Forever We Will Be As One

By LadyDimitrescuTLOU

397 1 0

Ah yes! A sequel to "Can We Be More Than Friends." Tom and Kathleen are getting marry on Christmas,their favo... More

Nervousness In My Heart
I Will Never Stop Loving You
May I Cheer You Up?
Don't Let Me Go
The Night We Met...
There's Nothing Holding Me Back
I'm....I'm WHAT?!!
The Good News
Big News For Us,Hiddleston
Everything Hurts
The Time Is So Close
Stressing Out!!!
Our Two Little Humans
I Don't Know What To Do Anymore
Family Hangout Day!
Time Has Past,Goodbye Beautiful Family
Rumors Are Spreading Fast
Growing Up So Fast
Graduation Day
Waking Up
Healing Up
1 Week Before Leaving The Hospital
Welcome Back Home,Tom!
Having Mid-life Crisis

Honeymoon Plans

11 0 0
By LadyDimitrescuTLOU

I'm resting in our bedroom. Yesterday was so horrible. I didn't wanted to meet Lester but now he's in jail, I'm at ease and today is very special to me. Maybe I should write the memories in our notebook. I smiles at my thought.

I smell something soo good. It's making me want to get out of bed. "Ohhh,I'm getting out of bed,alright. I'm hungry." I get out of bed and put on a robe,I walk downstairs. I see my favorite two man,getting ready for breakfast. "I got eggs! I got spam! I got bacon. Lots of bacon. I got french toast! I got hashbrown!" Tom is running everywhere in the kitchen. "Daaaaaad,you're going to get yourself hurt." He whines. "I got to make breakfast for your mother. It got to be perfect!" I sighs. "Everywhere doesn't have to be perfect,Tom." He jump,so scare and got eggs all over me. "Oh my god,baby! I'm so sorry. Forgive me!" He's grabbing a towel,wiping my shirt. And everywhere on me. I laughs so laugh. "Darling,it's alright. Don't apologize. And everything doesn't have to be perfect. Be yourself. You're not acting like yourself."

He calms down a bit. "I'm sorry,the honeymoon is stressing me out. I want everything to be perfect for you,I want you to enjoy it." I smiles. "I'll do the honeymoon plan. You relax." He smiles. "Wait! What am I going to do?!" "Poetry. Anything. Reading,hanging out with your son. Running. Do anything but don't follow me because you'll ruin my plan." He nods and smile softly and I walk upstairs and took a shower.

I change into jeans,a shirt. It said "I'm married to Tom Hiddleston." I put on a green converse,I'm walking downstairs. "Darling,I'm going out!" He nods and I kiss his lips softly,I wave goodbye and walk to my car."Hmm,what should I do for our honeymoon." I'm thinking some ideas. I drive to a park. "Maybe,I should do the honeymoon where we first met. I got a idea now!"

I went to many stores. Flowers,sweets. Tons of sweets. Foods. I called someone to set up a small theater. Can't forget about a table. My most favorite blanket he brought me. Loki. I set up a picture book. Full of drawings. I draw our memories. "Done!" I call Luke to tell Tom to come to the park. And change into pajamas. Little awhile after,he came. He brought James to and I smiles. "My life is so complete." They hug me and kisses my cheeks. I laughs and blush. "I can never get used to you,guys. I'm blushing too much." They laughs. "Well shall we get started." His British voice is.....fantastic.

I grabbed both of their hands and walk them over to the park. "We'll be there I'm a few minutes." They can't stop squealing. "You two are still kids." I laughs. By the time,we got there. Tom yell out. "BEAUTIFUL. BLOODY FANTASTIC. OUR PARK! Je t'aime." He says in French and I'm about to faint. "Je t'aime,Tom." Tom run to the table and grabs a plate and start trying out EVERY foods. "Tom,your going to get fat." I warn him and laughs. His mouth is fill with food. "I don't care. Food is my #1 priority right now." He chuckle.

I do the full honeymoon date in the next chapter. Right now,I got to study for finals. Wish me luck *Sighs* Good luck to us,students.

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