Colouring Book || Harry Styles

By fadoraharry_

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Taryn Summers is like an empty colouring book. All up until she meets a man who starts to colour in the pages... More

Colouring Book || Harry Styles


952 45 144
By fadoraharry_

as i'm beginning to edit this chapter, it's 8:50 am and niall is on the today show performing 'on the loose' and i love it so much! so proud of niall! his songs are so good and he sounded so good today and i'm so excited for his album :D

There's smut in this chapter so brace yourselves 😂



For most of the night, I was plotting ways to kill Brandon. 

Break into his house late at night and stab him? Poison his drink? Run him over with my car? Push him down the stairs? Hit him on the head with a blunt object so hard that he bleeds out? 

No, I was never actually going to go through with it. But yes, it did make me feel a little bit better.

I was still so angry and upset with what he did to me. I knew we would probably never get along and become friends, but that was way too far. He crossed the line. He exposed and violated mine and Harry's privacy.

After Harry dropped me home, I told Alex what happened. She immediately went on Twitter where the news blew up, pictures that the paps took already posted. I grew angrier when I saw them. In those pictures, the shock was clear on my face and the anger was clear on Harry's. I bet Brandon enjoyed seeing them.

Alex managed to find all of Brandon's social media accounts and found proof that it was indeed him that did it. A single tweet was all it took.

Harry styles and his girlfriend Taryn summers is having dinner right now at the London House Restaurant @onedirectionupdates

Since he tagged an update account, they tweeted about it, then other people tweeted about it, and the news spread everywhere. Alex was so angry, I remembered her saying, "That fucker—excuse my language—should at least know proper grammar."

Not only was I hurt, but I was scared. I didn't want thousands of people on the internet knowing my name. Because like Harry said, first it's a name, and then it's everything else. And I didn't doubt that they could now figure out everything there is about me. But Alex did tell me that many people on Twitter were really upset from the violation of privacy and were against what Brandon did. Turns out, the internet isn't completely horrible, and I was grateful for that.

I texted Harry last night about everything Alex found out. Harry felt so horrible, constantly apologising to me. And I kept telling him not to apologise because it was not his fault. He also mentioned many times how he wished he could just wrap his arms around me and cuddle me, which never failed to make my heart swell.

And at 8:55 AM, I woke up to Harry calling me.

"It's not nine yet," I groaned, my eyes closing once more as I stuffed my face into my pillow.

"Good morning to you too," he chuckled on the other end.

"How are you always awake so early in the morning? I don't understand." My voice was so croaky and I hated it. "What time do you wake up every morning?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

"Half past seven." Even though we were talking on the phone, I could tell that there was a smile on his face. "But I'm getting quite bored out here, could you please let me in?"

"What?" I said slowly. My eyes squinted open, my brain not comprehending his request.

"I said, could you let me in please."

"You're outside?"

"Yeah. I hated not being with you last night. So I wanted to see you first thing today. I hope that's all right with you."

"Of course it's all right," I heavily sighed and slowly sat up. I got up from my bed and went out of my room to open the door for Harry. "I'm heading to the front door. See you in a bit."

"Okay, thanks, Tarrie."

I hung up as I went down the stairs, my mood hanging low to the floor. I felt a sudden weight on my phone body as reality hit me. I was still groggy from waking up so I took my time walking to the front door. And as soon as I opened it, everything was a blur as Harry crushed me into a tight hug.

"I missed you," he whispered, his embrace warming up my body.

"I missed you too," I honestly replied back, hugging him just as tight. Harry pressed many kisses all over my face, from my forehead to my chin. And before he pulled away, he gave me one quick peck on my lips. I smiled from the affectionate gestures and locked the door behind Harry. 

"Did you sleep okay last night?" He asked after slipping off his boots. We walked to the kitchen, Harry sitting on one of the chairs as I went to fill up the kettle.

"Not really. Did you?" He shook his head as I sat across from him.

"How are you feeling?"

"Still pretty shaken up. Pissed as hell with Brandon."

