These Broken Wings of Mine (A...

By PhantomhiveHostClub

1.6K 59 48

Yuuri has met his soulmate. The problem is, he can't remember who it is. His wings haven't fully formed, so h... More



341 11 16
By PhantomhiveHostClub

"Yuuri! It's time to get up!" A voice calls from downstairs. I groan. It's the first day of a new school, meaning I won't know who to avoid! So much fun...

 I should probably explain. Everyone is born with a pair of wings tattooed onto their back. When they meet their soulmate, the tattoo morphs into a full pair of wings. I had mine morph when I was really young, so I don't remember who my soulmate is. The only clue that I have is that I haven't seen them since that day. That isn't why I'm teased, though. You see, in order for your wings to grow properly, you have to interact with your soulmate. Since I haven't... well, they basically look like they got caught in a fire. Just marred chunks of flesh left out to dry too long. 

I get up and check the mirror. Nope, still no sign of growth. Great...

Thankfully, my mom has bought me an abundance of cloths with hoods that cover my wings. I slip one of these said shirts on. My mom also convinced the school I didn't need to take PE since I skated over 5 hours each week, which is amazing. The only problem is, you guessed it, bullies. Somehow, no matter where I go, someone knows about this predicament of mine. The first week or so is normally alright, though. Still, someone always finds out and always tells. 

I look at my outfit. I'm wearing a green shirt with a hood that's slightly baggy and a pair of black skinny jeans. I'm also wearing maroon Converse. After giving myself a thorough look through, I smile, satisfied with how I look, and run downstairs.

"Here's some breakfast! Have a good day at school!" My mom hands me a granola bar and practically shoves me out the door. I smile to myself. Just like my mom. I hurry to school. I don't want to be late on the first day!


"Yuuri!" I hear a voice shout. I turn around to see Yuuko. She skates in the same rink as me. I smile and walk over to her.

"Hi, Yuuko!" I say, smiling brightly. Immediately she engages me in a conversation about who's cool and who's not at this school. It's nice to have someone like that as a friend. Suddenly, I feel a tingling sensation in my wings. I try to ignore it and listen to Yuuko. Just as it becomes unbearable, it stops. 

Huh. That was weird, I think. Maybe my soulmate is near? No, that's almost impossible. After all, if they're this close to me now, I surely would have bumped in to them by now, right? I shake my head and continue to listen to Yuuko, who doesn't even notice my strange behavior. Hopefully I'll figure it out soon.


The bell rings as I get up and walk to my next class, science. Yuuko said I'll be put with a partner here, so hopefully I'll get to know this other person. Yuuko isn't in this class, so I'm kinda really scared. You see, because of this whole wing thing, I have developed a severe case of social anxiety.

I sigh as I step in to the room. When the teacher notices me, she hands me a slip of paper that has 3 written on it. Without looking up, I walk over to the table with a 3 on it. My partner hasn't arrived yet, so I give myself a pep talk, saying that it won't be too bad, and if it is, I can tell my mom who can get the teacher to move me. I decide to risk looking around. As I do, I notice a boy walking through the door. He has blond hair and a menacing look in his eyes. I gulp and look down. Nope. No more looking around.

Suddenly, I feel the tingling again. Overcome with curiosity, I look up. There, standing next to the blond haired boy is another boy. His hair is long and silver and he looks quite good natured. He laughs at something the boy says, and I can't help but notice how his soft pink lips look beautiful with his sharp blue eyes. Suddenly, he looks around and catches me staring at him. I look down, but before I do, I can see him smiling a bright smile in my direction. The tingling becomes stronger, but I don't mind it as much. I'm still thinking about that boy. I know it's kinda strange to say, but he's... beautiful. There's simply no other way to say it. 

I hear the chair beside me screech against the floor. Startled out of my thoughts, I jump slightly and look at the person in the chair. It's the boy with silver hair! He looks even prettier up close. I try to say something, but I just end up turning red and looking down. Damn this social anxiety!

"Hi! I'm Viktor!" The boy beside me says cheerfully. I look up. He's smiling at me. I smile back hesitantly.

"I-I'm, um, Y-yuuri," I say, my face turning bright red. Damn! I can't even introduce myself without making a fool of myself! I look back at him, and he's still smiling.

