God Eater [Fanfiction]

By Random_Fate

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A God Eater fanfic; the main male character is Yuu, not Lenka. But crazily Lenka will be in here too, just ma... More

Chapter 1: God Eaters
Chapter 2: Ruined day
Chapter 3: Lenka Utsugi
Chapter 4: My mission with Sakuya
Chapter 5: The dares
Lenka Utsugi (dare)
Kota/Kouta (dare) **Second Week**
Yuu Kannagi (dare) **Third Week**
Chapter 9: Eric der Vogelweid died
Chapter 10: Soma's advice
Chapter 11: Lindow time
Chapter 13: New leader of the unit
Chapter 14: Sasha Achan; The human turned into a God
Chapter 15: Non-human eater Aragami, and the key to his evil plans
I'm sorry Readers!
Chapter 16- What the hell?
Chapter 17- Confronting the Director

Chapter 12: Days full of pain

305 2 0
By Random_Fate

After one problem came another and then another crappy problem. Alisa was hospitalized and it only adds as another freaking damn shit problem. Why does this happen? Are mankind's that unfortunate?
Someone was sleeping on his bed, not wanting to get up to hear lies he continued to sleep again but it's morning and when it was it's noisy. But this time you can't even hear anything since the people are suffering. The boy was on his bed, using his pillow as a shield for the morning sunlight he was lazing out on his bed laying like a deadman. He ain't moving an inch.

"Crap"he said as his ears gets filled with curses. "That Soma must be the reason why these things kept happening!"someone said with a nerve "yeah, Eric died and after a week Lindow died too! That's beyond crazy.." another one with the guts to curse him "shut up that death god might hear us"this one's simply cursing him in an unnoticeable way. "Damn it even my ears are misfortunes if only these things will what I hear it's better not to have them at all." He whispered not giving a damn about how 'cool' having such ears. He heard another lie which adds to his annoyance. "That Soma might kill us soon too, so if you can help it don't team up with that guy" Soma clicked his tongue. "There goes the morning curses" he said to ignore it. This is his daily freaking life, people around cursing him and makes a fool of him. Why would he kill his own comrades? Does all depends on how unfortunate his life was? "F*ck it." He continued to speak again, this time with sharp words. He get up, not wanting to hear anymore he wore his blue hoody and pulled it out, covering his sapphire eyes. He doesn't care about his messy room, odd stuffs scattered and all things he once needed.  He opened his sliding door and slammed it, which startled the guys outside.

"H-Hey morning!" They said. "Damn storytellers." Soma spoke angrily. They sweat coldly. One guy wasn't afraid "so what you gonna kill us too?" Soma was angered "Like hell I would just request it and I'll feed you to them!" a stranger approached them "Soma, chill. Hey you guys you better not scatter and utter such lies that'll hurt my buddy Soma here" he was a tall guy and I think you know who he was. "Since when am I your buddy? I don't even know you." The tall guy laughed."I'm Niku Achan." Soma was a little surprised "you were Sasha's big brother..." "yes I am." Soma smirked "who cares" he said to Niku who was scratching his head. The guys were annoyed "sorry to ruin your chit-chat but how about we 'shit-chat' ?" "Fine by me." Niku replied calmly. It's gonna be another brawl so Soma just left not trying to have any curse stuck on his ears. "Hey pal, where're you goin'?" Niku asked him out of surprise "Out of this place" Soma bought a cold drink and go somewhere he can take a seat. Turns out it was on a bench between the elevator door and the vending machine in the Executive's floor. "No one would dare talk here" he said while sipping his cold drink.

**Yuu POV**

Really unfortunately Alisa was hospitalised, I really knew she was unstable... but for this to happen... earlier I planned to visit her, only to be shocked by the noise coming from inside her room "It's not my fault!" She kept shouting like someone blames her. "Alisa calm down, do you hear me? Do you recognize me?" Tsubaki said as her voice was filled with worry. "I didn't... I didn't do it!" Alisa kept resisting. "Give her tranquilizers and change the padding" Tsubaki ordered to someone she was with. "NO!" Alisa shouted painfully. I tried to approach and come in but someone stopped me "you shouldn't visit her, not in her state. I'm sure for someone as you she doesn't want you to see how hopeless she was right now" he said, as I can see he was wearing glasses it is evident that he was a doctor by what he wears "I understand... when should I pay a visit?" I asked him. "After a day. I believe you are... Yuu Kannagi, yes?" He asked and I nodded. He smirked and left. I decided to not go now and just visit tomorrow. The next morning, I was with her in the Fenrir ward, I sighed as I noticed how long I was with her, and still she wasn't waking up not even moving in the tiniest bit. "Alisa..." I keep saying her name but I got no response. In this room there's only three of us, me, Alisa and her primary doctor. I believe he was Dr. Ogurama. I also noticed how long I was glancing on her face, finally his doctor talked like he should. "She won't be waking up soon"
That's bad... we need her right now... she can't be like this it worries me and everyone. "Alisa, it's not your fault so wake up" I said again like talking to myself  " There's no use talking to her...I received some very effective tranquilizers." Dr. Oguruma interrupted. I smiled at her, knowing she'll be better soon. At least I believe she will. Suddenly I got the urge to hold her hand, and so I did. At first I felt her smooth palm but it was a little cold... then next something striked through me, and bunch of emotions filled me. Not only emotions but pieces of memories, too.