"Does your mum know what happened?"

"No," I shook my head. "She was on the phone with a friend when I came back so only Alex knows. But I'm going to tell her tonight. She won't take it well at all."

"Do you think she's going to tell your dad?"

"They're not really on speaking terms right now, but she might because I already know she's going to be very angry."

"Your dad needs to know. Brandon can't get away with this." Harry was starting to become angry again. His voice was slightly raised and his eyebrows were dipped inwards. I placed my hand on his.

"He won't." We looked at each other, Harry eyes softening as guilt resurfaced once more. "Harry, stop blaming yourself. Please." He took a deep breath. I stood up and walked over to him, giving him a tight hug, my hand rubbing his back. "This is all Brandon, not one bit you. Okay?"

"Okay," he nodded his head. I kissed his forehead. I went back to the counter and made us both a cup of tea. I placed Harry's in front of him and placed mine on my side of the table.

"I'm just going to get ready for the day since someone didn't give me a chance to right after I woke up," I joked, trying to lift the mood. But it didn't work since Harry just gave a small forced laugh.

I went to the washroom upstairs and brushed my teeth. I then took the quickest shower I probably have ever done since I didn't want to keep Harry waiting. And since I guessed we were going to go to Harry's place, I dressed into a pair of black jeans and a burgundy t-shirt. I quickly put on some moisturiser on my face, mascara on my eyelashes, and hair oil in my hair before going back down to the kitchen. I saw Harry still in the same spot, deep in thought as he stared down at the table.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked as I sat in my chair, picking up my mug and taking a sip of the lukewarm tea.

"Oh," he looked up at me as if he didn't hear or see my coming. "Sorry, I was thinking."

"What were you thinking about?" I asked him.

"Erm, about what happened." I nodded my head for him to continue. "I still feel horrible about what happened. But there's nothing that we could do about it because like you said, what's done is done... And I know you're still shaken up but I don't want this to affect you. I want you to be able to go out without feeling worried or scared. I want you to be able to sleep well at night. I want you to..." he sighed. "I just want you to be happy," he said with his eyes full of sincere.

Hearing what Harry had to say hit me right in the middle of my chest. I felt emotional. Part of me thought it was because I was going to get my period soon, but it was really from the truth behind his words. He was right. I shouldn't let this whole situation affect me so much. It's not worth the constant worrying, the fear, or the sleepless nights. The worst thing that can happen is that they will know my whole life story, they'd say horrible comments, or I would get mobbed again, but that's it. They can't physically hurt me.

My heart also throbbed with fondness. Harry's words made me feel so worthy and valued. It showed how much he cares for me; I heard it from the tone of his voice and the look of pure vulnerability on his face. And I knew in that moment that I had very strong feelings for Harry.

"I am happy. You make me happy, Harry," I honestly replied back.

"You make me happy too, Tarrie," Harry exhaled, a tiny smile curving on the edges of his mouth. "Come 'ere." He opened his arms in a hug and I didn't hesitate to enter them. I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around him, my head resting on his chest. I closed my eyes and listen to the thumping of his heart. We stayed like that for a few minutes, just enjoying the comfort of being in each other's arms. "Do you want to get some breakfast outside? I know a nice bakery near my house," Harry finally whispered.

"Sure," I smiled and slowly got up from his lap. Harry's smile widened as he stood up too with both mugs in his hands. I expected him to just leave it in the sink but he turned on the taps and grabbed a sponge laying on the side of the sink. "Oh, you don't have to—I'll wash them when I come back later."

"It's fine," he said. He turned his head to look at me and flashed me another smile. I just watched in total admiration as he washed the two mugs and placed them on the drying mat. He turned off the taps and dried his hands on a towel before turning back to me.

"Thanks," I said. "But you really didn't have to."

"I know," he simply replied back.

He took my hand in his and lead us to the front door. I found myself smiling like an idiot as I put on my black high heeled boots, Harry putting on his as well. I grabbed my keys and phone that was lying on the table against the side wall as Harry opened the door. We walked out, I locked the door behind us and went down to his car parked in my driveway.

