God Eater [Fanfiction]

By Random_Fate

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A God Eater fanfic; the main male character is Yuu, not Lenka. But crazily Lenka will be in here too, just ma... More

Chapter 1: God Eaters
Chapter 2: Ruined day
Chapter 3: Lenka Utsugi
Chapter 4: My mission with Sakuya
Chapter 5: The dares
Lenka Utsugi (dare)
Yuu Kannagi (dare) **Third Week**
Chapter 9: Eric der Vogelweid died
Chapter 10: Soma's advice
Chapter 11: Lindow time
Chapter 12: Days full of pain
Chapter 13: New leader of the unit
Chapter 14: Sasha Achan; The human turned into a God
Chapter 15: Non-human eater Aragami, and the key to his evil plans
I'm sorry Readers!
Chapter 16- What the hell?
Chapter 17- Confronting the Director

Kota/Kouta (dare) **Second Week**

322 2 0
By Random_Fate

Holy crap!

So the dares I have were way too risky!

Well... if I recall I gave some very risky dares for those two... haha, this one does not matter at all! After all theirs are way too hard! But Lenka. Yuu, I gave him an annoying one.

So I chased Lenka after he ran off calling my given dares "nonsense". I told him my story and it piqued his interest. (Or that's what I thought...)

I also told him a secret between the two of us- the girl whom I'm eyeing!

And note: we did our dares on our day-offs (we have a day-off every week)

This is what happened:


Lemme read the dares again from a piece of paper and a tissue paper- no it's a mail.


First dare, Eat a bunch of Hot sauce not less than 50. No turning back. ^-^

Second dare, Tell me who you're eyeing. In other words someone you are interested... infatuation.


"Why would Lenka be interested in crush things? When he doesn't even know what Date is. Is he kidding?"

...Well , whatever.

Yuu asked me to--  do 10,000 pushups. I decided to do that rather than clean the toilets. So I mailed him that I'll do ten thousand push-ups and he agreed, he even scoffed damnit he's making a fun of me.

Damn , I'll almost die in 1,000s. How the hell can I do 10,000? Well if I do 1,000 a day then I'd improve and 1,000 would be an easy job. Then what Yuu gave me was a good thing too.

Like what I gave him

Haha! Okay eenie meenie mini moe! So the first one to do is... eat a bunch of hot sauce--

They really did a payback on me!


I bought 50 hot sauce at the merchant's.

He said not less than 50. I guess dares can be fun too since it was hard, so no worries. Well that's why there's dare because it was meant to be hard... I also bought 10 bottles of very cold water.

The merchant asked me "Why the hell would you need 50 hot sauce? Where's the pizza can I have some?"

I replied "The pizza is in my stomach so I gotta put some hot sauce inside." The merchant laugh his lungs off. Why would he laugh at such a corny joke? It would be fun if I say "Hot sauce can make you hot! But in your state even hot sauce won't work! You need to hotten up by letting a Quadriga fire you".

(Ya know what "hot" means...in other words, cool? Da hell man! How hot can be cool? Just kidding. I knew you know what hot means. Hot body, girl look at that body, I worked out)

I left him and sat in a "shady" corner. In simple words it was a dark corner. Shady I like that word.




"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" I shout loudly because of the hot sauce. I immediately drank cold water to kill the heat.

People around laughed, some ignored me..

"Okay-- next round. Round 02!"

I immediately drank 2 sachet of hot sauce and drank half the bottle of cold water.

Then I tried without cold water, it was sweet but violent. My eyes shed tear. But I won't utter defeat!

I kept drinking them and all 10 bottles have been poured to my throat. If I probably take a look inside I think it was swelling because I already had 20 sauce with the help of 10 bottles and 29 hot sauce without cold water aid. One left and I'm down... come on only one left... once you drank 49 Hot sauce it was like licking a bit of one Ghost Chili! (And a Ghost Chili lick will cause you 30 mins of pain because of it's hotness and spicy)

(Dramatic sound plays)

This is rather corny for my viewers so I drank it fast and pretended that Hot sauce didn't killed my throat. I bought a bottle of cold water and drank it straight without paying. After I finished drinking I paid him up. The merchant was curious and talked to himself (Like I don't hear it -_-) "what an idiot" it reminded me of Soma. Talking of Soma he doesn't seem around... so it's like he doesn't exist at all...

