Evolution (Book 1 of POE chro...

By shadowcheah

1.5M 46.6K 6K

*Over 1.4 million reads - published on Amazon* My name is Abigail Beckett, and this is 2415, the human race i... More

A quick word before you read...
Chapter 1 My name is Abigail
Chapter 2 Legre
Chapter 3 Questions for Answers
Chapter 4 POE
Chapter 5 Goodbyes
Chapter 6 New Beginnings
Chapter 7 Tests
Chapter 8 Ancient Hisotry
Chapter 9 Fresh Meat
Chapter 10 New friends
Chapter 11 You are Mental
Chapter 12 Games that we play
Chapter 14 Out of Control
Chapter 15 What I am capable of
Chapter 16 Dodge
Chapter 17 Mind vs Fire
Chapter 18 Family
Chapter 19 Ready or Not
Chapter 20 Let the game begins
Chapter 21 I believe I can fly
Chapter 22 Error
Chapter 23 Past Present Future
Chapter 24 Wait what?
Chapter 25 Glitz and Glam
Chapter 26 Don't
Chapter 27 Pax
Chapter 28 It's complicated
Chapter 29 Ruin 18387
Chapter 30 Run
The secret origin of Tom Triole - Part 1
The Secret Origin of Tom Triole - Part 2
The Secret Origin of Tom Triole - Part 3
The Secret Origin of Tom Triole - Part 4
The Secret Origin of Tom Triole Part 5
Christmas + New Year Giveaway [open until 31st Dec, 2016]

Chapter 13 Team building

41.7K 1.3K 131
By shadowcheah

Hey all :D finally updated! I have two weeks (well, less now) till my exams, still a bit behind on my revision so wish me luck!

Meanwhile I will try to write whenever i have a moment to stop and catch a breath :)

Also I wanted you guys to know that I went to the Wattpad London meet up :D and it wasn't as good as I had hoped - more like super awkward. But I met some nice people and got freebies :)

Please comment and vote!


It would be a lie to say that I didn't scream. But I managed to hold back most of it and the sound that I ended up making was more like a small squeal.

'Chicken.' Tom snickered, I felt like hitting him but didn't in case I got Oscar instead. That guy is a total jerk. Can't believe I thought his accent was cute.

'What are we suppose to do?' I asked as the darkness surrounding us began to dissipated and saw that we were now crouched behind a battered old car in the corner of a dark, grey street, not unlike the one that I had my first encounter with a Legre.

'Just follow our lead, try not to touch anything, make any noise. And stay alive.' Tom said, casting me a backward glance while he carefully maneuver around the car. Oscar was doing the same thing on the other side and nodded for me to follow him.

Getting up cautiously I followed Oscar closely while remaining hidden behind the car. I was starting to feel a little unease about this exercise. The whole place felt so real with the grey mist swirling around the road and the dead, empty atmosphere.

'How do you know it's this way?' I whisper shouted at Tom as we crouch-walked through the street, staying in the middle of the road in a line with Tom at the front and me at the back.

Tom shot me a glare, but eventually spoke up. 'We were put in the middle of the town, we had done this exercise before, it's pretty straight forward, any direction is fine as long as we get out.'

I nodded, comfort by the fact that Tom and Oscar had done this before. With a jolt I realised I didn't even know what Oscar's power is. I will probably find out during this exercise though.

We move through the road cautiously. All the buildings were semi-destroyed and everything looked grey. The town was eerily quite as we meandered our way through the deserted streets.

'Great.' Tom said, a string of swear words left his mouth. We had just turned a corner and found the road was a sleeping Legre, in front of a pile of wrecked cars and crumpled building blocking off the road.

'Walk back slowly.' Tom said, raising a hand and taking very cautious step backward. I mimicked his motions while I took in the Legre. This one similar yet unlike that one that I encountered in London Citybase. They were both four footed with a sleek, leopard like built, but the resemblance ended there.

This creature was huge and chunky, with long strands of dark hair with streaks of white in. it looked like a mix of a wolf and leopard, lethal and feral.

As if sensing my thoughts the creature opened its eyes and looked right at me. With a start I realised I forgot to put my mental wall up again. Maybe they could sense it, but no way was I going to tell Tom, he would just scrowl at me. Tom and Oscar looked dismay by this, but despite the fact that neither of them particularly like me (I think), they both stepped in front of me hiding me from sight.

My heart was warm by their gesture, even though we were only facing a imaginary threat. But I wasn't the kind of girl that need protection. Then I remembered, neither of them knew what my power is. Mr Andrewson didn't say anything, I wonder if he did it on purpose and what was his reason for not telling.

'Looks like we have to fight it.' Tom said, Oscar nodded in agreement and we continued to back away from the creature, who had now rose from its resting position and was growling at us.

