What I never knew I always wa...

By MarinaShipper19

63.4K 1.1K 392

ON HOLD- I'm back with another Robsten pregnancy story (shocker I know right?) because let's face it! I wish... More

Were going to Rio!
Edward and Bella
Gender reveal :)
Hormones are fun!....Not
Sex on the beach
Family time
Cats out of the bag
32-week appointment
Stay at home
Baby Time
1 Day post partum
Please dont go....
Baby's first checkup!
Authors note!
Your back!
Beach baby
Date Night
Food poisoning
Authors note- sick
How I met your mother
Blood tests
authors note! I needed to do this
Condoms and birth control
it's time
Mackenzie Foy
authors note -Family emergency
By Your Side
Elle Magazine
I'll be there for you
Lunch Disaster
Where is the baby?
Every parent's nightmare
72 hours
Hospital Blues
First word, First steps and Getting Drunk...Oh My!
1st Birthday
Mom, I think I'm dying
authors note
Unexpected Consequences
Officially Grandparents
Please tell me.....I'm dreaming
The Funeral
Why Eliana?
The Hauntings Of Our Past
Coming Home
Very Unexpected!
24-week birth
When Nothing Else Matters!
Welcome home
2 months later
First Cuddle
Christmas Eve
A new day
End of the road
Never easy
I don't know what to do with her!

First Day of Preschool

690 17 4
By MarinaShipper19

Hey, guys! I know you're probably wondering where I am going with this story ;) but do not worry I have big plans for this story and it will make more sense as it goes on. thank you and enjoy :)


3 years later 

Today was Eliana's first day of preschool, Rob was away filming and Kristen was in the kitchen teary eyed while cooking pancakes. Today was the day she dreaded, she knew she was going to be emotional. Her little girl was growing up way too quickly. She wasn't ready and neither was Robert.

She headed up to Eliana's room to find her baby girl asleep. Curled up under the covers.

"Eliana sweetheart" Kristen whispered as she set on the bed

"Mommy?...." Eliana whispered as she opened her eyes

"Yeah, baby, it's me."

"I got school today?"

"Yeah, Elaina. Breakfast is downstairs. Why don't you head down there? Momma has to feed Alora and then we will join you"

"Momma, I will miss you and tissy...."

"It's only for a couple hours baby.....you will have fun," Kristen said trying to not show in her voice how much this was hurting her.

Kristen was currently 6 weeks post partum from having their second daughter, Alora. They had been trying for another one since Eliana was 2 and finally, she got pregnant with Alora. Kristen watched as Eliana ran past her and down the stairs before making her way back to the master bedroom. Heading over the bassinet that was on her side she saw Alora awake, looking around with curious eyes.

"Good morning baby" Kristen whispered as she picked Alora up. She took the baby downstairs with her, settling on the couch. The baby fed while Kristen watched Eliana at the table from the couch.

She finished feeding Alora and got her settled in the rock n play before making her way up to Eliana's room and picking out an outfit for her to wear. she headed back downstairs and Eliana was now talking to Alora.

"Ok, Eliana lets get you dressed." they went into the bathroom and Eliana got dressed while Kristen worked on her hair. she was glad that her body guards agreed to be by Eliana's classroom. Kristen was nervous about sending her daughter to school, even if it was a private school but she was in no position to home school.

"ok, are you ready?" she asked Eliana

Eliana looked at her, her eyes full of panic. making Kristen crouch down to her level.

"It's only for a few hours and then I will be right there to get you alright?"

"You and tissy?" Eliana questioned

Kristen giggled. "yes, me and sissy. now, come on or we will be late."


Arriving at the school, Kristen looked into the backseat at Eliana who was looking out the window with a terrified look on her face. she slowly got out and went around to Eliana's side.

"I will walk you to your classroom alright? just let me check on sissy ok."

Eliana followed Kristen as she went to the other side to check on Alora. The baby was asleep and Kristen was sure it would be alright to quickly take Eliana inside. She quietly closed the door and locked it before taking Eliana's hand and walking into the building. When they arrived at the classroom, Kristen didn't want to let go and neither did Eliana but it was time for her baby girl to start this stage of her life. She got down on her knees

"I love you, sweetheart. I'll be back before you know it."

"Please don't go, mommy...." Eliana whimpered clinging to Kristen for dear life

"I can't stay here baby, I have to take care of sissy. you be good alright?"

"Ok, mommy....."

"I love you, honey," Kristen said as she hugged Eliana. she watched as Eliana headed into the classroom before she made her way back to her car. This was extremely hard for her, it seemed like just yesterday Eliana was a tiny baby and now she was starting preschool.

