some other stepbrother ••• LRH

By honeyedhemmings

5.4K 35 6

just another stepbrother fanfic. ◇◇◇ Charlie is suprised to find out that her mom getting re-married means a... More

no. 1 ◇ New News
no. 2 ◇ School
no. 3 ◇ After School
no. 4 ◇ Greetings
no. 5 ◇ Dinner
no. 6 ◇ School's Out Scream & Shout
no. 8 ◇ Night No. 1
no. 9 ◇ Daddy's Angel
no. 10 ◇ Night No. 1 pt 2
No. 11 ◇ Poppity Corn

no. 7 ◇ The Wedding

336 3 1
By honeyedhemmings

Charlie's POV

For the past few days my mother has been all over the place, trying to get every last detail about the wedding in place. Gary proposed a while ago and they've been planning the wedding ever since.

As usual, I didn't find out until they already had the wedding cake picked out, but that was fine with me. The wedding is today, the first Saturday since summer break began.

Michael's party is next week and tonight marks the first day of my two weeks with Luke and the first day with a new dad and brother. After the two weeks, Gary and my mom will get home and we'll start moving into some house on Rosenwald Blvd.

Luke and Gary apparently already moved their stuff into the new house and Luke will be staying with me at our house for the two weeks. Luke and I are supposed to start packing while our parents are on their honeymoon.

Mom has already packed up some stuff, but was more preoccupied with the wedding and didn't want to pack the house up if Luke and I have to stay there for two weeks.

Right now I'm in one of the dressing rooms at the wedding venue getting ready. The ceremony starts in half an hour and I'm in the processional as one of the bridesmaids.

I was suprised when my mom asked me, but along with her friends, she wanted me to be one of the bridesmaids. Luke was also asked to be one of the groomsmen, apparently Gary and my mom decided they wanted us to be in the wedding party together.

My grandma will start the ceremony by entering and taking a seat on her left in the first row of seats. Then from the side of the venue Gary will enter followed by his best man and then the officiant.

Then, the groomsmen will walk down the aisle hand in hand with the bridesmaids. Luke and I are walking down together. Next my mom's maid of honor will enter followed by the ring bearer and flower girl. And finally, my mom will walk down the aisle and get married.

I take a deep breath as I stand and leave the dressing room with the other bridesmaids. We stand in a line and wait for the music to begin and for the processional to start moving. We're in a hallway leading to an exit that leads outside to where the wedding is taking place.

Gary and my mom wanted an outdoor wedding and an indoor reception, so the venue is at a country club with a ballroom and a large and lovely outdoor garden area.

The double doors have been opened and the lights have been turned off so that we will emerge from darkness out into the garden. Right now, the wedding party is lining up in the hallway, invisible to the guests sitting out in the garden.

I take my place in the lineup next to where Luke is supposed to be. I scan the area for him and see him emerge from a room and enter the hallway. My eyes meet his and he smiles.

His gaze darts all over my body and I blush as mine drifts over his. He looks drop dead gorgeous in his tuxedo and I feel my heart beat faster as he walks over to me.

"Nervous?" He asks taking his place next to me in the lineup and we both face forward, my heart now racing.

"A little." I reply honestly and feel his eyes burning into the side of my head.

"Well don't be." He says taking my hand in his, "I'll be right next to you." he says patting my hand and smiling gently.

I look up at him and return the smile as the music begins. I take his arm and let my hand gently wrap over his strong bicep. His arm feels like it was made to fit perfectly into mine as we walk ahead out into the garden smiling all the way.


The venue was beautiful, but the ceremony was totally chesesy. We're now in the ballroom for the reception and after lots of toasts, every now and then somone will start chanting "kiss, kiss, kiss" and Gary and my mom kiss.

People dance and mingle and talk and laugh. My mom doesn't seem stressed out anymore, but I'm guessing that's because of the champagne and the fact that the ceremony is over.

Luke comes up to me with two glasses of champange and strawberries. In a slightly slurred, excited whisper, he asks "Have you triiiied these yet, they're amaaazing."

"No," I laugh, "Well I've had five!" he says holding up four fingers and I laugh again. "You shouldn't have even had one." I say "What is it with guys and underage drinking?"

"Idk it's thrilling and fun, plus I'm legally of age in the countries of Not America." Luke answers "That was a rehtorical question, Luke." I say rolling my eyes.

"Mm say my name again angel." He groans and my eyes widen as I shake my head no. "Well at least help me drink these and come dance with me." He says shaking his chest as if he had boobs.

"I'll make you a deal." I say not wanting Luke to get anymore drunk than he already is "Put those drinks down and then I'll dance."

"Hmm. No." he says shooting down my offer "How about you drink both of these and dance with me, and I promise I won't have any more champagne tonight."

"Alright." I say taking one of the glasses from him. "Just cover me, make sure no one's watching."

Luke looks around the room. A cute old couple pass by us and the woman raises an eyebrow so we smile and casually wave, trying not to seem suspicious and luckily they keep walking. "Okay you're clear." Luke says after scanning the room again.

I pick the strawberry from the glass and pop it in my mouth. Then I bring the glass to my mouth and down the liquid. Oh god it burns a little. I've only had alcohol one other time, on New Years Eve earlier this year.

Luke laughs as I make a face and set down the glass. "Don't laugh, I've never had more than a sip" I say a little offended. Luke scans the room again and holds the second glass up to me "Well tonight you're having two big sips angel."

I blush at the nickname and take the glass from him as he quickly snags the strawberry and pops it into his mouth. I raise the glass in a cheers motion and then bring the glass to my lips and tip my head back, letting it all quickly slide down my throat.

"Oh my gosh." I gasp, "that was worse the second time."

"Well then, let's dance." Luke says in a husky voice taking my hand and leading me towards the dance floor. Coincedentally, David Bowie's 'Let's Dance' starts playing and Luke twirls me around as we step onto the dance floor.

Author's Note:
I do not condone underage drinking as it is illegal and bad for you, I just write about it. Anyway I hope your imagination was able to picture the venue and wedding better than my writimg because I feel I didn't really go into to many details. As always vote, comment, follow, share luff you all ♡♡♡

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