Bts // One Shots

By topi_ink

84.9K 1.5K 423

- Lots of love stories with BTS members - highest rank - #1 Ship More

Secret Love - Jungkook
New girl - V
New Girl Pt 2
Hero - Jimin
Personal assistant
Personal Assistant - Part 2
Teacher - Namjoon (Rap Monster)
friend with benefits - Jimin
Insane - PT 2
Insane - PT 3
sleep over with Bts
You destroy me... - Jungkook
Step Brother - Yoongi
Party - Hoseok
School fuck boi - Taehyung
Young mum - Jin
Truth or Dare - Jimin x Jungkook
Meet And Greet - Suga
Christmas Magic - Yoongi
Hurt - Taehyung
Taehyung's sister - Jungkook
Ex boyfriend - Jhope
Makeup artist
Brother's Flirty Friend. - Taehyung
Model Girlfriend - Jin
Pregnant - Jimin
Childhood Crush - Taehyung
Parents - Jungkook
A Girl in Bts?
A Girl in Bts? Pt 2
A Girl In Bts? Pt 3
A Girl In Bts? Finale
A Girl In Bts - Bonus Chapter
College Professor -Taehyung
College Professor - Taehyung Part 2
Book Store - Namjoon
Raining - Yoongi
Raining - Yoongi Pt 2
Late For Dinner - Hoseok
Mystery Boy - Namjoon
Psych ward friend - Jungkook
Sick - Jimin
Snowed In - Taehyung
Window Crush - Jungkook
Jealousy - Namjoon
Tattooed - Jungkook
Assassins - Yoongi
Stripper - Jin
Drunk - Hoseok
Marriage - Namjoon
Marriage part 2 - Namjoon
Boss - Taehyung
Fan Girl
Two Scoops - Jimin or Yoongi
Two Scoops - Yoongi Ending
Two Scoops - Jimin Ending
Camping - Taehyung
Roommate - Jungkook
Memories - Namjoon
Introverted - Yoongi
Drinking - Namjoon
Friend Crush - Jimin
fallout - Jin
Second Place - Jungkook
Servant - Taehyung
Heated argument - Taehyung

Dance Insructor - Suga

7.7K 81 17
By topi_ink

This is the first time I'll be working with Bts. I have worked with many groups to make a dance routine and am highly recommended in the dancing community but I've been told these guys are a little different to the rest. I shower and dry then go through my routine of getting ready. I pick some clothes for dancing.

[ You're wearing this but imagine it in all black ]

Once outside, I put my helmet on for going on my motorbike and realise shorts where a dumb idea, "Risk it for a biscuit" I mumble to myself out of habit and put my leg over the side and start up the engine. I ride to Bighit taking as many back lanes as possible due to my stupidity of wearing shorts, 'it's safer' I convince myself. When pulling up to the building there is a car parked out front and 7 guys climb out, the sound of my bike gains their attention. They watch me as I park my bike and pull off my helmet letting my long dyed red hair fall down my back. I put my beanie on and attach my helmet to the back of the bike. They are all still there watching me as I walk to the door. I give them a smile and head into the building as they start to talk amongst themselves. I talk to the manager as he sets up the music system while telling me about the guys, he seems very fond of them which makes me look forward to working with them. I've already heard the song for which he wants me to make a dance for. I've pretty much got the choreography down and have seen videos of them dancing so I know their standard of work. I start to stretch and bring myself to the floor and do splits, I reach to each foot and stretch out. The guys then walk in laughing but go a lot quieter upon seeing me. I stand and smile. The manager introduces me. 

"Guys, this is Gyuri. She's your new dance instructor. Not necessarily permanent yet but depending on how this goes will decide if we make a contract. I hope you will do me proud and get her to stay with us." They all seem friendly and most have a smile on their face but the guy I know as Suga has no expression showing at all and Jungkook is looking everywhere but at me. Hmm, "Gyuri this is..." I stop their manager from introducing them to me.

"I've seen videos of you guys dancing before so let me see if I have this right..." I point to each member when naming them, "Rap Monster - the leader, Jhope - rapper, Suga - Rapper and the rest are singers. Jungkook, Jin, V and Jimin." I tilt my head hoping I got it right they all nod and their smiles grow a little bigger. 

"See she even bothered to get all your names down. I'm sure you've heard of Miss Kahng's work. She has made choreography for some of the best and it was hard to get her down here with such a busy schedule so no messing around."  They all nod in unison and mumble a yes, "I'll be watching your progress in two days but until then it's all on you." he leaves the room and Rap Monster is the first to speak.

"Hey it's nice to meet you, I saw you on the dance show you won a while back." I shake his hand that he has held out to me.

