me a quick but sharp glance as if I was the one to blame.

After we are all sure Percy had left Paul turned towards me in silence, an expression on his face that words would clearly say, I told you not to get involved with him.

"Maybe I should go to the infirmary and tell someone about what happened with Del" was the second unprocessed sentence I managed to let escape me. Paul and the other men didn't say anything to object against my suggestion, besides I had to somehow put out the blazing tension the combination of my big mouth and little brain had created.

Having no clue on where I was to find the infirmary I ended up wandering around for at least a couple of minutes until I had caught sight of Percy. "Percy!" I shouted as I ran over to him, hoping he had calmed down from earlier. One glimpse of a dark scowl on his face proved otherwise.

"Jesus Percy, what was that about?" I exclaimed, while feebly trying to catch my breath. Running had never been one of my strong points.

"It's called discipline lady, they need to know that I am to be respected around the mile" Percy scoffed, staring at me like I was a complete idiot.

"Yes, but breaking the bones in someone's hand doesn't mean they're gonna respect you. If anything they're gonna fear you, especially if you keep doing what you did just now" I explained even though I could tell my words had gone in one ear and straight out the other.

"The little faggot deserved it, so don't you try anything on me" Percy retorted. I had to make an effort to hide my wince at the homophobic slur, perhaps he was a tougher nut to crack than I imagined.

"All I'm trying to say is perhaps if you weren't so violent towards the prisoners you may earn that desired respect. Even Paul would treat you better if you weren't so aggressive, instead of having to send you off the mile."

Percy gave me a look of disbelief. "Listen, lady, I don't know what he's been telling you but Paul ain't getting away with making a fool outta me, I got ways of making sure he doesn't put a foot out of line. "


"You heard me, I know people who could get Paul out of here any day. Hell, my uncle's the governor, he could make Paul beg for mercy if he wanted."

My eyes widened at his unexpected revelation. "Are you pulling my leg?" I questioned, generally unsure if he was telling the truth or just trying to scare me to keep my mouth shut.

Although I should have suppressed it, I flinched slightly as the smaller man frowned while hitting his baton within his hand as if it was my head. Taking one step closer to me he then growled out, "are you accusing me of lying now? If so you have the choice to either keep your mouth shut, or I shut it for you."

"No, no I'm perfectly capable of shutting it myself" I replied, my voice slightly shaky.

All Percy did in response was let out a satisfied chuckle, his blue eyes gleaming in a somewhat evil way.

"You know you were right about one thing, we should go to the infirmary" Percy suddenly stated, sending an unusually tickly sensation in my chest. Could I have possibly changed his mind in the time frame of a few minutes?

"So you're going to take my advice and do what's right, for Del's sake?"

Percy scoffed in disgust. "No. I'm going to teach that Paul a lesson in not to mess with me!" He exclaimed, stomping over to the infirmary and picking up the phone. Once he dialed the numbers he yanked the phone to his ear, tapping his foot as he waited for someone to pick up.

After spending at least five minutes listening to Percy's conversation with his aunt, he finally hung up with a smirk.

"Paul will regret sending me off the mile, he will wish he was out on the breadlines" Percy smugly stated. He then turned towards me, the smile from less than a minute ago disappeared. "I don't believe you've told me your name, pretty lady?"

"Collette Maiden," I say with confidence, reaching out to shake his hand who in return introduced himself.

"Percy Wetmore."

All of a sudden I felt like a ton of bricks had just been thrown at me all in one go. The ground beneath my feet spinning before my very eyes, his name ringing in my ears. If I wasn't practically an expert at shoving my emotions to the very back of my mind, I would have been close to having a panic attack. Noticing my breathing was heavier than normal, I quickly regained my calm structure, refusing to let myself be subjected to the face of fear. I couldn't afford to be, not here, not in front of him.

"Are you listening to me girl!" was the snappy sentence that brought me back to sanity, from no other than Percy who was staring up at me. I wasn't given an opportunity to respond as he then shouted something along the lines of "are you walking back or what? If so hurry up, I ain't waiting around for you!"

Sighing deeply to myself I was glad Percy chose to speak at that moment, no words could explain what had occurred back there. But if there is one thing I knew for certain, it was there is something about Percy that intrigues me.

What that may be is something I'm more than willing to find out.

I do hope Percy wasn't OOC in the bits that weren't from the Green Mile book. See you next time!

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