More than this / Solby ✔

By LoNaZaHaLi

46.5K 1.3K 519

Book to my one shot series "More than this" ________________ Complete begun: March 29th 2017 finished: June 6... More



2.7K 92 20
By LoNaZaHaLi

5 Years Later


Colby turned away from where he was preparing lunch, eyes going to the doorway of the kitchen where a tiny girl with a mess of brown curls stood.

She was nibbling gently on the tip of her pointer finger before removing it, uttering another loud, “Colby!” The brunette patted his hands on his jeans, stepping away from the food for a moment to crouch down to the little girl’s height.

“What's up, Em? Cartoons go off?”

“Mm, nuh-uh,” she shook her head and tugged on his sleeve, “Come watch.”

“Just let me finish making your sandwich, alright? Go back into the lounge and I'll be there in a moment.” He stood back up, returning to the simple work. He felt little hands on his leg, as Emma had refused to go back into the lounge. Of course. She was a two year old with a defiant behavior.

He prepared the colorful paper plate with a sandwich and a sneaky small amount of crisps (she deserved a little junk, she'd behaved today), “Alright, all done. Back to the lounge so you can have lunch.”

She let go of his jeans and bounded off the other room loudly, letting out a garbled exclamation of excitement. Colby followed her with a not so tiny grin.

Emma had decided to sit in front of the television on the floor, and once again, Colby decided to be a little lenient and not make her sit at the table. He put the plate in front of her, sitting himself in the plush chair just opposite of where she sat.

Emma ate happily and loudly, and Colby chuckled knowing he'd have to sweep anyway. She finished with a mutter of ‘all done’ and he'd cleaned up after her, making sure she washed her sticky hands before inviting her to sit with him on the sofa. He'd ended up showing her how to play a simple iPhone game until she fell asleep across the place he'd claimed his sofa crease so long ago.

It wasn't until an hour into her imprompt nap that the door below wriggled open, and chattery voices filled the room vaguely. Colby smiled in delight, standing to make his way towards the source before two people bustled into the hall. They were much too loud and Emma was awake, grumpily whining until she saw a familiar face coming into the longue.


She climbed off the sofa, running into her mum’s open arms, allowing herself to be picked up and coddled. “Emmy, did you have a good day?”

She nodded gently, and Colby laughed softly. “Hi Kat, where's Sam?”

It'd been about two years after the incident before Katrina even tried to contact them. They'd gratefully accepted her invite and Colby ended up apologizing profusely. It'd ended up in tears, but at least things were getting better.

She’d also revealed that one of her closest friends who'd been there for her after breaking up with Sam ended up asking her out, and they'd been together for a year already. Sam sighed happily, congratulating her on her newly found love.

After that they didn't speak again much until she’d shown up on their doorstep nearly another year later, sobbing something incoherent. It turned out she’d accidentally gotten pregnant, and wasn't sure how her boyfriend would react.

It’d taken awhile for the two to calm her down and assure her things would work out not matter what because we’re here for you and she finally told her boyfriend, Andrew. Fortunately, and unsurprisingly to Sam and Colby, he'd be completely supportive and borderline ecstatic. In the few months following, Emma was born and she was loved by everyone.

Sam and Colby had become Katrina’s best friends again, and they took every opportunity to babysit little Emma. She may as well be part of their family, too.

Colby smiled at the memory as he watched Emma snuggle her mother.

“Probably struggling and tripping over himself.” The woman had giggled, pursing her lips.

“I'll help,” he sighed, rolling his eyes as he headed towards Sam’s room. He pushed the for open, watching as Sam fumbled and looked flustered, diving down onto his bed in the pile of bags there.

“Sam, what the hell?”

“Nothing! I tripped!” He was nervous, Colby had learned this tone of voice. It was always strained and a bit too loud. He decided to let it slide for now.

His boyfriend had just returned from a trip he'd planned with Katrina. She’d originally invited them both to help her shop for her wedding (Andrew had proposed a week before Emma’s second birthday) but suddenly Andrew had oddly claimed he'd be busy and couldn't watch Emma.

Colby became increasingly suspicious when Katrina acted weirdly, her voice almost similar to Sam’s when he got worked up, “Oh, well, oops! Sorry Colby, looks like you'll have to watch Emma!” Then she'd whisked Sam out the door.

