To Kill A Demon (Supernatural...

By ArthurKetch

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My dad wants me dead, demons are hunting my family like sheep-and yellow eyes is stalking me like a homicidal... More

To Kill A Demon (Supernatural-Dean Love Story~)
Chapter Two: Surprise! Your BestFriend Is Dead.
Chapter Three: Nutcase
Chapter Four: Author's Note
Chapter Five: Winchester Brothers
Chapter Six: Hell Hounds
Chapter Seven: Nightmares
Chapter Eight: Pancakes, Salad & Being Normal
Chapter Nine: Sam's Secret
Chapter Ten: Dad
Chapter Eleven: Author's Note
Chapter Twelve: Damn Vampires....
Chapter Fourteen: To Kill Dean Winchester?
Chapter Fifteen: Saving Dean Winchester
Chapter Sixteen: Learning
Chapter Seventeen: Painful Memories Of My Sister
Chapter Eighteen: John Winchester
Chapter Nineteen: MoodKiller
Chapter Twenty: Agent Potts
Chapter Twenty-One: Who The Hell Is Britney Spears?
Chapter Twenty-Two: To Be Loved
Chapter Twenty-Three: Amare (Love)

Chapter Thirteen: Youth And Wiskey

981 53 0
By ArthurKetch

Tears streamed down his face, his emerald eyes filled with hurt and worry, "Sammy, you're gonna be okay. Listen to me. We'll get you to a hospital and you'll be out in no time. Dean's voice cracked horribly at Sam's attempt to smile. The young Winchester had been shot twice in the stomach and suffered a broken wrist. Both from a vamp he and his brother had been hunting. John had told them that the vamp was dangerous-no on was expecting he would have a rifle, he's a vampire. Dean was thinking he would just use his teeth and lash out with his immense super strength.

"Sam...Sammy?" Dean tapped his little brother's face, Sam's dark eyes rolled into the back of his head. His arms fell limply to the damp muddy asphalt. A lump formed in the eldest Winchester's throat; he reached into hi pocket and pulled out a beat up black flip phone. After doing what had to be done he slipped into his car. Paramedics lifted Sam onto the cot; Dean frowned at his glowing phone screen. Flashing across it was a message from her.

'Heard what happened to Sam, the vamp that did it is an ex-soldier who served 13 years. Currently living with 4 other vamps. They all knew each other for a very long time-they actually served together in World War 1. His name is Grave. Meet me by the bar.'

Apparently she wasn't giving him a choice, Dean did want to kill the son of a bitch. But it still stuck in his skull that Sam was in the hospital, where demons could be or any other monster that went bump in the night.

The bright phone screen flashed once more before going completely blank. Great Dean , now I have no way of contacting anyone. I sighed significantly throwing my arms to my side, water droplets pattered against the asphalt. It only started to rain all of two minutes ago. Dark strands of hair flattened down, street lights flickered.

A tall male with platinum blonde hair-dark intense blue eyes- rounded the corner. The lights continued flickered; I furrowed my eyebrows eyeing the man then the lights. "Demons.......?" I alleged softly, the male grinned immediately his eyes turned black. "Fu-" With a quick flip of his wrist he sent me flying back into the brick building. What air used to be in my lungs was gone, I gasped loudly choking. "Demons..." I mumbled frowning. "Just what I need, not that anything ever turns out the way I want. Why can't you little pests of hell just stay in hell?" A playful chuckle left his lip, the smile that was on his face twisted into a grin. Police sirens wailed, two cars whizzed by in great speed. Both were chasing a dark maroon mustang with an older man driving.

"You see," His black eyes locked with mine but only for a couple seconds, "We would stay away, only if you puny apes would face it. That you can't save your puny selves from destroying the very beneath your feet." He spat, his cold hand outlined my jawline.

"Monsters like yourself won't make it any better, with possessing humans. Killing them. Just shows you're as reckless as we are." He scowled stepping back.

"You may be right, hunter. But no being is more flawed than a human. Reckless, greedy, self-absorbed. In the end they all carry their own demons."

"Everyone carries their own demons at some point in their lives, some just show better than others." His eyes switched from black to blue, I lifted my arms to make sure they weren't injured. The demon shook his head laughing softly. "What's so funny?" He stopped laughing and raised his head.

"You're the one Azazel has been talking about, the one that can summon hell hounds." I cocked an eyebrow. Who the hell was Azazel? He circled around my left side examining me carefully. "So what's it like to have demon blood coursing through those veins? To know you're just like me?" My fist clenched angrily, without thinking I threw a punch at his face. Before it even made contact the demon retreated. I caught the man carefully cursing softly. Demon blood coursing through my veins, so that was it? That's what Sam has too?

Demon blood, so that's what my father was worried about all these years? Just some stupid little faulty in me? That I can't change no matter what. That's no reason to abandon your daughter when she is in need.

That's no reason to give up on anyone, just because they're different doesn't mean anything.

(Yay new chapter. Promised an update so here it is. Sorry haven't been able to update in a while. Anyways thanks for reading!!)

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