Demon Queen of Destruction (B...

By CjAlter

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Dark Lust Series Unlocking her true power with the help of her father. The time has come to invade the last... More

Demon Queen of Destruction
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter One

901 27 1
By CjAlter


Chapter 1


I stood in front of my mirror with my hands clenched at my sides and I stared at my reflection. My long bright red hair was braided tight into a crown and I had small bags under my eyes.  I was tired and even though I tried to hide it, it still showed.  It had been four months since Daya went missing and we still had no idea where she was or who took her. Women all over had been kidnapped after a dead body was found with five candles each time more candles were lit.  No one seemed to know what was going on and it was something that kept nagging at me constantly. At the same time we had to prepare for battle and take down these last five camps. It was a relief but at the same time I still felt weight on my shoulders so heavy that I felt I could never lift them.

These last four months everyone had been training their asses off to prepare for this fight and no one was slacking. My dad had finally gotten the okay to move around and had helped train me a little. Even saying the word dad in my head sounded funny. But it still felt good to really have both my parents in my life especially right now. I had never felt more powerful but at the same time I had never felt so powerless.

In just a few hours we would head out to Asora City in this was it this would all finally be over.  The door creaked open and Saxton stepped in worry all over his face. "Everyone is all ready, and I went over the checklist for supplies and everything we need to set up a base camp."

"Thank you." I sighed.

"You know that you don't have to thank me, we are all in this together." He reassured me.

He slowly walked over and wrapped his arms around my waste and rested his head on my shoulders. I let my body relax in sank into his arms it was like he knew exactly when I needed him.

"Let's do this." I replied.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck and gently kissed him softly and then we exited the room.  We road to the base camp in a comfortable silence and I let out a loud breath the moment the carriage came to a halt. We had set up camp on the other side of a mountain each group had to be in place before we started. This was the moment we had all prepared for. Saxton and I stepped off the carriage and everyone line up quickly to greet us. I continued to walk and realized Saxton was no longer following me, and fact everyone around me seem to be frozen in place.  All of sudden I felt a strong wind and standing in front of me dress in a long all white grown was Edera.

"Edera what are you doing here?" I said in shock.

"I'm here to see you of course I brought a long a friend, Artoris." She smiled.

As the words left her mouth a tall man all dressed in white appeared beside her. He had dark jet black hair; he had a tattoo of black snowflake on the side of his neck.

"My name is Artoris and I asked that Edera bring me here to meet with you." He explained.

"Why do you want to talk to me?" I questioned.

"You may not know this but you're special." He stated.

"Thank you for feeling that way but I don't get what makes me special." I said crossing my arms.

"I told you she would say that." Edera laughed.

"Whether you believe it or not it's true." He shrugged.

"And I'm here because the Edera, I and the rest of the gods and goddess decided we want to give you something. " He informed me.

"You're a god, and Edera you're a goddess?" I questioned.

"The moment I moved on I was greeted by Artoris, and we have been watching you ever since."  Edera answered.

  "We have seen all that you have been through, all that this world has become."  Artoris added.

"Truth be told I was once a part of this reason, I realized too late the error in my ways. I had to watch my daughter, and their daughter suffer after them. I guess you could say it was the karma for the pain and the hurt I once caused in this world." He said sadly.

"But it's time it's been too long, and we have all waited a long time for someone who could do this. Who would be capable of causing real change, and that's you. Things aren't going to get easier for you, but we want to help."  He added.

"I know that I have done some good, and I know that I have caused change. But the world this entire place I don't know if that's something I can do." I admitted.

"Well we have faith that you can, and you are going to need a little something to aide you with that." He smiled.

Artoris walked over to me and with two fingers he touched my forehead. I felt this weird heat on the top of my shoulder that traveled along my collar bone and up my neck.

Edera walked up to me smiling she waved her hand in the air in a square shaped sheet of water appeared. I could see my reflection in it clearly and just like Artoris I now had a black snowflake tattoo on me.

