Dried petals

By Catalline

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"and I find myself tucking your smile in the space that lies between every letter .for babe , if I can't keep... More

# 22
# 23
the end


290 77 43
By Catalline

today is one
of those days,
When the light
of the moon,
isn't bright
enough to
eliminate the
darkness within
me, when the
music isn't
loud enough,
to block out
the voices in
my head,
and when I
can hear my
heart beating
loudly in my
I feel the
demons that
have been
holding me
hostage inside
my own mind,
crawling under
my bruised
skin to seep
through the
fissures of my
flesh and into
my bloodstream,
to taint every
single vein,
stopping the
blood from
reaching my
lungs, leaving
them aching
for the sweet
taste of air.
so I slowly
lift my head
up to the sky,
and look for
the brightest
yet smallest orb,
my memory
to have a
picture of the
clumsy boy
with the
cheeky smile.
the boy who
used to have,
galaxies swirling
in his eyes,
and stars tangled
in his hair,
the one who
every night let
me trace the
on his
and never
of how my
pale fingertips
were way too
cold, for he
was the boy
who called
every scar of
mine a beauty
he pulled me
out of the
abyss that
lies amidst the
crevices of
my mind, for
whenever the
dark becomes
too much for
me to handle,
he comes toward
me with a
glowing moth
and a cheeky
he always
seemed to
have a way
of saving me
from drowning
in the ocean of
my misery,
and he still
does, for every
time I look at
the brightest
star, I see it
winking at me.

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