The After

By LunaTheDruid

182 8 1

It's a story about my friends and I, and if we lived in an apocalypse, struggling to survive every day for fo... More

Hell has begun
The Pillage
What do We do Now?
The hell?!
Beyond my whaaaa?
It's all gone. Don't try and change it
So this is it, My end, our end..

Fruit Cake...

12 0 0
By LunaTheDruid

(A/N) Okay so it's been about 14 or so months, so about A year and 2 months Nyquaryn and the rest of the group has been in the apocalypse.. on to le story now! <3 - Mert

  (Jonathan's POV)

Right now Selena and I were currently whispering on the couch. Just talking about stuff. I mean we've been hanging out a lot more in the recent months, also lately she's been acting a lot more strange around me. Though mainly all of us were stressed. A few rats decided it would be okay to binge eat about a sixth of our food.. which was a lot. We're about down to maybe 200 cans of food now. That would satisfy us 4 for about... 50 days. We recently haven't been finding food, we've and other survivors out somewhere have been getting and picking the stores clean. I sighed at my thoughts. "Jon! Did you even hear me!?" Selena whisper shouted at me, snapping her fingers in front of me. I softly gasped, before focusing back on Selena. "No.. I was lost in thought, what were you saying sorry..." I gently whispered.

  I saw Selena sigh, I felt bad for this for some reason, I never felt bad if I did that to Sylvester. "I was telling you about what I found.. it's dangerous to go outside, but I found this lovely spot that faces the sunset, Luna's lake, and it's shaded by trees." she happily told. I smiled at her joy, she seemed really happy about this. "So I obviously want to show it to you." she whispered. I cocked my head to the side, why me out of everyone else? She knows Sylvester a lot better, so why wouldn't she go tell Sylvester and not me. I'm not special at all. "Okay.." I nodded to her. We suddenly heard a loud gasp come from upstairs. We all held our breath. A cheerful Nyquaryn came down holding stuff. "Guess where I found these..." he held up a bunch of Pocky.. and... the actual card game of Cards Against Humanity! I was shocked. "Where.." I muttered. "Under Luna's bed, there's a little trapdoor, it was in there for some reason.... I think..." He stopped whispering. "This was when Luna and I were going to hang out the weekend.. and then the Tuesday we had to go home... that weekend we would have done the Pocky game and also played Cards Against Humanity.." he sounded extremely sad. Anyone would be.. I can tell Nyquaryn is getting better with Luna not being here.

(Sylvester's POV)

  I groggily opened my eyes. I was up really late last night pondering stuff, what our lives and summers, and other months would be like if we hadn't had this entire apocalypse. I was also thinking about why They were here. Were they here to take over the entire human race, because if so, They did a damn good job at clearing us out in the first few months. I was so surprised we all have lasted this long. I slowly sat up, swinging my legs over the full-sized bed. I was currently hanging out in the basement. 3 of us slept down here. Me, Jonathan, and Selena. Nyquaryn slept in Luna's room, and Kareem slept in her parent's room. By this point in time we have all truly deemed her dead, so we don't think about her anymore.

  I slowly put my feet on the cold pavement. It was now winter, again. I was the one who would keep track of the months so we wouldn't go insane and forget dates. We still celebrate Christmas, and other important and semi-important holidays. I started to walk to the stairs going up to the main hallways in the house. I reached the top of the stairs pretty soon, opening the door to the hallway, looking to the left and finding a.. happy.. and or excited Nyquaryn. This confused me, normally he was so... zen.. I slowly crept up behind him. I went around him, an eyebrow cocked. I looked down near his abdomen. Cards Against Humanity.. and a shitload of Pocky. I softly laughed before saying "Where the hell did you get that?" Nyquaryn smirked, happiness clear in his eyes. "Somewhereeeee." he chimed. I rolled my eyes before looking over at Jonathan and Selena. Jonathan's hand on Selena's leg, Selena's face slightly blushing and her arms in between her lap. I winked and mouthed 'Sylvester's the name, and molesting's the game.' I saw Selena glare at me softly making me laugh some more. "Guys let's play some Cards Against Humanity." Nyquaryn suggested, I just nodded.