"What does this mean?" I questioned confused.

"When I was alive my power was well known it's called black ice." He explained.  He opened his palm and a black snowflake with razor sharp edges appeared in his hand.

"This is only one of the things you will be able to be." He smiled.

"But there is something else about your power, its different then my power it's stronger." He added.

"It's stronger because all ten of us have put a little bit of our power into this mark." Edera chimed in.

I could feel it the power flowing through my body it was like I was hit with a jolt of energy. "I don't know what to say, all I can say is thank you."

"Sadly this is all that we can do we can't fight alongside you physically but we can be there in spirit. And we weren't able to fix things, to make the changes that needed to be made. We know that you can do it. With the beings you have with you and your strength, determination, and power, and kindness you can do this." Edera encouraged.

"I have something else for you, something that will come in handy." She said.  She reached around her neck and unclasped a weird curved clear necklace.

"Put this on you will thank us later." Artoris replied.

I opened my hand and the once translucent necklace took form as she dropped it into my palm.

"What is it?" I asked as I place it around my neck.

"It's a whistle." Artoris winked.

Edera waved and just like that they vanished after a flash of light.

"Adlyn what's that on your neck?" Saxton stated.

I turned to Saxton a little confused because we were still in the carriage.

"The carriage stopped and we were about to get out and you just stopped. And this black snowflake just appeared on your neck." Saxton shuddered.

"I've seen that mark before how is this possible." He added.

- DAYA -

The room was dimly lit from the candles were place around the room a large fire place crackled in corner of the room. But still I felt cold and alone I had lost track of how long I had been here. I had no clue even where here was but I wanted out. My hair was thick with grudge I was only given a basin of water and a sponge everyday to clean with.  The room only had a bed in it and I was only given these sheer black gowns that flowed down to my feet.

For days I tried to avoid drinking or eating anything but it was slowly starting to get to me. I gave in taking small bites here in their but the food always left me feeling funny. I was sure whoever had taken me had done something to it so I was careful with how much I consumed. I spent days trying to think of some way to escape but with no windows and a door with no knob. I felt like I had no hope at all except a small hope that my friends would somehow find me.

Anyone who came into my room wore a masked over their face to conceal who they were. That made me feel like maybe I knew one of them or something but I wasn't sure.  I knew it had been a few different men and even because of the different heights and body types. But every time they entered my room they set my items down and left without muttering a word.  It had been weeks since I had seen the man from the first night I had arrived and I was relieved.

The door creaked open making me jump back into the bed. I slowly lay back down on the bed and tried to pretend that I was asleep.

"I know you're awake."  A woman with a raspy voice spoke.

I slowly sat up shocked to hear another beings voice, silence and the crackle of fire was all I heard lately.

"My name is Jalira their moving us so they made me be to gather everyone." She explained. She was tall with short purple hair and silver eyes and just like me she was wearing a sheer long black gown.

"My name is Daya it's nice to finally see an actually face." I sighed.

"Yeah anything is better than those creepy masks." She shuttered.

"We don't want them to get angry we should go." She added softly.

I nodded and slowly followed her out of the room and down a long dark hallway. The only light was from the full moon that cast a soft light through the large windows with thick metal bars.  I had never been outside the room until this moment and all I could see is that were surrounded by trees. And we were up high, so high that jumping out meant instant death. What if the others don't find me? I can't just sit and hope they do I have to figure out a way to fight for myself. Maybe this might be my only chance to fight back to get out of this mess.


So stay tuned for next chapter !! I will be uploading another chapter this week. Hopefully tomorrow if I'm not to busy after work! A lot more POV's to come and for those that sent messages, leave comments , and votes thanks so much I appreciate it. And of course Julius is a major part of book 3 but I can't give anything away. If you want to know more about things I'm working on follow me on instagram at c.j_episodes .

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