"This was..." I talked in a trance. The trance broke and I saw Dr. Oguruma who was shocked. I looked at Alisa who just woke up "I thought your tranquilizers are effective..." I pulled on a joke. "It can't be- excuse me!" He left. Why is he acting like he wasn't happy that Alisa just woke up? "Hey... Yuu what just happened...?" Then she turned her head the opposite direction as I am. I looked on my palm "Neither do I know... hey Alisa does this mean you're okay now?" I asked and smile. She tried to sit. "I don't really know... " I tried to hug her , and she smiled. Her face becomes red. She hugged me back. "Thanks for waking me up..." "yeah, no problem since you're one of my best friends" she chuckled. "I'm going to sleep now." I was confused. "But you just woke up." "I think I'm going to enjoy these days that I have plenty of time to rest." I laughed and nodded. "Just sleep tight while we do the work." I said as I give her a goodbye wave. I opened the door, came out, shut it again and saw Dr. Oguruma talking on his phone. Whoever was in the other line he was very familiar... I hear Dr. Oguruma talking "I believe it's the new-type resonance!" Then I decided to approach him. "What is that Doctor?" He was startled and ended the call. He put away the phone fast like he doesn't want to let me know something which adds to the fact that he was fishy. "Nothing, lad. I-I'm REALLY happy Alisa woke up..." there's an irritated tune on his voice but I ignored it. "Me too, I'm pretty sure everyone will be happy once I tell them about it!" The Doctor nodded and left again. I heard him say weird things that makes no sense again "So I should leave her be..." but because it makes no sense I ignored it. How can someone like him who's very dear to Alisa try to plot something bad on her?


The days were full of fighting physically and emotionally, Kouta and Lenka might seem fine but they're still fragile. Once you start talking about Lindow there'll  be awkward silence. But I know three people who suffers the most. Alisa, Sakuya and Soma... Soma might be suffering torments too... this world... is there nothing good that'll happen? Why always bring sorrow on everyone? Is this really part of being a God Eater? Then I guess I can't do anything about it but do my best on everything... I know good things will bound to happen and I'll keep waiting.

I was on a common mission, extermination. It was a Fire-type Borg Camlann now, and pierce attacks might be good for it. Why not freeze it too...

-Old City-

I was with Brendan Bardell and Kanon Daiba, they're from a different team and they're good too. Kanon's only one flaw was that she even fires her friends but not intentionally, what I do is don't block her line of fire. Some said she was the worst medic, but I say you can count on her in different kinds of things. Brendan was great using his Claymore too, a buster sword.  With them around, I'm sure killing one Borg Camlann is an easy job.

First searching around every corner to look for a giant arachnid, the biggest scorpion (that has a crab-like part whatever) I have seen in my whole life. We didn't split up because we only have one target. "See that tail?" It didn't noticed us so we placed a snare trap and made Kanon stand next to it. "Heey Borg-chaaan!" Kanon said cheerfully (why is she so friendly with it) the Borg Camlann noticed her and it growled, beating its pinchers. "Good Borg-chan, how about we play? Come oveeer heeereee! ♡" she added. Me and Brendan laughed. I changed my weapon to gun and fired freeze type bullets. The Borg was annoyed so it approached us walking sidewards😂, looking like a complete idiot. I don't have any good memories with its kin since it was a little hard to kill. It was persistent and not only that, it was really fast and hard to cut through its flesh.  Not to mention it was strong. It fall for the trap, we didn't waste the time and attacked all out.

