The Way I Love You

By kate241

9.6M 183K 32K

Paisley Conner has a great life. She has loving parents, caring friends, everything she needs and wants but o... More

The Way I Love You
Chapter 23


148K 4K 963
By kate241

*Paisley's POV*

A large yawn escaped my mouth when I awoke the next morning. The comforter was draped over my body along with a heavily muscled arm. A small smile appeared when I remembered that Xander had stayed the night last night.

I carefully turned myself over and an even larger smile came when I saw Xander's sleeping face. A certain innocence takes over Xander's features when he sleeps and I absolutely love it. I sighed quietly before beginning to carefully untangle myself from Xander, seeing as my morning duties were calling. I first removed his heavy arm from my waist, I then untangled our legs and began slowly scooting away from him.

I had just placed my feet onto the floor when I felt two arms reach out and wrap around my waist. A small squeak came out of my mouth when Xander gently yanked me back to him. My head landed on his bare chest and my hands wrapped around his arms. A few giggles came from me before I dropped my head back to peer up at Xander.

An adorably tired smile lit up his face and I watched as his bright eyes danced across my face. I smiled back at him before turning my body around and draping myself across him. Xander chuckled and it moved my entire body up and down. My hands slid up Xander's body before one stopped at his face and the other went to his hair. I gently caressed his soft cheek and ran my hand through his dark hair, smiling when he sighed.

After a few minutes of this I placed a kiss on his chest and pulled away from him. I got up off of the bed and began walking towards the bathroom when Xander spoke up.

"Baby come back!" He cried. I laughed and glanced over my shoulder to see that he was reaching his arms out for me, resembling a two year old. I shook my head, still laughing, as I entered the bathroom. After taking care of business I brushed out my tangled hair, brushed my teeth and washed my face.

When I exited the bathroom Xander was fully dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed. His head snapped towards me when the door opened and he gave me a smile. I smiled back before going to sit next to him but apparently that wasn't close enough because Xander then grabbed me by the waist and lifted me onto his lap. I shook my head but leaned into him, relaxing.

We sat in silence for a little while, the sound of our breathing being the only thing heard, before Xander shifted slightly and spoke up.

"Go on a trip with me." He said. I frowned and turned my head towards him.

"What do you mean?" I questioned. Xander grinned cheekily and tightened his hold on me.

"What I mean is that you should come with me on a trip." Xander explained slowly, like I was stupid. I scoffed before smacking his arm and frowning, only causing him to laugh.

"I understand that part genius but where are we going to go and how in the world are you going to get my dad to let me go?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. Xander's smile didn't disappear when I dumped all of these questions on him, if anything it only widened.

"I'll take of it." Xander answered. He then slid me off of his lap and stood up, stretching as he went. I also stood up and walked with him until he reached my bedroom door.

"Where are you going?" I questioned as his hand reached for the door handle. Xander paused and looked down at me, reaching his hand out to stroke my face.

"To take care of some things. Pack a bag and be ready by three. I'll see you then angel." Xander answered before leaning down and pecking my lips. I frowned as I watched him walk out the door, thinking about what he needed to 'take care of'. I sighed before taking a seat on the bed, hoping that my dad doesn't kill Xander.


It was two forty five and I anxiously awaited Xander's arrival. I had packed a back with a few outfits and my personal items and that sat on the end of the bed. I had also gotten dressed and put my hair into a pony tail seeing as I didn't feel like doing anything with it.

Surprisingly enough neither of my parents had been upstairs to talk to me yet so I could only assume that whatever Xander had talked to them about went well. My phone buzzed in my pocket and when I pulled it out I saw that it was Xander, he was here.

I smiled and got up from my bed, stuffing my phone back into my pocket and grabbing my bag. I quickly made my way down the stairs and when I got there I saw both of my parents waiting for me. I froze and stared at them with wide eyes for a few seconds before they both smiled at me. I instantly relaxed and went over to them.

"So I'm guessing that its alright if I go with Xander?" I questioned. My mom nodded her head while my dad was silent for a few moments before he sighed.

"Paisley your my only daughter and you have to understand that it is very hard for me to let you do this but your growing up, you've found your mate and everything is going well with him so who am I to intervene." My dad finished with a tender smile. A huge grin appeared on my face before I launched myself at my dad, wrapping my arms around his neck and squeezing him tightly.