Alora started crying as Kristen pulled in the driveway. "Oh Alora baby girl, momma's coming." She said as she shut the car off and got out.

"Alora honey, calm down. You are going to choke" Kristen cooed as she picked the baby up. Alora was the polar opposite of Eliana. Eliana was an easy baby most of the time, where Alora... If she did not like something or needed something, she was going to let you know, loudly and would often make herself choke.

She headed up to her room, settling herself on the bed before getting Alora eating. She tried keeping her mind off of Eliana, it was weird and foreign to her. Not having the sound of Eliana's voice right next to her 24\7. Not being in the living room or her room playing with her and not seeing her with Alora if Kristen needed to get something done. It was incredibly weird. She looked down into her baby girls eyes, Alora reached up and grabbed Kristen's hair making her giggle.

She suddenly stared out the window, moments of her life replaying like a film in her mind. When she met Rob when they found out she was carrying Eliana, all the scary moment of the pregnancy, giving birth to her baby girl, when Rob got down on one knee and asked her to be his wife. The beautiful wedding ceremony they had a year later, yes she was officially Kristen Pattinson. Finding out she was finally pregnant again and then the birth of Alora.

The wedding they had was small, with only close friends and relatives. They were both incredibly happy that Kristen finally had his last name.

She was brought out of her thoughts when her phone rang next to her. Her heart sunk thinking something had happened to Eliana but upon seeing it was Robert, she relaxed


"Hey sweetheart, how are you?" Rob asked her.

"I'm alright, hanging in there"

"You know she will be alright right?"

Kristen rolled her eyes. "I know, but still. hey, give me a break I'm allowed to worry"

Rob chuckled. "Yes, you are love, hey listen I gotta go back to set but I will call you again later alright?"

"Sounds good." After they parted ways, Kristen took Alora into the living room, laying her on the play mat. She laid next to the baby quietly stroking her cheek as Alora slowly fell into a deep slumber. Somewhere along the line, Kristen must have fallen asleep too because her phone alarm went off at 11:30 indicating that it was time for her to get Eliana. She got Alora ready and then they were off.

Arriving at the school, Kristen got Alora out since she was very much awake and headed inside. She waited with the other moms outside the classroom door and signed a few autographs. When the kids piled out, Eliana ran straight to her mother. she was sobbing and shaking as she clutched onto Kristen's leg. This got Kristen very concerned, she slowly crouched down and brought Eliana to her chest

"Sweetheart, what happened?" Eliana didn't answer, she just kept on crying. "Im going to talk to your teacher alright? do you want sissy to stay with you?"

Eliana whimpered. "Yes."

"Come here," Kristen took the girls over to the wall. Eliana sat on the floor and Kristen laid Alora in her arms. She asked one of her bodyguards to stay with them before going into the classroom. She found out that Eliana had a pretty rough day, other kids picked on her because of who her parents were. she had always taught Eliana to never be mean and was glad when the teacher said Eliana had not done anything wrong. Taking a deep breath before going back to her girls.

The car ride home was quiet and it usually wasn't like Eliana. arriving home, Kristen was currently laying in bed with Eliana curled up against her and Alora on her chest.

"Mommy?" Eliana tiny shaky voice said

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Are you mad at me?"

"No honey, not at all. the teacher told me what happened. I could never be mad at you! you did the right thing and didn't fight back I'm proud of you sweetheart."

"Dylan said that you guys don't love me, that I'm worthless," Eliana said as she started softly crying again. Kristen sighed and slowly turned over, snuggling Alora in between them. She raised her hand up and pushed Eliana's hair out of her face.

"Eliana, I don't know who this Dylan kid is. but he is wrong! Mommy and Daddy love you so much and just because Alora is here doesn't mean we love you any less. alright, sweetheart?"

"Ok momma"

"Do you want to talk to daddy?"

"Can we?"

"We can see if he is available," Kristen said as she pulled her phone of out of her pocket. Robert picked up on the second ring and immediately asked how school went.

"Eliana, can you watch Alora for momma? I promise you can talk to daddy after I do alright?"

"Ok, mommy!"

"Just make sure she doesn't fall off the bed," Kristen said as she got up. She went into the hallway, stopping right outside their door. She explained everything to rob, he was pissed to say the very least. Kristen then turned the phone over to Eliana and climbed back into the bed, pulling both her girls against her. she watched as Eliana talked to Rob and in her head, she was counting down the days until they would be together again..only 54 days to go...


Found this picture below and I thought it was too cute not to share <3 

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