After it recovered from paralysis, it continued to attack as its usual: using its tail to cut people around it. It spinned around trying to hit us with its tail but well Kanon dodged on time and me and Brendan used our shield. We continued to attack, dealed a very great damage on it. It used its pinchers but well no one got hit thanks. Aww jeez won't you make it easy for us to kill ya? Oh! I'm talking like Kota... it tried to pierce Kanon with its tail but again it only did a mere cut "Kanon you okay?" I asked and she nodded then she continued to attack crush type bullets as usual. Some Ogretails came as back up So you need all the help you can get now? Brendan said he'll take care of all the Ogretails. So me and Kanon continued to attack the Borg. Two minutes later, I saw Brendan already devouring the cores. The Borg was near its limit. "Die peacefully!" Kanon exclaimed as she fires a Lvl. 3 condensed bullet from me. Now that's the finishing blow, the Borg Camlann was dead now. I made sure to shatter its core before it regenerates. It didn't took us half an hour to kill it, I guess maybe 5 mins and the Borg Camlann was a dead meat.We hurried home.

-Back in the den-

Upon arriving we saw faces of despair. "I bet there's no news about Lindow, huh?" Brendan said looking sad "We better not think like that, being pessimistic will only make things worse." I said making him feel better. We reported everything to advisor Tsubaki because you really were supposed to do that, also I was surprised when Hibari informed me that the Director was waiting for me and had summoned me. I asked why but neither did she know so I hurried there, it's bad making the Director wait so long.

-Director's office-

"Um... excuse me, sir?" I said politely, respecting his position "I'm glad you were already here, Kannagi-kun." He said in a low and catchy voice as always. I didn't say anything because I'm waiting for another word "I summoned you here... because you... you will lead the first unit." "Eh?" I said out of shock. "Your abilities as a new-type... they're enough to prove you'll be a great leader..." I can't seriously think myself being a great leader I can't even save them... "Don't doubt yourself, Eric and.... Lindow's death are... no one's fault." He said to comfort me. How does he know that's in my head? "...thank you sir, but pardon me aren't Lenka..." "Um yes he was great too but you're the one who suits best for the job." Lenka was great even his grades are enough to prove, but that Vajra wasn't normal... its power's like of a Dyaus Pita... or even greater than that! It's so fast...that our bodies fell on their own. No wonder it killed Eric. But what the hell is going on? Somehow I feel that Vajra was... a human. "But you won't be leader right away, maybe after a few missions, I will tell Tsubaki when and she'll inform your unit when the time comes so you might better be ready for that day." He said smirking. "I understand, sir." "You can also change your terminal and you'll see things that are once off limits to you. Please don't tell anyone about this I hope you understand." I nodded and he said "That's our... That is Fenrir's mark of trust. I hope you won't betray that trust." I gulped and said: "Y-Yes sir." He smiled this time. It was a minute of awkward silence...

"That's all for now." He said whilst resting his face on his hands. I nodded and exited his room. Soma was leaning on a wall outside the Director's office, looking serious. "No wonder he summoned you... keep in mind that he'll give you some missions more than you have to." Is that a joke? He's way too serious about his father. "Don't get too close with that guy if you value your life." It's more like a threat than a warning but... Soma is Soma. But still I decided to do Soma's suggestion. I gave him a smile which annoyed him causing him to fold his arms. There was awkward silence then he decided to go away and so he did leaving me behind. I decided to pay Alisa a visit.

-Fenrir Ward-

Alisa was sleeping quietly. I sat on a seat beside her bed, and look straight on her face. Her skin's so white as the snow flakes that are visible on winter, seeing her like this makes me feel worried. Hospitalised... and suffering. I might not truly understand how she feels but... I think I just might do that. We might be in the same shoes if you talk about the responsibility as a God Eater, but her past was as terrible as the world was, now. If I touch her hand again and that thing will occur again. Resonance is it? Oh I haven't told Dr. Sakaki about it yet... maybe later.

"Alisa..." I uttered her name as I try to touch her hand, only to get interrupted by Kouta who just came recently. "WhAT ARE YOU DOiNG, YUU?!" He said which startled me. "H-Hey why are you talking like I'm plotting something bad on Alisa?" I said as I smile because of his silly reaction. "Nah, I just want to caught-you-on-act that you like her too like she does-- oh crap." After saying that he looked terrible like he said something bad or spoiled a secret- wait what?! "What do you mean by that?" I was confused, still unsure if [that's]  what he means. "Holy cow that's why I told you not to keep asking me questions!" He shouted nervously. I touched Alisa's hand and the Resonance occurred again. "So that's how she feels..." Kouta looked frustrated. "I don't get it, Yuu." "Well because only new-types can resonate to each other, by touching each other's hand." Kouta smiled. "That's cool! Knowing how someone dear to you feels." He said smirking. I looked confused a little. "Dear to me..." "What's wrong?" he asked. Meanwhile, Alisa woke up at the same time. "Yuu... and Kouta." She said while smiling. "You better rest more." Kouta said to her. "But I just woke up... "she said refusing. "Hey Alisa... if it's okay with you can you tell us about... um... about...I-I mean I saw it while we resonated but if it'll trouble you..." I stuttered, I'm really curious about her past but maybe it's better to drop the topic. "If it's not-" I didn't finished my speech because she interrupted me with: "No it's okay." "Hey guys I'm kinda zoning out here I don't get what you two are talking about" Kouta said out of frustration. "JUST LISTEN AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH OUT OF HERE." Alisa said to him looking serious. Kouta nodded then he pouted. "My parents were devoured by Aragami..." "oh sorry..." Kouta and I said. "No it's fine... I was playing hide and seek with them in a nearby building but as I peek outside from the closet... I saw them getting devoured by a black Aragami..."



