Sanvers First Time

By DorkieD

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Alex and Maggie and a lifetime of First's More

Why Kissing Was Invented


2.7K 31 9
By DorkieD

At this point, Alex and Maggie were “dating,” something Alex had never really done in the past. But now she had a girlfriend. A girlfriend. Because she was a lesbian, and Maggie Sawyer was her girlfriend. And this thought filled her with glee every single time she thought it. Sure she’d had a few drunken, fumbling incidents with a couple of guys in college, had gone out on a few isolated dates here and there as set-ups or favors for friends, but she never felt much for any of them. She had certainly felt nothing like this. Her studies and later her work always came first, or at least that’s what she told people. She’d even convinced herself that she just didn’t have time for relationships.

But now she found herself thinking about Maggie all the time. Well, nearly all the time. It had started to affect her work, at least the non-crucial desk tasks. Thoughts of Maggie certainly never intruded out in the field where there was no room for any thought other than staying alive, protecting her team, and catching some dangerous bad guy. But the rest of the time? Well… Maggie wasalways somewhere in the background of her mind, if not the foreground. And increasingly those thoughts ended up… umm… somewhere in Alex’s pants too.

She had never seen herself as a sexual person, but every time she was in the same room with Maggie – or just imagined being in the same room with the witty, dark-haired beauty – her entire body came alive in a way she had never experienced in the past. It was like everything before had been a dream, and now she was awake. Not just her nether regions but her whole being – heart, mind, everything – but, okay yeah, fine, her whole being found itself concentrated in her nether regions some of the time. Maggie could touch her in the most innocuous way possible, just hold her hand or brush her elbow, and Alex felt that now familiar pulse between her legs, felt her heart expand in her chest. Naturally, being a trained scientist, she was aware of the action of blood vessels dilating as a sexual response to desired stimulus, but that made it no less thrilling.

Alex hadn’t had much of a fantasy life before meeting Maggie and coming out, but since then and most especially since they had started seeing each other, her imagination had whirred into overdrive. She had started noticing the beautiful women all around her. Where hadthey been before? “Research” on how women have sex had suddenly become a priority, but much of what she found seemed staged, physiologically implausible, and frankly unappealing. (Giant sculpted fingernails – dangerous much?) Still, it gave Alex a general idea, and she found a few images that were more realistic and therefore… intriguing. Not nearly as intriguing as the thought of Maggie naked, though. That thought alone was enough to put her over the edge when she was home by herself, hand down her pants, a position she had found herself in a lot lately. The concept that naked Maggie could be an actual reality in the not-too-distant future still overwhelmed her though.

Being with a woman for the first time – and if one wanted to get technical, probably her first time-first time – was a huge deal to Alex. She wanted to make sure things were right with Maggie before she went all in, because Alex knew sex would mean “all in” for her. As comfortable as Alex felt with her new girlfriend, she still guarded her heart. And frankly, she was still intimidated by her own inexperience. Alex was so accomplished in all other areas of her life, it just felt wrong to be such a novice at something that’s a normal part of most adults’ lives. She feared being a failure at sex.

Alex’s thoughts continued like this as she finished making dinner, pan seared salmon with linguini alfredo and sautéed fresh green beans. She had showered and put on fresh clothes after the gym. Since this was supposed to be Netflix and … something, she wasn’t sure what to wear, so she went casual – a concert T-shirt, some loose jeans, and the sandals she often wore around the apartment.

She had debated about wearing a bra or not. Would it be convenient to go braless while making out? Would it be sexier that way? Or presumptuous? Would they even get to that point? So confusing. In the end, Alex decided to wear her nicest bra, a navy blue push-up with a little lace around the top. That way, if Maggie did see it, at least Alex wouldn’t have on a shabby, faded sportsbra with some sketchy, worn-out elastic. She shivered a little at the thought of Maggie sliding down the straps of her pretty bra slowly, reaching around to unhook it, then… God, it gave her chills.

Alex was jolted out of her reverie by the knock. Finally.

Her anxious thoughts dissipated the second she opened the door to Maggie. She would never tire of the sight of this beautiful girl in her hot leather jacket, motorcycle helmet in tow. In her other arm Maggie carried a nice bottle of white wine.

