Nobody into a Somebody(Becsti...

By Mahone_is_forever2

2.7K 104 30

"I'm a nobody." "I'm better off as a fucking ghost." "Invisible.. that kid didn't even see me." ***** "Tha... More

- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 16
- Chapter 17
- Chapter 18
- Chapter 19
- Chapter 20
- Chapter 21
- Chapter 22
- Chapter 23
- Chapter 24
- Chapter 25
- Chapter 27
- Chapter 28
- Chapter 29
- Chapter 30

- Chapter 26

24 2 0
By Mahone_is_forever2

"Becks, talk to me." I hear Jordyn say. I didn't respond and kept hugging tightly on Audrey's soft blanket. 

"Tell me what exactly happened." She spoke once again. I still do not respond and stared at the blank television with tears in my eyes. 

"Okay then. Let's talk when you want." Her voice cracks. This affects her just as much, she is like Audrey's second mom. 

"Hey baby, how are you holding up?" My mom walks in. 

No response. 

"She's still in shock." Jordyn tells her. She nods and adds,

"We all are. This usually doesn't happen here in Texas." 

"Really?" Jordyn sniffled.

"Yes. It's a small town these things are not common here."

"It happens a lot in Los Angeles usually they don't get their kids back and it's just horrible." 

As soon as those words were said I felt really sick to my stomach and had to leave the room to get some air.

"Rebbeca where are you going?" My mom asks.

"I'm sorry. I made it worse." Jordyn gasps and cries more. I quickly walked out into the living room, I need to look for my baby. Who could have taken her? Who could have wanted to hurt me this badly?!

I go back to the park. It's around 6 p.m. It's getting pretty dark out but I don't care I need to think.

"Becks?" I hear a voice call out. Austin. It could be him who took her!
I turn around and attacked him to the ground,

"WHERE IS AUDREY?!" I yell in his face.

"OW! What are you talking about? Get off of me!" he yells back. I held him down pinning his wrists on the concrete.

"AUDREY! THE BABY YOU SAW ME WITH EARLIER!" I yell at him in frustration.

"I don't have her! Someone took her?!" He asks. He's useless, I got off of him and sobbed into my hands.

"She's gone. I won't find her." I felt his two arms wrap around me and pulled me close to his chest.

"I can help. Just tell me what happened." Austin says calmly. I look up at him and sighed,

"Only because I want her back I'll tell you." I gave in and told him what happened after our argument.


I am now in my car with Austin driving us around town asking people if they had seen Audrey. Of course, he doesn't know that she's my baby I simply just told him that she is my sibling. 

"Excuse me, sir. Have you seen this baby? She was taken a few hours ago at the Park." Austin says to a sheriff. 

"Sorry, kid I haven't seen a baby around here." He says.

"If you do here is my number so you can reach me. Thanks." Austin says and with that he drove us away. 

"We are not going to find her, Austin. There are so many people in this town a-and" I couldn't finish the sentence my tears beat me to it. 

"Hey. Sh Sh. It's going to be okay. We will find her, I just need to take you back home your mom must be worried sick about you too. The best thing to do right now is to be there for her until we find your sister." He says placing his hand on mine. If only you knew the truth. 

"Okay." I sniffed. 

"Let's get you home." He says. 


Weeks has past and still no sign of Audrey. I haven't been to school the first two weeks she went missing but now I'm forced to go back. I had to show that I am okay and that everything is fine so I slipped on some jean shorts with a black top and a black leather jacket. As I finished my make up I threw on my white addidas.

"Ready for school?" I yell to Jordyn. She sighs and asks,

"Are you sure you want to go?" 

"No but my mom says we have to. We still need to get our education going." I said. 

"Okay." She walks out to the car and I grabbed my bag with my phone in my hand. 

"I miss you so much, Audrey." I say looking at my lock screen which is of her in her yellow onesie, sleeping. I just hope she is okay wherever she is.


Halfway through school I ran into Austin and a couple of friends. Just my luck. 

"Hey. How are you?" Austin asks. His friends all stared at my breasts and I snap my fingers in their faces,

"My face is up here. Got that?" They looked a bit scared and walked away.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I fake a smile to him. 

"Any news of your sister?" He asks. I roll my eyes and looked at him,

"Okay you can cut the crap now, Austin. You did your part in helping me that day but I don't owe you anything. So just leave me alone." I said walking past him leaving him in the hall. 

I walked up to Manuel and asked, 

"Hey do you have that thing I had asked for the other day?" I smile at him. 

"Yes, here it is my lady." He says handing me a paper bag wrapped in tape. 

"Everything is in here right?" I say to him. 

"Yes, mamacita." He smiles placing his hands on my hips. I laughed at him and said, 

"Don't ever call me that, naco." I push him off and walked away. 

*****Austin's P.o.v.******

"Oh damn she is dangerous." I hear Manuel say as soon as Becky walked away from him. 

"Hey Manuel, what was in the bag?" I ask Manuel. 

"What bag?" he asks. 

"The one that you just gave away to Becky." 

"Who's Becky?" He asks again. 

"Manuel don't play dumb and tell me what was in it." I warned. 

"Boy, wouldn't you like to know." He laughs and shuts his locker. 

"See you around." He says as the bell rang. Before I could go after Rebbeca the Dean passes by and said,

"Get to class, Mahone." So I had to walk to class. 

******Becky's P.o.v.*******

"Let's go to the party tonight!" I say to Jordyn.

"What?!" She says.

"I need to get out of this house, it's too depressing!" I tell her. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She crosses her arms against her chest. 

"Nothing. I just need to breathe again." I told her. 

"Audrey is missing, Becks. You can't party now!" She says. 

"Fine, I'll be in my room." I told her making my way up the stairs. 

I'm going whether you like it or not. 





////////A\N\\\\\\\\\: So what do you think will happen at the party tonight? Leave your comments below and vote please!<3

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