"Oh really? That was one of my first Tv appearances, I'm used to working behind the scenes." after the icebreaker everyone starts to say hi to me.

"Didn't you do a rapping thing as well?" asks Jhope and I nod but before I can talk to him someone else starts to talk to me.

"I use to use your routines to practise my dancing." I smile at Jin and open my mouth to speak but V then puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Have you worked with NCT 127 before?" I start to feel a little surrounded.

"Yeah, I recently did one of their songs with them." I then realise I'm completely surrounded by them and although I'm flattered it's very overwhelming. 

"Guys, you're all asking too many questions and have formed a circle. Back off!" Suga calls over their voices and quickly they all apologise. Suga had been stood back the entire time. 

"It's okay but ask questions over time, let's focus on starting off the dance."

As time goes by I can see they quickly pick up the dance. I made this one a little more tricky so they can step up and keep learning. But it gets to a point where there are joint dance moves where they have to work together.

"Suga and Jhope I need you both to meet in the middle with Jin behind Jhope and Jimin behind Suga. Both lift your foot at the same time and push off each other and fall back into Jin and Jimin behind you." I then explain what the rest have to do but Jhope and Suga seem hesitant, "Look I'll show you, Jin get ready behind me and don't drop me." I warn him with a wink, "Suga come in front of me and Jimin get behind him." They all follow the instructions, "First Suga put your hands flat against mine, this needs to look like a mirror effect." Suga sees my hand up waiting for his and he puts his against mine looking at his feet, our faces are close. "Now raise your foot with the speed of the music and with force, push against mine bringing you back to Jimin who will catch you." Jungkook plays the music for us and we do it, but Suga doesn't do it quite right. "That's okay, let's go again but you need to look at me for this to work." He nods and Jungkook rewinds the music. This time we get eye contact and our eyes lock, I have to try and ignore the unexpected butterflies in my stomach. We do the steps and it works perfectly. I land in Jin's arms and he lifts me so I'm standing, "Great, now you guys do it."

Suga seems to have relaxed a lot more now and is working harder. He mouths to the music and makes expressions which inspires everyone else to do it too, it's really pulling together.

"Right you guys can take a break. You're doing great." They all breath loudly and go to their water bottles. Jimin approaches me.

"So are you thinking of making this your permanent job? So you only work with us?" I had been so caught up in the dance I hadn't really been thinking it over. Before I got here I thought I wouldn't but I'm starting to slowly change my mind.

"I'm not sure but right now I'm thinking probably not." Everyone looks up at me with a disappointed expression, even Suga looks upset, "Well that's not for definite but I love working with lots of groups and travelling and doing an open range of things. Nothing personal, I love you guys and you're all growing on me but you will probably have to do something major for me to want to make this permanent." They look at each other as if to say something that will change my mind. So they actually like me working with them? "Well, I'm still going to be here with you all until you have the dance nailed down." Suddenly I hear my phone go off, "Sorry give me a sec." I answer it after seeing my boyfriend's name on the screen, "Who's this?" I ask joking.

"Shut up Gyuri, where are you right now?" he says jokingly. 

"I'm doing choreography with a group I told you about, why?" I lean against the wall as we talk. 

"So when about will you be home?" he asks, he's acting a little off.

"Well, they said I can use the room when we're done here so I can practise my other stuff. Why, is everything okay?" I ask as I glance around and see the Bts members looking at me.

"Yeah yeah, it's good. So you'll be late then? I'm ordering takeout later so I was just seeing if I should get you some too." 

I sigh. "Yeah sorry babe, I won't be back until late. Don't get me food, I'll pick something up on the way home." the word 'Babe' seems to trigger something with the guys and they look at each other. Suga stops looking at me. 

"Okay, I love you. Wake me when you get back." He says and I smile even though he can't see me.

"Love you too, enjoy your pizza, you dough ball," I say smiling. He chuckles then hangs up. I turn back to them all, "Let's go from the start and start on the next part."

Suga seems less motivated. His singing and jump in his step have faded to a minimum. As they are going through it I join on the end and do the same dance as them, they all look at me and smile.

"C'mon Suga, don't get tired on me now." When it comes to Suga's song part he does the dance but I rap to the lyrics and he looks at me a little shocked. I'd had to go through the song many times to get the choreography for them so I know it word for word, also I can half decently rap and sing so I'm fine with joining in. With motivation, I get Suga to do it at the same time as me. Slowly a smile grows on his face. Once again everyone is trying their hardest. 

