By yoncefiercee

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***Sequel to FOUND. I would recommend reading the first book before you read this one! More

FOUND: Holiday Special


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By yoncefiercee


I parked my car in the usual spot outside the kids' school and scrolled through my emails while I waited for them to get out. Luckily for me, the middle school and high school were right beside each other so I only had to make one trip. Jay was picking up the twins from preschool so that was one less stop I had to make.

I was in the middle of emailing Yvette, my publicist, back when someone started knocking on the window. I jumped a little before rolling my eyes. These damn kids are always sneaking up on me, I swear. You think I'd be used to it by now. I unlocked the doors and watched Bella push Blue out of the way before climbing in the passenger seat. I just shook my head.

"Hey ma," Jeremiah said while getting in the backseat. Blue got in after him with a sour look on her face. I wanted to laugh but I didn't.

"Hi baby." I said while the kids got situated. "How was y'all's day?"

"Same old same old." Jeremiah smiled. I shook my head and looked at Bella.

"What are you smiling so hard for?" I asked. She looked like the damn joker.

"You're never gonna believe this." She said smiling.

"Believe what?"

"She's on homecoming court." I heard Blue say.

Bella turned around quick. "Blue! I wanted to be the one to tell her!" She yelled. "Why would you do that?!"

"Because you took too long. It's not that serious anyway." Blue shrugged. They started arguing and I sighed.

"Hey! Cut it out now." I said sternly. They shut up quick. "Blue, keep your mouth shut. Bella, tell me about homecoming."

"I didn't even–"

"Blue Ivy Carter." I snapped. "Try me if you want." She stopped talking and I nodded. I don't know what the hell has gotten into her lately, but I'm shutting that down quick. I'm not the one.

"Anyways," Bella looked at me and smiled. "I was nominated for homecoming court, which means I have to find a dress for the homecoming pageant within the next week." She explained. "Ten seniors were nominated and only five make it to the actual homecoming game. That's when they actually announce who's homecoming queen."

"When is the pageant and homecoming game? I need to make sure I clear my schedule."

"Pageant is the fifteenth and the game is the twenty-seventh." Bella said. I nodded and made a mental note of that.

"We'll go looking for a dress later this week." I told her.

"Okay." Bella nodded.

"Mommy, can we stop and get some food?" Blue asked. "I'm hungry. Lunch was gross today."

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Tacos." Blue said.

"Ooh! Can we stop at the taco truck on Hollywood Boulevard?" Bella said looking at me. "Please mommy, it has the best tacos. Swear to God."

"For real." Blue agreed. "Please mommy."

"Aye, I'm in too." Jeremiah held his hand up.

I eyed them through the rearview mirror. They were all giving me that look and I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I gave in.


I laughed and headed in that direction. I glanced at the time and saw that it's almost four. Usually that area gets busy later on in the evening, so hopefully we'll be able to get in and out with ease. I don't have Julius with me right now and I always feel uneasy when I'm out with my kids without him. I'm not so much worried about myself, but if someone touches my child it's on. I don't care if TMZ or whoever catches me acting crazy, don't come near my children and we won't have a problem.

I parked on the curb and waited for everyone to get out before locking the car. We walked across the street to the taco truck and ordered our food. As I was paying I noticed the small crowd starting to form.

"Stay close to me." I said looking at Jeremiah, Bella and Blue. They nodded and Blue grabbed my hand.

"Mom, there's a lot of people." Bella whispered in my ear. I heard the crowd getting more chaotic and tried to brush it off.

"Grab your food." I told them. The kids grabbed their to-go boxes and I held them close to me. "Go straight to the car, do not stop for anything. Do you understand?"

"Yes." They said.

"Bella, keep Blue close to you. Jeremiah watch them."


We started walking back across the street through the chaos. I saw the cameras and knew the paparazzi was here, along with some fans. I sighed and stayed behind the kids to make sure they got back safely. That was the most important thing.

As Bella and Blue were climbing in the car I felt someone grab my arm. I quickly turned around. "Please don't touch me." I said politely. The guy who grabbed me took a few steps back and I nodded.

I ignored the questions being thrown at me and tried to open my door, but there was a crowd of people blocking it. I took a deep breath and told myself to stay calm. I felt someone grab me again and got ready to snap until I saw who it was. "Jeremiah get in the car!" I yelled. What the hell was he thinking.

"Nah, not without you." He said and tried blocking anyone from getting close to me. I pushed him off of me and pulled him behind me.

