I am not lonely [Mystrade]

By BillySHolmes

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Mycroft Holmes is apparently a very happy man. He have an important job, a stable relationship with a Scotlan... More

Chapter 1 : The revelation
CHAPTER 2 : A visit to the zoo
CHAPTER 3 : Brother mine.
CHAPTER 4 : A royal disappearance
CHAPTER 5 : A royal issue
CHAPTER 6 : Childish Sherlock
Chapter 7 : Lady Smallwood
CHAPTER 8 : Mycrafting
CHAPTER 9 : Alden
CHAPTER 10 : La Dolce Vita
CHAPTER 11 : Kashmir suit
CHAPTER 12 : Football Game
CHAPTER 13 : A great Uncle.
CHAPTER 14 : Baking and Solving
CHAPTER 15 : 2 years
CHAPTER 16 : Mr and Mrs Holmes.
CHAPTER 17 : Grievances
CHAPTER 18 : The Grooms
CHAPTER 19 : The Husbands.
CHAPTER 20 : Coming-out
CHAPTER 21 : Birthday Party
CHAPTER 22 : First Day.
CHAPTER 23 : Strawbridge
CHAPTER 24 : To Victory
CHAPTER 25 : Front Page
CHAPTER 26 : Celeste
CHAPTER 27 : Happy Birthday
CHAPTER 28 : Trouble
CHAPTER 29 : A hoodlum from Camden
CHAPTER 30 : A goldfish in an aquarium.
CHAPTER 31 : Passion
CHAPTER 32 : Friends
CHAPTER 33 : December is Christmas
CHAPTER 34 : Christmas Party
CHAPTER 35 : Marcus
CHAPTER 36 : Baron Samedi and Mr Calaveras
CHAPTER 37 : Strychnine
CHAPTER 38 : The Government and Scotland Yard
CHAPTER 39 : None of your business.
CHAPTER 40 : A good cop
CHAPTER 41 : Dining and fencing
CHAPTER 42 : 47.
CHAPTER 43 : Daddy.
CHAPTER 44 : Swans
CHAPTER 45 : French lover.
CHAPTER 46 : Shoes
CHAPTER 47 : Sorry
CHAPTER 48 : 334 steps
CHAPTER 49 : Guns and tight shirt.
CHAPTER 50 : Ich bin ein doof.
CHAPTER 51 : Hyde Park
CHAPTER 52 : Shower
CHAPTER 53 : Blood stains.
CHAPTER 54 : Trying to coop.
CHAPTER 55 : A taste of holidays
CHAPTER 56 : Surprise
CHAPTER 57 : Freckles
CHAPTER 58 : An instant to remember.
CHAPTER 59 : Unexpected encounter
CHAPTER 60 : It's gonna be alright
CHAPTER 61 : La Mano
CHAPTER 62 : Hunting down
CHAPTER 63 : Retaliation
CHAPTER 64 : All to the Tardis
CHAPTER 65 : Always the poetic
CHAPTER 66 : Welcome back
CHAPTER 67 : Nicknames
CHAPTER 68 : Pretty boy
CHAPTER 69 : Knightsbridge
CHAPTER 70 : Green plushy frame
CHAPTER 71 : Children !
CHAPTER 72 : Nervous Breakdown
CHAPTER 73 : Hidden talents.
CHAPTER 74 : Unbeatable and Unsinkable
CHAPTER 75 : Many things to tell
CHAPTER 76 : I love your smile.
CHAPTER 77 : Don't tell me lies
CHAPTER 78 : Bareskin
CHAPTER 79 : A detective in the living room
CHAPTER 80 : Superman
CHAPTER 81 : One of the upsetting kind
CHAPTER 82 : The perfect suit
CHAPTER 83 : A surprise call
CHAPTER 84 : Handcuff him
CHAPTER 86 : Do you want a plastic bag ?
CHAPTER 87 : The rest of my life
CHAPTER 88: Commanding officer
CHAPTER 89 : Finding the girl
CHAPTER 90 : Navaja and Radders
CHAPTER 91 : A royal visit
CHAPTER 92 : Lesbian vampires and teddy bears
CHAPTER 93 : Christmas shopping
CHAPTER 94 : Santa Klaus
CHAPTER 95 : Unexpected morning
CHAPTER 96 : All kinds of fluids
CHAPTER 97 : Damsel in distress
CHAPTER 98 : Why is there a fucking pony in my living room ?