But the rumors still lives and roams freely.

"Soma is a Death God." "Shinigami" that's what I hear most of the time and now I'm hearing it. Don't they know what a Death God is? It might sound cool but that doesn't fit Soma. Because Soma was kind and he saved my life back then (remember on the anime)

And now there's two here all boys that was talking about Soma. I wonder! Why do people judge others and bases by outside and not inside?

Hmmm... one down and two to do.

but these guys that talks about bad things should be warned. So I took the time to tak to them. "Hey there, can I ask why do you call Soma a Shinigami?"

They had a long pause before answering. "Because the one who was with him on a mission died at the very same time! The day she died was the day she go with him on a mission. It's his fault...All rumors about him was definitely true!" I glared at them like I haven't done before

"You're wrong. He saved my life. And to tell you guys Soma was reliable. He might be anti-social but Soma was kind deep inside! You won't understand him by judging him!"

"What do ya know, brat? You're just a rookie so don't interfere." They pushed me onto the wall. I kept talking "What does my position have to do with Soma? I'm just telling that-"

"SHUT UP!" The tall guy shouted, he punched me and it was really painful. What a nasty punch...-- "HE KILLED MY SISTER!" He added.

"Why do you blame Soma just because he happened to be there?! Okay take this point:

You were with a person you know, she died and you happen to be there. You tried to save her but you failed and YOU, HAPPENED TO BE THERE! They blame you for her death, what would you feel?"

"Are you an idiot? Of course I'd be angry and at some point I'd be hurt-" He ended talking because I interrupted:

"That's exactly what Soma feels! And now you know you shouldn't blame him..."

He stopped. The guy who was with him finally talked "Oh man... we uttered such rumors about Soma. Well you- how did you know Soma tried to save that girl when nobody had been there?" "I read Soma's diary-- hey guys don't tell him okay?"

I occassionally sneak to each rooms of my teammates sometimes. Hee hee actually this one's a lie, Soma won't make a diary. But me sneaking some rooms were true.

"I see...if that's the case then- we better apologize to Soma. But if I may, would you mind taking a picture of that dia-"

"HERE" I showed him the picture of that page.

Soma's diary: (actually it's a fake, Kouta made it)

Year 2071 day 43 9:30 PM

This is hell. Someone died who was with me, she was pathetic that's why she died- The Fucking Vajra bit off her head, I tried to rush in and save her but it was too late her head was removed from her shoulders.Why would I kill her? Are they out of their minds? I'm not a Death God... but I don't care now I'm used to "get blamed by it" I knew everything will be blamed on me so it doesn't really care anymore for me.


"Man you'll be beat to death by Soma if he knew you read his diary." The guy replied.

"But why would he make a diary?" The tall guy asked "and he called my sister Sasha pathetic!" He added angrily.

"Chill, that's just Soma--" I'm sweating... I'm the one who made that diary but I heard Soma talking in his room and said it all (that he tried to save her) so what I did wasn't wrong, RIGHT?!

"Thank you. May Sasha's soul rest." the tall guy finally settled down.

"Hey, don'cha forget this bruise you gave me just now!" I told him, he grinned.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Kota Fujiki, so we should lessen his burden. I think he keep holding it and can't let go... because he actually cares!"

"Yeah... I got a LOT of sorrys to tell. Can you give me a photo of that?"

"Take the original copy. Here."

I gave the photo to the tall guy.

"My name's Niku Achan, feel free to talk to me." Wow did I acquired a new friend?

(Niku Achan is an OC. Sasha Achan is an OC too and EVERYONE here that wasn't in the game and in the anime..! ((she's dead, they say ^-^)) Here's his bio-data:)

Name: Niku E. Achan
Age: 18
Family member: Sasha E. Achan (dead**or so that's what everyone thinks ;-;)
Niku Sr. (Father/dead)
Kirei  Shin Encurso Achan (Mother/ in the Outer Ghetto
Hobbies: Listening to music
Appearance: A tall guy, with a brown flat top hair, with a robust body(OH YEAH)

Here's the bio-data of the other guy:

Name: Yuyaghan
Age: 17
Family members: NO DATA
Hobbies: UNKNOWN
Appearance: A guy with balance stats. Balanced height, balance physique and the rest is BALANCED. With a jet red hair.