"I'm not going to tell you again. Get in the car before you get hurt." I said sternly.

He didn't move. "I'm not leaving without–"

"Get your ass in the damn car!" I snapped. Jeremiah sighed and walked back to the other side. I made my way through the crowd, thanks to two friendly men who helped me out, and got in the car. I locked the doors and leaned back, taking a deep breath.


"Do not ever pull that shit again Jeremiah, do you hear me?" I turned around and looked at him.

"I had to make sure you were okay." He argued. "They were hounding you. I was fine."

"I don't care! Don't put yourself in danger like that again or I'll handle you myself." I snapped. He looked down and I sighed. "All I'm worried about is you three being safe, I can handle myself. Do you understand? Don't you ever do that again. You scared me."

"I'm sorry mommy."

I nodded. "I know baby. I appreciate you trying to help me, but your safety comes first okay? I need you safe. I can't have anything happening to y'all."

"I get it." Jeremiah said.

"Good." I nodded and looked at Blue. "Blue, baby you okay?"

Blue nodded slightly. "I hate that." She mumbled.

"I know baby, and I'm sorry. I knew it was a bad idea to go out without Julius but I did it anyway. I should've just let y'all get the food." I said shaking my head. "I'm sorry babies."

"Mom, you should be able to do normal things. That's not your fault." Bella said. "I'm sorry it's like this for you. I wish you could do normal things with us."

I smiled sadly. Sometimes I wish I wasn't famous so I'd be able to do normal things, but I love my life too much. I love performing for my fans. I knew what I was signing up for when I started out. You get used to it over time I guess.

"Are y'all ready to go home?" I asked.

"Yes." They said.

I nodded and headed home.



Beyoncé walked in the house with the kids behind her. I got off the couch and hugged Blue since she ran over to me. "You okay?" I asked her.

Blue nodded. "Yes. Mommy kept us safe."

I looked at Bey. "You heard?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah." I said. She nodded.

"Where are Sienna and Brooklyn?" Bey asked.

"With your mom." I said.

"Okay." Bey said. I looked at Jeremiah and Bella because they've been quiet this entire time which is unusual for them.

"Y'all okay?" I asked them. They nodded. "Aight. Go to the kitchen for a minute." They left out and I turned to look at Beyoncé.

"What the hell was that!" I yelled. I was mad as hell.

Bey looked at me. "Excuse me?"

I rubbed my face and sighed. "What were you thinking? You knew it would be chaotic and you didn't have Julius. What if the twins were with you?"

"I wouldn't have went if the twins were with me and you know that." Bey narrowed her eyes. "I would never put them in a situation that could possibly harm them. I didn't think it would get as chaotic as it did." She said. "Give me a break."

"Give you a break? You put our kids in danger!" I said getting in her face. Beyoncé glared at me and took a step back.

"You need to stop yelling at me right now." She said looking pissed. "You don't think I know what happened? I was fucking there Jay! And no, I didn't think it would be as chaotic as it was. I made a mistake."

"A mistake that could've been a lot worse than it was. What if someone tried to hurt y'all? Huh? Then what?" I looked at Bey and shook my head. "So damn irresponsible." I mumbled.

"Irresponsible? Really Shawn?" Bey laughed angrily. "Fuck you. I'm not going to stand here and let you speak to me like I'm a bad mother."

"Who was Bella with when she got taken from us? Huh?!" I yelled without thinking about it. Bey's eyes glossed over with tears and I closed mine. Shit I didn't mean to say that. "Bey–"

"You said you didn't blame me." She said as her tears started falling. I tried to get closer to her but she moved back. "Don't touch me."

"Beyoncé, please. I didn't mean that."

"Yes you did." Bey's lip started trembling and I felt like complete shit. "Why would you–" She shook her head and turned around. "I'm going upstairs. Don't follow me."

I sighed and let her leave. I know she'll slap the shit out of me if I try something so I won't right now. I'll give her space.

"Really daddy?" I heard. I turned around and saw Bella standing in the doorway. I sighed.

"What have I told you about listening in on grown folks' conversations?"

"Uh, y'all were yelling. We had to listen." She said. I shook my head and sat back down. She walked over to me. "Why would you say that to mommy?"

"I don't know." I said shrugging. "I was mad."

"So? That doesn't justify it." Bella said.

I took a deep breath and rubbed my head. "Bella, mind your business. That conversation didn't concern you. Don't ask me any more questions about it."

She held up her hands. "Dang, okay. Sorry for being curious."