'It's a Class C hybrid.' Oscar said, his eyes narrowing into two slits as he looked at the Legre in an almost identical growl. 'Tom, what's the plan?' he asked, as if I didn't exist. Feeling agitated I decided that it was high time I find out what they were thinking about.

'Plan B.' Tom said, his mind was filled with the usual french words. Oscar gave another nod and his mind was a lot easier to read.

So I will distract and he will attack. Good. I wonder what Mr Andrewson wanted us to do? Protect this girl? At least she is quite smart, and haven't stroll around and scream or anything like that new girl last year in Dungeons and Dragons.

The muscles on my left cheek contract uncontrollably. This guy is ridiculous. First, he was still referring to me as this girl. Secondly they were completely alienated me from their plan as an object of protection. Since when have I, Abigail Beckett, have been on the protected side of things? The answer is never.

Smirking I began to formulate a plan in my head as I backed off to another abandoned car where Tom and Oscar intended for me to stay. If these guys think that I was just a weak, scared new girl, they had another think coming.

Tom moved off the the other side while Oscar began approaching the Legre face on. I watched closely as Oscar flexed his arms and shook his head, then as if by magic, his arms began lengthening and thickening, furs began growing, and before my very eyes, he transformed into a bear. A giant, powerful grizzly bear.

My jaw felt like it was about to hit the floor. Holy... I should have known that Oscar would have some kind of amazing power as well, I mean, we are all in Mr Andrewson's tutor group, for god's sake.

Fidgeting around I half-sat in front of the car in a semi-comfortable position while I watched Oscar took on the Legre. Right now Bear-form Oscar was at a stare down with the Legre, as if trying to intimidate each other from attacking. Meanwhile Tom was at the base of the junk line, he moved with rather surprising speed and agility for a guy with only fire as a power.

I watched as Tom climbed precariously from one piece of ramble to another, trying not to fall or make too much noise. I contemplated whether or not I should help Tom by putting a barrier between him and the Legre to ensure his safe passage. However, since those two nice gentleman had been so nice to exclude me from their plan, it wouldn't hurt them if they get a little set back.

Class C Legre. I mused to myself, they must be quite intelligent already. Sure enough I saw the Legre's eyes shifted towards where Tom was. It knew he was there. Oscar, however didn't seemed to have notice the Legre's awareness.

This was the perfect opportunity to proof myself. I watched very closely as Tom got closer and closer to the battling duo and waited for the right moment to come.

The Legre and Oscar were finally fighting now. The good old fashion kind where they keep hitting and try to bite each other whilst keeping each other at arm's length. Nothing extraordinary about it if you ignore that fact that Oscar had turned himself into a bear. Class D Legre are smart, and they usually possess some kind of power if I haven't remembered wrongly. Especially if it's a hybrid.

As if to proved my memory correct, the Legre sent a wind blade backwards towards Tom, who had finally gotten close enough to the battle range. It was obvious from his face that he didn't see it coming and lost his footing when he tried to avoid its path.

Holding up a mind wall around Tom I successfully blocked the wind blade from shredding Tom into pieces. Then I moved a flat piece of metal ( which turned out to be a car door) under him so he landed on it immediately and drifted him slowly down to the ground.

Completely bemused Tom hopped off the car door back on the ground and looked around, finally resting his eyes on me. His face looked so confused and stunned that it was hard not to laugh. I mouthed 'you are welcome to me' with a smudge smile.

I didn't need to be a mind reader to know that he was extremely annoyed about the fact that he just got saved by me. He turned around and joined Oscar in battling the Legre, who was now attacking much more vigorously than before, since its plan to surprise Tom failed.

Oscar, however, didn't seemed to saw the whole thing, in fact he was completely focused on the Legre. The sad thing was that he was just an equal match when the Legre was holding back, now that it started being full on, he was losing his ground quickly.

Tom immediately stepped in the help, but even with the two of them it was only just enough to hold the Legre back and stop the two of them from getting hurt. There was no way that we could defeat this thing, even with me.

'Run!' I shouted, seizing the moment I managed to flung the Legre back into the junk wall and established a mind wall between the Legre and the boys and began sprinting down the street.

Shocked by the turn of events the two of them stood frozen at their place, wasting precious seconds. 'What are you waiting for? Run?' I shouted again, nearly at the end of the road by the time they came around and started running.

Barely two seconds later I felt sometime slammed into my head, more precisely my brain. The force was enough to make me dizzy but not enough to make me stop. I mentally strengthened the wall, knowing that it was going to get smashed the next time anyway. But anything to slow the Legre down.

'What did you do?' Oscar asked in awe as he caught up with me, damn his long legs. We were running our way down the other fork of the road and before I could answer, another blow hit my head and this time I tumbled.

