Double Down Demons (A Ghost A...

By Ghostmeerkat78

61.2K 1.8K 360

Tracy, a huge Ghost Adventures fan finds herself thrown in the thick of it. Both a passionate relationship an... More

Chapter One: Fangirl special.
Chapter 2: Video call to arms
Chapter 3: The ghostbusters have landed.
Chapter 4: Getting to know you
Chapter 5: Sensitive sleepover
Chapter 6: Breakfast of champions
Chapter 7: Nervous beginnings
Chapter 8: Only choking
Chapter 9: Silent chill
Chapter 10: Revelations and invitations
Chapter 11: Bedtime story
Chapter 12: Day dream believer
Chapter 13: Flick a switch
Chapter 14: Cool beginnings
Chapter 15: Gaol house shock
Chapter 17: Getting comfortable
Chapter 18: Big brother Billy
Chapter 19: Flirtation station
Chapter 20: Plane flying, plain speaking
Chapter 21: Woo the girl
Chapter 22: Date done good
Chapter 23: Electric premonition
Chapter 24: Calm before the electric storm
Chapter 25: Setting the trap
Chapter 26: Cross hatch
Chapter 27: Aftershocks and coming down
Chapter 28: Band aid Bagans
Chapter 29: Nightmare in Room 395
Chapter 30: Come undone.
Chapter 31: Support
Chapter 32: Watching as it all goes down
Chapter 33: Time for reflection
Chapter 34: The voice of a demon
Chapter 35: Lap dogs and bitches
Chapter 36: The Wise words of Aaron Goodwin
Chapter 37: Making up is hard to do
Chapter 38: Celebrate good times
Chapter 39: Taking control
Chapter 40: The morning after
Chapter 41: Simply meant to be
Chapter 42: Casper encounters
Chapter 43: Beneath the surface
Chapter 44: Its twins!
Chapter 45: Living the dream
Chapter 46: Roots and branches
Chapter 47: A pain in Zak's arse
Chapter 48: Promises, patience and self control
Chapter 49: Pre party primping
Chapter 50: Fantastic Phantasm
Chapter 51: Sir starts his lesson
Chapter 52: All of me
Chapter 53: Super fantastic awesome day
Chapter 54: Uneasy welcome
Chapter 55: Internal struggle
Chapter 56: Pushing him
Chapter 57: Breaking point
Chapter 58: Tunnel of terror
Chapter 59: Apologies and explanations
Chapter 60: Feelings
Chapter 61: Beware the bite of the wolfman
Chapter 62: Possession
Chapter 63: Bringing faith
Chapter 64: Battle of wills
Chapter 65: Sweet release of a deep connection
Chapter 66: Pleasing teasing
Chapter 67:Home coming
Chapter 68: Dessert
Chapter 69: Hatchi ups the ante
Chapter 70: Mood swings
Chapter 71: Fighting fear
Chapter 72: The big reveal
Chapter 73: Reasons to believe
Chapter 74: You're so vain, I bet you think this story is about you
Chapter 75: Jay Wasley's wisdom
Chapter 76: Jokes and jealousy
Chapter 77: Welcoming witch
Chapter 78: You're a witch Tracy
Chapter 79: Darkness and light
Chapter 80: A demon's motives
Chapter 81: The obsidian blade
Chapter 82: Where are the Winchesters when you need them?
Chapter 83: Fight the good fight
Chapter 84: Severed
Chapter 85: Awakening
Chapter 86: No secrets
Chapter 87: Life's too short to keep a secret.
Chapter 88: Bare naked laddies
Chapter 89: Kiss the waves
Chapter 90: Take off at Appollo Bay
Chapter 91: You get what you give
Chapter 92: From dusk til dawn
Chapter 93: Creature feature
Chapter 94: The pleasure of the prey
Chapter 95: Last night come down
Chapter 96: Boys do cry
Chapter 97: Beautiful goodbye
Author's note

Chapter 16: Communication station

825 23 2
By Ghostmeerkat78

We soon reach my house and I hop out of the van just wanting to quickly get inside before anyone can see the shine of unshod tears in my eyes.

