It's an Accident

By chocolatyangels

8.5M 292K 38.6K

He is smart, rich and handsome. A child prodigy. Girls love him and boys respect him. In short he is the epit... More

Chapter 1-Plane
Chapter 2-Accident
Chapter 3-Truth session
Chapter 4-Troubles
Chapter 5-Extra Bouncy Ball
Chapter 6-Mr.Hope
Chapter 7-Love Letter
Chapter 8-Room
Chapter 9-Confusion
Chapter 10-Father
Chapter 11-Shock
Chapter 12-Grandpa
Chapter 13-Back
Chapter 14-New guy
Chapter 15-Birthday
Chapter 16-Trip
Chapter 17-Bag
Chapter 18-Photo shoot
Chapter 19-Embarrassing
Chapter 20-Dinner
Chapter 21-Jogging
Chapter 22-Hospital
Chapter 23-Daniel
Chapter 24-Truth Machine Version 2.0
Chapter 25-Home
Chapter 26-Baby
Chapter 27-Baby 2
Chapter 28-Baby sitter
Chapter 29-Reminscing
Chapter 30-Trust
Chapter 31-Issues
Chapter 32-Bitter Truth
Chapter 33-Fake Girlfriend
Chapter 34-Past
Chapter 35-Elena
Chapter 36-Downfall
Chapter 37-Plans
Chapter 38-Start
Chapter 39-Fidio
Chapter 40-G
Chapter 41-Kidou
Chapter 42-Work
Chapter 43-False claims
Chapter 44-Monica
Chapter 45-Big D
Chapter 46-Press meet
Chapter 47-Steven
Chapter 48-Shot
Chapter 49-Hospital
Chapter 50-Something Wrong
Chapter 51 -Cornered
Chapter 52-Tit for Tat
Chapter 53-Dannon
Chapter 54-Marry me
Chapter 55-Mom
Chapter 56-Reactions
Chapter 57-Daniel's Love
Chapter 59-Ring in the Dessert
Chapter 60-I love you
Chapter 61-Kiss
Chapter 62-Shopping
Chapter 63-Lip Gloss
Chapter 64-Party
Chapter 65-Morning
Chapter 66-Mall
Chapter 67-News Report
Chapter 68-Horror Movie
Chapter 69-Morning Call
Chapter 70-Fear
Chapter 71-Aram
Chapter 72-Opening Up
Chapter 73-Teasing
Chapter 74-Never Have I Ever
Chapter 75-Drunk
Chapter 76-Dare
Chapter 77-Ken
Chapter 78-Red
Chapter 79-Black
Chapter 80-White
Chapter 81-Wedding
Chapter 82-Reception
Bonus Chapter(1)
Bonus Chapter(2)

Chapter 58-Robert's Love

72.6K 2.8K 233
By chocolatyangels

*Awesome cover by Khairo123 Love you!


After ten minutes of waiting a violet head around 5 feet arrived surprising us all. Now don't get me wrong, I am not against her violet colored hair, I just didn't expect a violet head as Robert's girlfriend since he is serious and all, never even letting loose even for a minute. But the violet color suited her just fine, just like natural hair and she is gorgeous.

"Robby!" She shrieked in a high pitched voice that I am sure the whole floor could listen. We were all absolutely shocked and cringed at the high pitched voice and I was glad that Dannon could still sleep through it. And Robby? I never thought we could call him so. But Robert was cool and fine hinting us that it is normal for him. He stood up turning her way and she jumped on him, like literally, and clung to him like a monkey and Robert caught him perfectly fine. I am sure now that this is a ritual for them or for Anna, his girlfriend, and she made him go through it.

She had him deeply in, if Robert was not complaining at all. And then the last thing, she kissed him full on with all the audience and Robert complied as usual. I ducked my head along with some of our friends and some like Fidio and Lillian watched amused. I have to that she is very bold and outgoing. For me kissing before friends and known ones is also very difficult but here she is kissing him very boldly in front of strangers, I mean strangers to her. But that could also be because I never kissed anyone. No accidental kisses and sudden shocking pecks don't count!

I mean I only kissed Gouenji but that is an accident and it was over before I could react and the other time was a small peck but it was desirable and addicting. May be I will get addicted to his kisses too. With these thoughts I unconsciously turned to Gouenji and found him already looking at me. I immediately turned away with a blush! Idiot! Why did you turn away? Now he will know that I am thinking about him! Why did I look at him in the first place? Oh my! Why am I thinking about kissing him? Why oh why? When did I turn this perverted?

