love notes // joshler a.u.

By mukeisstrange

18.9K 1.3K 662

Josh is the shy, bullied boy who sits in the back of the classroom. Tyler is the scary, punk-rock boy who n... More



1.2K 96 11
By mukeisstrange

  Dear Josh,

  I really wanted to hurt him for you, but someone talked me out of it. You wouldn't have wanted me to do it anyway, would you? I guess you're relieved. I'm not. I'm still mad- no, not mad, furious. But I don't want to make anything worse for you, so I won't do anything. I'm not promising anything if it happens again, though.

  Reason #8: Despite everything that happens to you, you still act so happy. You can put a smile on your face no matter what. I wish I could do that. I wish I was more like you. You're amazing, Joshy. I like that name- I'm gonna start calling you that now.


    Your Still-Secret Admirer

  Josh couldn't help the large smile that crept across his face as he read the note. Tyler had stopped him! Just the mere thought of the punk boy made his stomach leap. But... that was almost the same feeling he got when he read his letters. He didn't get it about anything else- was something wrong with him? He made a mental note to ask his mother when he got home.

  Today was one of his favorite days. Why? Simply because he had art class- his favorite. He did wish the teacher wouldn't draw so much attention to him sometimes, but he still loved the class. What could be better than a whole hour and a half to draw and do what he did best (even though it still wasn't all that good in his eyes). Thankfully, Logan and his friends seemed to be skipping school that day, so he was mostly left alone as he made his way down the hall.

  Like almost every other class he had, he sat all the way in the back corner. It made him less noticeable, which meant he could do what he wanted and not be bothered by bullies. Sure, they loved tormenting him, but only when it was convenient for them. They usually wouldn't go out of their way to come over to him- or, at least, he had thought so before Logan and his group showed up at his locker.

  It was almost like lunch all over again.

  "Hi, Josh," a cheerful voice greeted from above, and a body plopped into the seat next to him. Josh looked up to see his friend, Tyler.

  "Hi, Ty!" he chirped back, probably more enthusiastically than he should've. Oh no, what if Tyler thought he was some sort of loser now? Who got that excited over seeing somebody? Luckily, Tyler didn't seem to notice. If anything, his smile grew wider. It was then that Josh remembered what Tyler had done. "Ty! You got him to ch-change his mind!"

  The brunette chuckled quietly at his companion's joyful, cheery expression. He wished he could see that side of him more instead of the quiet, shy one that was usually on display. "Yeah. He was kind of a dick about it, but I managed to talk him out of it. He was pretty mad."

  Josh pouted, half in confusion and half in exasperation. "Well, he's s-silly," the younger boy decided. "There was no reason to get so a-angry."

  Tyler raised his brows at his friend's expression. "There was perfectly good reason to get angry. I still support his opinion, but I talked him out of it so I wouldn't have to watch you pout," he replied teasingly. "Not that I'm complaining- it's pretty cute."

  Josh's face instantly flushed, and he looked down at his lap flusteredly. "Sh-Shut up."


  Josh giggled quietly and stuck his tongue out at him.

  "Oh wow, real mature," Tyler shot back, rolling his eyes playfully.

  Before Josh could retort, the teacher gave them a warning glare to be quiet. Tyler glared back defiantly, and Josh submissively averted his gaze.

  Josh decided that they were very different people, and he also decided that he really liked Tyler, even if he was different.


okay so i'm going through some major writer's block but i have like six chapters stockpiled

and like this is probs bad judgment but i figured it was kinda cruel to give you guys false hope that i actually updated

so here you go fam

also if you have any ideas for drama i'd love to hear them, bc like i said i only have like six more weeks before i'm screwed lmao

votes and comments are appreciated as always !

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