"I think we should just go to my house first to park the car and just walk to the bakery, it's only a five-minute walk. Is that all right?" Harry asked once we were seated in his car.

"Yeah, that's fine with me," I smiled as I put on my seatbelt. "What kind of food do they have?"

"Oh, they have a lot of stuff. They have toast with eggs, lots of different fruit and granola bowls, pancakes too I believe."

"I'm getting the pancakes then." Pancakes are always a win for me.

"Of course you are," he chuckled.

When we made it to Harry's house, Harry parked in the parking space and we climbed out of the car. Harry left his gates open so we went through them to go onto the road, the gates closing behind us.

"This way, love," Harry nodded his head to the right. As we walked side by side down the sidewalk, I looked around and noticed how there was not a single pap in sight. "I have an injunction against paps taking pictures in front of my house," he said reading my mind.

"Oh, that's good."

"Yeah. Shame that I had to do it but I'm glad I did."

We continued walking, enjoying the nice weather. Lately, it had been really sunny in London, and today was one of those days. The sun was out, only a few clouds in the sky, and it was warm. 

We were walking close to each other. Our arms regularly bumped against each other from the close proximity, our hands also touching every now and then. It was like we both didn't know how to react. I was too shy to hold his hand, and Harry seemed shy too. But after our hands grazed each other once more, Harry went right for it and slowly linked our fingers together.

"Is this okay?" He asked, looking down at me. I nodded, my lips pressing together as I tried not to smile.

Heat instantly flowed throughout my body. It started from where Harry touched me and it radiated everywhere else. I sneaked a glance at Harry and saw he was smiling. It felt like slow motion as I looked at him. The wind blew his short hair back, his eyes glimmered under the sunlight, his end of pink lips curving up just a touch making his dimples indent beside his mouth. He's absolutely breathtaking. Harry felt me looking and turned his head, catching me in the act. He smiled back, his eyes scanning all over my features.

We made it to the bakery and the aroma of food and coffee instantly filled my lungs. My stomach grumbled, excited to eat some delicious food. It's a cute bakery. The wall behind the counter was brick, the other walls a light blue colour. All the tables were oak, the chairs white to brighten up the room. There were lots of seating too, only five of the fifteen tables filled up. Pastries and other food were laid out on a huge table beside the counter, even more food displayed in glass showcases.

"What do you think?" Harry asked beside me. I was in awe.

"Love it already."

We went up to the counter to order and we ended up getting a lot of food. There was the blueberry buttermilk pancakes (for me), a bowl of fruit (for me), Greek yoghurt with fruit and granola (for Harry), scrambled eggs and toast (for Harry), a cinnamon bun (to share), two pain au chocolats (to share), and two iced coffees (one for each of us). After Harry paid, I thanked him as we brought the tray of food to a table in the back where we decided to sit.

This breakfast was the total opposite of how our dinner went the night before. Yeah, the food was great last night, but there was the whole ordeal that happened before and after the dinner. Today, on the other hand, the food was still delicious but nothing else happened. There was no drama. No one recognised Harry. No one was taking pictures of us. No one was following us. It was calm and peaceful. It was just the two of us. I felt completely relaxed and happy and I know Harry felt the same too.

"So what else have you done since the start of this One Direction hiatus?" I decided to ask before putting a strawberry in my mouth

"Well the first thing I did was went back home in Holmes Chapel for a few months—speaking of, you should come with me when I go up so you could meet my parents." I almost choked.

"Really? You want me to meet your parents?" I know Harry has already met my mum, but for some reason, meeting his parents this seemed like a huge step in our relationship.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" He smiled. "And after that," he continued his story, "I continued laying low for a few more months, writing songs whenever I had motivation. I did do two magazine features; one for Another Man and the other for Rolling Stones." My eyebrows raised with amazement. "And then I went to Los Angeles and Jamaica to work on my album for a while."

