Ian's Curvy Princess

Da CrazyBookworm1997

724K 24.9K 1K

Layla was always picked on about her weight, but when her best friend hurt her she had enough and leaves the... Altro

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Please Read

Chapter Seven

26K 918 23
Da CrazyBookworm1997

(I'm changing the title of this book, instead of King's Curvy Princess it's now going to be Ian's Curvy Princess. I wrote this chapter on my new laptop so I apologise for any mistakes. Also those of you that have read my Cowboy Protector series I'm posting the prologue for Cowboy Kidnapper.)


"Princess Talia," I said coolly stopping beside my father. "Is there a problem?"

  "This doesn't concern you child," she said still glaring at my father.

  "I think it does since you're yelling at my father," I said moving more in front of her so she was looking at me. "Now, could you kindly tell me what is wrong."

  "Talia," dad said calmly placing both hands on my shoulders. "This conversation is better suited for more private occasion along with Brandon."

  "I will find out what happened to them even if I have to tear your career apart Joe " Talia glared before storming off.

  "What was all that about?" I asked turning around to see my very pale and stressed out father.

  "Don't worry about sweetheart," he smiled kissing my forehead. "Have you spoke with any of the Prince's or other visitors?" 

  "Traded words with Marcie," I shrugged. "Then again I've dealt with worst people then a spoiled princess. I'm going to get some names and maybe get Thomas to get some candids before it gets too late."

  "Have fun," dad smiled walking off and I smiled turning around to see Ian and Thomas standing a few feet away.


  "Nothing," Thomas smirked handing my heels. "So I'm going snap some shots and while I do that why don't you hang with Ian and get some names and words from the guest."

  "Sounds like a plan," I smiled changing the memory card in my voice recorder and grabbing my notebook and pen. "Who do you want to talk to first?"


  I smiled as Layla took down quotes and names while also complimenting things that the government officials have done or accomplished in the last couple of years. Currently she was speaking with Diplomat Brandon Jeffries and Benjamin.

  "James," a soft spoken voice said.

  "Princess Vanessa," I said turning to see the young widowed princess. "How are you?"

  "Good," She smiled playing with her necklace. "It's still hard moving on now that Sebastian is gone but I'm doing better."

  "Sebastian was a good man," I nodded thinking of the recently deceased king that married Vanessa. "Is you're father still trying to marry you off to Marcos?"

  "Not at the moment," she smiled sadly. "I'm still grieving for my husband so he's backed off on trying to marry me to my step brother. I'm hoping that he'll stop and leave me be."

"If you ever need any help you can call me or one of the others and we'll help anyway we can," I said softly and she nodded.

  "I will," she hummed leaning up to kiss my cheek. "If you'll excuse me I'm going to find something to drink that's not alcoholic."

  "Best bet would be the kitchen," I chuckled looking up and noticed that Layla wasn't talking with Benjamin or Brandon. "I'll catch you with you later Nessa but I need to find Layla."

  "Layla's here?" She asked shocked and I nodded walking off. After searching the entire room I quickly moved down the hall finally spotting her walking up the stairs to her room.

  "Layla!" I yelled running up behind her.

  "Yeah," she hummed looking back at me. "Did you need something?"

  "Meet me in the garage in the morning," I said smirking at her confused look.


  "I want to show you something," I smirked. "So show up around four-thirty in the morning, okay."

  "But the sun won't be up," she complained scrunching her nose up.

  "Trust me," I smiled walking back down the hallway.

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