A vampire at Hogwarts

By rvbfan2011

73.1K 1.9K 571

(This is in no way related to my other stories. Also I only own my OC the rest is all by J.K. Rowling) Rachel... More

And so it begins
Arriving at Hogwarts
The sorting
The Arrangements
First day of classes
First Flying Lesson
Special Classes
Tips and pointers
Treasures/ A not so friendly encounter
Where loyalties lye
To the rescue
The other
The things you learn
A Holiday Nightmare
Nicholas Flamel?
The Eve (Part 2)
It couldn't end soon enough
After dark
Forbidden Forest
Trap Door
The Stone

The Eve (part 1)

1.4K 43 9
By rvbfan2011

Rachel's POV

Tonight was Christmas Eve and my family and I would be going to Draco's for his fathers' party. I originally thought I was going to miss the party because of Reiji's 'experiment' but he had decided that he wanted to attend and my father was delighted to hear that Reiji was coming along. Bad news for me. How was I supposed to introduce Reiji if they asked what relation he had to us? He obviously didn't look related to us and what was I supposed to say 'This is my creepy delusional soon to be Vampire husband...Reiji' Yeah, Cause I'm sure that would go over well. Not. "I still think it's unfair that Skylar can't come but Reiji can" Ashley huffed. I was starting to think she really had a crush on him. "Why do you want him to come so badly, he's almost as annoying as Reiji, I don't want two of them hanging around" I retorted. Ashley rolled her eyes as a maid helped lay out her dress for the party. "The Key word there being 'Almost' he isn't as insufferable as Reiji though" That had me rolling my eyes. "I know, it's because he's from your house" I said honestly. "Why am I going then? I'm gonna be miserable. Stuck with a bunch of Slytherins and stuck up rich people" She groaned.

"Hey, we're supposed to be those 'stuck up rich people' just for tonight anyways. Try to enjoy yourself and help me keep an eye on Reiji, I don't trust him to behave himself tonight" Ashley tsk'd at my request but complied anyway. "Did you get Draco's gift?" "Yes, it's downstairs in the lobby" I replied. "What is it?" She queried. "A beginner's Alchemy set, complete with a beginner's guide" Ashley 'Ooo'd' "You think he's gonna like it?" I gave her a blank look. "No, I think he'll hate that's why I bought it for him" I said sarcastically. Ashley put her hands up defensively. "Okay, chill....What'd you get Reiji?" She continued. I froze. Ashley noticed the look on my face and gasped. "You didn't get him anything?" I began to stutter. "W-Well the Sakamaki's never really celebrated Christmas like the rest of us, p-plus Reiji can't appreciate material things like presents he doesn't see the sentiment in giving gifts" I reasoned. She gave me a sympathetic look. "How sad" "Oh don't go feeling all sad for him, he killed his own mother, he's a psychopath" I chastised her. "OH MY GOD!" She exclaimed in shock. The maids jumped at the sudden outburst. "Young Miss, your language" One maid scolded. Ashley shrunk back at being called out for her unladylike behaviour. The other maid then ushered me to my room so that she could begin preparing me for the party and so that Ashley could finish getting ready as well.

"What do you think, Young Mistress, this one?" I wasn't paying any attention so I simply waved off her selection. She began shifting through my wardrobe picking out different dresses and showing them to me. I was thinking about how tonight was going to go down, I was beginning to feel nervous about having Reiji around knowing just how unpredictable he was. The maid seemingly noticed how distracted I was and decided to give up trying to get my approval. I didn't even think to question her when she left the room with two dresses in her arms. She came back shortly and laid one of the dresses down on the bed beside me. "Here young mistress please put this one on" She instructed politely. I glanced down at the dress then back up at the maid. "Why this one?" The maid sighed lightly. "It's been chosen for you now hurry there isn't much time left, we must do your hair" The urgency in her voice told me I best not to question the matter further. I undressed and was helped into the lacy mint-teal dress.