“Okay...whenever you're done, I'll be in the longue.” He left Sam to himself and returned to say his goodbyes to Katrina and Emma.

As she left, Colby couldn't help but wonder about this mysterious shopping trip.


“ What?! Sam! How long have you've been thinking about this.”

“Oh, I don't know… a few months I suppose.”

Katrina smacked her hand onto Sam’s head. They were sitting in the longue, Colby having wandered off to retrieve a movie from Sam’s bedroom and make snacks for their movie night. “Ouch! Kat!”

“Tell me these things sooner,” she said, voice returning to its hushed tone.

“Sorry, sorry. But now you know why Colby can't come tomorrow. Please have Andrew vouch for us somehow so Colby could, like, stay here and watch Em?”

Katrina hummed as if she was thinking about it, then huffed. “Fine. Deal. You idiot.”

They locked pinkies in a small promise and then returned to their spots on the sofa, acting normal again as Colby returned and settled himself against Sam.


“Sam, yes. It's perfect,” Katrian had cooed, eyes dazzling as she held the tiny item in her hand after the salemans had handed it over the be examined.

“You think so?”

“I know so. He’ll love it.” She dropped it into his hand with an affectionate smile. He turned to the salesperson, “I'll take this then.”


Sam had been examining his new purchase with soft eyes when the door opened to reveal his boyfriend. He yelped, clutching the tiny thing to his chest and diving down into the bags to avoid him from seeing.

“Sam, what the hell?”

The older man’s heart was thudding, a nervous sweat nearly breaking at the thought of everything being ruined in that moment. “Nothing! I tripped!” He cringed at the way his voice broke, and he knew Colby knew he was lying, but he prayed he said nothing of it.

“Okay...whenever you're done, I'll be in the longue.”

Sam held his sigh of relief in until Colby was out of the room, and pushed himself off his messy bed. He sorted through the bags which was mostly just two huge bags from where he bought a new jacket that had caught his eye and a few discounted games and movies that it couldn't hurt to add to his collection. He sorted everything where it needed to go, placing the small, encased item underneath a multitude of colorful socks. He’d have to move it later as Colby often snagged his socks, but for now, it was safe.

He passed by Katrina, a drowsy Emma in her arms and thanked her before hugging her goodbye. Sam peeked into the lounge where Colby was switching the TV from an obnoxiously loud kid’s cartoon to a quieter, melodramatic series that was on right now. He made his way into the room, flopping down next to Colby who, almost instinctively, flopped over to lay against him for a cuddle.

Sam carded his fingers through the messy brown hair and couldn't think of a more perfect, happy moment.

“I love you.”

“Love you too.”


Colby was nodding off on the train on the way home from the overly fancy engagement dinner Katrina and Andrew decided they'd throw after much prodding from friends and family. It was a bit too crowded for the two of the awkward men, but it was fun and the food was amazing. Even for its price.

Sam pulled the boy close, letting him rest against his shoulder and he was out like a light. He rested his head against his boyfriend’s, taking his hand and twining their fingers together. There was a slight twitch of Colby’s hand, and then he let out a happy sigh.

Soon, Sam was helping a sleepy Colby out of a cab and up to their flat. There was lots of stumbling and giggling, but they made it to one of the bedrooms that they both shared, and somehow ended up in their pjs and under the duvet.


The morning light spilled into the room and they begrudgingly pulled themselves out of bed. They twirled around each other making breakfast, and ended up covered in a bit of flour here and there, unable to stop smiling as they stuffed their mouths with fluffy pancakes. A quick shower later, wet kisses and a cheeky blowjob included, and they were dressed and ready to head out.

Katrina had invited them out, yet again, but only for a get together at their flat. They shrugged their coats on and made the quick journey through London to the comfy little home they'd come to love. Emma came tumbling into them when they entered the longue and she was instantly scooped up by Colby who nuzzled her chubby cheek.

They made conversation for a good two hours, then Emma perker up. “Colby! Drew us!” She’d suddenly remembered when her mother had brought it up before trotting away and making sure Colby was coming. The brunette excused himself with a tiny grin, and then Kat was taking Sam by the arms. “Soon?”