"Thank you dad, I love you." I whispered in his ear. Dad hugged me back just as tightly and after about a minute of this we released each other. I then gave my mom a tight hug.

"I love you guys." I said. My parents both smiled at me before replying.

"We love you to Paisley, now go have some fun." Mom answered. I smiled at both of them before walking out the door and down the driveway to Xander's car. I opened the door and plopped down into the seat, turning to Xander.

Xander was watching me with loving eyes. I knew that he had heard everything that my parents had said and I was grateful when he didn't bring it up, he simply started the car and drove away. We sat in silence a comfortable silence for about ten minutes before I got curious.

"Where are we going?" I asked, noticing that we were driving towards his territory. Xander grinned but didn't take his eyes off of the rode.

"You'll have to wait and find out angel." He answered, his voice teasing. I huffed and rolled my eyes in a playful way, turning on the radio.

The rest of the ride continued on this way, me trying to get Xander to tell me where we were going and listening to the radio. Xander and I also talked quite a bit and so the two hour long drive didn't seem that long at all.

It had gotten dark by now but I could tell that we were getting close by the smile on Xander's face. I looked around and noticed that Xander had finally parked the car and that we were just outside of the forest. I frowned, confused, and looked to Xander. He smiled at me before getting out of the car. I grabbed my bag and joined him.

When I walked to Xander's side he immediately took my hand and pulled me into the woods with him. I had never been in this part of the forest so I simply let Xander lead me to where ever we were going. It took about ten minutes to get to the point where the trees became more spread out and then there was sand under my feet. I looked up and gasped when I saw the beautiful beach in front of us.

The sand was almost white and the blue water came in gentle waves. And a few feet away sat a stunning beach house. The house had a huge wrap around deck and windows that looked out at the water. Once I finally found my breath again I turned towards Xander and looked up at him.

He was watching me with a beautiful smile on his face, one I couldn't help returning.

"Do you like it?" He questioned. I blinked and nodded my head.

"I love it. Is it yours?" I questioned. Xander smiled and nodded.

"Yeah it's my family's. My parents bought this strip of the beach and had a beach house built. They hardly used it and they were more then happy to give me the keys." He answered with a shrug. I nodded my head in understanding.

"Want to go check it out?" Xander spoke before grabbing my hand and leading me towards the house once I said yes. The inside of the house was just as beautiful as the outside. All of the rooms were perfectly decorated in bright colors and the light breeze made every thing peaceful. I walked around the house slowly, taking very thing in, and stopped in the main bedroom.

This room had to be one of the best in the house. The huge king sized bed sat in the middle of the room, two dark brown dressers at its sides, the dark wood floor was perfectly clean and it led into a large bathroom. I smiled and turned around to see that Xander was leaning against the doorway, watching me with a certain look in his eyes. I frowned and had just opened my mouth to speak when Xander came towards me.

Xander wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me to him, slamming his lips onto my own. My eyes widened in surprise before I quickly responded. I wrapped my arm around his neck and tangled my hand in his hair. The kiss was hot and fast paced and before I knew it I was lying on the large bed, Xander hovering over me. We broke apart for air and as Xander started kissing down my neck my hands started to tug his shirt off.

Once his short was on the floor my hands trailed down his middle section and stopped at his waist. I took a deep breath before slowly reaching for the zipper to Xander's pants. As soon as he felt this Xander slightly pulled away from me, looking down at me with careful eyes.

"Are you sure your ready for this angel?" Xander asked quietly, his voice breathy. I couldn't even find the air to speak so I instead simply nodded my head. Xander searched my face for any signs of dishonesty but he found none because I was being completely truthful. It's time for us to do this, to finally be connected in every way possible.

Xander brought his lips back to my own but this time the kiss was sweeter, more gentle, and as the rest of our clothes were shed and as our souls intertwined with one another I knew that I loved my mate with every thing that I had, everything that I was.


Hey guys! I am so so sorry that it took me so long to update. I have just been really busy lately and I just couldn't find the time to update. Anyways, I tried to make up for it with this chapter because its extra long and some pretty important things happen. I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!(:

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