(A.N: It's just the dress that she's wearing. The model has nothing to do with the story)

The maid braided two pieces of my hair to form a crown around my head, she allowed the rest of my hair to fall straight down my back on over my shoulders. She huffed once finished and I had to glance up at her with a questioning look why had she sounded so dissatisfied? Seeing my questioning stare she spoke. "Your rosary doesn't match the dress" She said in almost a pout. I was about to reply when another voice spoke before me. "No need to worry about that, she'll not be wearing it tonight, right Rachel?" It was Reiji. "W-What?" I stuttered unsure if I heard him correctly. "Consider it part of our...experiment" He smirked showing off his piercing white fangs. The maid excused her self, rushing out of the room leaving me and Reiji alone. Reiji was dressed wearing what most young gentlemen would call formal wear, it consisted of black pressed dress pants, a white button-up shirt, however, the top button was undone and he wasn't wearing a tie, on top of that he wore a black 3 button blazer and clean black dress shoes. It was formal with hints of casual, it looked nice.

Reiji approached me swiftly slipping behind me and brushing the hair away from my neck and I don't know why but I let him. He unclasped my rosary, dangling the piece of jewelry in front of me before slipping it into his pocket. "Just for safe keeping" He reassured with a sly smirk. I all of a sudden didn't feel so confident in myself, what would happen tonight? More importantly, what was Reiji planning on making me do? "You look nervous, relax~" He mused, his tone held amusement in it. "How am I supposed to relax with you around?" I voiced. It was more of a statement rather than a question. Reiji smirked hovering over my shoulder next to my ear. "What? Do I....intimidate you~?" He drawled in a low whisper. I flinched away at the feeling of his breath against the skin of my face. "No. you're just...unpredictable. I can't let my guard down around you" I replied simply. He chuckled darkly. "You should never let your guard down" I went to reply but he was quick to add onto to his sentence. "Especially around me" I already took this precaution when I was living with the Sakamaki's. Letting my guard down was like ringing the dinner bell. Vampires like the Sakamaki's pray on the innocent so I took that as a warning.

Reiji was not the playful type, he was the teasing, sinister, Do it my way Type. He was also the Jealous type, he never liked sharing. It took me forever to get him to share his tea with me and when he finally did he poisoned it. This Kid, right! He stopped poisoning me after I started refusing his tea, once I had learned to stop being naive he was satisfied. He didn't have a tolerance for dumb creatures that's for sure. I had to learn that the hard way so you can't blame me for not trusting him completely. "Young Mistress, the Master is waiting for the both of you downstairs" My maid appeared suddenly. "Yes, we're coming" I responded swiftly. As soon as she left I eyed Reiji. "You better behave" I voiced, my tone firm and final. He chuckled pushing up his glasses slightly. "Oh don't worry about me" He mused. That was the last thing either of us said to each other before leaving for the Christmas party at Malfoy Manor.

Time skip...At Malfoy Manor

"Remember to use your manners" ""Yes Father"" Ashley and I replied simultaneously. We arrived at Malfoy Manor by Apparition, so we were able to glance upon the large front entrance of the glorious Manor. As we gracefully walked up the front steps the large double doors magically swung open. It was as if we were recognised as invited guests. A raggedy house elf stood at the door entrance waiting to greet us and show us to the hall where the party was being held. "Welcome Masters and young Misses. Please come this way" The house elf croaked, stumbling in a direction to which we blindly followed. My father's expression upon seeing the house elf was blank. But it didn't take a genius to know he didn't approve of using the creatures for unpaid labour, that's why we paid traditional maids and butlers. However, this was usually frowned upon because the idea was adopted from muggles. But it was better for our family, it was easier keeping track of our staff when they're the same species as us, or should I say the same species as my father and sister. "Please wait here" The little house elf croaked, scurrying off into the crowd of people in the party hall or ballroom if you'd prefer to call it that. "Note their use of house elves, the Malfoy's are very strict about their pureblood lineage" My father commented to Reiji who simply hummed in response. 

"Ahh~ Dr Leonard Church, it's delightful to see you" A tall blonde haired man announced, bringing my father into a friendly hug. Note that he addressed my father as Dr. The title of Doctor in the wizarding world is given to anyone who masters and advanced exam in any Wizarding science. This includes Potions, Alchemy and many others. My father mastered Potion making and thus his title. However, ever since 'you know who', Mastering any wizarding science has been rather frowned upon so people rarely go by the title Dr or go to attempt the advanced examination. Which brings me back to the current situation. This man must be Lucious, Draco's father. Only someone with a dark past could appreciate my father's dedication to a science. I've heard from people that Lucious is a man to be feared. He used to be a follower of Voldemort. "And these must be your daughters" Mr Malfoy said as he glanced down at my sister and I. He leaned slightly on the cane he held and eyed us closely as if to judge the characters of our souls. I stared back as if I was unchallenged by his very being. "Yes, these are my girls, Rachel is my eldest and Ashley-" "-You say that as if 5 minutes makes a difference" Ashley huffed interrupting our father. Mr Malfoy chuckled. "I believe I recognise that temper" My father only hummed, the reminder of our mother was brief but it wasn't necissarily unpleasant. 

