
By RosietheWeirdoWriter

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|Bill Cipher x FEM!Reader| Y/n is your normal, average, one hundred and seventy seven years old girl. You hea... More

CHAPTER ONE; Meeting Ford
CHAPTER TWO; The Dream Demon
CHAPTER THREE; Below Ground Level
CHAPTER SIX: Goodbyes Are Not Always For Forever
CHAPTER SEVEN: Bits and Pieces
CHAPTER EIGHT: Thirty Years Later
CHAPTER NINE: Summerween
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Family and Trust

CHAPTER TWELVE: Fiddleford McGucket

945 23 4
By RosietheWeirdoWriter

   I had been able to get the journal from Dipper a few nights ago so Stan photocopied it so we could give it back to him and we'd still have a copy, we had been looking back and forth between the journals and pages to put this portal together. We can do this, I know we can, with all three journals we have all the blueprints for the portal.

Stan sighed and wiped his hand on his forehead, getting some radiation on it. "I think we're done for tonight, you need sleep, I don't care if you're older than me, Kid, everyone needs sleep." Stan still called me kid, even if I told him not to. I just nodded to his comment though, I was actually pretty tired.

I walked upstairs, hearing the twins still in their room awake when I passed their door. I was curious so I knocked and then walked in. Seeing Dipper and Mabel on Dipper's bed, looking at something, a laptop of some sort. It looked like one Fiddleford had left in the bunker, it couldn't be though.

"Mabel, look at this! McGucket Labs!" Dipper slightly yelled, pointing at the laptop.

Mabel started to bounce. "Does it mean what I think it means?" Dipper slightly nodded from what I saw. "Old Man McGucket made the laptop!"

I walked further into their room, seeing it was the laptop he had left there when the Shapeshifter attacked. Had the twins gone there? Did they release the Shapeshifter? How did they escape? "What are you two up to?" I asked, snapping them out of their thoughts they were probably having.

Dipper grabbed the laptop and hid it under his pillow. "Nothing!" He quickly said, crossing his arms, he shoved Mabel off of his bed (making her say an audible ow) and pulling his covers up to his chin. "Goodnight!"

Mabel rolled her eyes, grabbing the laptop from under his head and walked over to me. Handing the laptop to me. "We found a laptop in a bunker Dipper found his silly journal after we found out using black light lit some secrets up. Do you think you could come visit Old Man McGucket with us? We don't really want to go alone, we were thinking about getting Soos and Wendy too." I heard Dipper whisper no, so I smiled.

I ruffled Mabel's head. I wouldn't mind seeing my old friend again. "Sure thing." Mabel had a face full of smiles while Dipper looked slightly annoyed at his twin, does he not trust me or something?

Mabel pulled Dipper off of his bed, grabbed their backpacks and dragged me outside and we headed towards Fiddleford's house, which, as I know, is cardboard. I should really do something to help him out, living in a cardboard box can't be good.

We made it to Fiddleford's house, after getting Soos and Wendy, and I knocked on the makeshift door, he opened it rather quick. When he opened it he looked at me, squinted his eyes and then brought us inside by pulling us in. He paced back and forth for a bit before turning to face us.

"What are you kids doing here?" He asked, as if he had completely forgot I was here. "I was in the middle of a turf war with this guy 'ere!" He pointed towards a mirror in front of him as he sat on a bucket and muttered something.

Dipper fished out the third journal and showed it to him. "You can drop the act, McGucket. I know you're the author. You studied the mysteries of this town and wrote this book." Dipper explained, I had to try to hold in my laughter, honestly, just because the laptop belonged to him doesn't mean he wrote the journal. He could've just been working with the guy who wrote the journal, which he was but Dipper didn't know that.

Wendy said something I didn't quite catch and Fidds shook his head. "Uh, genius? I'm no genius. I've never done nothin' worthwhile in my life. Everyone knows I'm good to nobody. I can't remember what I used to be, but I must've been a big failure to end up like this." That's wrong, all wrong. Fiddleford wasn't a failure, he was a wonderful man! I wanted to say something, but I couldn't, everyone would question how I knew what Fiddleford was like back when he did have his memory, his was probably a little over sixty now and he probably lost his memory after he quit working with Ford.

Dipper started showing him the journal, and I caught sight of a symbol I've seen before, an eye with a x in it. Fiddleford started to freak out, yelling something about the Blind Eye, men in robes and about how they did something with his mind. They had erased his memory! That's why he didn't recognize me when we've met before and why he looked slightly confused when I was on his makeshift doorstep. He knew he knew me from somewhere, he just didn't know where! He showed us a newspaper, with the museum on it, and so, we headed there. It was apparently the last place Fidds remembers, poor guy, not only did he lose his house and family, he lost his memory.

