Mafia VS Police VS Killer

By Confidential_Artist

3.6K 124 42

Friends. By definition, they are trusting, loyal. Even when you're in some deep shit. Being friends with 'da... More



990 24 5
By Confidential_Artist

Disclaimer: These YouTubers are not my own characters. How they act in this is my own idea of how they would act.

Third Person PoV

   "Hey, Ohm!" Bryce said to his partner as he swirled his coffee around in his favourite mug. It had little kitten whiskers on it; it had been a birthday gift from his mother. He drank his coffee, slinging his arm around Ohm's shoulder.

   Ohm smiled, his brown eyes gaining a little shine to them. He smiled and chuckled. "Hey, Bryce," he said, nudging Bryce a little with his elbow, making him almost spill his drink. "How's the house doin'? It hasn't caught fire yet, has it?"

    They laughed and Bryce shook his head. "Hilarious, Ohm," he said, rolling his eyes slightly.

   Bryce had recently moved out of his old, small apartment and into a nice, one story house. Ohm had bet that he would destroy the house in less than three days. The house was going on for four days, and nothing had been burnt or destroyed in any way, except for his toast that morning.

   Ohm snickered before calming down, looking at his phone for the time. He went for the doors of the police department. "C'mon, Bryce, we've got morning this time."

   He followed after, frowning. "I thought Brock and Luke had morning today?" 'Morning' referred to the most boring shift of all: Hiding behind a sign, waiting for people to speed by at too high speeds. The only thing more boring was parking duty. Multiple times Bryce wanted to complain. Both he and Ohm were more than qualified to do more than watch the highways of Los Santos. Bryce hadn't studied forensic science for this!

    Unfortunately, being the two newbies meant, apparently, that they had to start at the bottom of the ladder.

   Ohm sighed, slipping his keys out of his pocket. "Nope, Brock got moved to filing cases and Luke got moved to intelligence." He unlocked the car doors, opening the door and stepping in as Bryce did the same on the passenger's side.

    "Wow, good for them," Bryce commented, buckling his seatbelt as the engine roared to life. "But jeez, they didn't even tell me."

    Ohm glanced over his shoulder as he reversed. "They didn't tell me either, Bryce. I heard from Management. I dunno, maybe they didn't want to make us feel like we're standing still."

    Bryce sighed and downed the last of his coffee. "Maybe. I still wish they'd told us," he confessed. "We could have thrown a small party or something."

    "Or something," Ohm agreed, slowing to a stop at a red light. Cars were whizzing by, some were at a standstill, and others were inching forward. It was going to be one of those mornings, then. Normally, the streets of Los Santos weren't too crowded, but on occasion the whole city would seem to simultaneously decide to go and take a drive around the city. Usually Bryce and Ohm weren't there, but sometimes they got caught in the thick of it.

    After getting to the sign they were supposed to hide behind, Ohm cut the engine. Gas was expensive these days, after all. They sat there, waiting for anyone going over the appropriate speed.

   "I'm so bored!" Bryce complained, checking the speed of a car. It was fine. So far, they had ticketed at least five people.

   "I know," Ohm groaned, hands behind his head. "You'd think we'd be somewhere in, y'know, our field of work. Not this shit."

    Suddenly, a small black car came racing by. Neither needed to look at the speedometer to know that that car was going way too fast.

   Barely looking at each other, Ohm started the engine again as Bryce turned the lights on. Blue and red lights flashed as they followed the black car. After a few minutes it slowed down, pulling over to the side of the road and stopping.

   They got out of the cruiser. Walking over to the driver's side, Bryce saw the window was already rolled down.

   The driver had dark hair, dark eyes, a blue hoodie on, and was smiling nervously. The passenger looked Asian and had dark hair. Bryce couldn't tell what colour eyes he had because he was wearing sunglasses.

   "Morning, officers," the driver said pleasantly. "Is there a problem?"

   Bryce decided to mess with them a little. "I'm Officer Bryce," he said as professionally as possible, "First name Officer, last name Bryce." Motioning, he pointed to Ohm. "This is my partner Officer Ohm. First name Officer, last name Ohm."