"I like that name! It's pretty!" Viktor says laughing. I smile again. I could get used to this kid. 

"Um, t-thanks," I say, barely audible. Viktor smiles at me again. We kinda just stare at each other for a moment when suddenly, the teacher calls us to attention. When I look up, I realize the blond haired kid is sitting right in front of us. He's sitting next to a black haired kid with an undercut, which is ridiculous for a teenager, but they seem to tolerate each other. The blond haired kid whispers something to the other kid who laughs. It seems like they're enjoying themselves. I glance back over at Viktor, who notices and smiles at me. I smile back, which is surprisingly easy.

"Ok, so you've already heard all the rules, so you can spend this time getting to know your partner. I'd give you an activity, but you wouldn't do it, so have fun I guess," the teacher says. He has messy black hair and baggy clothes. His eyes are greenish blackish and his feet are bare. He told everyone to call him Mr. L, so I suppose he likes privacy. I shake my head and turn to Viktor who is studying me intently. I gulp and look down.

"Ok, this is a serious question," I look at Viktor questionly when he says this. He smirks at me and continues. "If you were any animal, what would you be?" I can't help it; I laugh. He looks at me in mock frustration.

"Hey! I said it was serious," but he laughs too. I smile at him. I like this guy.

"I guess I should say ape cause they're closest to people, but I'd want to be a cat. Then I can ignore people and still be loved," I say, surprised I don't stammer. I guess he just puts me at ease. He laughs. It's a beautiful sound, like the sound of bells, but not quite so musical. 

"That's a great reason. I'd like to be a dog! Poodle especially. I can make people happy by just being in the room then!" Viktor says with a smile. Cute. Wait, what?

"You seem to make people happy already." I don't mean to say it. It just kinda slips out. I look down quickly and cover my face. Viktor laughs again.

"Thanks! I d-" Viktor starts to say, but the table in front of us interrupts him.

"Oi, Viktor! You shouldn't be scaring people away already!" The blond haired kid shouts. Viktor just gives him a pointed look and glances back at me. I've composed myself enough to peek through my fingers. I squeak when I realize he's looking at me and cover my face again. This time, he doesn't laugh.

"Do you have anxiety?" I look up at him when he says this, panicking.

"You can tell?!?" I say, a little to loudly, causing the two boys in front of us to look over at us. I put my head on my desk and cover my head. Viktor prods me gently.

"I have anxiety too, but it only really shows up when I've been in the same place too long. It's ok. It's not that obvious with you," I look up at him with interest. Him, anxiety? I can't tell at all. 

"Oh, um, thank you," I say quietly. At this point, no one's looking at us. Good. I smile at him. He smiles back.

"Oh! Another question! What's your favorite color? Mine's gray. A slightly shiny one, but not shiny enough to be silver, you know?" Viktor says excitedly. He seems like one of those people who acts like a child, but I tend to like those people, so I don't mind.

"Um, blue I guess. I also like black a lot. Not that shitty black that's just slightly darker than gray. The type of black that makes you feel like you're getting lost in it," I say, smiling. Viktor laughs. He has so much joy radiating from him, it's almost impossible not to smile. 

"That's a great color! I once had a dog that was that color, but it died. My parents got me a new one, though! He's a puppy and he's a poodle. His fur is a light brown color. His name is Makkichin. You should come over to meet him sometime!" He says happily. I find myself nodding.

"I also have a brown poodle! His name is Vicchan. He's adorable! I only just got him a couple weeks ago, but I already love him and he loves me!" I say excitedly. Viktor smiles at me as I say this, and the tingling sensation increases slightly. I ignore it and continue talking to Viktor. After a little while, we start talking to the table in front of us too. The blond haired kid's name actually turns out to be Yuri too, but Viktor decides to start calling him Yurio. The guy with the undercut's name is Otabek, and he seems kinda shy too. Yurio, on the other hand, is mean and doesn't care. It was fun. At the end of class, Viktor gives me his number and invites me to sit with him at lunch. I smile and happily agree. I'm glad Viktor's my partner. 


I got bored and wrote this. Please vote and comment! I'll probably update within the next week.

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