"And who might this be? I don't believe we've met" Mr Malfoy voiced. He eyed Reiji cautiously as if he was unsure whether he wanted to shake his hand. "Ah yes, this is Reiji Sakamaki, the son of my friend Tougo, who's a prominent figure on the Wizarding Council in Japan" My father introduced. Mr Malfoy's eyes lit up slightly and he offered Reiji his hand to shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Sakamaki" Lucious voiced. Although I felt it was a fake sincere sort of greeting at least he wasn't questioning too much about his relation to us. "Likewise" Reiji replied politely. "So what's the relation?" Mr Malfoy asked glancing between Reiji. Ashley and I. The only thing my father forgot to mention was that the Sakamaki's are a Pureblood Vampires. "He's a student of mine" My father replied simply.  "And so this is the guest you requested permission to bring?" Mr Malfoy asked calmly. My father nodded confirming his query. "In that case, it was my pleasure to allow such a studious and bright young man to attend our party" Reiji simply thanked Mr Malfoy and bowed politely as any other Japanese youth would do towards their elder.

"Come you should meet my son, he's also into alchemy and potion making. Rachel Dear, may I ask for your company as well, my son has told me much about you. My wife is ecstatic to meet you" I became flustered by the idea that Draco had been telling his parents about me, but I was sure he told his parents about all of his friends. I looked up at my father for confirmation to which he simply stared down at me gesturing his head in Mr Malfoy's direction. That was his way of saying 'go ahead' I reluctantly left Ashley and my father, walking in step with Reiji and Mr Malfoy as we passed tonnes of witches and wizards whom I had never met before. "What is that you're carrying, child?" I was caught off guard by his question momentarily but I quickly answered anyway. "Uhh, it's for your son, it's his gift" I replied staring at the gift bag containing Draco's Christmas gift. Lucious nodded as if thinking about what to say next when a familiar voice caught both of our attention. "Father-oh Rachel" Draco voiced with surprise. I smiled as he approached me. I handed him his gift and he thanked me before asking his mum if he could open it now. She thought for a moment before nodding stating she 'didn't see why not' Draco sifted through the wrapping inside the gift bag before pulling out its contents. He gaped in surprise at the beginners Alchemy set. "Wow, thank you so much!" He beamed. "Did you bring the gift I sent you?" I frowned slightly and shook my head. "No, sorry I left it at home" "Oh that's alright, I just wanted to see your face when you opened it" He replied sheepishly.

"That's so thoughtful of you, Dear. I'm sure Draco will enjoy his gift very much" Draco's mother commented. "Ah just ensure to read all of the rules, memorise them if you can, knowing the Alchemic laws is essential for conducting Alchemy" Reiji voiced factly. Draco only now noticed Reiji's presence. He also must have noted Reiji and I's close proximity. Seeing Draco's confusion Mr Malfoy introduced him. "Draco. Narcissa, Love this is Reiji Sakamaki, a Potions student of Dr Church. He's very bright for his age, he studies well. I thought you'd like to meet him" Draco nodded and shook hands with Reiji. "Oh, Rachel, Darling that's such a lovely dress on you" Narcissa cooed. I glanced down at the minty/teal coloured dress and blushed slightly. "Oh-uh-" "-Yes I thought so too, I had it chosen because it brings out her eyes" Reiji stated with an all too fakely cheerful tone. It went unnoticed by everyone except me. "You're right it does" Narcissa beamed with a small chuckle patting Reiji on the shoulder. The two Malfoy boys were more curious as to why Reiji had a say in my choice of dress at all, heck, so was I. "You know her well" Mr Malfoy said simply, his tone somewhat bland. I don't think he liked Reiji's sincerity. "I've known Rachel since she was 9, she's like family to me" Only I seemed to pick up on the suggestive tone he used. "I see. It must be nice to have an older brother figure occasionally looking over your shoulder" Narcissa commented sweetly. 'Was that a pun? Looking over my shoulder, huh?'