"Right guys, let's stop here for today. It's 7 and I'm sure you guys want to leave and I have to go home for my music I forgot." Although they are sweaty and seems exhausted they insist on carrying on, "Guys we have been going for hours, you need rest and we're doing this tomorrow as well. Don't worry we'll have it finished." We all walk out side together and I go to my bike and put my helmet on. 

I wave them off and drive away with their eyes glued to me. I reach home, perhaps I should have texted him before I left. I'm coming home unexpectedly as I forgot my music that I was going to build the choreography to at the Bighit studio. I open the front door and see a pair of girly shoes that definitely aren't mine. I walk and see two half eaten meals on the table so I stand quietly and hear a noise in the bedroom. 

My heart drops. 

Before doing anything irrational, I calm myself. I had totally seen this coming. I cover my face for a moment to breathe. He showed all the signs of cheating but I ignored them as I didn't want it to be true. 'Don't be a crazy girlfriend and make a fool of yourself' I say in my head. I walk to the kitchen and grab the cd I forgot as I wipe away tears that overflow. I try to be strong minded but it's only natural for this to hurt. I grab a back pack and put a few things in it and put it on while blocking out the noise that overflows my ears. Fuck it, I'm confronting them. I want him to be ashamed. I wipe away my tears and burst into the bedroom we share, this is our home and he brought some girl here. 

"Who's your new play toy?" I ask. They are mostly covered by the covers but I can see both of them, furiously sweating stark naked. My eyes linger on the girl for a second and I'm pleased to find she is nowhere as good looking as me. Although I'm not a shallow person, right now I need anything to hold me together. 

"Shit, Gyuri look away. Give me a sec." I raise my eyebrows.

"You can't ask for shit right now Jae." The girl clambers under the sheets to hide her sorry ass. Jae jumps up and slips on boxers.

"A fling, she's nothing." He promises but I hear a small noise come from the girl.

"You clearly mean more to her then you think. You're disgusting, perfect for each other I guess. Don't try talking to me." I walk out the room but his clammy hands take hold of my hand and I push him away. Although he's attractive, right now all I can say is, if the word gross was a person it would be him. I can't see him like I used to. "Fuck off," I say but he persists in trying to explain. I slam the front door on him and walk to my bike. He follows me out so I don't even put my helmet on, I just drive off. 

I have nowhere else to go and I had already planned on staying at Bighit for a few hours to practise a dance I had for another group. I speed down the street and come past a few restaurants. My eyes then land on familiar faces. Their eyes land on me and they look shocked. Bts, now wearing different clothes, are walking into a restaurant when they see me without a helmet on my bike still in shorts. They all try to get my attention but I ride past. I don't know how I'm supposed to explain this tomorrow. 

When I saw them they seemed lacking in numbers, they were missing someone. I pull to a stop and get off, heading into Bighit. 

I only put one light on so the room is poorly lit. I put the song on, it's an NCT 127 song but has an extra part now with my singing. I have to distract myself from the image that is whirling in my head. I'm doing a performance soon with the group and now that is my main focus. The music plays loudly and I move to the beat but tears still drip from my face. I try so hard to dance even though it's different without them dancing with me. My part starts so I try and picture where everyone should be standing behind me and what I'm supposed to do when suddenly I hear a cough from the door.

"You're really talented... Sorry for watching but I didn't want to stop your dancing. You're sniffing a lot, you got a cold?" It's Suga's voice. I look at him and his eyes widen a little, he takes a few steps towards me, "What's wrong, why are you crying?" his voice is so soft. I haven't seen that expression on him before. I shake my head.

"Sorry, I'm fine." I wipe away my tears and plaster on a smile, "I just twisted my ankle." I lie and he raises an eyebrow.

"Looks fine to me." he gestures to me standing up fine. I sit on the floor leaning against the wall and Suga shyly joins me.

"Uh, so why are you here?" I ask fiddling with the ends of my hair. 

"I was in one of the other rooms practising the dance you're teaching us when I got a call from Rap Monster saying they saw you riding past in the direction of Bighit without a helmet going way too fast." I pinch my lips together.

"Oh" I lean my head back and he puts his hand on my leg. When he sees I don't push it away he squeezes my leg reassuringly. 

"You can spill what happened to me. I'm a good listener and won't tell a soul." I hesitate at his offer of unloading my issues.

"I'm not normally like this. I normally stay away from the whole drama thing. I hope you don't think little of me for this." He moves form beside me and sits in front of me with both hands on either of my legs. I sit up a little more straight. His eyes hold direct contact with mine.