"Wow. Me, on the other hand, did nothing in that same span of time," I laughed.

"You were working hard in uni," Harry countered.

"Yeah, like that is even close to being on two magazine issues," I playfully rolled my eyes. Harry chuckled. He couldn't argue with that and he knew it. "So is the album done?"

"Of course not," he automatically said. "It's maybe only halfway done. I still have lots of songs to write and record now since I have a new source of inspiration in my life."

"Oh," I said in realisation, my whole face instantly heating up. He was talking about me. Harry laughed at my reaction. He put his elbow up on the table, his head resting on the palm of his hand as he just stared at me with affection.

"I wrote five songs about you so far." I flushed even more. I was so warm that I literally had to fan my face to cool it down. I drank half of my iced coffee but it barely helped. Harry sat back with a smirk on his face, enjoying every second of this.

"Oh my god," I said and hid my face.

"Are you not flattered? I'm deeply hurt, T." He joked but played on the act by frowning and placing his hand over his heart.

"It's not that—of course I am flattered. I'm just embarrassed that my face is so red."

"You're fine, love. It's cute." I fanned my face again and finished the rest of my iced tea. Harry continued smirking at me and I just pretended not to care, even though my smile gave it away. I was genuinely really flattered.

We finished our breakfast and went back to Harry house. We held hands the whole way there. I loved how nice it felt to have his hands linked in mine. It made my stomach flutter, it made my heart race, it made me smile.


"You want me to play something?" Harry asked randomly as he picked up his guitar.

"Sure!" I said excitedly.

"Which song?" He asked as sat back down on the sofa, randomly strumming a few chords.

"Anything." Harry stopped and gave me a look.

"That's so helpful," he sarcastically said with a playful roll of his eyes. "Okay, I got one then," he said a few seconds later.

"Okay," I smiled and readjusted my position on the sofa. My back was against the arm rest and my legs were bent so I was sitting on my feet.

Harry playfully cleared his throat before strumming his guitar. I couldn't tell what song it was but as soon as he started singing I recognised it.

"I got a condo in Manhattan, Baby girl, what's happenin' ? You and your ass invited, so gon' and get to clappin', go pop it for me babe, pop-pop it for me, turn around and drop it for me babe, drop-drop it for me," Harry smiled at me as he sung. I noticed how he changed some lyrics in the song, loving that he did that actually. I also noticed how well his voice worked and suited the song too, a smile instantly on my face.

I moved along to the beat as Harry continued singing. I mouthed the lyrics in sync, not wanting to sing out loud and ruin Harry's beautiful voice with my horrible one. Harry also moved along to the beat too, looking at me with a huge smile on his face.

"And I'm gonna give it to you," his eyes closed as he hit that note perfectly. "Cool jewel shining so bright, strawberry champagne on ice, lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like. Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like. Sex by the fire at night, Silk sheets and diamonds all white. Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like. Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like."

Out of the whole song, the thing that stood out to me the most was how Harry sung "sex by the fire at night". It did things to me, let me just say that. And if that wasn't enough, Harry stopped singing and started strumming his guitar to a different, slower beat.

"Let's just kiss 'till we're naked, baby, Versace on the floor." My eyes widen from realisation that Harry was singing such a sensual song. And he was singing it to me. I bit my lip as Harry simply smirked, knowing exactly what kind of effect he was having on me. "Ooh, take it off for me, for me, for me, for me now, girl. Versace on the floor." That fucking tease.

As Harry continued singing, I felt my whole body heat up. My heart was starting to pound harder and faster in my chest and I felt my breathing pick up. I couldn't help all the dirty thoughts from resurfacing in my head, thinking of all the things I could do to Harry and what Harry could do to me. Heat puddled up at the bottom of my stomach. I bite my lip. And what set me off even more was that Harry was feeling the same way. I saw his eyes grow darker, the pupils in his eyes dilating.