(Yuyaghan is a mysterious person though, Even Niku doesn't know a lot about him.)

"Sure. Thanks, please let them know." I shouted to them as they head off.

Then they left. Wow, I just got a bonus one and it benefits Soma! I really am glad to hear that they care about Soma now. I hope they'll spread the word.

Okay, the next to do is...


My crush!

I hurried to Lenka's room but it was empty. So I left a note

From your dearest friend, Kouta

Hey bro, so I'd tell you whom I like. No hold ups now

I like Sakuya, Tsubaki, Alisa-- all the girls are awesome ya know. Sakuya like a gentle sister... Alisa's cheeky attitude... Tsubaki's charm as a mature woman...

It blinds me! Well if who was the best... umm... damn it they're ALL TAKEN

Sakuya have someone in mind of course... well I sometimes notice Lindow our leader was whom she like... or love.
Alisa belongs to Kannagi (right?) And she was hostile to you. And hostile to me...
Tsubaki... eek! Her Age and mine's a total different level. And I'd get scolded everyday.

Kanon would be awkward...
Licca-- she was 18, right?  Aww that's awkward too. Heeey! Aren't there girls anywhere?

*in mind* Hee hee... I'll lie that I dated Licca. I think Lenka would think that I actually dated her.

(Sorry readers. I read that I had said that Kouta dated someone-- yep, in his fantasy.)

I opened my termiphone and sended him a mail that I dated Licca so it will be fine if he date Kanon. Well I didn't saw it before ... but when I looked closely to the piece of paper, there was a VERY small sentence I can barely see it.

It says: I don't know what date is... but I always hear it. Date your crush.

Damn it, why! Why?! Lenka? This was what on my mind before I thought I'd lie that I dated Licca. He lived without knowing what date is?

(Their dates happened on the same time. Kouta's just ahead of five minutes, in lie)

I asked Licca if she could-- Lie about it so when asked she won't turn me down.

She agreed--in exchange for one curry iced drink. Hell that was limited and must be out by now!

So I hurried to buy, hopefully one vending machine have it, and it is the only vending machine left that has one. So I bought it, but a guy approached me, saying he'll buy it but the cost would be doubled.

It's great but I think that's a lie. So I refused and ran away before he do something bad to me. (It was common on tv shows so thankfully Bugarally exist! It saved my butt again!)



I gave it to Licca and she agreed to the deal. Now I'm saved.


So all I told Lenka were lies about our dates. And before I tell Lenka I asked Licca first. She said she felt guilty but she still did it.

Lenka asked Licca but of course, haha. Ya know now.


Then I did the 10,000 push-ups dare, for four days before sleep, after eating going to my room and after missions I continue doing 1,000 push-ups. So  there's exactly 4000s... on the fifth day my body ached like it should. So I rest after a mission for five hours. Then again continued to do pushups, even only 100... actually I only have 567 push-ups done. How the hell can I do 4000 in four days anyway?!

But I don't want to lie on this one. There's no limit on days so it should be done in a year... just kidding. I'll try to do it in 5 weeks. I tried 1,000 push-ups as a reward plus a scold from Tsubaki. She's really cold sometimes...>o<


After fifteen weeks...


1,000 push-ups was easier now! I had done 9, 678 push ups now... but my body still aches. Of course. But I can at least endure it...

322 LEFT if I am correct...

Yuu had mailed me at the very same time on the first day of the fifteenth week

He said "Sorry about the dare. I knew calling it off would be bad so goodluck. Also, you can keep doing it even if it takes a year... but you'll be in debt, though. -_-"

How cold. But I don't want to be in debt. So I keep it up for a day. After a mission, before a snack and now I did 10,000 push-ups!

Yippe! All was done now.


Yuu was the one to tell his story now. All of us told our story in the 16th day of the fifteenth week. They waited for me, haha!


What happened to Yuu? Find out on the next chapter, Man ! (Dude)

Your too cool to follow me right? Then do whatcha want! If you don't want to read then don'cha!

But thaaaaaanks a lot maaaaan!


See you again-- when you read again.

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