What Happens on the Neon Ligh...

By NickNemiDemi

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A nemi story... Nick Jonas & Demi Lovato... what happens when these two friends work together on the neon lig... More

What Happens on the Neon Lights Tour....
The Morning After
My Secret Boyfriend
Who's the boss?
No way... John Taylor knows?
Stop the world
Pillow Talk
The Countdown
Can you say awkward?
Close Call
Goodnight & Goodbye
Thanksgiving... I mean Valentine's day
Social Media Sucks
Guilty Conscious
But we don't see eye to eye....
Please don't shave your head
The hardest thing
Public displays of Nick Jonas
Making a statement
Bittersweet Symphony
Happiness in Jeopardy
Sick & Tired
The cold never bothered me anyway...
My heart is full...
Surprise in Paradise
Wishes do come true
Grand Finale (FINAL CHAPTER)

A Woman Scorned

3.6K 100 12
By NickNemiDemi


Demi went to the shower & I was finally alone so I could look at the text Olivia sent me a little bit ago, that I ignored for Demi's sake. I couldn't believe it when I read it. "If u2 ever start dating, I will know there was something going on & I will ruin you both. I promise you that." My blood felt like it was boiling. I hated being threatened. Now I was worried with Olivia being in my house alone, so I called Joe to have him go to check on the house & make sure he got locks changed for me when Olivia left for good. I wasn't taking any chances. I felt like I didn't know who she was, now. I wasn't sure I could trust her. I felt my phone buzz in my hand & I looked down to see another text from Olivia. "My family is still going to the show tomorrow night & they'll be watching. Told them we broke up so they'll want to talk to you." I sighed. I totally forgot that I invited Olivia's family to Demi's show in Connecticut. I really didn't want to face them now.

I was staring, blankly, out the window, when Demi came out of the bathroom. "You okay, babe?"

"Yea." I sighed. "I forgot I invited Olivia's family to the show tonight. And they know we broke up."

Demi's face fell. "Really? I'm going to have to hide my feelings even more now." Her lower lip jutted out a little. I reached to grab her by the towel that was around her. I looked up at her as her damp hair hung over her eyes.

"Don't worry much about it. Just act normal. At this point, I don't even care what her family sees." I stood up, gave her a kiss, then headed to the bathroom to get ready myself. When I came out of the bathroom minutes later, Demi was holding my phone.

"She threatened to ruin us if we ever start dating." Demi said in a quiet voice. "I'm sorry I looked. I just happened to see it when I sat on the bed & went to move it."

I took a deep breath. "It's okay. I have no secrets from you." I smiled at her. "We can keep us quiet for a while & hopefully, she'll chill out at some point."

Demi nodded her head, slowly. "I'm going to go downstairs so it doesn't look like we're coming down together."

I laughed as she bent to kiss me. "Okay, I'll be down shortly."

When I got downstairs, Demi was sipping coffee, staring at Alena as she laid in her swing. I couldn't help but to smile. Dani was sitting next to Demi, also staring at the baby. Kevin was leaning on the counter & when he saw me he took a few steps toward me. He motioned with his head & eyes for me to follow him, so I did. He led me to his enclosed back porch, thankfully it was heated.

"What's up?" I asked, Kevin. He stood with his arms crossed, watching me with a weird expression on his face.

Kevin started rocking on his heels as a smirk played on his lips. "So, last night, after I got to my room, I realized I had to take a piss, so I went to the bathroom. Then I remembered something I forgot to tell you so I knocked on your door.... no answer." Kevin's eyebrows were up. "I figured maybe you went to the bathroom so I went in & you weren't in there." His voice went up a few octaves as he continued to rock on his heels, now his hands in his pockets.

"I went downstairs to get a drink." I shrugged my shoulders, looking away, so he wouldn't see I was lying to him.

Kevin gave me one of his 'I'm your older brother, I know when you're hiding something,' looks. "I checked downstairs & nope... no Nick. So on my way up to my room, I heard some... um... rhythm noises coming from the room Demi was sleeping in...It was like a light banging & some squeaking...." Kevin's mouth was twitching, slightly, like he wanted to laugh.

"Before you say anything else, Olivia & I broke up." I said in a low voice, not knowing why I was speaking so low.

"What? When?"

"Thursday. But we're not going public with it just yet."

"So you & Demi?" Kevin didn't look surprised.

"Yea. It just kind of happened right when the tour started. I have no idea what happened, but it did. I can't believe I never had these kinds of feelings before, but in any case, I am head over heels. I want to be with her. Forever."

Kevin chuckled. "Wow. I mean.... I always thought you guys had this weird connection... but thought it was just the friend thing."

"Please don't say anything." I begged. Kevin nodded, agreeing that he would keep his mouth shut & headed back inside. I followed him inside, said goodbye to Alena & Demi took a picture of me with my niece before we got our things to leave.

Demi & I headed to the bus so we could get to Connecticut on time. Demi & I didn't do a whole lot of talking on the bus ride. We made out, made love, held each other & dozed off. When we got to Connecticut & found our way to the hotel, we headed up to Demi's room. I grabbed her once the door of her room was closed, laying a kiss on her mouth.

"I gotta change for sound check. Go to your room." Demi said, pushing me away.

"Why should I bother?" I laughed. "I'm sleeping in here tonight."

"Nick... we can't afford to mess up now. I don't want Olivia's family to suspect anything."

I sighed. "Okay, meet ya downstairs in a bit then." I kissed her cheek, then left to go to my own hotel room.

A bunch of people were heading to the venue with us, so Demi & I kept our distance from that point on. I was hanging out backstage, while Demi was doing her sound check, when Olivia's family appeared. I held my breath & gave them a slight smile as they all eyed me, curiously. Olivia's mom came over to hug me & her dad shook my hand. Her sisters barely looked at me & her brothers & sister- in- law smiled a greeting.

"I know Olivia told you about us breaking up. I just am not feeling toward her the same way as she feels about me. I don't want to keep her from finding happiness, even though I really like her family & adore her. Those aren't enough reasons to stay with her. I hope there are no hard feelings with any of you." I sighed for sympathy.

Everyone seemed to understand or they just didn't want to start something then. We talked, uncomfortably, for a while until Demi came to join us after she finished sound check. Her face was stuck in a fake smile as she approached us. I introduced her to everyone & everyone was nice enough. It was a tad awkward for everyone, but Demi handled herself like the amazing Goddess that she is. She took pics with Olivia's siblings & we even took one with me in it, too. I couldn't wait for this uncomfortable night to be over. Susan, Olivia's mom confronted me after I came offstage from my performance with Demi, later.

"Olivia thinks there's something going on with you & Demi." She said.

I pulled my lips in & sighed. "Susan, I love Demi. She's my best friend. Olivia & her didn't hit it off, so I think Olivia is taking it personally & blaming that on us breaking up. I just don't want to keep trying to feel something I may never feel for her." It wasn't a lie. That was the God's honest truth. I wasn't ever going to feel for her the way I did for Demi.

Susan nodded & told me she hoped her & I could still talk. She hoped Olivia & I could be friends one day. I wasn't sure if that was possible, but I told her I hoped so, too. Before I even saw Demi after her show, Olivia's family said goodbye to me & I was thankful they were leaving. I went to find Demi & couldn't find her anywhere. Natalie told me she left for the hotel already. That was weird. Apparently, she wasn't feeling good. I needed to go take care of her.

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