I unzip the back to watch it fall
While I kiss your neck and shoulders
No, don't be afraid to show it all
I'll be right here ready to hold you
Girl, you know you're perfect from
Your head down to your heels
Don't be confused by my smile
'Cause I ain't ever been more for real, for real
So just turn down the lights
And close the door
Ooh, I love that dress, but you won't need it anymore
No, you won't need it no more
Let's just kiss 'til we're naked, baby

"Speaking of kissing," Harry abruptly stopped. "I've never had the chance to properly kiss you today," he cheekily said.

"Oh, that's true," I played along, a smile forming on my face. Harry put his guitar on the other sofa and slid closer to me, putting his hand on the armrest behind me, his face only a few inches from mine.

"So how about I get that kiss now then?"

"Uhh, I don't know about that, Harry," I teased. Harry playfully rolled his eyes and slid even closer, basically almost lying on top of me.

"Are you sure about that?" He whispered, his eyes flashing down to my lips. "Because I think that's a great idea right now."

And then his lips were on mine. Harry hummed with approval, the vibration making me even more turned on. I unfolded my legs from under me to get more comfortable. As our kiss deepened, Harry's tongue entered my mouth, his left hand also sliding up from my hip, up my stomach, cupping my left breast. I moaned, my back arching up to get more contact from Harry. And more contact was what I got. He massaged and squeezed. I was left groaning from how good it felt.

I wanted Harry's hands all over my body. I wanted his lips all over my body. I just wanted him—all of him so bad. I wasn't thinking straight, my whole body acting out of pure pleasure in that moment. My hands roamed under his black t-shirt. I ran them up his sides, down the front of his torso, loving the feeling of his abs flexing under my touch. My hands slid to his back and I pulled him fully down on me, my legs spreading open so he lay in between. My core was throbbing. And feeling Harry's hardened length pressing up against me made my core throb even more.

"Mmm—fuck," Harry moaned out, pulling his lips away from me. We both gasped for air, our pupils even more dilated than before.

"Harry," I breathed out, pulling his hips closer, my hips thrusting upwards against him.

"Fuck, Tarrie," he squeezed his eyes shut.

"I want you so bad, Harry." I was having trouble catching my breath, my chest was heaving up and down as my eyes searched for Harry's.

"I want you so bad too," he breathed out. He finally opened his eyes and stared back at me. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes!" I cried out. I heard Harry moan before he smashed our lips back together.

This kiss was so much more heated this time. It was fast and messy. And we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. I tugged the hem of Harry's shirt, and Harry got the memo, parting our lips for a brief second so he could take off his shirt. My eyes roamed hungrily all over his skin, his abs instantly grabbing my attention. Then Harry's mouth was on mine again. We moaned and we cursed. Harry slipped his warm, huge hands under my shirt. I shivered at the touch, my back arching up again.

"I need your shirt off, babe. I need it off," he urgently said, his voice sounding like he was in pain. I didn't hesitate. I sat up and Harry helped me peel the material over my head. "Fuck, you're so beautiful, Taryn." His hands went behind my back, unclipping my bra. I slipped it off my arms and laid back against the armrest, watching Harry look at my bare breasts. "So beautiful," he whispered, his voice so sensual that it made goosebumps rise all over my skin.

My eyes closed shut as Harry started kissing down the side of my jaw and onto my neck. I groaned with pleasure at the feeling. He nibbled and sucked at the skin, my hands tugging on the roots of his hair. He continued kissing down my neck, all the way to my breasts. The moment his lips curled around my nipple, I let out a loud moan, my head tilting back with my eyes squeezed shut.

"I need you on my bed," Harry said.

Harry kissed me once more as we got up from the sofa. It was a blur of what happened from the sofa to his bed, but I know that there was lots of kissing and touching involved, and jeans getting long forgotten.

Harry crawled on top of me as I laid on my back on his cool, white sheets. I watched as he kissed down my stomach, stopping at my hip bone. My breathing stopped as I waited for what he was going to do next. He slid his hands up my legs and on my inner thighs near my heat, massaging the sensitive skin. His hands went higher stopped at the top of my black underwear.