"You're sure you're ok?" Zak asks.

"Fine, tired." I barely muster to mumble, refusing to look him in the eye.

"Ok, go sleep we'll call you later. He says. Not 'I will,' but 'We will. 'I sigh again, nod in acknowledgement and turn towards my door. I knew I was being silly but I didn't care, after all that had happened I didn't want to be alone and I didn't like this distance from Zak. I open the door and hear the van pull away behind me.

Inside I grab a drink, visit the bathroom and have just about enough energy to pull off my boots and jeans before falling into bed.

I was so exhausted you would think that sleep would come easy but no. I would doze lightly but mostly I am tossing and turning. I couldn't get comfortable. My throat was sore and I couldn't stop the disturbing images that were invading my thoughts. After a couple of hours I give up and figure that I'll grab a shower, watch a movie and try to quiet my mind. I checked my phone and see that Zak had been tweeting while I was trying to sleep. It shouldn't but knowing he was still awake but didn't want to talk to me, only his fans, really bothered me. I tried to shake the feeling and took the longest shower feeling the night's events being washed into the past. I sat on the bed, trying to muster the energy to dry my hair when I thought I had better check facebook and let everyone know I had survived the night.

'I made it! Not quite unscathed but close enough. I ain't afraid of no ghosts! ghost emoji'            

I typed and pressed send. Not even a minute later my phone rang, it was Zak! My breath caught in my throat.

"Hi,everything ok? " I asked trying to sound nonchalant even though that's the last thing I was feeling.

'I was going to ask you that, why aren't you sleeping?" He asks.

"I tried but failed." Trying to keep my tone casual, still not wanting to worry him. "How about you?"

"Same.So, ummm, I was wondering, errr as we're both awake and umm, as long as you don't mind, would it be ok if I came over?" He stumbled to ask.

"Uh,sure! Of course you can." I reply in surprise, trying to ignore how adorable he sounds.

"Ok, cool, i'll be there in 15." And he hangs up.

I rush around, finishing my hair and throw on some baggy trackies and Zak's hoodie. I shrug to myself, casual and comfort were my first priorities right now and there was a slight chill in the autumnal air. Just as I had pulled on my fluffy socks there was a knock at the door. I open up and there he stands in his own baggy track pants, tee and jacket. He stands slightly hunched, his hands in his pockets, baseball cap pulled low over his glasses covered eyes. He fills up my entire doorway with his athletic frame.

"Hi," I smile softly and go to move aside to allow him in, but before I can move away he steps forward and I am enveloped in his arms and he buries his face in my hair.

"I'm sorry." He whispers and the sorrow emanating from him is tangible as I hug him back hard. Eventually Zak lets me go and stands on my doorstep not making eye contact.

"Come in and tell me exactly what it is you think you have to be sorry for." I demand, completely perplexed. He comes in and drops heavily on the couch and huffs. I sit next to him, face him and punch him lightly on the arm. "Come on spill it!" He takes a deep breath and still unable to look at me he starts.

"I've been an ass," And that's all it takes for the flood gates to open." I should never have left you at the gallows alone but I knew it would make great TV. So I put you at risk for a stupid TV show! And I was so scared when I realised what was happening but I still treated you horribly afterwards. I was worrying too much about what you must think of me and how I was going to convince you to carry on and to at least salvage our friendship enough for you to not hate me that I didn't think about how you were feeling and I did nothing to comfort you. I'm sure I just pushed you away instead, I'm sorry, I know it's not an excuse, but I love what I do so much I get so focussed on it but then I got so confused having you there. You kept breaking through my concentration and I didn't know how to handle it and you got hurt because of it. I acted like a dick! I'm sorry I just wanted to explain, I shouldn't have come, i'll leave." He garbles and moves to get up. I grab his hand and pull him back down, finally he faces me with a look of surprise on his face.

"Have you finished with the pity party? " I ask feeling a little annoyed with him. Zak looked at me in a way that made me realise he isn't used to being spoken to like that.

