Introducing Percy Wetmore

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(Chapter 2 is finally here! Sorry, it took ages to write, as to be honest I struggled to write it. )


I had only been at the mile for around twenty minutes and already I seem to be occupied with work, but not the paperwork kind.

That Percy guy had been grabbing my concentration like an annoyingly catchy tune constantly playing inside your head, no matter how hard you try to shake it off.

Luckily I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when muffled grunting sounds could be heard coming from the toilet. I only had to look at Dean for him to tell me that Paul currently had some sort of infection, poor bloke.

When he did emerge from the toilet the sweat dripping down his forehead was enough to tell you he wasn't having an easy time.

"Let's look alive everyone," Paul said as he walked over to the cell the new inmate would be held in for his last days.

While all this was going on I did try to focus my attention on the paperwork. But with my slight interest in this Percy fellow along with the new inmate due to arrive at any moment, I found myself watching the door and waiting just as the men were.

"Damn, they're riding on the axle" Brutal suddenly said, looking out of the fenced wired little slit of a window on the door.

The sounds of heavy doors clanking open were enough to distract me from thinking about anything else to do with Percy. Instead, I finally settled on getting back to doing the paperwork, even if I was to take a couple of glances at what was going to happen.

Brutal must have seen a glimpse of the new arrival through the window as he suddenly became stiff in posture as if he was stuck on the very spot he stood on.

"Dead man, dead man walking, we got a dead man walking here!" Was the unexpected yelled out repeated phrase, which only became louder as it soon became clear whoever was calling had the prisoner with him. This most certainly drove the men as well as myself a little mad.

"Jesus please us, what's he yelling about!" Paul shouted from across the mile, him being the only one to vocalize his irritation.

Brutal could only stand and look at Paul for a few seconds before stating,"you might want to reconsider getting in the cell with this guy, he's enormous." He then gave Paul a look as if to say, maybe I should be there with you.

"He can't be bigger than you" Paul replied with a small smile. I personally struggled to picture anyone taller than Brutal.

However, I was soon proved wrong when Brutal went to open the door, he along with the rest of us was greeted by the sight of a seven-foot tall man being lead by another much shorter guard, who to him must have been the size of a flea. In fact, he must have been three times the size of Brutal if not more, and here I was thinking it couldn't have been possible.

The new inmate himself had a vastly bulging chest whose every inch of skin was covered in deep nasty scars, some of which weren't afraid to be seen. His chest alone seemed forceful enough to leave one of these men fighting for their life, as it was to the overalls that tried and failed to cover him. To accompany his rather bulky build he held boundless shoulders, his arms and legs resembled ones of an elephant, and the way his feet plodded along the floor created a booming sound that echoed across the entire E block.

The two prisoners who watched his every move from behind the barred cell gates looked up at him with their mouths hanging wide open from most likely a mixture of shock and fear. In the end, I had to move my chair closer to the edge of the desk, wincing at the screeching sound the chair made as its legs scraped across the floor. Leaving scratch marks from where I had moved away in attempt to protect myself, the paperwork having been long forgotten.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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