Always And Forever》SEQUEL TO...

By Falls_Flower_Crown

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Anastasia and Henry are two healthy teens, Anastasia her own ability, no one how she got it. And her being th... More

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By Falls_Flower_Crown

So I did as I said I would, as much as I didnt want to. I vamp speed to my room without anyone knowing but when I got to my room, there waiting me was Henry. He glared at me, arms crossed. "So sis, mind telling me where excatly you were?" His voice spat with vemon.

"I was...taking a walk, yep! A walk," I grin hoping he believe me. He gave me a look but I keep my act up.

"Oh really a walk cause a little birdy told me you were at Katie's party!" He boomed his voice.

"Will you shut?! Someone could hear you!" I hiss at him, baring my eyes and teeth at him. He growls doing the same. "Yes, okay - I went to Katie's party but can you blame me?! I want to have fun, Henry! I want to be a normal teen like everyone else!"

"But that's the thing, you aren't normal! Ana! You're a trybrid, a monster - that's all we'll ever be!"

Silence fell as that word left his mouth.


He was right, I was monster. We were born monsters. No one could change that, not me. Not him, no one. Tears streamed down my cheeks at his statement. He pales, feeling bad. "I'm sorry, Ana - I didn't mean-"

"Get out..." I whsiper.

"Ana please."

"I said GET OUT!" with the flick of my hand, he's shoot out the door, the door swinging open so he didn't break it. He smashes into the wall, groan. The house shook. And I knew our family heard it.

"Ana please."

"Dont talk me or even look at me, after all I'm just a monster, huh?" I sneer slamming my door and locking, I put a spell to keep everyone out. The tears streaming down my face, I wanted to curl up and wish that someone would take a dagger or something and killed me. I limply crying, hiccuping tossing my shoes off. I didn't even change, I went flat onto my bed, crying. I curled up and cried myself to sleep....


My dream was something I wish hadn't seen.

It was dark, one window was seen. Stone like walls and floor. Chains are made out in the dark. Someone was obviously chained to them. I couldn't make them out. It was so dark. I tried to move but I couldnt, I wasn't sure what was keeping me hold. Crows chipped, the sound of steps creeked. My heart pumped.

"Who's there?" I found myself speaking, but I sounded older?

A dark chuckle filled the air, sending cold shivers down my spine. I was scared and that's when I realized I was the one chained to the wall. I struggled, the chains rattled and my breathing became heavily and I panted, the chains burned at my skin. The man laughed watching me from the dark, watching me as I struggled against my chains.

I started crying, fresh hot tears down my cold hollowed face. My body was slim, real slim. I was a twig. My hair ratted and messy. I was pale or at least I felt real pale. "Having trouble little girl?"

I looked to where the voice was coming from. "You're nothing but a monster." I didn't say anything, I only thought in protest. But nothing happen. Until I felt an unbearable pain shoot through me. I screamed in agony....


I woke up in sweat, cold and shaking. No one heard me as of the spell I put on the room. Which I regret now as I curled into and cried the rest of the night, terrified of my vision. When morning came, I wasn't my bubbly self. No I took the morning real slow, still processing the vision I had. Was it even a vision? Was because of mine and Henry's fight? I didn't know....

I got ready when someone knocked at my door. "Anna? It's mom." I sighed and let her in. She walked in, beautiful as always. She closed the door walking over to me. She saw my dark outfit and gave me a sad look, I looked away.
"Anna, Henry's real sorry for last night."

"If he was so sorry, he wouldn't had said it!" I snapped, shocking her by my outburst. I glared pushing her off of me. "I'm skipping breakfast, bye." I didnt say I love you or anything. I speed out and to school, never looking back upon my rudeness....


Hope you enjoy!

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