   "Actually," Ohm cut it, understand in what Bryce was doing and going along, "it's Officer Officer." He gave an apologetic smile at the two in the car. "Sorry about that, my partner is new." He turned to look at Bryce, giving him a stern look. "Remember, man, 'Officer' first, then first name."

   Bryce nodded, snapping his fingers in mock realization. "Right, sorry." They both turned to the two in the car, who looked really confused.

   "Wait," the glasses guy said, "how are we supposed to know who we're talking to?"

    "Well," Bryce started, "since I was the first one you saw, refer to me."

   "All right, Officer Officer," he said.

   Bryce offered a smile before losing it. "Anyway, why were you going at nearly 85 mph in a clearly 65 mph highway?"

    The driver puffed his cheeks out and sighed. He scratched the back of his head. "Shit, man, I-I didn't think I was going that fast," he confessed. "See, I'm from North Carolina and the town I lived in was a pretty quiet town, so early mornings there I could drive through the back roads at high speeds. I guess I forgot I can't do that in the cities."

    "Uh huh," Bryce said. "Likely story, but why didn't your friend tell you you were going too fast?"

    The other looked at the two cops sheepishly. "I, uh, I wasn't paying attention. I kind of just looked out this window the whole time Jon over here was driving."

    Nodding, Bryce said, "All right, can I see your license, please?" Jon handed him his license. Going to scan it, Bryce left Ohm to watch the two.

    Jonathan Dennis, age 25, had a clean criminal record. He didn't even have one.

    Walking back to the black car, Bryce noticed Ohm was giggling a little. "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to give you a ticket. You have to pay it within thirty days." He started writing the ticket out until Ohm stopped him.

   "Nah, man, let's give 'em a warning this time," he said. "Evan here just told me a really funny joke. Wanna hear it?"

    Bryce hesitated before nodding. "All right," he said. "If it can make me laugh, I'll let you guys off with just a warning."

   The Asian, Evan, started sweating a little before inhaling deeply and saying, "OK. What do you call a Magic owl?"

    Jon and Ohm chuckled as Bryce asked, "I don't know. What do you call a magic owl?"

   "Hoo-dini," Evan said, giving slight jazz hands.

    Bryce stared at the still jazz handing man. He bit his lip, hard. Closing his eyes, he sighed deeply. Bryce went back to the car and left Ohm to deal with the two.

Third Person PoV

    "Nice," he snickered. "You managed to make him leave."

    Evan looked confused, but proud of himself. "Uhh, great?" he said questioningly.

    Jonathan looked behind to try and see Bryce. Knowing Bryce, he was probably there repeating the joke to himself and laughing out loud. "Sooo, are we off the hook?"

   Ohm laughed loudly. "Yeah, dude, you're off the hook. Besides, what good does a speeding ticket do? I highly doubt anyone learns anything from it. But next time we or any other cop pulls you over for this, no amount of jokes is gonna save you. We were just extremely bored this morning.

   "Now," Ohm said, pointing a thumb in Bryce's direction, "I better go check on Bryce, he must be laughing his head off. Be safe now, don't get caught with your pants down again."

    "Sure thing, Officer Officer," Jon said, tipping an imaginary hat at me. Laughing, Ohm motioned for Jon to leave. Walking back to the police car, Ohm stepped in. Just as Ohm thought he would, Bryce was repeating the joke to himself.

    "Hoo-dini, how did I not think of that?" Bryce said to himself, chuckling every so often.

   "Don't think about it too much, Bryce," Ohm commented, putting the car in drive. "You'll hurt your brain, dude."

    "Hey!" Bryce said, offended. Ohm snickered and drove on.

   "Calm down, man, I'm joking." Their shift was almost done and Ohm was totally ready for lunch break.


Evan's PoV

   "Those two were probably the chillest cops to have ever lived," Evan commented to Jon while he adjusted his sun-glasses. The blond guy looked really nice. The brown haired one was pretty cool.

   Jon nodded. "Yeah, I like how 'Officer Officer' Bryce got his mind blown back there. Nice touch, man. You got me out of a speeding ticket."

   Evan shrugged. "Well, I mean, I didn't really think it would work. Guess miracles do happen. Anyway, c'mon, hurry up. We've got a job to do."


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