“Let me get those for you.” Alex set the wine on the table, the helmet and jacket on an empty dining chair. She turned back around to look at Maggie again. Her girlfriend wore a flannel shirt and jeans in a masculine cut that still managed to show off her compactly muscular but curvy figure. God.

“Hi, baby.” Maggie smiled her generous smile and extended her arms. Alex’s body propelled itself into them with magnetic force. She buried her face in Maggie’s neck, inhaling her scent, unable to stop herself from planting kisses everywhere her lips found exposed skin. She pulled Maggie’s shirt aside a little to pepper her shoulder, then her neck and collarbone, then her chin and the side of her face, followed by a slow, gentle but earnest, searching kiss to her lips.

“Um, wow.” Maggie exhaled audibly. “That was,” she exhaled again, “damn… what a nice welcome.” She shook her head back and forth a couple of times as if to snap herself back into reality. “Well now, I guess I’ll have to show you how much I missed you too.”

Maggie leaned back in and took Alex’s bottom lip in both of hers and worked it with her lips and tongue, slowly, sensuously, then released it, only to do the same with Alex’s top lip. Alex caught onto the game and did the same with Maggie’s bottom lip, completely losing herself in Maggie’s gorgeous, succulent lips for one glorious moment. And for now at least, Alex was sated. This felt like enough, like home, like everything she had ever needed.

And it was. Until she heard – or rather sensed – tiny moans coming from Maggie. It was then that she realized Maggie wanted her too. God. And there it was again. The pulsing between her legs. Alex had managed to control so much about her life, but this aching need? This was way beyond her control. And Maggie’s too, apparently. She hadn’t, until this moment, fully appreciated that Maggie might actually want her just as badly, that Maggie’s body could well be doing the same things as hers.

They separated, and Alex peered at Maggie a little sheepishly, “Hey, uh, I really hate to stop this. Like I reallyreally hate to stop this, but I made a nice dinner, and maybe we can eat before it gets cold this time, unlike Pizza Night.” She smiled, as much to herself as at Maggie, thinking of Pizza Night.

“Everything certainly smells great. Anything I can do to help?”

“Yes, thanks. Here, can you open the wine?” Alex handed Maggie a corkscrew. “And my phone’s hooked up to those speakers over there. You can put on whatever music you want.”

Maggie made quick work of the cork and poured a couple of glasses. Then she set Spotify to a Motown station. “So do you set the table like this every night?”

“No, only for lady callers I’m trying to impress.” Alex winked.

“You getting a lot of lady callers these days, Miss?” Maggie faked a reasonable John Wayne voice.

Alex joined in with an exaggerated Western damsel. “No, sheriff. I swear. Please don’t arrest me. Who’ll take care of the homestead?”

Maggie switched back to her normal voice and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. “Well, I am a police officer. So I actually do have hand restraints with me at all times.”

“And I walked right into that one, didn’t I? Although I am a DEO agent, so I also…” Alex realized what she was saying and felt her whole head heat up and probably redden like a beet.

Maggie closed the distance between them and handed her a glass, placing her other hand comfortingly on Alex’s shoulder. “You… you don’t have to be embarrassed about anything, okay? I know we haven’t really talked about sex, but I don’t think it’s wrong of me to assume we’re working our way towards that. You know, eventually.”

Alex turned around briefly to grab the plates she had prepared and set them on the table. In a spontaneous gesture of lady-chivalry, she pulled out Maggie’s chair for her then sat down in front of her own plate. She avoided Maggie’s gaze through all of it.

“I know, Maggie. And we are… headed that direction.” She looked down at her plate. “This is just hard for me. You have to know I want you.”

Maggie reached over and gently urged Alex’s chin up so they could see eye to eye. Maggie whispered. “I know.”

Alex grabbed Maggie’s hand and kissed her palm. “As in, I want you so bad it’s blowing my mind. I have never had these feelings before. I never knew these feelings existed. For anybody. Much less me.”

Maggie whispered again. “I know.”

“I just never knew what people were talking about when they talked about love. It’s like my brain didn’t process it or something…” Alex stopped herself. “Oh. God. I mean…”

Maggie’s eyes grew wide. “Alex, I…”

Alex panicked. Her breath quickened. Her heart pounded. “Oh no. I didn’t mean. Wait, I…” She had said the word. It was too soon. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. No no no.