When we reached the museum we looked around for a little bit before finding a way into the basement with Fiddleford's help, and there were many people down there, dressed in red robes with eyes crossed out on the hood, Lazy Susan was also there and she was explaining what she saw. Gnomes, those nasty buggers. Everyone was surprised at what they did, and any of us could be next if they found us, especially me, I am, probably, a supernatural myself after all.

Soos, Dipper, and Fiddleford went to go look for Fidds' memories after the men sent Susan's to something called the Hall of the Forgotten, leaving Wendy, Mabel and I alone watching the men as they chatted and got ready to leave. Wendy and Mabel sat down and talked about girly things while I stood and watched in case anyone came close to finding us. Once the members were gone they ran off and grabbed the gun, Mabel typing something and aiming it at herself.

"Mabel no!" I slightly yelled, running up to her and grabbing the gun. "What were you thinking, you could end up losing all of your memory!" I told her.

Mabel looked up at me and I felt Wendy place her hand on my shoulder. "I'm with Y/n on this Mabel, what if you accidentally forget something you don't want to forget."

Mabel said something and an alarm went off. Members flooded the area we were in and grabbed us by the wrists, brought us over to a supporting pole and tied us up. Something must have happened to the boys because they came here too not long after we were tied up. We were about to get our memories erased, so we did the most idiotic thing to do if we didn't lose our memories. Told our deepest secrets.

"Mabel, for half the summer, I thought you're name was Maple, like the syrup. No one corrected me!"

"I only love some of my stuff animals and the guilt is killing me!"

"Sometimes I use big words, and I don't actually know what they mean. I mean, I'm supposed to be the smart guy. If I'm not the smart guy, who am I?"

"Okay, I'm not actually laid back. I'm stressed, like, twenty-four-seven. Have you met my family?"

Everyone turned to look at me, I might as well say one of the secrets I've been keeping. "I've known about the supernatural since I was seventeen!"

"Wait, aren't you seventeen right now?" Mabel questioned, making Soos give me a confusing look.

"Dude, weren't you twenty-two when, like, five years ago? Wouldn't that make you, what, twenty-seven now?" Soos asked, making everyone look at me.

Blind Ivan, as we learned was the leader of The Blind Eye, aimed the gun at us. "Oh, stop being a bunch of babies." He pushed the trigger down and a bright light spread to us, I closed my eyes, waiting for my memory to be erased. It didn't.

I opened my eyes to see Fiddleford in front of us, he hadn't been captured! "McGucket?" Everyone called out, except for me, I was just amazed at what he did. He only met us (well, once again, rather than me but he didn't remember that) at the beginning of the summer and only got to really know us today. And he just risked his life for us, and besides, I would've called him Fiddleford. Saying last names were never really my thing, unless I'm really angry at the person, in that case, last name it is.

Fiddleford threw items at us from the display cases upstairs, untied us (which he probably should've done first) and told us to fight. Which we did, and during it Dipper ran out and went to go grab Fiddleford's memory tube. We played monkey-in-the-middle with it and the members for a little bit, and when it ended up at me, Blind Ivan stood in front of me. The memory gun in his hand, pointing it at my head, my eyes went wide.

"Give me the tube," He demanded, holding out his free hand, letting the memory gun shake a little.

I pulled the memory tube closer to me. "Never! The memories in this tube belong to Fiddleford!" Shoot, should've said McGucket.

Blind Ivan groaned. "You idiot girl! The Society's secrets belong to us, and is a secret! So give it to me!" The rest of the members had backed everyone up into a corner, including Fiddleford, while I stood, staring at Blind Ivan. A smirk spread to his face. "End of the line, after I shoot you, I'll shoot your friends. By tomorrow, this will all seem like a bad dream! Say goodbye to your precious memories!" I heard the gun fire and closed my eyes. I felt my hands heat up and I wished that whatever happened I didn't lose the memory tube. "No! It can't be! You're not even human!" I heard Blind Ivan shout, I opened my eyes to see Blind Ivan's hands shaking like crazy, both on the memory gun. He shot it again, it bouncing off of me and at the wall. I couldn't get shot by the gun, I couldn't lose my memories.

I looked down at my hands, they were on fire, it was just like what happened at Mabel's sock puppet show. My hands caught on fire to protect me, the first time from Bill and the second time from Blind Ivan. Why was this happening, in the last hundred and fifty years this has never happened to me, why is it happening now? I stared at them for a minute before I heard Blind Ivan yell out in pain, at least, that's what it sounded like. Fiddleford had hit him in the head, with his own head. Blind Ivan dropped the memory gun, it skidding near me, I looked around only to see the other members of the weird group tied up, some gagged too. Mabel was looking proud at what she had done and Dipper just kept pacing around.

