Oneshots - Any shipping

By CrimzynShadows

19.8K 483 209

Basically a compilation of YouTube shipping oneshots that varies over a wide variety, hope you enjoy! c: Tw... More

Oneshots - Any shipping
SUPER important
H2OVanoss - Just Joking Around
H2OVanoss / Vanolirious - Hickeys
Skylox - Wrong Mailbox
Royalchaos - Runaway Prince
Ohmlive - Exhausted
Hey Guys


1.3K 33 28
By CrimzynShadows

Requested by @pheniox89


Sky- I lurvs you bb, gimme kisses


Then they made beautiful BABEHS, the end ^-^

HAH, JUST KIDDING. THAT WAS THE RESULT OF ME BEING ON TUMBLR FOR A COUPLE HOURS STRAIGHT, NOW ON TO THE REAL STORY!.....I just told my girlfriend I leaked my eyes fluids on her cuz I thought she was dead when she faked dying and I sobbed on her.....I need help....

Also kind of a warning, this oneshot is a bit cliche cuz i couldnt think of any good ideas :/


Ethan's POV

I was heading to Sky's house to 'surprise hangout'. Meaning he had no idea I was visiting. I just hope he doesn't have someone over already.

I knocked on the door, recieving no answer. I tried again, no answer. I sighed and ran a hand through my silvery-ashen hair. 'Okay, thats kinda weird.'

I tried turning the handle and wasn't all that shocked to find it unlocked. Sky always forgot to lock the door. I stepped inside and slammed the door closed, trying to get his attention. Once again I got nothing but silence. I checked the rooms downstairs but there was nothing. I went up the stairs, peeking through every door I passed.

I reached his room at the end of the hallway and pushed it open. Nothing again but his bathroom connecting to his room was shut. Fearing the worst I went up to it and knocked. I heard a shuffle and a thump and my eyes widened.

The door was locked so I resorted to ramming my side into the door. 'Why does he have to have such sturdy doors!?'

It wouldn't even budge under my pretty strong body and I kicked it in frustration. Then I saw something shine from his dresser. I ran over and picked up the key. 'Dumbass.' I thought as I unlocked the door.

The door swung open and I dropped the key. My eyes grew wide and my mouth hung open as if I was screaming, I probably would be if I could. I looked around the room, too shocked to react properly.

The walls, covered in red writing and splotches. The words were horrible and I looked away quickly. The floor was covered in crimson red as well but the figure lying against the wall was the worst part.

His body was slumped over, clothes soaked in blood. The steady sound of 'drip, drip drip' was all I heard as the liquid slid off him.

His glasses were crushed next to him, his eyes half lidded. But as I looked lower....

His arms were covered in so much blood you couldn't see skin until his upper arm. A razor was dropped on the floor next to his leg. I rushed over as I came back to my senses and dropped next to him, my pants getting covered in the dark substance.

"S-sky?" I choked out. I was too scared and shocked to comprehend that I had spoken. "Sky? SKY?!" I screamed, shaking him. I checked to see if he was breathing and hope filled me. He was faintly breathing, even with so much blood loss, but just barely.

I grabbed my phone, which I usually only used for texting and games. I hurredly dialled 911 and gripped the phone tight. "Yes?" Someone answered and I started frantically, with quite a hoarse voice, yelling for an ambulance.

"My f-friend! H-hes...theres s-so much blood." I struggled to explain. "Where are you sir?" She asked and I quickly told her. "We'll be right there."

 I sat there, cradling Sky in my arms as I waiting. After however long I heard sirens and the front door slammed open. "In here!" I called and they rushed in, taking Sky's body. I fought to keep him, tears streaming down my face as they took him away.

Luckily they let me come with them in the back of the ambulance. I gripped his pale hand, tears steadily falling down my face as I stared at his lifeless face. The only indication of life was the small rise and fall of his chest.

"P-please be okay. I need you S-sky, don't leave me." I whispered to him, my throat burning from not using my vocal cords in around 10 years.

I ignored the sting and stared at his pale face intently.

We reached the hospital and they rushed him out, me trailing behind. "We're sorry sir but you'll have to wait out here." A doctor said, pushing me back.

I nodded sadly and trudged into the morose room. It was surprisingly empty for a waiting room in the ER but I was glad it was. A few other families sat waiting, hopeful, sad, bored, angry, and shocked looks on their faces.

I heard no crying like in cliche stories and films, only little mutters and the beeping from machines in the connecting hallways and rooms. (A/N- As you can see, I've been in the ER plenty of times...)

Suddenly a door was pushed open after at least 2 hours of the depressing room and a doctor called out, "Family and or friends for Sky (insert whatver last name you like to use)?"

I stood up immediately and rushed over. He raised an eyebrow and I struggles to speak again. "F-friend."

He nodded and led me down the hallway he came from, turning at room C26. "In here." He said while pointing. "Be careful, he's a little out of it."

I stepped in cautiously, spotting him lying on a standard hospital bed. "S-sky?" I croaked out. He looked at me instantly, a confused look on his face.

"Ethan?" I nodded and sat on one of the uncomfortable chairs beside the bed. "You talked?" I nodded again and reached over, grasping his hand. "W-why?" I whispered.

He looked away and tears pricked his eyes. "I might as well come clean. I was tired of living in this hell, people bully me all the time, I'm ridiculed by my entire family for being bi, my mother kicked me out as my father stood by, watching with a hard stare. My only friends now who haven't left me are you, Ty, and Jason. But after I finish you'll leave as well." He stopped his explanation, looking down sadly.

I shook my head and told him to finish.

He sighed and looked back up. "Lastly, I'm in love with my best friend and that person, is you Ethan." He looked away with angry, sad eyes, clenching his free hand tightly. I smiled and squeezed his hand, getting his attention.

I cleared my throat and shakily replied, "I l-love you t-too, Sky." I leaned over, giving him a kiss on the lips briefly before pulling away. He looked at me shocked before smiling brightly.

"Don't e-ever do that again, please?" I pleaded with big eyes. He nodded, still smiling. "I don't have a reason to as long as I have you." I said with cheerful eyes.

I leaned over and hugged him, whispering without stuttering in his ear, "And I'll never leave you."


Here, take this crap that I made. Sorry that it was so bad and cliche but i was brain farting for ideas at the moment :/

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