Maggie jumped up from her chair and grabbed Alex, pulling her up into an embrace with Alex’s head on her shoulder. “Shhhh, baby. Shhhh. It’s okay. You’re okay.” Alex’s breath slowed as Maggie rubbed her back for a moment then slowly sat them both back down. Maggie pulled her chair closer. Tears had formed at the edges of Alex’s eyes.

Maggie’s voice broke as she reached for a napkin to blot Alex’s face. “Baby, please don’t cry. Please. You didn’t let me finish.” She looked on the verge of tears herself.

She finished blotting and grabbed both of Alex’s hands. Somehow, her gaze was fierce but also gentle as she looked deeply at Alex for what felt like a long time. “Alex Danvers, I love you. I thought I had loved before, but I have never felt this for anyone, ever. You are smart. You are ridiculously well educated. You are funny. You are sweet.”

Her tone grew more passionate. “You are a badass. You have a really cool job. You are so so hot. And you are ridiculously adorable.”

Maggie’s voice increased in volume and intensity as she continued. “And I don’t care how inexperienced you are in the sack. When you are ready, and only when you are ready, we are going to fuck like bunnies until we physically can’t anymore.” She pounded her pointy finger into the table when she said “fuck” and “bunnies,” in a way that looked a little painful.

“And I can’t wait to do that because I am so in love with you you’re all I can think about most of the time. And when I say most of the time I mean especially when I’m trying to go to sleep at night, if you know what I mean.” Maggie realized how loud she’d gotten and looked around, as if concerned she had disturbed the neighbors.

Alex sat in stunned silence. After a long moment she opened her mouth to speak but found she couldn’t.

The words echoed in Alex’s mind. Love, Maggie had said.In love, even.

Alex’s mind buzzed. Steam whistles wailed. Fireworks lit up night skies. Buddhas reincarnated. New species evolved. Red giants went supernova. Galaxies collided. Fractals recombined. The universe remade itself behind Alex’s eyes in the space of seconds.

Love, Maggie had said. Love.

Love. Alex comprehended it now.

Everything in her life had brought her to this. Her regrets vanished. The intensity of grasping love so completely – as an aware adult, having just come out, steeped in the giddy feelings of first love most people experience as a teen and just take for granted – occurred to her in that one moment with such clarity that she felt she’d just uncovered  some incommunicable secret of the universe.

Maggie smiled sweetly, her voice quieter, almost apologetic. “So anyway, let’s enjoy this delicious dinner you made for us.”

“Yeah, okay. Uh, let’s do that.”

Alex smiled, almost to herself. Getting to enjoy this dinner she had made with the woman who loved her was at once the simplest and deepest pleasure she had ever known.

She smiled blissfully at Maggie as the strains of Otis Redding’s “My Girl” wafted from the speakers.

*      *      *

Maggie picked up both their plates and carried them to the sink. “That was incredible. Thanks for cooking. Salmon’s pretty risky, easy to dry out, but I have to say yours rivaled any restaurant I’ve been to.”

“I cover the pan after I turn it over. Traps the steam. That’s my big secret.” Alex opened the dishwasher. “You rinse, I rack?”

“Sounds good.”

Alex took rinsed dishes and utensils one by one from Maggie. “So what do you want to watch?”

“Huh?... Oh, the Netflix.” It was Maggie’s turn to appear flustered. “I hadn’t actually thought much about that. Uh, sorry.”

Alex snickered. “Well, what’s something, ya know… gay, that you think I should see?”

“Gay, huh?” Maggie paused in her dish duties, in a thoughtful pose. “Have you seen Xena?”

“What?” Alex spluttered. “With the cheap effects and the brass bra lady who rides around hooting at people?”

“The hot brass bra lady with her cute little sidekick having fun adventures that get gayer and gayer? Yes.”

“I don’t know about that. How about The 100. I heard it’s gay.” Alex hoped she sounded knowledgeable.

Maggie looked grave, eyebrows suddenly knitted. “Oh no. You don’t wanna see that. Nothing good for the gays on there.” They finished loading the dishwasher as they debated a few series, coming to no conclusion.

“We could look at my DVDs and Blu-Rays.”

Maggie looked amused and followed Alex into the living room. “How quaint. Okay, I suppose seeing your movie collection would be a good way to see what you’re really about.” She began perusing the shelves.