"So Anna," Robert started, an indication for me that their make out session ended making me look up.

"These are all my friends. Lillian and Fidio." She hugged Lillian tightly with a bright smile and shook hands with Fidio.

"I like your spirit for going after him for years! Congrats on tying him down."  She said to Lillian making me shocked.

"G and Kidou."

"I like your line of clothes very much. I can't believe I am meeting you." She said very much excited and hugged G extra tight with a glee on her face.

"Your company's medicines' are of high quality." She commented shaking Kidou's hand.

"I am offended you said nothing about my restaurants." Fidio said playfully.

"I am afraid your restaurants are not my cup of tea. They are very costly and I very much like to have my meals at low cost." She said grinning not at all afraid to tell her opinion openly.

 "I think I should consider opening cafes affordably in low costs." Fido said taking her opinion into count not sounding offended at all.

"If you can." She said with the same brilliant smile.

"And finally Destiny and Gouenji." Robert introduced and I stood up to hug her since hse did the same with all the females but I was surprised when she shirked again, this time more high pitched, attacking me with her bear hug making me stumble and I would have kissed the ground if not for Gouenji supporting me on time.

"I can't believe I am finally meeting you. Robert told me a lot about you and you are my personal favorite. You are one hell of a girl and I like you very much so. I can't tell how much I love you."

"I am sorry but she is mine." Gouenji interrupted yanking from her and saving me from her death hug. Did I say that she was choking me with how tight she was hugging me?

"And of course Gouenji." She said unaffected by his comment. "I am glad to meet the person media is crazy about. Bachelor of the year, soon to be the husband of my favorite girl, Gouenji. Consider me your best friend already Destiny. I heard a lot about you and I feel as if I know you already. You have great character, beautiful inside and out. Your relation with Gouenji is my personal favorite story and I am a big, big supporter of Destenji. I am glad that my ship finally sailed. And oh Gouenji I love your game very much. Robby told me that you helped in the company too Destiny. I am very proud of you for that. Of course that Steven is a bastard trying to bring down the company and later shooting at you. I would so put him in the jail if I was in your place. You are kind to let him go and I guess that is you, very kind hearted and also when he demanded one night with him I would have slapped him. I felt very angry with you then but also my respect and love grew for you at the same time. You are very great and also........"

Before she could rant further Robert stooped him finally. How can she talk so much! Is she still breathing? I felt tired and out of breath just listening to her speak continuously. How can she?

"Breathe Anna." Robert coaxed gently stopping her rant. "Don't scare them off in your first meet." He joked.

"Have you ever considered registering yourself for Guinness book records?" Anna looked confused. "No offence but I am sure but I am sure you would grab the record in speaking non stop without breath." I said shocked.

She laughed it off saying I am giving here too much credit but I am serious. She seriously talks non-stop.

"I think you got why I never introduced her." Robert asked.

"Are you saying you are ashamed of me?" Anna asked sad suddenly. Oh! She can not only shriek at the top of her lungs like talking through a microphone and talk non-stop, she can change her emotions instantly from top 100 cheery to top -100 sad. Wow! That is one hell of a talent.

"If I am correct you don't want to attract attention." I said expressing my thoughts.

"That's right. It's not that I am ashamed of you, if you come to my college I will be known instantly by everyone in the college as your boyfriend."

"What's bad in that? It will keep girls away from you." She said all pouty face.

"No one's coming after so you need not worry and go claiming me as yours."

"I believe she already did once based on how you are saying it." I commented again with a small amused smile.

"Yes. I rather the situation doesn't repeat." He groaned and I laughed thinking what the violet head might have done.

"I like you Anna." I said turning to her and she gave me a thousand watt smile at my words. "You are going to tell me later what you did." I said with a mischievous grin.

"Yes, of course."

"No you are not." Robert interrupted pulling Anna down along with him into the chair. Then the dishes came beginning with starters.

"I ordered what I thought you would like." Robert answered at the dishes before him.

"If you are not satisfied with them you can order what you like." Gouenji added.

"No problem! I will eat what Robby ordered. He knows me well."

"So Robby," I couldn't help but tease, it is funny to me in some way, "Tell us how your love story started."