CHAPTER 99 : Bloody French
CHAPTER 100 : Dirty boy
CHAPTER 101 : Allons-y Alonzo !
CHAPTER 102 : Discovery
CHAPTER 103 : Interviewing
CHAPTER 104 : Bracknell
CHAPTER 105 : Concerned Rocky
CHAPTER 106 : A day at the beach
CHAPTER 107 : Teasing
CHAPTER 108 : Any part of your body
CHAPTER 109 : Family Portrait
CHAPTER 110 : Grace Louise Madison Taylor
CHAPTER 111 : A tour in the studios
CHAPTER 112 : Spring Rolls.
CHAPTER 113 : Bet
CHAPTER 114 : Sister
CHAPTER 115 : Snack
CHAPTER 116 : The man in charge
CHAPTER 117 : Saint Raphael
CHAPTER 118 : Parade
CHAPTER 119 : Lombok
CHAPTER 120 : Snorkling
CHAPTER 121 : An evening
CHAPTER 122 : Please ...
CHAPTER 123 : Chief Detective Sherif
CHAPTER 124 : Monitoring
CHAPTER 125 : Vera
CHAPTER 126 : Surprise diner
CHAPTER 127 : Black tie
CHAPTER 128 : Breath
CHAPTER 129 : Nephew like uncle
CHAPTER 130 : Talking
CHAPTER 131 : Liars, Killers
CHAPTER 132 : The House on the Cliff
CHAPTER 133 : The concept of Art
Chapter 134 : Post
CHAPTER 135 : Prejudice
CHAPTER 136 : A royal deal
CHAPTER 137 : Vientiane's baby
CHAPTER 138 : Can I hold her ?
CHAPTER 139 : Bees
CHAPTER 140 : Tantrum
CHAPTER 141 : Niece
CHAPTER 142 : Earl of Swindon
CHAPTER 143 : Santa's list
CHAPTER 144 : Little devil
CHAPTER 145 : Arnie
CHAPTER 146 : Molly's present
CHAPTER 147 : Live, love, dare and stand up
CHAPTER 148 : Children's issues
CHAPTER 149 : Head of government
Chapter 150 : Babysitting
Chapter 151 : Lord of the Flies
CHAPTER 152 : Architect
Chapter 153 : Brothers and Sisters
CHAPTER 154 : Following up
CHAPTER 155 :Arnie strikes back
CHAPTER 156 : Juvenile Prison
CHAPTER 157 : John taught me
CHAPTER 158 : Party boy
CHAPTER 159 : Oh Gregory ...
CHAPTER 160 : Being normal
CHAPTER 161 :What a good evening are we going to have
CHAPTER 162 : Savilla
CHAPTER 163 : Just a few words.
CHAPTER 164 : James Akrington
CHAPTER 165 : A day off
CHAPTER 166 : Cleaning ?
CHAPTER 167 : Dmitri Yuri Nevsky
CHAPTER 168 : Geiger counter
CHAPTER 169 :Back to college
CHAPTER 170 :Half a million CCTV
CHAPTER 171 : Family business
CHAPTER 172 : Alpha Emmiters
CHAPTER 173 : Ridiculous claim
CHAPTER 1974 : Yeats
CHAPTER 175 : Fitting room
CHAPTER 176 : The detective's assistant
CHAPTER 177 : A very senior guide
CHAPTER 178 : Not always the good guys
CHAPTER 179 : Bad feeling
CHAPTER 180 :Help requiered
CHAPTER 181 : Deadly serious
CHAPTER 182 : The Scottish mystery
CHAPTER 183 : Unsolved
CHAPTER 184 :Youth mistakes
CHAPTER 185 : It's a treat.
CHAPTER 186 : Unexpected
CHAPTER 187 : Climbing a mountain
CHAPTER 188 : Sarah
CHAPTER 189 : San Marino Coffee Shop
CHAPTER 190 : This is no incident
CHAPTER 191 : The monster under my bed
CHAPTER 192 : You've got some mail
CHAPTER 193 :In the night
Chapter 194 : Freak's help
CHAPTER 195 : Christmas resolutions
CHAPTER 196 : Little lady
CHAPTER 197 : Freedom of Speech
CHAPTER 198 :Baths and chores
CHAPTER 199 : Driving talents
CHAPTER 200 : A new begining

CHAPTER 85 : Is this for me ?

