The Fire Princess (Sequel to...

By Tommogirl98

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Chapter 1-Feelings?
Authors Note
Chapter 2- Night with a Werewolf
Chapter 3-"Please don't tell Daddy"
Authors Note
Chapter 4- AGAIN! UGH!
Chapter 5- Distractions
Chapter 6- Telling Daddy... Harry's way
Authors Note
Chapter 7- How dare you not tell me!
Chapter 8-Miss me?
Chapter 9-Madison
Authors note
Chapter 10- Daddy help him!
Chapter 11- You would never hurt me
Chapter 12- Who's Madison?
Chapter 13-Marry Me?
chapter 14- Yes!
Authors Note
authors note
Chapter 15- Poison
Authors Note
Chapter 16- Dreams...Nightmares
Authors Note
Chapter 17- The Big Day
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Authors note
Author's note!

Authors Note

911 12 0
By Tommogirl98

Hey guys! Follow me on twitter! I'm 'Girl Thought' or @brandinicoledik
Please comment if you have, I would really be thankful for it :) SPREAD THE WORD AROUND MY LOVELIES!!! :)

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