A Great and Confusing Relatio...

By sugarjet

1.3K 51 21

A collection of one-shots featuring the characters from my story A New Way of Life More

Morning Together
A Valentine Surprise for All

The First Meeting

797 16 2
By sugarjet


I'm on my way home from work when I decide to stop at a convenient store for some coffee. It's been a long but yet short day. There was a fire at the plant I was working at, and of course that means I can't work there at the moment. Instead of sending me off on another job, the boss decided i could actually take off and go home to my family. Yay.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family. It's just difficult sometimes to come home after a long, stressful day to have two toddlers getting into everything, climbing all over you while their mom stresses and labors over food, or whatever else needs to be done.

I'm stirring some cream into my coffee when I feel someone bump into me from the front, causing me to spill my coffee all over the place.

"Oh. My. Gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you! Here let me help with that." The person grabs some napkins to help dab at my shirt.

I look up and open my mouth to say something, but whatever i am about to say gets lost when i get a good look at the guy standing in front of me. Wow! Could he be any cuter? Wait, what?


Oh. My. Gosh. I can't believe I just did that! I mean I walk into this store to see the sexiest man I've ever laid eyes on. What do I do? Oh that's right. I stare at him, and apparently am too busy staring at his face to realize I'm about to bump into him until it's too late. Oops?

"Oh. My. Gosh. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you! Here let me help with that." I start pulling napkins out to try and salvage his clothes. Although it's not like it matters, they're just old ugly work coveralls anyway. Uck.

He looks up about to say something and freezes. Oh, No! He's pissed! He can't be. I didn't mean to. Looks like I have to Salvage this situation too!

"Again, I'm sorry! How about I make it up to you! There is this cute little bookstore and cafe just down the street. What if we go over there and I'll buy you a better cup of coffee then they have here?"

Really? Did I just offer to buy him coffee? Oh my! I did. He's going to think I'm a freak, now I'm even more nervous and jittery than usual. This should be interesting.


Umm. Wait. What just happened? This guy is practically bouncing all over the place. Did he just ask me to drink coffee at a bookstore with him? Why am i even considering this? I have a family I need to get home to. Then again, I never get out and see anyone. He is kind of cute, in a hyper bubbly sort of way. The complete opposite of me. Maybe it will do me good to be around someone that's energetic and not a two-year-old.

I tune back into him and notice he looks like he's about to combust he's so nervous. I chuckle."

"Sure, why not?"

"Wait, what?" I outright laugh now. The poor guy reminds me of a confused little puppy. See he's good for me already.

"I said, why not?"

"Oh! Awesome! Let's go!" He grabs my hand and drags me out the door.

I can't help but chuckle again. I haven'tfelt this free and easy going with anyone other than Serena, the mother of my twins. Even then it's been a while. Having two toddlers and a job that takes a lot out of you will do that. Although we are slowly getting back to that stage,it's still nice to find someone I can let go with.

So now, I'm sitting at this cute little bookstore, cafe type thing with a perfect stranger talking about anything we can think of. I even eventually told him about my family, though for some reason I almost didn't.

"So do you have a Twitter?" Huh? I don't even know how we got on this topic. I shake my head no.

"A Facebook?" Again a no.


"No, I don't get online much."


Oh my! How can anyone not have a facebook or twitter page? Well, I guess Matthias isn't just anyone. I can't believe he has a family though. It's not fair. I feel like pouting and stomping my foot, but i don't.

"Anyways" he says. "It's been nice meeting you and talking to you, but I should probably get going" 

This time I really do pout. He chuckles.

"I tell you what, how about we exchange numbers and maybe meet up again sometime next weekend?"

I smile at him real big. "Really? That would be great!" This guy is so confusing. I'm guessing he needs the excuse to get away from his life every once in a while and needs a friend to help him do that. I'll be that friend! I promise myself that I will be a good friend to Matthias. If only I could be more.

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