Noah's Ark


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Noah's Ark, a place where people with monstrous power gathered to prove their strength against one another. T... More

Chapter 1: Encounter
Chapter 2: Tussle
Chapter 3: Bonds
Chapter 4: Clan's Candidate
Chapter 6: Resolve
Chapter 7: Return
Chapter 8: Motives
Chapter 9: Compatibility
Chapter 10: Combat Ready
Chapter 11: Arrival
Chapter 12: Surprise
Chapter 13: Confrontation
Chapter 14: Battle Royale
Chapter 15: Battle Royale 2
Chapter 16: Battle Royale 3
Chapter 17: Battle Royale 4
Chapter 18: Battle Royale 5

Chapter 5: Gatekeeper

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"Sir, the bird has left the nest."

A hooded figure knelt down in front a man who was sitting down on a chair. The man had his legs crossed and looked down at the figure.

"Mhmm a little earlier than expected, let him be."

The hooded figure looked up at the man.

"B-but sir isn't he still supposed to be in exile. Shouldn't we go after him?"

The man sitting down tilted his head and thought about it hard.

"We don't have time to really worry about his situation right now."

The man picked up a file on his desk.

"We have more important issues to worry about right now."

After reviewing the file he put it down on the desk again.

"Besides it'll be more interesting with him involved and if he was actually really serious about this, none of us could really hold him down."

"B-but sir..."

The man put his hand up in the air to silence the hooded figure.

"Don't worry, if I'm not mistaken that person will be there"

The man let out a laugh.

[Meanwhile back in the forest]

"How much further until we get there?!"

Raion was frantically trying to keep up with Doriama's pace.

"Don't tell me you're tired already? It hasn't even been two days since we've been running nonstop."

Doriama looked back at Raion.

"What, who said I was tired? I can run for a month nonstop."

Raion threw up a thumbs up. Doriama kept shaking his head.

"Sure sure."

Doriama looked up ahead at the path.

"Don't worry we'll be reaching our first checkpoint soon."

Raion looked at Doriama.


"You know how Noah's Ark is made up of multiple islands right? Well currently we're on the outer islands. We have to reach the inner islands. That's where the main headquarters of each clan is located. But to reach the inner islands we have to get through the gates. Think of it like a security checkpoint."

Raion scratched the top of his head.

"Man didn't know Noah's Ark had so many little rules to it."

Doriama laughed.

"Of course. This isn't some lawless place."

Doriama pointed up ahead.

"That's the first checkpoint."

Doriama and Raion stopped in front of a huge gate. In front of the gate was an officer.

"Oi I'm here to pass through."

Doriama waved at the officer.

The officer pointed at Doriama.

"Apprehend that man!"

A group of guards appeared out from the woods and tackled Doriama to the ground.

"Oiiii. Ouch. Careful!"

The officer took out a whip and approached Doriama.

"Doriama, you think we wouldn't catch you?"

Raion was in shocked. He looked at the officer then back down at Doriama.

"Uhh Doriama, what's happening here?"

The officer looked at Raion.

"Who are you kid?"

Raion stared at the officer and noticed that it was a woman. The officer was wearing a black cap. She had long flowing blonde hair that came down to her waist. Her lips were colored in red and her eyes were blue as the sea. Her outfit was a little revealing. She was wearing a small jacket, a black mini skirt and long black boots.

She got close to Doriama while staring Raion down.

"Why are you with this man?"

She pointed down at Doriama.

"I have business with him."

Raion shrugged.


She looked back down at Doriama.

" dragged someone else into your mess huh?"

She stepped on Doriama's face.

"This that you Hina?"

Doriama mumbled.

Hina digged her heels in Doriama's face.

" can explain."

"There's nothing to explain Doriama. We're taking you back."

Raion raised his hand.

"Um can I get an explanation of what's happening here?"

Hina looked back at Raion.

"Well this man here escaped the place his was exiled too."

Raion looked down at Doriama.


Hina kept stomping on Doriama's face.

"Yes exiled."

"Why was he exiled?"

Hina gave Raion a stern look.

"I can't divulge any more information to you."

Hina grabbed Doriama's ear and picked him up.

"Ow. ow. OW."

Doriama winced at Hina.

"Can you take it easy Hina? We actually need to get moving. Can we do this some other tim-"

Hina pulled Doriama's ear towards her mouth and shouted.


The shout sent shockwaves through the woods causing birds to fly from their nests.

"You're not going anyway besides back to the place you were exiled to."

Hina pointed at the other guards, directing them.

"Alright bring Doriama in."

The guards came and got Doriama from Hina. She turned back and looked at Raion.

"Sorry kid, I don't know what he promised you, but it's not going to hap-"

A loud thud was heard and the guards that held Doriama were on the ground unconscious. Doriama cleaned the dirt off his hands.


Hina turned and faced Doriama. She flung her whip at him, but he dodged and moved towards Raion.

"I told you Hina, we're kinda in a hurry. Let's catch up some other time 'kay?"

He winked towards Hina. Hina was flustered.

"Heh, you think you won? You can't get passed here without my...keys...."

Doriama showed Hina the keys that he held in his hands.

"You mean these?"

Hina frantically searched herself.

"When did you?!"

Doriama handed the keys over to Raion.

"Go open the gate Raion while I entertain her for a bit."

Raion nodded and ran towards the gate.

"You think he can actually make it to the gate?"

Hina smirked and motioned her guards towards Raion.

"As long as you're not involved he should be fine."

Doriama stood in front of Hina.

"Mmph we'll see."


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