Fiddleford grabbed Blind Ivan and tied him up and placed him with the others, Dipper decided to take the gun away for me for some odd reason. When Blind Ivan awoke, well actually a minute or two after and after some arguing, Dipper shot him with the gun, making him lose his entire memory. On our way to escort them out, this made me laugh, Blind Ivan asked who he was, so Mabel made up a name and gave him a banjo, saying he was a traveling banjo minstrel. So, after they all left, we returned to basement to watch Fiddleford's memories. It was all going good until another memory passed us, one I don't even remember myself.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Fiddleford called in the memory, running up to me. It looked like I had just been kicked out of Ford's place since there was still clearing snow on the ground. Past me turned around, my eyes were bloodshot, had I even been sleeping? "You look horrible, what happened? Did you take my advice and leave?"

Past me shook her head. "He, uh, kicked me out." I didn't sound like I cared at that moment. The twins, plus Soos and Wendy looked at me, since this was thirty years ago.

Past Fidds took me by the shoulder. "He did what?" He yelled out. "How could he kick you out, it's the middle of winter! You'll freeze! Come on, you can stay with me for a little bit." There was static and a date down at the corner. February tenth. The day I went to go apologize to Ford, but it seemed like it was very early in the morning, even before the sun woke up. "I'm so sorry, Y/n, but you must forget everything about him, it'll just lead you to get crazy ideas in your head. Just like he did. I'm being kicked out of my own house, so I can't take care of you anymore, I can barely take care of myself." Fidds aimed the gun at my head. "I'm sorry." There was a bright light and then static again.

My thoughts begun to wonder, how come the memory gun didn't effect me the way Fiddleford hoped? He wanted me to completely forget about Ford, but I didn't, and the only thing I forgot was the time I spent there. Fiddleford had taken me in after Ford kicked me out and then he wanted to erased my memories of Ford, which backfired. What if, instead of hitting me, they bounced off of me, like it was doing when Blind Ivan was trying to erase my memory, and hit Fiddleford.

By the time Fiddleford's memories were over, everyone seemed to have forgotten the memory with me in it. They started to leave, I told them I would catch up later since it was about time I woke up anyways now, and I would get breakfast at Greasy's. Fiddleford stopped me before I left the museum though.

"You're still you," He announced, looking up at me because of his hunched back from leaning down so much.

I nodded. "I'm still me." I sent him a kind smile.

He seemed to have taken in a breath. "Listen, Y/n, I-I don't remember much, it's all comin' back in bits'n'pieces, but from what I saw from that memory there. We were friends and yet, I tried to erase your memory, did you actually forget whoever him was?"

I shook my head. "For some odd reason, the light that comes from the memory gun doesn't affect me, like how it didn't affect you because, well, you're mind is broken. I have no idea why mine didn't get erased though, I got hit with the gun."

Fiddleford nodded, said goodbye and left, probably heading back to his cardboard box. So I went home, forgetting about Greasy's, I wasn't going anyways, I was going straight down to the portal room to finally fix that portal. Stan and I were so close.

Stan was pouring the last of the fuel he had stolen into the machine when it started up slightly, his mug and a few pens flying in. "Y/n! It's working! It's work- ow!" A pipe hit his hand, making him grab it and walk back towards the safe room. "We've finally done it, Y/n! The portal's going to open soon and we can get Ford out!"

I laughed and grabbed his hand, pulling a white bandage over the wound. "Yeah, but, what if it isn't him who comes out? What if it's a monster?" I asked, placing a see-through piece of tape to keep the bandage on his hand.

Stan looked at me and then shrugged. "Nothing came out of it when it opened the first time, nothin' should come out of it now." I smiled, he always seemed to be so positive about this, even when we barely had any of the journals.

I was glad to have met him during my lifetime.


Dipper was still fully awake when the gravity anomaly hit, raising him and his unconscious sister off of their bed for a few minutes. He was still awake because he was thinking about what had happened with McGucket's memories, Y/n had been in them, the girl looked exactly like her and they even shared the same name. There was no way that was her mother if it looked, and had the same name, exactly like her, sure she tried to pass it off with the memory of Stan but there was no holding back that she knew Fiddleford McGucket before he lost his mind. And Soos said something about her being, at least, twenty something, Dipper didn't exactly remember, when she herself said she was only seventeen. Dipper was starting to doubt anything Y/n had ever told him was true, she knew about Bill and Bill clearly knew about her, Y/n could see him when he was stuck in the Mindscape, her hands caught on fire during their fight with the Blind Eye guys.

Dipper was already confused about who the author was, and now Y/n's problem came into the mix, Gravity Falls was already interesting enough. Having, maybe, a demon as a cousin, would make it even more interesting. Dipper shouldn't say demon though, who knows what Y/n is, she could just be a pyromaniac and carry around lighter fluid and a lighter everywhere she went, but that wouldn't explain how her hands aren't burnt or the memory tube. Dipper was confused.

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