Yes , It's You || Jaemin [C]

By kookphoria-

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" look at how stupid i was before, but now i choose you. " NCT DREAM #1 🎈 More

Kim Seol Na
The Talkative New Student
He's Sweet
Everything Changes
A Date With The Boy
Jealousy In The Air
How Can It Be Like This ?
Scary But Fun
Dark Is Scary
Camp Spoiled
School's Teacher's Day
Too Much Direction !
Happy Birthday
The Plan
The Performance
Not An Update !
Hero of The Day
Second Chance
Date Again
Yes, It's You
** Author's Note


2.3K 103 15
By kookphoria-

Jaemin's POV

" Hey Jeno, Jisung. Look at this, it's awesome! " I bragged about the new game that I downloaded last night.

They just shook their heads before they continue to do their homework.

I paused my game and noticed Renjun wasn't there. " Where's Renjun?  He didn't join us? "

" Like srsly bruh, you only noticed that after 2 hours? "  My eyes widened. It's been two hours?!

Nevermind, I'll just play the game again.

" Could you ever stop playing that? You can have eyes problem, you know? " Mark nagged.

" I can finish them in an hour " I pointed at my homework, which is stacked tall.

Renjun's POV

" Seol Na? You're in there? " I knocked, trying to call her.

I never knew I will step in Jaemin's house, cause Seol Na lives in his house. She hasn't been to school for 3 days and she didn't even want to come out from her room.

I was like; 

( ps // I still can't get over Goblin! 😂 )

Surprisingly, she opened the door. " Oh hey Renjun, come in "

I scanned her room before sitting on her bed. " So I heard you DIDN'T WANT to go to school. I thought you CAN'T go to school "

" What's up? " I looked at her.

" I didn't feel well but I didn't tell anyone, that's why I don't want to go to school. "

" Why wouldn't you tell Jaemin? I mean you're his girlfriend. " I asked, confused.

She fake a smile, trying to tell me the reason.

" I wouldn't think he cares about it, he's just with his games 24/7 "  She faked a smile again, trying not to cry.

I do notice, Jaemin's always on his phone but I didn't know it would break her heart.

Because she's always acted happy at school, she always makes jokes and she laughs a lot.

She looked away, wiping her tears. I stared at her and pull her to me before I give her a hug.

As a brother, I can't stand watching my little sister like this.

" Which part hurts? " I asked her, remembering that she told me she didn't feel well.

She do the ' love ' sign with her fingers, and it took me a long time to process her message.

Once I realize the meaning, I jumped a bit.

" Since it hurts there, should we go for a walk? " I told her, ready to do anything just to make her happy again. I will also feel sad if she's sad.

She nodded, before wearing her jacket and her mask.

What's with the mask anyway? I told her not to wear them because she didn't have a reason to cover her face. So she did.

We walked to the library, which I think can help her release her stress since she likes reading.

She had like;  1931037126 books which she already read them all. But mostly books with picture.

I didn't really like reading so I just played my phone, watching her reading a anime book.

I stared to her, deeply. I wish I know how hard her life is. I can notice the hard moments she went through.

She began to laugh at the funny parts in the book and I got curious so I peeked a bit. It was great to see her laugh.

How can I stop loving her? Please stop dearself. She only loves Jaemin. Eventhough Jaemin hurted her. That's why I liked her. She was very strong yet so fragile.

I stared at the table, thinking about the things that walked into my mind. Seol Na waved her hand, making me to stop staring.

" You're okay Renjun? You seemed to be zoning out "  She asked in a worried tone.

Seol Na, don't shake me up. Hearing your worried voice shakes me up.

I shake my head and she told me she wanted to stroll around.

" Yeah sure! "

>> Time skip <<

" No! Hold my hand Seol Na! "  I said, while she's laughing. " You're so naughty! " I shouted.

She started to run away and I tried to catch her.

I was surprised when she held her head. " Gosh,  now you're in pain again! " I giggled before looking up.

Damn it. It's Jaemin.

" Uh hello Jaemin " I greet him, while my legs are shaking. There's a long silence.

" You're okay Seol Na? And hello too Renjun "  Jaemin finally spoke.

Seol Na nodded in awkwardness.

" Thank God you're okay!  If you're hurted anywhere, just tell me! " Jaemin told her while kissing her forehead.

It's not like you're replying her messages. I almost rolled my eyes there.

" Where are you going Jaemin? " Dear Seol Na, you're acting like you're not hurted. Please stop acting, it's hurts me even more.

" I'm going to the others. Wanna join? " No way we're joining! 

" Sorry Jaemin but I promised Seol Na to take a walk with her. " I guess I was too dumb to say that.

" Okay, I'm going then. Goodbye Seol Na! "  He grinned and waved at the both of us.

How can he be so happy to see his girlfriend walking with another boy? Isn't he usually pouty?

I shook my head when I saw that he's holding his phone again. Oh boy, he's changing.

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