some other stepbrother ••• LRH

By honeyedhemmings

5.4K 35 6

just another stepbrother fanfic. ◇◇◇ Charlie is suprised to find out that her mom getting re-married means a... More

no. 1 ◇ New News
no. 3 ◇ After School
no. 4 ◇ Greetings
no. 5 ◇ Dinner
no. 6 ◇ School's Out Scream & Shout
no. 7 ◇ The Wedding
no. 8 ◇ Night No. 1
no. 9 ◇ Daddy's Angel
no. 10 ◇ Night No. 1 pt 2
No. 11 ◇ Poppity Corn

no. 2 ◇ School

509 3 1
By honeyedhemmings

After speeding pretty much all the way to school, I finally arrive. It's 8 o'clock on the dot, which gives me 10 minutes to get to class before I'm late.

As soon as I park, I burst out of my car and rush into the building. I don't even think about stopping by my locker, I just focus on getting to math class.

One perk of being almost late is that most of the students are already in their classes, so the hallways are a bit easier to navigate since they're less crowded.

Though, some students don't give two flying squirrels if they're late or not.

There's always a group of kids getting stoned under the bleachers outside, or people from choir, band, or theatre making out in the unoccupied auditorium, or student athletes hanging out in the locker rooms or empty weight rooms, and then on top of that there's always random clusters of peolple chilling in the library or the parking lot.

But like the rest of the student body, I don't do any of those things and I get to class on time. Yup, I'm boring and all I do in the mornings is talk with my friends while wandering the halls or go to the library to check out a new book and then I head straight to class before the bell rings.

It's not like I enjoy going to school and being cooped up for 8 hours while teachers give boring lectures or make us play quizlet live and kahoot all so we can memorize things, spew the information back to them on tests, and then move onto the next unit just to do it all over again until the year is over and we move up a grade.

Honestly I hate it, but it's how things work here and since I don't graduate for another 2 years, I've decided to accept it and just do my best in the system I've found myself in.

High school sucks sometimes but it's really a pretty simple thing. There's the social side, the academic side, and the abstract side, but I'll get to that later...maybe.

Basically my life is school and afterschool activities on the weekdays and social interactions with friends, schoolmates, or family on the weekends.

I sprint up the stairs and weave through the halls. I'm almost to my math class when I see Mr. Thompson walking towards me "No running in the halls Sinclair" he says calling me by my last name and winking as he passes me and I shout back "I'm not running, I'm sprinting Mr. T."and he chuckles.

Mr. Thompson is pretty cool, he's one of my favorite teachers and makes History class actually interesting. He's not bad to look at either, in fact, almost all of the freshmen girls have a crush on him.

We all sort of did at one point or another, but then I really met him when he was helping me with a project earlier this year and he turns out to be kind of a total dork. Now we have this sort of friendly rapport with each other, he's one of those teachers you can have an actual conversation with and have it not be weird.

Well at least that's what I think, my friend Michael on the other hand said it's weird and creepy and that Mr. Thompson "probably has a schoolgirl kink" whatever that means.

Anyway, I practically jump into my math class right after the bell chimes, earning a few stares from fellow classmates, but they all ignore me and turn back to their conversations. All except Michael that is.

"Hey CharChar," the boy with bleached hair says smuggly.

"Please, don't call me that." I say for probably the millionth time as I take my seat behind him.

"So, CharChar," he says, of course ignoring my request, "Why ya late today? Did the bluebirds forget to fly into your room and wake you up?"

"For your information, I woke up late since I was up all night working on our science project." I say ignoring his comparison of me and a disney princess.

"Oh yeah about that...I kind of got super drunk with my friends again and didn't finish my part of the project." Michael says sheepishly but totally fake.

"Yeah, I figured something like that would happen, since it always does, which is why I already did your part. You know, you are so lucky that our lab partners are always our project partners because you would so be failing if I wasn't your partner."

"I know, I know, I'm forever indebted to you" he says waving his hands up and down in a sarcastic bowing motion. "But seriously, thanks, science is kind of my best grade because of you. I swear, I learn more from you through your yelling and texts about homework than I do in that class." He scoffs.

"Well that's just because you don't pay attention at all in class." I say as our math teacher finally walks into the room, I don't know why I bothered trying to get here before the bell if the teacher was just going to show up late.

"True, although I do pay attention in class just not to the teachers. Except Mrs. Kingsly she's so hot." Michael says nonchantly as he turns around facing forwards.

Our math teacher, Mrs. Watson, has always been very strict about students facing the whiteboard and not turning around during class. The first week of school, Michael got detention nearly everyday because he was always turning around to talk to me and ask me about math problems.

Since the beginning of this year, sophmore year, Michael and I have been best friends. We have math, history, lunch, and science together plus our lockers are next to each others. I guess we became friends by proximity because, if we weren't together so often, I might have never beome friends with someone like him.

He's very loud, innaproproate, likes to talk about sexual stuff, drinks quite a bit for someone his age, and is always dying his hair different colors. But all of those things grew on me and I truly enjoy having him as a friend.

A lot of my old friends were incredibly superficial and all they liked to do was gossip, talk about organized sports and dances, and start drama.

I got so sick of it I started distancing myself from them and they didn't really notice or think much of it at all. I suppose I'm still 'friends' with that crowd, but I've branched out and made new, better friends—real friends. Like Penny.

Next to Michael, Penny is my best friend. We met last year when I went to my first house party ever. I was being offered a drink and hit on by this super hot but super drunk senior.

I was kind of scared and didn't really know what to do. I was about to give in and take the drink just to shut him up when Penny walks up to us, grabs me by the hand, looks the guy straight in his deep honey colored eyes and says "She's not interested, Brian"

She saved me from what could have been the biggest mistake of my 15 year old life and we we've been best friends ever since. After that, she led me away from the kitchen and into the living room where some people had started a game of Cards Against Humanity.

Now we're both 16 and play Cards Against Humanity whenever we have a sleepover on the weekends. After Michael and I became friends, I introduced him to Penny and Michael introduced us to his friends Calum and Ashton. The five of us all have lunch together and we've become pretty good friends thoughout the year.

"Now I want you to get into partners and work on these ten example problems and then compare answers with the people around you." Says Mrs. Watson, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Everybody gets up and starts moving around. Michael gets out of his desk and hops into the seat next to mine and scoots it up against my desk. He starts talking about some Pokémon he caught just this morning while I listen and start working on the math problems.

Author's note:
Well at least this was a longer chapter than the last one since I wanted to fit in some background information. Also I feel like the first few chapters kind of suck but it should get better as you keep reading. Please vote, comment, follow and share! And if you're waiting for smut and stuff I'll get to that I promise just keep reading wink wank ;)

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