“I see you have a large collection of straight romantic comedies.”

“Yikes. How embarrassing. Most of those are Kara’s, I swear!”

“Sure, Danvers. Sure they are.” Maggie continued browsing. “All the Star Wars moviesGood to know. That could’ve been a deal breaker.” She winked at Alex. “What about Harry Potter?”

“Kara has those right now.”

“Of course she does.” Maggie snickered. “Hmmm. Very gay workout DVDs - Jillian Michaels, Jackie Warner, Bob Harper. Oh hey, Buffy, seasons 1-3. So you didn’t make it to the gay part of that show, I guess. But you should.”

She thumbed through a bunch of anime and several seasons of Gilmore Girls. “Oh, hey here we go.Terminator 2, best action movie ever. Linda Hamilton is a total badass in this movie. I haven’t seen it in a while. Let’s watch it.” Maggie handed it to her.

Alex blew the dust off the case. “Yeah, I always meant to watch this one. I picked it up in a bargain bin several years ago after seeing the first one on TV.” She turned it over in her hand. “Sure, why not?”

Once Alex had fired up the movie, they settled onto the couch together. Maggie rested against a pile of throw pillows, and Alex snuggled in cozily beside her. They sipped at the wine they hadn’t finished during dinner. Once again, Alex was overcome by a beautifully overwhelming sense of comfort and ease. She allowed that warmth to spread throughout her entire being and to bask in it, and once again she felt sated in a way that seemed new but strangely familiar, like easing into a slightly too-warm bath.

Maggie was right, Linda Hamilton was a total badass in this movie. She must have trained for the role full-time for months because her arms looked like they were made entirely of heavy gauge steel cords. Alex found herself mesmerized by the movie. Not by its plot, which was riveting enough, but by Linda Hamilton’s arms. Especially because Linda dressed in tank tops and carried heavy weaponry, did pull-ups and sit-ups, wore precision tactical gear. Maggie had begun idly touching Alex’s hair and stroking Alex’s shoulder as they both watched. Alex felt her breathing grow heavier, followed closely by the now-familiar throb and a growing wetness between her legs.

Maggie’s legs shifted, and she exhaled audibly. “Wow, uh. I had, um, forgotten how hot Linda Hamilton looks in this movie.”

Alex turned towards Maggie, who looked a little flushed. “Yeah, you didn’t mention how gay this movie is. I mean, this is a gay movie, right?” Alex abruptly grabbed Maggie’s wine and set both of their glasses none too gracefully on the coffee table.

“No, it’s not, actually.” She looked uncharacteristically sheepish. “But it’s… umm… it’s making me gayer. Like right now. A lot.”

Alex shivered. “That’s funny. Cause it’s doing that to me too. I’m feeling really…” She fought for control of her shaky breath. “Really.” Maggie reached over and touched her cheek. “Gay.”

And then Alex launched herself at Maggie’s face.

In a split-second, last-ditch effort, Alex braced herself on her forearms against the throw pillows, or otherwise she might have crushed her new girlfriend in her sudden rush of enthusiasm. But Maggie was right there with a ready embrace. Alex claimed her mouth insistently in an ardent kiss, no teasing pecks of warning. She thrust her tongue into Maggie’s eager mouth, and they locked together in desperate exploration, no quarter given.

Alex had no idea where to put her hands or her feet or arms or legs – on Maggie? around Maggie? where? – so she shifted them around awkwardly trying to find purchase on the pillows. A blanket had fallen onto her from the back of the couch, so she squirmed around with it for a while until she finally gave up, letting it get tangled in the mix. She could never grow tired of kissing Maggie’s luscious mouth, but she knew from what little reaction she’d already gotten, that Maggie loved neck kisses. She slowed down to concentrate her efforts there for a while. Maggie’s breathing slowed and deepened next to her ear, and Alex tried something new. She nipped at her girlfriend’s neck, tiny bites, just enough to elicit a reaction. Maggie rewarded her with a series of small moans, which set off a chain reaction of increasingly indelicate throbs between Alex’s legs, followed by a delicious gush of wetness.

A husky, “Oh, God,” slipped out of Alex before she realized she’d said anything.

“Hmmmm” breathed Maggie. “I think I like the sound of that.”