Draco's POV

Who was this guy? Rachel never mentioned him before. "So do you live with Rachel?-" I began only to be cut off by him laughing. "-No. No. I live at my family Mansion in Osaka. I Come here from Japan to study over the holidays, I go home when the break is done" He answered. Is that why Rachel hasn't invited me over is it because he was staying? "Ah, see he studies very hard" My father commented. "That's very noble and responsible of you Reiji, but you must make some free time for yourself, how else do expect to meet that special girl?" My mother said jokingly. "Ah, I need not worry about that, my father's taken care of that already" 'He's engaged already?!' "Oh, my you've been promised to someone already. Lucky girl, he's such a handsome young man, isn't he Rachel, Dear? You must be proud of him" Mother spoke cheerfully. Rachel looked up with a bit of shock before stammering. "Oh-uh, yeah. The ones who speak more than one language always go fast" She replied seemingly uninterested. "Oh! Which languages do you speak?" My mother questioned. Reiji put his hands up as if to defend himself. "I only speak English and Japanese, she made it seem as though I spoke more than that" he clarified. "Still, learning Japanese must've been hard" I added. Everyone's face went blank as I said those words. "Anata no tomodachi wa bakadesu" Reiji said in what was probably Japanese. "Sono yōna koto wa iwanaide kudasai" Rachel replied to him without any difficulty. 'Wow! I didn't know she could speak Japanese too' I just wish I knew what they were saying.

Rachel's POV

"Anata no tomodachi wa bakadesu (Your friend is an idiot)" Reiji said bluntly. I sweatdropped at his harsh words. I didn't understand how Draco thought Reiji's first language was English either but I wouldn't say something so rude about someone. "Sono yōna koto wa iwanaide kudasai (Don't say those kinds of things)" I scolded him. "Sukunakutomo kare no kao ni wa naranai (At least not to his face)" I added sheepishly. Reiji huffed but reluctantly agreed. "Komakai (Fine). Uhm, Actually my native language is not English, it's Japanese sorry to disappoint you" Reiji informed Draco. "Well, that makes more sense doesn't it, Draco" Narcissa said as she patted Draco's shoulder reassuringly. "Well, there probably wasn't much of difference-" Seeing where Mr Malfoy's sentence was headed Reiji was quick to correct him. Politely might I add. "-Actually, I only began learning English because she was living with us" He explained gesturing towards me. I sent Reiji a sideways glare for dragging the conversation somewhere it didn't need to be. Mr Malfoy eyed me curiously yet somewhat coldly. "Oh, I never realised..." He didn't even attempt to finish his sentence it just sort of trailed off. "Uhm. My father had me schooled in Japan until he received my acceptance letter. I lived with a host family, the Sakamaki's which is why my father and his are good friends. I was really bad at Japanese at first so..." I trailed off looking up at Reiji to continue. "...So I took it upon myself as the second eldest to learn English in order to help her adjust better. Of course, with five other brothers who don't speak any English, she had to quickly pick up on on the Language" He explained.

"Well, it sounds very interesting. Such a touching relationship" Lucious commented rather bluntly. "Ah, I must go entertain other guests. Draco, don't forget you have friends to greet as well" He added before walking off, Narcissa quickly following after giving her son a peck on the top of his head. "Are your other friends also friends with Rachel?" Reiji asked Draco. Draco looked around the room. "I guess-" "-There's a fine line between 'friends' and 'people I've met before' not many of the people here are my friends" I voiced bluntly. Reiji raised an eyebrow at me. "Antisocial" He muttered under his breath. "I don't think that. She gets along with a lot of people" Draco affirmed grabbing my hand. "Plus we're friends" He added as if it made all the difference in the world. Reiji's gaze hardened on Draco and I's hands. "Moshi boku ga yane kara kare o sutereba, anata wa do shimasu ka? (What would you do if I threw him off the roof?)" Reiji asked coldly, no hint of humour in his tone what so ever. I eyed him with shock and a bit of disgust. "Naze anata wa sore o shimasu ka?! (Why would you do that?!" Reiji looked down at his blazer adjusting some of the buttons casually. "Kare wa boku o nayamasu (He annoys me)" He replied bluntly. Reiji turned on his heels as he began to leave. "Where are you going?" I questioned him. He simply waved me off. "Yane o mitsukeru ni wa (To find the roof)" He chuckled disappearing into the crowd. Draco looked at me curiously. "Uh, he had to go to the bathroom" I lied. Draco simply nodded as if it all made sense to him. 'If only it made sense. If only'

To be continued...

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