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By BillySHolmes

Mycroft rolled on himself, unable to sleep. He took a look at the clock on his bedside table. 3:44 AM. He was to be up in less than three hours and still had had no sleep, his mind always wandering back to what had happened in the afternoon and to his brother.
After John had been discovered in the warehouse, he had been transported to a nearby hospital where he still was, the doctors refusing to see him travel more with the severe physical damage he had endured. Knowing that they both had work to attend the next morning the auburn and his partner had travelled back to London in the evening while Sherlock stayed beside his flatmate in the hospital. In any normal circumstances, the official would never had agreed to leave him alone in a place he couldn't have a constant watch on, especially when in bad mood as he was but he had seen the look he and John had exchange when the latter had woken up.
The official rolled on himself once again until he encountered the warm body of his husband. The detective was fast asleep, snoring gently and the elder Holmes sank his head in his boyfriend's neck, relieved with the slow and regular heartbeat of the man and finally falling asleep when the policeman moved in his sleep and unconsciously wrapped his arm around the auburn's shoulder.

"Are you sure about that love ?" Mycroft wondered, once again, anxiously.
"You've already asked me this question about seventeen time in the last two days." chuckled Gregory before stepping out of the car. "I've been thinking about this for years, I'm quite sure of what I want yes."
"But I don't want you to suffer ..." the official pouted, resting his hand on the other man's hip to prevent him from leaving.
"Myc' ... I'm going to be fine !" the yarder reassured him. "Now let me go or I'm going to be late. I'll see you tonight, have a good afternoon."
The policeman gently lift his husband's hand away and winked to him before disappearing in the crowded street. He was expected at four in a nearby tattoo shop but despite being dropped as close as possible by the driver, he still arrived a few minutes late.
"Greg Lestrade, I was expected a four. Sorry for being late." he introduced himself at the girl behind the front desk.
"Don't worry. Jena is nearly ready, she'll come to have you in about five minutes or so." smiled the young lady. "You can have a seat in the couch right there if you want."
The detective did as he was suggested and grabbed a magazine that was displayed on a coffee table nearby but was unable to concentrate on the words. Now that he was there he was starting to feel anxious and he hoped the Jena would quickly be ready to have him into the tattoo room or he was afraid he would run away. He wasn't soft for the pain but he had to admit that the perspective of suffering laid on a table during two hours was making him quite anxious.
Thankfully a young, purple-headed woman came to fetch him only a few minutes after he had sat down and brought him to a small but nice and comfortable room. She offered him a tea while he was taking his shirt off. He sat down in the old fashion dentist chair. The woman grabbed a couple of books and sat down on a stool nearby him.
"So, you said you wanted an octopus on your chest's side, am I right ?" she wondered.
"Yes. Something quite big actually, around 7 or 8 inches I think." confirmed Greg, wondering if he shouldn't start by a smallest piece on a less painful zone, but too late to change.
"Cool. So have you got an idea of the design yet or do you want to have a look to what we have in the books." nodded the tattoo artist. "I don't think we have that many octopuses but it could be a start."
"Well, I was thinking about something like this." the policeman suggested, showing her a picture on his phone. A couple of weeks ago, he had asked Sarah and her great artistic sense if she could design him something and the result was over all his expectation.
"Yeah, that looks great actually !" the woman smiled. "You want it exactly this way or is there anything you want to change ?"
"Well, I was wondering if there would be any possibility to include the letters M, A, J, L and S anywhere by chance ?" requested the yarder shyly.
"Yes sure. Maybe we could make the octopus carry a roll of parchment with the letters on it ?" suggested the artist.
"That looks good to me." accepted the inspector, drinking a sip of his tea.
"All right, so I'll start by copying the drawing on your skin with a pen than we will start the proper tattoo alright ?" explained the young woman. "So you have 10 painless minutes to run away if you want and then stuck in the chair for two hours !"
Both of them laughed genuinely, Greg maybe a little more anxiously than usually and the girl grabbed a blue pen and asked the yarder to raise his right arm and place it behind his head before starting to copy the drawing on his side.