Sam nodded, hands sweating as he patted his coat that was draped over the arm and sighed shakily. “Do you think-”

“Don't worry about it.”

He nodded, her genuine smile filling him with a warm and confident feeling.



“It’s too cold to be at the park,” Colby mumbled, tugging his coat tighter around himself as if it was going to make him any warmer.

“It’s such a clear night, though.”

“Why did you drag me here? I’m exhausted, I've been out all day.”

“I just wanted to walk in this frosty weather.”

“ Sam.”

The older man laughed, taking Colby’s arm and sitting him down on a bench. It was tucked away between two trees, a small clearing thar had a perfect view into the night sky. “See the stars?” Colby nodded, and Sam let out a content noise.

“They're beautiful. And there are so many, just twinkling above us. So far away, yet their shine finds us.” Colby let out a quiet giggled going to ask what his boyfriend was going in about until he continued. The tone in his voice had shifted, though, and it made Colby nervous. There was an obvious quiver in his words.

“There's millions of them, and yet I don't think there's enough to have one for every reason I love you. I love your laugh and how its loud and other times its just a small snicker and how you giggle when I'm being an idiot. And your eyes...they squint up when you smile and they're such a beautiful color, even if you think they're boring. It makes me want to melt when you look at me with them so fondly. Speaking of your smile, your perfectly dimpled smile is what makes me want to get up sometimes. You roll over and look at me with tousled curly hair and cheeks red with sleep, and tired eyes and whisper good morning and smile...and it makes my heart skip a beat every time.”

“I love your quirky humor and your little pout when you want something and the way you roll your eyes but then crack a smile when I make a bad pun or something… a-and I love your hands and your nose and your gorgeouslegs and just your entirely beautiful self. God, Colby, I love you. And your need to straighten your hair even though you look fine and the way you always lean against me when we watch films and how when you want a kiss you don't say anything sometimes, you just cutely purse your lips and look at me."

Colby’s heart was hammering in his chest, and he was trying to find Sam’s face but he was turned away, still looking up at the sky and it was dark despite the amber glow of the lights in the park. “I just love you, and everything there is to you.”

Colby’s throat closed up as his boyfriend finally turned around, the bashful look on his red face and then was dropping to his knee in front of him and all he could do was whimper out an oh god, Sam.

His hands were trembling and they were taken by similarly shaking ones. “Cole...Robert Brock,” That's when tears poured down Colby’s cheeks, and he dropped forward into his boyfriend’s shoulder, arms around his shoulders. “I love you so, so much. We've gone through tons together and still found ourselves in each other’s arms. If soulmates are real, you must be mine. I love you, I love you, I love you.”

Colby was shuddering and he released his hands to push him back so their eyes could again. He was a mess of tears and sniffled, rubbing his jacket sleeve over his nose. “Oh god, I'm so gross-”

Sam chuckled, “You're beautiful.” He fished the little black box he'd been hiding away for no more than a few weeks now, holding it up and only sending Colby into more hysterics.

He opened it up, a simple dark band with a few diamonds tucked into it. The artificial light caught the jewel and made it sparkle, and Sam turned the box side to side. “Colby…marry me?”

Colby’s breathing hitched at the words. He knew they were coming, but hearing them actually come from Sam's mouth as he perched in front of him with a beautiful engagement ring in his hand.

“Y-Yeah. Yes, of course, Sam. I love you. I love you so fucking much.” The ring was placed on his hand and he admired it for only a moment before he felt Sam’s arms sliding around his waist and then he was dropping back against him and pressing kisses across his cheek.


Later, after a loving and slow celebration of their engagement, Sam carded his fingers through Colby’s sweat curled hair, his naked self curled into his side, and looked down at their interlocked fingers, the ring beautiful on his hand. He waited until his fiance's breathing evened out and he was happily asleep to before he grabbed his phone off the side table. It was nearing one in the morning, but he’d promised Kat details.

Sam - 12:52 a.m.

       He said yes.

Kat  - 12:56 a.m.

       I TOLD YOU SO!! Do it right this time!

Sam smiled, pulling Colby closer and kissing his forehead. The brunette stirred, but just sunk back down and drifted off all over again, Sam’s chest swelling with affection.

I will.

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