His Dark Angel

By a_man_duh22

50.7K 877 48

Jess Owens is 26 years old and the owner of the haunted Hill View Manor. She gets a call from the Ghost Adven... More

Author's Note
Author's Note


3.6K 65 2
By a_man_duh22

Jess POV
Holy shit! I can't believe that Zak Bagans himself asked me on a date! I'm freaking out. I start looking through my closet to find something to wear tomorrow night. I get to the dress section of my closet, and I decide on a long, long sleeved black dress. It shows cleavage, but not enough to be trashy, and has a high slit to show some leg but still leaves something to the imagination. Now that I have figured out what I'm going to wear, I start getting nervous. A million things are going through my mind. I really want this to go well because I don't want things to be awkward. My school girl crush is escalating quickly and it scares me. I finally decide to take a shower and go to bed. I need to be well rested and relax my mind.

My alarm goes off this morning and I groan as I roll over and turn it off. I have to be at Hill View in an hour to let Zak, Nick, and Aaron in for the rest of their interviews. I have to get my hair colored at 3 so I'll give the keys to John, my contractor, to lock everything up when they are done. I'll get them from him later. I get dressed and make my way to work. When I pull up, the boys are already here waiting for me. "Sorry to keep you waiting gentlemen." I say sincerely as I meet them out front. "Oh, we haven't been waiting very long." Aaron says with a smile. I go ahead and unlock the doors and let them in. "John should be here any minute." I say right about the time John walks through the door.

I'm sitting at the hair salon waiting for the girl to start on my hair and my phone goes off. I grab it out of my purse and see it's a text from Zak. "Hey beautiful. I can't wait for tonight. I'll see you at 7." "I can't wait either. I'll be ready and waiting. See you soon." I reply before getting escorted to my chair. "So what can I do for you today?" My hair dresser, Jake, asks. "I want a trim and I want to go jet black." I say happily. I'm so ready for this change but I'm nervous to see Zak's reaction. I hope he likes it.

I've been so nervous today, about the date tonight, that I barely even spoke to Jess this morning. After she left, I sent her a text, which she instantly replied, so that made me feel better. Now, I'm pacing the floor in my hotel room waiting for 6:30 to roll around. "You're gonna wear holes in the floor, bro." Aaron says while him and Nick are laughing at me. "I'm so nervous. This has to go good guys." I tell them seriously. "Zak, it's obvious she likes you. Tonight will go great, I know it will. Don't put so much stress on yourself." Nick says trying to calm my nerves. I nod my head and try to calm down. "Alright guys. I gotta go. See you tomorrow." I say walking out the door.

Twenty minutes later, I'm pulling the rental car into Jessica's driveway. I'm so nervous that I have sweat rolling down my forehead. I stand outside the car for about ten minutes before I make my way to the front door. I hesitate a little before raising my hand to knock on the door. I hear her heels clicking on the floor. When she opens the door, my jaw drops. "Wow Jess, you look amazing. Your hair looks hot. I dig the black." I tell her as she opens the door. "Well thank you. Are you ready?" Jess asks with a smile. "Yeah, let's go." I say as I grab her hand. I help her into the car and we make our way to the restaurant.

We arrive at the restaurant and I help jess out of the car. The hostess escorts is to a table in the back so we can have some privacy. "So, Zak, what do you think of New Castle?" Jess asks breaking the silence. "It's a nice change from Vegas. I kind of like it." I tell her with a smirk. "You know, I've never been to Vegas. I've been dying to go but then I bought Hill View and that seems to be where all my time goes." "Hopefully, after tonight, that will change." I tell her with a smirk and a wink. Jess and I finish dinner a couple hours later and now I'm walking her to her door. "So, I'll see you tomorrow before lockdown?" I ask her. "Yeah, you will." Jess says with a smile. As I turn to walk off, Jess grabs my arm and pulls me back to her. She pulls me in for a kiss and I instantly kiss back. When we pull away, she walks in and I head back to the car with a smile on my face.

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