Two and a half hours later, the detective stepped out of the shop, not feeling his chest's side anymore, but genuinely happy with the way things had turned out to look. Mycroft had asked him to call him as soon as he was finished so he would come to pick him up, but the policeman thought it would be great to surprise his husband and was fancying the forty minutes walk back to the Holmes Mansion. The air was cold but the sky was clear and will soon be pitch dark, a weather and moment of the day the DI appreciated more than everything and despite the weird gait his painful side was giving he was feeling properly dapper. On his way back home, he stopped by a florist and bought a bouquet of white roses and just before arriving in front of the house's front door, ran a hand in his grey hair to try to comb it nicely.
As soon as he entered the mansion, Mycroft popped a head through the living room's door, apparently anxious then relieved.
"Why didn't you called me ? I was worried ..." he complained, unable to look really cross at the sight of the roses and of the perfect smile of his boyfriend.
"I fancied a walk." simply answered the inspector before placing a loving kiss on his partner lips to shush him up.
"Is that for me ?" asked the official, gesturing toward the flowers, when they broke the kiss.
"No, it's for Alden when he come back next week-end." chuckled the older man. "Of course it is for you honey."
"Oh, very funny, Gregory Hugh Alan Lestrade ... So, how does it look ?" wondered the elder Holmes, accepting the flower with a fond smile.
"Do you want to see ?" proposed the detective.
"No, think I'm going to avoid looking at it until the end of my days." retorted the auburn, deadpan.
"Alright." replied the policeman before taking out his coat and making his way to the stairs.
"Oh come on, no ... Please ..." finally begged the elder Holmes, following his partner.
"You'll have to fend for yourself then." the inspector chuckled, letting his boyfriend tackle him against staircase's railing and kiss him fiercely in the neck.
They made their way to their bedroom, Mycroft's finger rubbing against the other man's hips through the fabric of his shirt, the piece of fabric quickly discarded on the floor as soon as they entered the room. The elder Holmes took a step back to admire the new drawing that was now to be part of his lover forever than place a feather-weight kiss on it, making sure not to apply too much pressure not to make the yarder suffer uselessly. He then ran his lips against his boyfriend's soft skin until he encountered one of his nipples.
"So, do you like it ?" the detective wondered softly, his fingers running through the younger man's hair.
As a unique answer, the auburn moaned a little and pushed the policeman down on the bed before sitting on top of him, a knee on each side of his partner's body and ran his nose against the sensitive skin of the man's neck, placing little kisses now and then until he reached the yarder's lips. Gregory deduced that it was probably his way of approving the pattern and moaning at the divine feeling of the younger man's kisses, he managed to take of the waist band and white shirt the official was wearing, unveiling the soft and warm pale skin and pressed his own torso against the other man's chest, incredibly turned on by the soft peck the auburn was covering his face with.
Feeling himself in a playful mood, Mycroft was having much fun teasing his lover and in a successful attempt to frustrate him a little more, he moved from just a few inches until he was sat directly on the inspector's private parts and no more on his stomach. Greg's entire body shivered and he moaned what seemed like a curse or an insult but the elder Holmes didn't cared and focus back on his lover's chest until himself wasn't able to wait more and then only released his boyfriend's body by rolling on the side and letting the DI to take both of their trousers and pants off.

The policeman awoken later that night to the soft feeling of his partner's fingers running gently over the line of his new tattoo. Not moving to make sure that the official wouldn't stop, he let his mind wander until he realised that Mycroft had stopped his caresses and was now looking at him, leaned on his arm, a soft and fond smile on his face.
"Hello sleeping beauty ..." he whispered before placing a soft kiss on the DI's forehead.
"Don't stop what you was doing with your fingers. It's feeling good." asked the yarder, kissing his boyfriend back.
"Isn't ... that ... even ... better ?" the official wondered, placing a tender peck on the tattoo between every word.
"Hmm... You've always been a resourceful man ..." chuckled Gregory, running his hand against the soft skin of his husband's back.

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