Alisa's mother: Ready or not here we come, Alisa! We'll find you soon!

Alisa (young) : *giggles*

Alisa's Father: *pretends he didn't hear* Our dear Alisa wasn't here.

Alisa's mother: Alisaaa! You better be ready!


Alisa's mother: *frightened* D-Dear!

Alisa's father: Don't come out, Alisa!!

Alisa (young): mommy, daddy!

(Mother got jumped off from the back by the Dyaus Pita)

Alisa's mother: Alisa- *get's devoured*

Alisa's father: You... how dare you (cries) damn you!!!  You won't eat my child!!! Aaaaaaaah! *gets a stick*

(Dyaus Pita growls again)

Alisa's father: *hits the Dyaus Pita*

Alisa (young): *peek* Daddy... (sobs) mommy...

Alisa's father: (Dyaus Pita bites his stick and threw it out of sight) N-No, no aaaaah!

(Father got eaten)

Alisa (young): No...don't eat them!

(Dyaus Pita looks in the closet and growls)

Alisa (young): *cries* NO!



Different memory:

Director: If you pass this test, you can gain the power to protect and avenge your loved ones.

Alisa: Protect... my loved ones...

Director: Indeed. You're so young... you must've cursed yourself for being so powerless... but now, you can fight back.


Dr. Oguruma: These are your enemies, the Aragami.

Alisa: Ara...gami?

Dr. Oguruma: Yes, scary as all get out Aragami and last but not the least here are-

(Shows picture of Lindow)

The Aragami that devoured your mommy and daddy!

Alisa: Daddy... Mommy.

Dr. Oguruma: But your strong now to fight back aren't you? (Put hand on her shoulder) It couldn't be easier- all you have to do is aim at it and pull the trigger.

Alisa: Pull the trigger...

Dr. Oguruma: And this is what you should say as you pull the trigger, Ajin duva touri!

Alisa: Ajin...duva touri

Dr. Oguruma: That's the chant that will turn you into a strong little girl

Alisa: Ajin...duva touri, Ajin...duva...touri

(Dr. Oguruma smirks)


-Flashback ends-

Kouta: So that's what happened?

Alisa: Yes...

Yuu: Well you're stronger now ain't you?

Alisa: I guess...

Kouta: Oh don't doubt yourself! Don't worry were always here for you.

Alisa: Thanks...

After that we exited the Fenrir ward, me and Kouta talked to each other.

"We better give her some surprise don't you think, Yuu?" He suggested "Why not." I replied and looked straight at him, He smirked then chuckled. "You better give her chocolates." I frowned "Why don't you.." he replied with "It'll be sweet for her if YOU'RE  the one who gives her chocolates." I laughed. Then we used the elevator to go to the lobby. We planned to kill some Vajras with Lenka.


After that I told Dr. Sakaki at the lab about the resonance. "That's a rare thing again... so you can share feelings just by touching...that's magnificent." He said and smiled. "Yes, and somehow after resonating Alisa woke up despite having effective tranquilizers from Dr. Oguruma." Dr. Sakaki looked serious. "...so you share conciousness too. New-types are truly amazing." He exclaimed. "But that Doctor she have, he seems strange and suspicious." I agree, but well it's bad to judge people but there's this feeling he was plotting something bad...



A/N: I'm here again! Oh god the story about how Eric died... is it okay? I mean didn't Lenka and the others looked pathetic...? Like weaklings...


Thanks for reading you're... you're one of the best to cling on this one1😆 by the way how is my story? Is it turning bad or good?

How about ya leave some comment shinigamireader? And BTW that Vajra was a human once. A person who was infected, it was Aragami infection. That's why it was stronger. And that person is-- how about you wait for the next chapter?


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