Alex pulled up from Maggie’s neck, propping herself on her elbows. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to be pervy.”

“What?” Maggie looked sincerely astonished. She reached up and took Alex’s face in both of her hands. “Baby. There’s nothing you could want, nothing you could feel, nothing you could say, that I’ll ever call ‘pervy.’ Okay?”

Alex’s eyes grew wide. “I… I just… don’t want you to feel objectified. I’m…. I’m not…”

Maggie pulled her back down for a simple kiss. “It’s not like that between us. I know that. You know that. Here.” Maggie gestured her hands like flipping over pancakes.

“Huh? Oh, okay.” Alex got up off the couch so they could switch, not sure what was happening. Maggie got back on the couch and straddled her. Alex’s heart sped up.

“Alex, baby. There’s nothing to be afraid of. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” She reached down and began unbuttoning her shirt.

“I’m going to take this off, if it’s okay with you.” Alex nodded her head, eyes wide.

“I’m going to take my shirt off, and I want you to know that you can look at me. It’s okay for you to look at me.” She continued unbuttoning. Alex’s eyes followed her fingers carefully.

“I want you to look at me.” She unbuttoned the last button with a glint in her eye, then slid her shirt off.

Alex looked around a few other places in the room first. Maggie stopped her. “No. You have my permission. Look at me.”

Alex met her gaze then allowed her eyes to travel downward, drinking in the exposed warmth of Maggie’s flesh, finally giving herself permission to look unabashedly, to enjoy her girlfriend’s beauty.

Maggie reached around to remove her black satin bra. Alex stopped her, propping up on her elbows. “No, wait.”

“I’m sorry baby. I didn’t mean to push things too far.”

“No I just mean.” Alex searched for words that didn’t sound embarrassing. Not finding any, she spoke anyway. “I… um… I kinda wanted to take it off of you myself.” She forced herself to look Maggie in the eye after saying it, and she found her gaze met with a knowing warmth.

“Oh… okay.” Maggie reached down and pulled Alex up by the arms and helped her up so that they were both kneeling on the couch. Alex kissed Maggie’s lips shyly, touched her collarbone lightly, dragged her fingers down Maggie’s taut stomach and shivered. She trailed her hand back up to cup Maggie’s covered breast in her hand, squeezed gently, closed her eyes and drew a shaky breath.

Alex hadn’t quite known what touching another woman’s breast would feel like, but this bra clearly had to go so she could properly find out. As delicately as she could, she snaked her hands around towards Maggie’s back and tried to undo the sleek bra. It took three attempts and a couple of giggles from both of them, but she finally got the clasp free. She let out a ragged breath as she lowered one, then the other strap, placing a kiss where each one had been. Finally, she backed away from Maggie, letting the garment fall to the couch, revealing Maggie’s naked breasts.

Alex’s jaw actually dropped as she looked at the beautiful curves they formed on Maggie’s chest, perfectly suited to her particular body. They looked deliciously pliant, not too soft, not too hard. Maggie’s dark nipples stood at attention, tempting her.

Maggie quirked an eyebrow. “Ya know, you don’t just get to look, you can touch too.” With that, she gently pushed Alex back onto the couch and stayed astraddle her. Alex continued to stare up in a daze until Maggie grabbed one of her hands, and Alex woke up a little. Maggie leaned down, and Alex took the hint and took one of Maggie’s breasts in her hand. She squeezed, stroked, touched the nipple, played with it. She did the same with the other breast, paying special attention to what got the occasional little squeak or moan out of Maggie. Sparing use of nipple pinching: noted. She had her own breasts, of course, but she never imagined the novelty and sexiness of getting to touch someone else’s. They just felt so good. There was no explaining it.

Alex could’ve played with Maggie’s breasts all night, but after a point she became so lost in this new joy, interspersed with more kissing, that she lost track of how hot and bothered her girlfriend had become. Maggie repositioned herself so that she could lower a nipple into Alex's waiting mouth. Alex took to this new pleasure right away. It renewed the throbbing in her pants, and when she darted her tongue quickly back and forth over Maggie’s nipple, Maggie moaned out loud. Not the quiet mewls from before, but an outright, throaty moan. Alex felt yet another new gush coat her inner lips and, increasingly, her underwear.