"Is this all right?" Even in the heat of the moment, he still made sure I was comfortable and 100% wanting this.

I nodded my head, a light smile on my face. But the moment he pulled the material down my legs, I suddenly felt so self-conscious from being completely bare and naked in front of Harry. I looked at Harry and saw him breathing rapidly, his eyes roaming around every inch of my body like he wanted to memorise how it looked.

"Taryn, I could stare at you like this all day if I could, you're so fucking beautiful," he breathed out. "I'm can't wait to taste you, T," he groaned making me even wetter than before. He laid down on the bed, his head just inches away from my core. "Ugh, you're soaking. You smell so fucking good." I propped my feet up on the bed with my legs bent and wide open for Harry. My heart was beating out of my chest. I felt nervous but at the same time, I was filled with desperate anticipation for him to do something to me.

The moment I felt his tongue swipe up my heat I cried out from pleasure. I was already a panting mess, my whole body sweating from this intense pleasure and he barely did anything to me yet. Harry did it again, this time focusing on my clit, licking it and sucking it. The contact made my core throb with want, shockwaves shooting up my spine. He slipped one finger inside of me, causing my hips to thrust upwards. Harry moaned from my reaction as he thrust them in again, making me feel every inch of his long finger. Harry added another one, having to hold my hips down with his other hand since the pleasure was too much for me. He picked up on a torturing pace, cries leaving my mouth as Harry's tongue latched back onto my clit. 

"Fuck, Harry. You feel so good," I panted. I was so wet, the heat in the pit of my stomach becoming more intense. I was drenched in pleasure. "Ahh, don't stop, oh my god."

"C'mon, baby. I've got you." He curled his fingers up making me let out a strangled moan. I moved my hips to the rhythm of his fingers and mouth. His pace went even faster, my toes immediately curling up, the pressure building up even more. And then I was over the edge. My legs clamped around his head, three shock waves running throughout my body.

"Harry," I breathed out. Harry continued thrusting his fingers a few more times as he looked at me in this state. After another thrust, he removed his fingers, his mouth immediately taking over. I was so sensitive as he licked and sucked, his tongue also thrusting into me to make the pleasure last as much as it can.

I was left breathless as Harry finally finished. He looked at me with so much hunger. He pulled down his boxers, his length springing out, thick and heavy, desperate for contact. Harry climbed up my body, kissing me again making me taste myself on his lips and tongue.

"Are you still good?" Harry asked. I nodded my head, eager to have him stretch me out.

He pressed a kiss on my lips and grasped his length with his hand. Harry gasped from the pressure before sliding his hand up and down a few strokes to let out some of the pressure. He went into his side table and pulled out a condom. I watched as he tore open the packet and slid it along his achingly hot length.

One of Harry's arms was propped up on the side of my head, the other wrapped around his length as he guided it to my aching core. He stared into my eyes, his deep breaths puffing over my face. He slowly slid in, the tip instantly stretching me out. My mouth opened from the slight sting since I haven't had sex in a year and I haven't had someone that thick. My hands went up to hold his hips, squeezing it gently to let him know he can go more. Harry continued pushing in, his head snuggling into the side of my neck as little groans and moans slipped out of his mouth. I gasped as he finally went in all the way, my walls clenching around him tightly as it tried to adjust to his size.

"Taryn, oh gosh," he looked at me. "You feel so amazing, babe. You're so fucking hot," he moaned. I moaned too from his words. I wanted to tell him everything I was feeling. How he felt so big and snug inside of me. How he felt so perfect. How he is perfect and looked so beautiful.

"Move, Harry," I encouraged, wrapping my legs around his hips.

He slowly pulled out all the way before thrusting back in. I bit my lip as he plunged in and out, picking up on a slow rhythm that made me feel every inch of him. He felt amazing. He stretched me out, each thrust hitting my g-spot, which left me groaning with ecstasy. He was so deep. My walls clenched around him each time he thrust into me.