'Are you okay?' a pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and steadied me before I crushed onto the floor. I turned around and saw that it was Tom. For a few seconds I was overcome with nauseous to answer, but I was always quick to recover.

'I am fine, the Legre is coming now, we need to keep moving.' I said, pulling myself on my feet and began running again. The guys cast me a worried glance but kept up.

'Are you okay? How did you do that?' Oscar asked again, by that time we had already sprint down two blocks and I was nearly out of breath. I gave the two a cocky smile.

'I am a Telepath. I can move things, create mental walls and such.' I said, deliberately leaving out the mind reading part. The two of them exchanged a look before turning back to me.

'Surely you can do more than that.' Tom said, frowning at me. 'Otherwise you wouldn't be put in Mr Andrewson's tutor group.'

'I don't know. Maybe, but I am new here, remember?' I retorted, Tom shut up after that, but still eyed me suspiciously.

'Which way do we go.' I asked, not entirely sure where we were. Oscar looked around and pointed towards our left.

'We need to go east and then south again to head out.' He said, taking the lead. I nodded, following him since I had no t the slightest clue which way was south and which way was east. Why couldn't he just use left and right? Not everyone have a inbuilt compass in their head.

Slowly the three of us moved through the deserted street with the same quietness and caution as we did before. We follow the road down and down, not encountering anything on our way.

'We usually get some sort of obstacle as well.' Tom said, frowning as we sped through another street still with no signs of trouble. It had been half an hour since our escape from the Legre, and things had been eerily quite. Too quiet.

'Watch out!' I screamed as I caught a blurry motion out of the corner of my eye, my heart speeding up to twice its normal rate slamming against my chest.

Oscar jumped away just in time as an entire building right behind him collapsed, scratched that, more like crumbled onto the road. A large piece of concrete hit the spot that he was standing on a split second later creating a large dent in the road.

Not that we had much time to muse over Oscar's near-stimulation-death experience, since all the buildings surrounding us seemed to spontaneously crumbled all around us, keeping us on our feet.

'Run!' Tom shouted and the three of us danced our way through the collapsing world as fast as we could, dodging falling blocks of concrete and metal. I came dangerously closed to being nailed on the ground twice but deflected the blocks just in time. I didn't even had the spare time to check how the other two were doing. My heart was in my throat and my senses were working overtime.

'Beckett, you can move stuff with your mind, right?' I heard Tom shouted over the loud noises of the building falling.

'Yes!' I screamed back, loosing my concentration for just a second and nearly lost my foot to a falling lamp post. 'Why'd you ask?'

'Oscar.' He shouted, I wasn't sure if he was ignoring me, didn't hear me, or just didn't have the time to do so. Before I could dwell on it longer, a force lifted me up in the air and I screamed, kicking around in the air.

'Whoa, it's just me.' I heard Oscar's voice said, and I realised that it was him who had lifted me up and hoisted me onto his shoulder. 'Now you can concentrate on trying to save us from being smashed into pancakes.'

I nodded, then remembered he couldn't see this anyway. This was a smart plan, I couldn't keep deflecting rocks away from me and try to help Oscar and Tom.

I started to move the blocks that fall within two meter overhead of the boys and we just kept at this for what seemed like a minute, or an hour. Then suddenly the whole room black out again. I could felt Oscar stopped where he was but didn't put me down.

It wasn't until then that I realised how close we were to each other. This was the closest I had ever been to a guy and I could feel myself blushing from the contact.

'Exercise is over.' I heard Mr Andrewson's voice said, and then the light came on again, momentarily blinding me with their intensity.

I felt Oscar's arms on my waist as he reached up to lift me back down. I could feel my face warming up even more but I willed myself not to blush, it would just be very embarrassing if he see that. And I'll never live it down if Tom see it.

I was more than glad when my feet landed firmly on the ground. My feet wobbled for a second and Oscar's arms shot out to study me. I kept my face calm and hoped that it wasn't a shade of beetroot.

'You okay?' he asked, I nodded, quickly brushed the dust off myself and realised that there wasn't any dust. Oh yeah, it was just a stimulation.

'Well done all, you made it out of the exercise. And congratulation Miss Beckett, you survived your first stimulation with flying colours.' Mr Andrewson said, from the control room which had a glass window that you could look down from with an intercom. I didn't realise that before.

'Alright, gentlemen, you know the drill, evaluation will be send to you via e-mail tomorrow.' He said, Oscar and Tom both nodded and started to leave the room. I followed their suite but Mr Andrewson stopped me.

'Can I have a word with you Miss Beckett?' He said, smiling at me in a harmless way that immediately calm my unease on hearing him say that. however I still felt a little nervous so instead of saying anything I nodded.

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