Hands reached behind Alex’s shoulders, pulling her up so that she sat up, her face smushing into Maggie’s breasts. Not that this was a problem. Maggie pulled at her T-shirt and husked in her ear, “Is this ok?”

Alex realized what she was asking, “Yes. God yes. Please.” The T-shirt flew off, and Maggie kind of sat in her lap now, their legs intertwined awkwardly. Maggie kissed her heatedly, all open mouth and teeth and tongue. She felt one hand reach back and pop the clasp on her bra. And it was off too. “Holy shit that was smooth.”

“Shut up.” Alex was on her back again now, and Maggie was on top of her.

“Are we gonna…?” Alex tried to catch her breath.

“No. Not yet. Not this time.” Maggie paused and moved up to look into Alex’s eyes. “Do you trust me?”

“Of course.” Alex planted a kiss on her lips as punctuation.

Maggie attacked Alex’s neck with hot, open-mouthed kisses. She bit Alex’s ear and rasped into it, with what clearly felt like a wicked grin on her heated lips. “We are gonna get off like horny teenagers.”

Holy shit. Alex realized what Maggie had in mind. “Oh my god yes. I kind of am a horny teenager. Let’s do this.”

And Maggie went to work. She licked (!) down Alex’s neck to the divot between her collarbones, where Maggie proceeded to do things with her tongue that Alex hoped she’d do elsewhere soon. Alex’s hips bucked underneath Maggie’s straddle, involuntarily at first. But soon Alex discovered the delectable friction that happened there, and it became less and less accidental.

Things got all the more delectable when Alex realized that… their… crotches… were … basically rubbing together. As in Maggie’s pussy (!) was just inches and a few pieces of fabric from hers. God what delicious agony. Not close enough.

Alex squirmed to try to get one of Maggie’s legs between hers. “Good God, woman! What are you doing to me?”

 “And we’ve still got the better half of our clothes on.” Maggie waggled her eyebrows lasciviously and inserted a leg between Alex’s, but slid down a little out of reach so she could suck on Alex’s nipples, both sating a need and prolonging the torture at the same time.

Maggie’s tongue flicked an almost painfully erect bud. Alex grabbed a pillow to muffle herself. “Ooohhh ohhh what the… Oh god… what is this… I think I’m….” she actually felt herself dangerously nearing orgasm. “Good god, Maggie!”

Maggie seemed to intuit what was happening and moved back up Alex’s body, knee still between her legs, but moving more slowly now. Their foreheads touched, both sweaty. Maggie continued with a slow grind, talking Alex back from her near climax.

“It’s okay baby. Just breathe. Just breathe.” Alex followed her suggestion. “That’s my girl. There you go.”

Alex continued breathing. Slowly, consciously. Maggie continued to move on top of her, began kissing her mouth, her neck. Gently first, then more insistently.

“That’s right, baby. Just move along with me.”

“Oh god, Maggie. I lo… I lo…”

A hand clapped over Alex’s mouth. “You don’t get to say it right now. Not while we’re fooling around. Anyway, I know. You know I know. You say it when you’re ready. Right now just breathe. Just feel how good this feels.”

In any other instance, Alex would’ve made the perfect Han Solo joke out of that “I know,” but now was definitelynot the time. And dear god, Alex began to grasp Maggie’s rhythm and respond in kind, so that her knee hit Maggie in the right spot too. She knew it was the right spot because she heard the changes in Maggie’s breathing that matched her own. The pleasure of knowing that Maggie felt what she felt threatened to overwhelm her again.

“Oh, god Maggie. You’re really good at this.” She could smell Maggie’s arousal, or her own, or both. It didn’t matter anymore. She liked it.

Apparently Maggie did too. “I can tell you’re so wet. God I can’t wait to taste you.”

Normally, Alex surely would’ve blushed to hear Maggie say that, but right now, it was just what she needed to hear. Whatever inhibitions and any thoughts of neighbors vanished into thin air. “Maggie, oh you’re so… oh god. I want to feel you…”

Her movements became erratic against Maggie’s leg. “Oh god, how are you… doing… this…”

Maggie kissed her. Hard. “You’re doing the same thing to… oh god… Oh.”