I started meeting his thrusts, my hands grabbing that perfect arse of his, squeezing it, and pulling him to me so he could go even deeper. Our chests touched with each breath we took. The sounds of our skin slapping each other filled the moan filled the air. Harry quickened the pace making my back arch up. I let out a throaty groan, my head tilted back and my eyes shut tight. I knew we both weren't going to last long.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Harry started cursing, bringing the pace slower again to try to drag this out longer. He pulled his length out all the way and slowly plunged back in, his hip snapping up when he was halfway making me cry out. He continued doing that, the new rhythm bringing me even closer to the edge.

"You're amazing, Harry. You feel so fucking good." He snapped his hips even harder in that particular thrust making me scream out. My hands went up to his hair again, tugging it and making Harry moan.

"Holy shit, Taryn!" Harry yelled out. His face contorted in pleasure, his head tilted back with his eyes screwed shut, his mouth open as more groans fell out of his mouth. I felt him twitch inside me as he met his high, his whole body shaking as he thrust into me a few more times. The feeling of him moving inside was so intense and so fucking good that my vision filled with black dots. I grasped onto him as tight as I could as I let out a loud cry, my orgasm crashing over me. Pleasuring bliss flowed through every inch of my body. My hips continued moving against his, moans still falling out of my mouth as my chest rose and fell rapidly. 

Our chests heaved as we tried to catch our breaths. We both stayed in our positions, all the energy drained from our hot and sweaty bodies. Harry eventually got the energy to pull out, the feeling sending a shiver down my spine. I watched as he took the condom off, tying up the end and chucking it on the floor before cuddling up next to me, his body half on top of mine.

A few minutes later, I felt Harry kiss my shoulder. I looked at him and he was already looking at me, a cute, lazy smile on his face. He raised his hand and moved some hair away from my sweaty face. His hand rested on my face, his thumb stroking my red, very sore lips.

"You're an angel. My angel," he breathed out in a whisper. I smiled at him, my heart swelling at the comment. "And that sex was fucking amazing. I think I gotta write a song about it."

"Oh my god, no," I playfully slapped his arm before covering my face.

"Why not? It was incredible sex," he chuckled.

"I would be mortified if my family listens to that song." My words made Harry laugh. "But I do agree, that sex was incredible," I smiled and snuggled my face in the crevice of Harry's neck, pressing a soft kiss on his salty skin.


When Harry dropped me home that night I had to tell myself not to smile too much since I didn't want it to be so obvious that Harry and I had sex (even though I did have love bites covering the side of my neck). But it turned out that I didn't need to worry about that at all.

"Hiiii!" I called out as I entered the front door of my house.

"Taryn!" I hear my mum yell with an edge in her voice. She came to meet me at the foyer, her face mixed with anger and worry. Oh shit, is she mad at me? I automatically thought. But then she said, "Is it true that Brandon did all those stuff to you and Harry?!" My mood instantly dropped at that moment. I knew Alex was going to tell mum before I did. I wasn't angry at Alex at all, it's just I preferred to tell her myself.

"Yeah." My mouth formed a straight line.

"That boy!" She growled, her whole face curling with anger. "He needs to face consequences for what he'd done! He can't just invade your privacy like that!" I didn't bother trying to calm her down. "I need to call your father right now and tell him about this." She stormed off, going up the stairs to her bedroom so she could talk privately to my dad. But I bet Alex and I would still be able to hear every word because when my mum gets angry, she is angry and she makes sure the other person knows that.


omg such a long chapter :P so i hoped you enjoyed it (and the smut haha)! please vote, comment, and follow me if you did! :)

love you, stay lovely xx

~ May

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11.3K 465 36
"How far can you bend before you break?" When Harry Styles enters Madeline's life it seems like his only goal is to tear down everything she's worked...
35.8K 702 36
[BOOK ONE] She puts on a tough girl act and tries to prove to the world that she can take it on single-handed. In reality, she's just scared. Scare...