In love with my geeky step br...

By Seager99

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(1) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(2) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(3) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(4) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(5) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(6) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(7) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(8) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(9) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(10) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(11) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(12) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(13) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(14) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(15) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(16) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(17) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(18) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(19) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(20) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(21) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(22) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(23) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(24) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(25) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(26) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(27) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(28) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(29) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(30) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(32) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(33) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(34) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(35) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(1) A perfect love (Sequel to In love with my geeky step brother!?)
(2) A perfect love (Sequel to In love with my geeky step brother!?)
(3) A perfect love (Sequel to In love with my geeky step brother!?)
(4) A perfect love (Sequel to in love with my geeky step brother!?)
(5) A perfect love (Sequel to in love with my geeky step brother!?)
(6) A perfect love (Sequel to in love with my geeky step brother!?)
(7) A perfect love (Sequel to in love with my geeky step brother!?)
(8) A perfect love (Sequel to in love with my geeky step brother!?)
(9) A perfect love
(10) A perfect love
(11) A perfect love
(12) A perfect love
(13) A perfect love
(14) A perfect love
(15) A perfect love

(31) In love with my geeky step brother!?

7.9K 103 21
By Seager99

In love with my geeky step brother!?

Chapter 31

I spent the next few days in the hospital going from my room to Daniel's. I wanted to stay with him the whole time but since I was a patient they wouldn't allow it. My physical wounds healed nicely and I was released from the hospital to go home. They wanted to call my Aunt to take care of me but I told them that it wouldn't be necessary since I was going to spend every waking moment with Daniel at the hospital.

I phoned Lucy to take me home so that I could change my clothes and get my car. She picked me up a few minutes later and we headed to my house.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" She asked as she pulled up in my driveway.

"No, I'll be ok" I replied knowing that I was lieing, there was no way on earth I was ever going to be ok again.

"I'll call you later" She said and then took off.

I headed inside feeling my tummy knot tighter with every step I took. I threw the bag of clothes that Lucy brought me on the couch and started up the stairs to my room. I tried not looking around or thinking about where I was and all the memories that the house held but failed miserably.

When I finally reached my room tears were running down my face and my body was shaking violently. I considered lying down on my bed and just crying myself to death but reconsidered, I had to get back to the hospital so that I could be with Daniel. I took a quick shower not feeling like spending any more time at the house then I needed to and then slipped on a denim and tank top. I grabbed a back pack out of my cupboard and stuffed some clothes in it before I left.

As I drove to the hospital I found it very hard to concentrate on the road. I nearly made two accidents and felt relieved when I finally got there. Since I wasn't a patient at the hospital anymore they couldn't stop me from staying with Daniel so I headed straight to his room.

The next three weeks dragged by slowly and every day that passed just got worse and worse. I spent every day and night at the hospital with Daniel, I only went home to shower and get some clean clothes. I couldn't really sleep but the times I did manage to fall asleep without being woken up by horrible nightmares I slept on the couch in Daniel's room or sitting on the chair next to him with my head resting on his bed.

Lucy came to visit me a lot but there wasn't really anything she could do to help or make me feel better. The doctors were starting to get really worried about me but I refused to leave or to go live with Lucy while Daniel was still in the hospital. They told me that there was a chance that he might never wake up but I didn't believe them. I had stay positive and keep on believing that he was going to wake up and that we could finally be together again.

I spoke to him a lot hoping that he could hear me and that he knew I was there with him. I didn't want him to feel alone, I wanted him to know that I'll always be there for him.

It was on one of those nights that I couldn't fall asleep that the miracle I've been waiting for finally happened. I was sitting on the edge of his bed telling him how much I loved him and needed him. I leaned forward and gently brushed my lips against his not expecting anything so when I felt his lips tremble beneath mine I almost went into shock.

I pulled away quickly and scanned his body to see if I was just imagining things or if he was really moving. At first I didn't see anything but then I saw his finger twitching.

"Daniel, can you hear me?" I questioned taking his hand in mine.

"Come on, please Daniel... I need you to wake up" I begged. I felt his finger twitch again and then his eyes fluttered open and focused on me for a second before closing again. I felt my heard pounding in my chest with hope and excitement.

"Chloe" Daniel whispered softly and I could feel he was trying to squeeze my hand.

"Yes it's me, I need you to stay with me" I said as I jumped up and ran to the other side of his bed to press the buzzer. As soon as that was done I sat down on his bed and took his hand in mine again.

He didn't say anything else but I knew he was starting to wake up because his fingers kept on twitching and every now and then he would try to open his eyes. It wasn't long before the doctor came and I told him that Daniel was waking up. At first he didn't believe me but when he saw Daniel opening his eyes and squeezing my hand he was amazed.

He immediately started checking Daniel's vitals and confirmed that Daniel was definitely better and busy waking up. My heart was still aching for my mom and Robert but I couldn't help but feel happy at that moment.

It took another few minutes before Daniel completely regained consciousness but when he finally did and he looked at me with those beautiful loving eyes I knew that everything would be ok now.

"Hi, I've missed you" I whispered softly. I wanted to hold him in my arms and kiss him and hug him but the doctor was there and I knew now wasn't the right time to do such things.

"Chloe" Daniel whispered softly as a small smile crept over his face.

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