Maggie pumped into Alex’s leg ferociously as her eyes rolled back into her head. She groaned deeply as her whole body shuddered, paused, shuddered again. For a long moment she simply looked down at Alex, smiled a heavenly smile, then dove back in for an urgent kiss. She picked up her previous pace and moved against Alex all over again.

“Maggie… oh god… did you just?”

“Yes, baby.” Maggie kept grinding relentlessly into Alex’s pussy, which had grown so slick they could both hear it through her jeans. “But you did it to me.”


Alex had grabbed onto Maggie’s belt to make more friction. She could feel Maggie’s lips on her ear. “You. You made me come. So hard.”

With those words, Alex tipped over the edge. Her body seized with waves of pleasure that curled her toes. She had thought that was just an expression, but no, her toes literally curled. Maggie rode her through until Alex exhaled one definitive last time, and her whole body went limp. Her girlfriend crawled in behind Alex on the couch and held her, serving as the big spoon. They both jolted with occasional aftershocks as Maggie drew feathery touches on Alex’s arm with her fingers, planting occasional kisses on her shoulder or ear.

Alex stared off into a corner of the room in wonder for several long, deeply satisfying minutes. No one spoke.

Maggie finally brushed her shoulder gently and whispered, “Hey, everything alright?”

Alex sat up, and Maggie propped herself on her elbow. Alex gazed down at her, grabbed her free hand and held it. Not as an overt romantic gesture. She just wanted to have some part of Maggie touching some part of her because the contact brought her so much peace.

“That was kind of … naughty?” Alex didn’t blush this time. “But it was good-naughty. I didn’t feel naughty being naughty with you.”

“This is a good thing.” Maggie’s grin lit up her whole face, but then it all flashed mischievous again. “I notice you kinda like the dirty talk.”

“Um, I guess? Maybe?” Alex felt her ears heat up again. Damn. “Yeah, so anyway.” At least Alex didn’t look down anymore. “So I think I might feel a little more confident about… sex things… now.”

Maggie grinned. “Well… funny you should mention that. While I was single after the breakup I rented a cabin for, uh, Valentine’s weekend. I was thinking I wouldn’t want to be around any nauseatingly cute couples and would need a long weekend to collect myself, and that was the soonest I could get away by myself, and well…”

Alex jumped in, “… now we are a nauseatingly cute couple. Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?”

“Do you think I’m suggesting you join me at the cabin for Valentine’s Day weekend? Because yes, that’s what I’m suggesting?”

“Then yes, I’m saying yes.” Alex flopped back onto the couch into Maggie’s arms, stopping short for a moment. “So wait a minute, if you’re springing for a cabin on Valentine’s weekend, does this mean you think you’re gonna get lucky?”

Maggie lifted her eyes upward as if to pretend-avoid Alex’s insistent gaze, followed by a full-hearted laugh and a kiss to Alex’s cheek. “Yeah? Maybe? I mean, we might as well do it right. Cabin? Valentine’s Day? Probably a fancy dinner in there somewhere?”

Alex laughed and returned the kiss. “I think the chances of that are pretty good.”

“Just pretty good?”

“Okay, fine. I’m a sure thing.” Alex looked over at the screen, where a pissed-off Linda was one-armed shotgunning an evil silver Terminator, trying to knock him into a vat of molten steel. “Hey, I think we might’ve missed part of the movie.”

Maggie glanced over to see where it was. “Oh yeah, we basically missed the whole thing.” She hit pause. “We’ll catch it in the morning.”

“Wait, so you’re staying over?” Alex clapped her hands together like a giddy teenager. “First sleepover!”

“Well, I have a toothbrush and some PJs in the lockup on my bike. I brought them just in case.”

“Go get them!” Alex hopped up and pulled Maggie up with her.

Maggie looked down at them both. “Maybe I should put on a shirt first?”

“Oh. Right.” Alex rolled her eyes playfully. “If you have to.”

“Guess who’s not shy anymore.” Maggie winked her and looked around behind the couch. “Now where’d my shirt go, you wicked minx?”

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Just some random one shots that I've written.
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HIGHEST RANKING: #1 IN SANVERS Alex Danvers was given 36 hours to live. The clock ran out. And yet, she didn't die.
15.6K 353 24
After Lena finds out the truth about Kara, She wants that Kara feels the same pain what she felt. They said a lot of things in the Fortress of Solitu...