"I will!" Anna said very excited. "I always love to tell your story." Obviously! I thought seeing her reaction.

"I met Robby in my high school and it was love at first sight for me. He was like the super model in nerd disguise, beyond intelligent and mysterious with all his inventions and a golden heart. I decided he is mine." She said simply as if declaring someone as theirs is common in day to day life.

"And then she started following me everyday." Robert interrupted.

"But I was saying our story." Anna whined.

"I am afraid if I leave it to you, you will give daily accounts and the story will not be over for days."


"No buts! You know them now! So you can continue your story telling slowly. Let me give the short version."

"Okay!" She nodded glumly. He pecked her cheek and she brightened up instantly. I am seriously getting whiplashes with how abruptly her mood can change from one extreme to other extreme. By any chance is she bipolar? No, I am sure bipolar people's mood changes without reason, she has reasons to change moods except the change is shown magnified. I guess that is just her. I don't mind.

"So then she started following me asking me boldly to date her everyday and of course I refused her. I neglected thinking she will soon enough find her next victim."

"But you are first guy I asked out and my first boyfriend." She said pouting again.

"I didn't now that then. Any ways she did it everyday without fail and no matter if I ignored her or spoke coldly with her she was never deterred but without me knowing she grew on me and her presence became a daily occurrence to me." I noticed the bright smile on Anna's face at this.

"But then one day she didn't appear before me and that was strange because she was always following me even between the periods where people change class rooms. I found it odd and I never saw her for the entire day making me worried. Her friends told me that she was indeedpresent. I tried to search for her but couldn't find her and the same went on for two days. Then I understood that she was avoiding me on purpose and I was super pissed."

"Why?" Lillian interrupted.

"Because she decided all on her own to bother me everyday and now she decided to stop bothering me again all on her own. So in short I searched for her like a madman and threw some sense into her brain. Oh! I made her my girlfriend too."

"Yep! He is so sexy when he is all bad."

'I am sorry but I don't think we need such information Anna.' I thought internally choosing not to say it loud because I am sure that would only encourage her to say more saying we don't understand his charm.

"Wait! Why did she avoid you in the first place?" G asked him.

"Some stupid friend of her told her that she is imposing on me and disturbing me. When I was very cold with her she was never bothered but when she thought I was bothered she decided to avoid me. Like hell that is happening! I knocked some sense into her loudly." I didn't miss the blush on Anna but I am not sure why.

"How?" Fidio asked.

"I kissed her hard until it went through her crazy head." Robert said very simple and Fidio smirked knocking his wine glass with Robert's in cheers. 'Men' I thought rolling my eyes.

"Do you have a nickname for her? She calls you Robby and you?" Kidou asked. Is that question really necessary?

"Crazy head." He replied instantly.

"Your crazy head though." Anna said the classical dialogue.

"I prefer calling her violet head." I interrupted since that name stuck with me and I want to know that I am not being rude to her.

"That's difficult since she changes the colors frequently."

From then on the conversation flowed and I was happy to be with our gang again. They make me happy. I watched my friends and the happy smiles on their face. All of them are absolutely happy and content with their loved ones. They found their love of their love, someone to care for, someone to show your love and someone who cares and loves you more than anyone else. That is a blessing. A blessing some fail to find and a blessing some fail to recognize but my friends though they struggled finally found their loved ones, I don't say life for them from now on would be a flower bed, they still would have to face several trials but it is a blessing to have your loved ones by your side at such times. I hope they don't let go of their loved ones ever and hold onto them tightly in time of trials. I envy them. To be able to declare that they love someone from the bottom of their hearts and shower them with their love and affection.

Each and every scene where they are being lovey dovey with their partner is like a stab to my chest. Though I feel happy for them I can't help the envy I feel for them. I really wish I could be so with Gouenji. Do I? Yes, my heart says I want to be so with him like that but why? Could it be..............? Did I? When? How can that happen? When did I happen that I am not aware of? Is it true? Or am I just deluding myself? Do I love Gouenji or am I just being swept by the concept of Love. Obviously I love 'love' but do I love Gouenji or not?


Ah! We are getting close! Destiny realize soon! Why are still asking such questions? Isn't it obvious? Oh well! Not to worry! I will change your opinion! *Starts typing* Ho Ho Ho Ho!

Ignore my rant! Keep voting and commenting to support me! Till next update! Have a nice time!

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