The Order

By ShauniSmith9

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This is a story about a girl lost in the wizarding world. She has no parents, all she knows is that they're a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Twenty One

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By ShauniSmith9

Waking up today was my Charms N.E.W.T.S. Today was the second last day of school this year, tomorrow we got to do whatever we wanted for our last day we could just sleep, or walk around with friends, or if you're me usually read or study for next years classes. It seemed as if for another year things had gone surprisingly well for me. I had a few bumps along the way, but nothing i couldnt handle. I smiled getting myself up and dressed getting down the Great Hall, and eating my usual muffin and eggs for breakfast.

One more test, one more before i know if i have fully passed my N.E.W.T.S

I thought to myself, This would be a long day it was already 5 A.m. the test starts at 5:30 A.m and runs through until 1:30 P.m 8 hours of test writing, this would be a fun an interesting day, As i got up time was coming to a quick end as i looked at my watch it was 5:15 A.m I rushed into the same room where i had taken the Ordinary Wizarding Level, N.E.W.T.S would soon be in progress soon I took my seat where Professor Flitwick my Charms teacher told me to sit no one was here yet usually some are late he smiled at me,

Dont be nervous Miss Snape, The Ministry Of Magic has told us how well you did yesterday on your Ordinary Wizarding Level test, All classes outstanding you are a brilliant young witch and i bet your father is very proud of you, Just focus and take your time Miss Snape

I nodded smiling talking my seat, he was always such a nice Professor to me I was calming down just because of what he said as i remembered just focus and take my time i smiled,

Thank you Professor, Flitwick

Only 4 students came in for the NEWTS for Charms hmm maybe most 5th years didnt qualify for the NEWTS for charms Professor Flitwick looked at us, as i looked around Hermione Granger, Daphne Greengrass, and Draco Malfoy including myself it has been only the four of us if i failed this I was done for I had no clue how I had done on any of my other classes.

The NEWTS will begin in just 3 minutes, Please write your name year and house at the very top of the page and i will tell you when to begin

Scarlet Snape


5th year

You may begin!

Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test

Class~ Charms

Name~ Scarlet Snape

House~ Slytherin

Year~ Fifth Year

Which of these incantations will cast a body bind upon an enemy?

Petrificus Totalus

No matter how many legs you have, they'll all dance if you're cursed with what jinx?


If Alohomora unlocks a door, what spell do you cast to lock it?


Which of these charms repels a boggart?


What spell makes birds appear?


What spell will lift items?

Wingardium Leviosa

What spell Creates a small light at the tip of your wand?


What spell is used to stun one's opponent?​​​​​​


What spell can be used to block other spells?


What spell makes cursed fire that is abnormaly large and destructive?


What spell revieles the last spell used by a wand?​​​​​​

Prior Incantato

What spell is known as the leg locker jinx?

Locomotor Mortis

What is the spell to turn Vinegar into Wine?

Incantation is unknown

What Is the Water-Making spell known as?

Aguamenti Spell

What is the incantation and effects of the Tickling Charm?

The Tickling Charm also known as the Rictusempra Charm is a spell that causes

a victim to buckle with laughter. It also has at least two other side effects on the victim.

Who does the Silencing Charm work on?

It works on both beasts and beings, it is immensely difficult to perform more so on

Frogs and ravens

What is the Summoning Charm?

Accio is the summoning charm

What is the Mending Charm and its uses?

Reparo is a charm that can be used to seamlessly repair a broken object and works

On most materials.

What is the Disarming Spell?


What is the Fire-Making Spell?


What is the Seize and Pull charm?

Carpe Retractum

What is the Banishing Charm?


What is the Incantation and what does the Wand-Lighting Charm Duo Do?

The Wand-Lighting Charm Duo Lumos Duo is a variation of the Wand Lighting

Charm It creates a focused beam of wandlight connecting the caster's wand

and their target.

What is the Freezing Spells Incantation?


What is the Severing Charm?


What is a general Counter-spell?

Finite Incantatem

What is the memory charm?


What is the Engorgement Charm?


What is the Softening Charm?


What is Lumos Solem?

Lumos Solem was the incantation of a charm used to conjure a very bright, narrow

beam of light, which may be potentially be warmer than normal light.

What is Arresto Momentum?

Lumos Solem was the incantation of a charm used to conjure a very bright,

narrow beam of light, which may be potentially be warmer than normal light.

What is the Incantation for Color changing charm?


What is the Wand-Extinguishing Charm?


What is the Amplifying Charm?


What is the Killing curse?

Avada Kedavra

What is the The Cruciatus Curse?


What is The Imperius Curse?


What Charm gets rid of a Dementor?

Patronus Charm

What does Waddiwasi Spell do?

Unsticks an object

What does Furnunculus do?

Produces boils on opponent

After The several hours i had spent, writing the Newts it was a lot of questions and only 8 hours to complete we waited for our results as ministry owls had dropped them down to us i smiled as i opened mine

Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test : RESULTS FOR CHARMS

Scarlet Diane Snape:

Father ~ Severus Snape

DATE TAKEN~ June 17th, 1996

TIME~ 5:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.

RESULTS MARKED~ June 17th, 1996

TIME~ 2:30 P.M.~ 3:30 P.M.



Astronomy: O

Care of Magical Creatures: O

Charms: O

Defense Against the Dark Arts: O

Divination: O

Herbology: O

History of Magic: O

Potions: O

Transfiguration: O

Your Results included out of the 4 students that have taken the CHARMS NEWTS today from 5:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. you are one out of 2 that have gotten a O (OUTSTANDING) result on there NEWTS we are glad to congratulate you on over 1 out of 100 students that have taken the NEWTS in the Wizarding World have passed there NEWTS

I ran to my my father with both of my results smiling


He smiled up at me stopping everything and hugging me tightly i hugged him back smiling,

"Thats amazing, dear! But we need to talk please sit

I gulped looking up at him taking a seat, woundering exactly what this could be about i looked at him as he sat down at it his desk,

Word had came from the Ministry of Magic that your mother has been killed

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