"I would never think little of you. When I heard I would have to meet someone new and had to work with them I dreaded it." He sounds sincere, it's touching. His hands on my legs send butterflies flying in my stomach, "I thought that you would just give us some dance that you thought would be cool but no. You learned what each of us could and couldn't do, you learned our names to show you cared and danced along with us so we were just as tired as each other like we're equal. And for that - thank you." His says it with a passion that I assume not many get to hear. I wipe a tear away and pull him into a hug.

"Thank you." When I pull back I feel his grip stay there for a second longer than me and we both stand up. 

"Can I try dancing with you?" he asks as the music restarts.

"Maybe to something we both already know," I suggest. 

"Or something neither of us knows," Suga says with a little smile on his lips.

"How about that One Jungkook and Jimin did," I suggest. The look of 'absolutely not' on Suga's face only made me want to do it more. I get it up and put it on the screen for us to copy. We watch it a few times and I'm confident I can do it. I have learned to pick up dances very quickly.

At first, we're laughing at ourselves but then it's obvious that we are both trying. Eventually, we get the hang of it.

"I feel ridiculous," Suga says but keeps dancing.

"But you look sexy." I laugh.

"Says you! Dancing like that it's hard not to pounce on you." He says it jokingly but my cheeks flush a shade of pink. With the music still playing I lean against the wall for a breather and he stands in front of me, "I'm sorry for bringing it up again as you've seemed to have forgotten. But why where you upset when I walked in?" Instantly my smile drops and so does his when he sees my reaction, "It has to be pretty bad for that kind of reaction." He was right, I had forgotten and to me at the moment it had happened at my apartment it was the worst thing in the world.

"Well as you over heard on the phone earlier, I have a boyfriend... had." His eyes widen slightly.

"Ah, can I ask what happened?" The memory which only lasted a few minutes but felt like a lifetime goes through my head.

"I came home unexpectedly so he didn't have enough time to put his pants on, neither did the girl he was in bed with." Emotions go past his eyes and he pulls me into a hug.

"If he could do that to you then he doesn't deserve you." I'm shocked at the sudden contact but hug him back. I suddenly feel tears start to build up again and a couple trickle down my face.

"I knew what was going on but I pretended not to. It just wasn't ever real until I saw them." His hold on me tightens and I hear him sniff. Have I upset him? I pull back and we both have tears down our cheeks. I had no idea how empathetic person he was. At the same time, we use our hand and put it against each other's face, wiping away one another's tears. But I don't take my hand back and neither does he. 

Our eyes hold a long gaze with our hand on each other's cheek. Slowly I realise the space between us is getting smaller. 

I know that this isn't a great time for kissing as I literally just broke up with my boyfriend but kissing him is all I want in the world right now. 

His lips carefully touch mine as if to see if I will jump back. I'm completely leaning against the wall but not away from him, I could never walk away from a moment like this. He leans his body onto mine deepening the kiss. My hand moves from his cheek to the back of his neck. With one hand still holding the side of my face, the other takes a grip on my waist. My eyes are closed as our mouth intertwine. 

All my tears are gone. All thought of Jae has disappeared. 

I take hold of his jumper and pull him closer to me so our bodies are completely against one another. He's a great kisser, I slightly peak to see his eyes closed completely mixed into this kiss. My eyes relax shut again and we break for a breather. Not moving back he uses his hand to lean against the wall facing me. We look at each other and it's not uncomfortable, it's like suddenly everything makes sense and the question of why I didn't meet Suga sooner is all that plays on my mind.

"I really like you Gyuri, a lot." I smile and put my hand through his hair, "So I don't want to be some rebound, this has to mean something to you as well for this to work." Although I hadn't expected it, it made sense for him to want to get this straight right away. 

"You could never be some rebound. I liked you from the second I met you, you stand out to me, even when you're hidden in the back." This clearly is the right answer and he pulls me into another kiss but shorter this time.

"So what now?" He asks. I hadn't considered that. I have nowhere to sleep, I'm not going home to Jae.

"You need rest for dancing tomorrow," I say and he laughs a little.

"And you don't?" 

I shrug. "I'm going to stay here for a bit, I don't know." 

He tilts his head. "Then I'll stay until you're ready to go." 

I don't want him trying to find me somewhere to stay, this is my mess. He raises an eyebrow. 

" I don't suppose you live with your ex?..." He asks now recognising the situation. I nod shyly. He kisses my ear then whispers, "Then come home with me." my cheeks warm and he chuckles, "Dance practice is going to be much more fun now." he says pulling me into a hug and I hold onto him. 

He's right about that.

A/N -  I'm already writing new chapters and they are much better than this. Each one of my stories is different: some sad, some soft and - um - some a little *cough* smutty.
Anyway. If ya want, leave a suggestion in the comments if there is a specific one shot you want to read. 

Please leave a vote - It's very motivating hahah

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