  We all sat around the coffee table and I was explaining stuff to Jonathan. "Also... if you win the round, you have to Pocky kiss the person that's next to you." I smirked. His face went completely red at this, I seriously wondered if him and Selena were a thing and he just hadn't told any of us yet.. or even if he was ever going to tell us. I started to giggle softly at his stammering of 'buts' and 'ehs' and other mumbles you can't really make out. Nyquaryn gently pinched his arm as he snapped out of it. Nyquaryn then sorted out our hands and then flipped the first card over, Nyquaryn being the Czar, me next.

(A/N) Sorry timeskip to a kiss I'm so lazy and tired, I'm also sick, so please don't judge me.

  "Alright that's 8 wins Jonathan.." Nyquaryn said as he marked the last tally, declaring Jonathan the winner of our little game. "Time to kiss Selena~" he chimed, handing him a Pocky. Jonathan blushed 200 shades of red, even his ears hinting red. He looked away, averting his eyes as he took off his glasses and covered his face. "Come on, you have to do it." Jonathan sighed heavily at my words. Uncovering his face, grabbing the Pocky out of Nyquaryn's grasp, putting the biscuit side in his mouth, and faced Selena, grabbing her face as she gasped, pushing the Pocky into her mouth. She quickly noticed what was happening, bit the Pocky quickly, kissing Jonathan. His eyes shooting wide open.. slowly faltering back down into a closed eyed kiss. He then grabbed Selena, putting her ontop of him as he grabbed her lower back and cupped her face. Then that's when Nyquaryn and I both left smirking and dying of laughter on the inside.

  We turned a corner of the hallway, coming to face Kareem. He looked kind of dazed and confused, only adding onto our laughter and small giggles and snorts. I saw Nyquaryn tearing up from laughter. Good. Tears of happiness, I made him happy again, I hate seeing him so upset.. over a girl he barely got to know.. He's known me for a lot longer. I used to think it was weird how much they had in common and how it was almost love at first sight. My odd thoughts were cut off when Nyquaryn said "Hey, you okay there Ms. Venus Fly Trap?" gently laughing, probably because of me being lost in thought. I sighed and shook my head at him. "Shut your jerk mouth." I muttered to him as we went upstairs. There was an area in the house where it was sound proof. It was because of Luna's violin. So she could practice at night, when she's apparently the best. I hummed a soft tune as we got in there. "What are you humming?" Nyquaryn said in an actual tone and not a whisper this time. "I don't remember." I said sadly.

  Nyquaryn obviously saw the pain in my eyes. I did miss before all of this happened. I miss my parents, all my other friends, getting to Skype Kane and Talia.. the two of my best internet friends. I missed my brother, my dog, everyone I had before all of this. I didn't realize I was crying until Nyquaryn quickly made his way over to me, hugging me tightly, petting my head gently, saying "It's okay, I'm here." Does he like me now... now that she's gone? I was shocked, that this amazing guy most likely fell for a girl like me. I smiled, hugging Nyquaryn back. I gently sniffled, smelling his scent. I pushed my head further into his chest. He looked down upon me, smiling, I could feel it. I felt that I was right at home, in safe hands. I gently sung, "You put your arms around me and I feel at home.." it was a lyric Nyquaryn was obsessed with me singing. I looked up into his baby blue eyes, grinning at him.

  "Alright you messed up fruit cake, let's go see what we can do for dinner... we're going to need to stock up more on food as well. We should go to the city, according to Kareem when he was last there it was obvious not a lot of people pillage there, that's where they love to be, in the large city." Nyquaryn explained to me. I cocked my eyebrow as I was listening to him before nodding. "We should all go, it'll be a great adventure for us!" I suggested. He smiled back at me, a warm happy smile.. and agreed. I felt a fuzzy feeling deep within me.

(A/N) Okay so.. sorry for not updating, I felt sick with my throat and my nose, then I threw up and it was gross as fuck. But anyways I feel better now and should be doing better with my updating schedule, there will obviously be a chapter or even two tomorrow.

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