"Bye." I said. Bella sighed and left the room. I sat there for a few more minutes before getting up. I headed upstairs to mine and Bey's room. I walked in and saw Bey crying on our bed. God dammit.

"Baby." I said walking over to her. Bey wiped her face before glaring at me.

"What did I say?" She said looking mad as hell. "Leave me alone, Jay. I don't want to talk to you right now.

"Just let me apologize."

Bey shook her head. "Don't apologize for being honest. I knew you blamed me. I was just waiting for you to admit it."

"But I don't–"

"Yes you do." Bey nodded and wiped her eyes again. "It's okay. I just wish you were honest."

I sighed. "I'm sorry."

She just shrugged. "Okay."


"Jay, not now please." Bey looked away from me and I saw the tears falling. "I just want to be alone right now."

"Aight." I nodded. I walked over to her and crouched down so we were eye level with each other. "I love you baby." I said while rubbing her thighs. "I'm sorry for what I said. You know I don't think you're a bad mother. I'm sorry."

Bey nodded slightly. "I love you too." She said softly. I grabbed her chin and pecked her lips a few times.

"Come downstairs when you're up to it." I told her. She nodded. I kissed her forehead before standing up and heading out.



"Remember what we're here for. You can't let me get distracted." I said to Blue. We were at the Grove shopping for some pageant stuff. I decided to bring her with me since Jeremiah is no help and my mom is busy.

Blue looked up from her phone and nodded. "A casual outfit and shoes for the pageant. Got it." She said.

"Yes." I nodded. I glanced behind me and saw Julius standing a few feet away. Whenever we go out by ourselves our parents make us take him. I spend majority of the time trying to make him laugh since he acts like a statue. We're friends though, y'all don't even know. "Julius, we're going to Topshop."

Julius nodded. "I'm right behind you." He said.

"We know." Blue said. I laughed and Julius smiled.

We headed to Topshop and looked through what they had. I tried on a few dresses but didn't find anything I really liked. We walked out and I sighed. I was really hoping I'd find something there because I wasn't in a shopping mood today.

"Can we eat?" Blue asked.

"You can." I said. She looked at me funny.

"You're not hungry?"

"I mean kinda but I can't." I said shaking my head. "The pageant is in two weeks and I have to fit in my dress."

Blue cocked her head to the side and squinted. "Uh, you're like a size 2. What do you mean."

"Yeah, but I need to stay that way." I shrugged. "It's fine, I'm just now hungry right now. I'll eat later." I told her with a smile.

"Don't go starving yourself." Blue said. "A high school pageant ain't worth all that."

I just shrugged.

"Fine. But I'm eating so let's go to the food court." Blue said.

"Okay." I nodded. We walked to the food court and I stood with Blue while she ordered her food. Julius waited for us off to the side. I kept looking over the menu because everything sounded really good and my stomach was cramping a little. I skipped dinner last night and breakfast this morning. Maybe some fries wouldn't hurt.

"Um, wait." I said before Blue walked off. She stopped and looked at me. "I think I'm going to get some fries."

Blue smiled and nodded. She waited while I ordered my fries. Once we both had our food we sat down at one of the tables with Julius. I offered him a fry and he took it. I smiled.

"Are you gonna eat them?" Blue asked me. I looked at her confused. "You keep giving them to Julius." She said laughing.

"Oh." I shrugged. I took a bite out of one of them and sighed. Okay I was really hungry and this felt great.

Next thing I know, the fries are gone and Blue's looking at me like I'm crazy. "You're acting like you haven't eaten in days." She said while eyeing me.

"I ate this morning." I lied.

"Right." Blue rolled her eyes. "You want some of mine?"

I eyed her fries for a minute before shaking my head. "No, I'm good."

"You sure?"


Blue shrugged and finished eating. I felt gross and greasy after eating those fries. Like I wanted to shower and pop a few mints.

"I'll be back." I said to Julius and Blue. "I have to pee." They nodded and I ran off to the restroom. I went in one of the stalls and did what I've been doing for the past few days.

I got on my knees and stuck my fingers down my throat.

After I was finished I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet. I washed out my mouth and washed my hands. I pulled out my pack of gum from my purse and put a couple pieces in mouth.

"You good?" Blue said once I walked out. Julius was staring at me too.

I just nodded and smiled. "I'm fine."

Blue shrugged. "Okay. Where to now?" She asked.

"Um, H&M." I said. They nodded and we headed off in that direction.

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