"Ok,number one I have watched more than enough Ghost Adventures to know what to expect from both you and the experience. I was there by my own free will and you didn't make me do anything I didn't want to do,you couldn't have if you had tried! I'm not one to bow down to your every whim just because you're hot and famous!" I almost yell as he looks at me in shock. Not used to having someone stand up to him nor missing the fact that I had just called him hot.

"I wanted to investigate the gallows," I continued. "And what happened was at least partly my fault, I should have moved away when I first started coughing but I really wanted to get some good evidence by myself. As for you thinking you treated me badly, pffft! You were focused yes, but I expected that. Its your job, your passion. I see it in you every time I watch the show and I admire it as it fuels your integrity and tenacity. But you were still aware enough to make sure I was ok, I wouldn't be wearing this if that wasn't the case." I plucked at the hoody I was wearing and Zak took the opportunity to interrupt.

"But in the car, I saw your face..."

"Ok I admit I was disappointed that we didn't interact much after we left. My emotions were all over the place and I didn't really want to be alone if I'm honest. However, I also know enough about you to know that you do need to be alone following an investigation, that they hit you hard too. So I didn't want to speak up and put the pressure on you especially in front of the others. If I had really needed company I would have gone to my sister's yet here I am, or was, home alone. I was mostly disappointed that I wouldn't be spending more time alone with you but was also worrying that you might think I was weird and clingy and just another fan girl. I was tired and not processing stuff properly and..."

Zak holds up his hands and interrupts me once more.

"Woah there! Take a breath will ya!" He smiles. Oh thank god I got him to smile but then it sinks in that I had been completely blabbering and shared much more with him about how I felt than I had ever intended.Damn you sleep deprivation! "I think we need to get a bit better at communicating with each other." He chuckled, I look up at him quizzically. "I was kind of confused too because for the first time ever I didn't want to be alone either. I wanted to at least talk with you for a while but I was too worried about what you thought of me to even suggest it. And yeah, its hard when there's a captive audience of guys around the whole time.' He admits and I roll my eyes.

"We're a couple of idiots basically." I note and he laughs and nods. "So we're all good? No more worrying about things that could have been ok if you had just spoken to me about it?" I ask in exasperation, he nods again still smiling. "Good, now stop being an idiot i'm too tired for that shit!" I laugh and give him a playful slap on the arm.

"Hey!"He protests and grabs my hand. "Seriously though, thank you for being understanding, you're a good friend." I smile back at him although inwardly i'm riding an emotional roller coaster, happy that we had cleared the air but also acutely aware of the emphasis he placed on 'friend' and worried about how strongly I was beginning to feel for him. I tried to ignore it, I was friends, good friends with Zak Bagans! There was nothing to be sad about that! I was tired, I told myself you'll feel better about it later. I pushed my doubts aside so Zak wouldn't have to worry anymore.

It was 11am and we still hadn't slept so I suggest that we settle down and watch a move to try and clear our heads.

"Just nothing with ghosts in it." Zak insists and I whole heartedly agree. Thinking something light would be best I put on Zoolander. Before I know it Zak has his arm around my shoulder pulling me close,not concentrating on the film I wonder what Zak is thinking. I had never seen him this tactile with anyone else before. I quickly remind myself that I had only ever seen him on Ghost Adventures and Aaron's vlog before so how was I to know how he was with his female friends, trying and failing to ignore the pang of jealousy at that thought. Dammit I need to get a grip! But then he starts giggling away at the movie and my heart flutters in my chest. But why does he have to be so cute and hot and lush and easy to talk to and funny and..... aaaaaarrrrgggh! I scream inwardly in frustration and without realising I physically shake my head trying to stop the whirlpool of thoughts from swirling uncontrollably around my mind.

"You ok?" Zak asks me bringing me crashing back to reality. Oh shit! I think.
"Umm yeah, my hair was tickling my face." I lie hoping my hot face doesn't give me away. Zak gives me a strange look but obviously thinks better of questioning any further and I breath a small sigh of relief. I try and turn my attention to the screen but feel my eyes drooping. As I drift off I swear I feel Zak brush my hair away from my face and stroke the contours of my cheek with his fingertips. Or is that just wishful thinking?

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