Suicide to fame

By dorkvader

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“You attempt suicide and suddenly, everyone knows you.” During summer, the high school outcast, Keira, attemp... More

Suicide to fame
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter four

Chapter three

466 11 12
By dorkvader

As I open the door to homeroom, I'm surprised to find a man, maybe in his late 30’s, already occupying the teacher’s desk. This must be Mr. Ellis, the new teacher. Situated in front of him is a book, very old from the looks of it. He was deeply engrossed with its pages until he heard me shut the door.

Slowly, he looks up and another set of piercing blue eyes met my green ones.

Wow. Those cannot possibly be real. They must be contacts or something.

“I wasn’t expecting anyone so soon.” He says in a friendly voice. “You’re a bit early.”

I laugh nervously.

“Sorry about that. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be in here either. I was hoping I could read here and just wait for class to start.” I explain

He motions for me and I awkwardly walk towards his desk.

“That’s okay, class won’t start for about,-“he checkes his watch. “30 minutes so feel free to do anything you like.”

I smile and thank him.

I pick a chair in the far back, took out my copy of Perks of being a wallflower from my bag, and made myself comfortable.

In between pages of my book, I would sometimes glance towards the desk, to the man currently oblivious to the world around him, as he is too lost in his own thoughts to even notice. 

He’s wearing a light blue button down with the sleeves rolled up, a dark blue tie and beige khaki pants. His hair is dark brown with some light ones scattered on random areas. His face looks sculpted, very firm and straight but in an attractive way.

Suddenly, as if he felt my gaze on him, he looks up from his book and smile.

I blushed.

“I’ll just head out to the faculty room to get some books.” He announce as he stands up from his chair. “you’ll be okay here alone?”

I wonder if he knows about me. I nod and he went outside.

Soon, people starts filing in. Students that I could recognize from my previous classes from last year now occupied the chairs around me, Matt and Carlo from pre-calculus, Kelly from chemistry and some girls from my English class.

I kept my head down, focusing on Charlie’s words, trying my best to ignore the world just like what Mr. Ellis did a while ago.

After a few minutes, the bell rang, signaling the start of first period. Mr. Ellis went in and stands in front of the class, a smile adorning his face.

“Good morning” He said. “I’ll be your homeroom adviser for this year.”

He picks up a marker from his desk and went on writing on the whiteboard

“My name is Mr. Ellis.” pointing at the board.

“This is your last year in high school and I presume you already know the rules, but I’m obligated to tell you guys anyway.” He said. He starts reciting the school rules one by one. Nothing I haven’t heard before.

“Any questions?” he asked when he was done.

A girl in the front row raises her hand, and Mr. Ellis motions for her to speak.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” the girl asked while twirling a lock of her strawberry blonde hair.

That received a couple of laughter’s from the girls and eye rolls from the boys.

“Well, Ms.…?”

“Bree, Bree Roberts”

“Well, Ms. Roberts, I’m actually happily married.” Mr. Ellis confesses.

And true enough, I spot a silver ring on his left ring finger.

“If there aren’t any more questions about my relationship status, lets proceed on attendance shall we?”

He starts calling names randomly.

“Max Griffin?”


“Ashley Owens?”


This continues until he finally calls my name.

“Keira Martin?”

The room erupts into murmurs.

“Quite everyone.” Mr. Ellis says.

“Here” I said weakly.

After the attendance check, the bell rang and Mr. Ellis says his goodbyes.

“Remember seniors, every 7 O’clock you need to be here in this room, late three times and its straight to the principal’s office or detention. Got it?”

A chorus of “Yes, Mr. Ellis” came from the room.

The students start packing up their things, including me. As I sling my backpack to my shoulder, I hear Mr. Ellis call my name.

“Ms. Martin?”

I look around. The room is almost empty, just a few students left. I made my way to the front and stopped when I reach the desk.


“If there’s anything you would like to talk about, any problems in school or maybe you want someone to just listen, I’m here.” He said, looking at me straight in the eyes.

So he does know about me. He just isn't that obvious about it unlike most of the student body.

“Sure.” I say.

“I’m serious, Ms. Martin. Anything at all, don’t be scared to ask me.” He sounds sincere.

I stood there, not knowing what to say. This is a first for me. No one ever gave me much care, even before my attempt on ending my life. It feels…nice.

“I will.” I say.

He nodded and I walked towards the door.

“Mr. Ellis?” I stopped, holding the handle. “Thanks.”

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