The Monster Within - Avengers

By Iinsanecupcake

320K 9.5K 838

"If you're treated like a monster for long enough, you become one. But, I already was." ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

14.7K 498 39
By Iinsanecupcake

    A/N - WARNING! I am not good at fight scenes!
Light filled my eyes as I looked up from the floor I had fell onto the day, I think, before. My ears rang profusely no matter how hard I shook my head to be rid of it. The same doctor from before stood just outside the glass, and when he noticed I was awake, gestured to two to the armed guards. I heard him mutter something along the lines of "She's all yours." And I lifted one of my shaking hands and stuck my middle finger in the air as he left.
One guard began to unlatch the numerous bolts across the door, and I pushed myself to my feet as the other one marched in the cage and cuffed my hands together. He shoved me out the door and held a firm grip on my arm so I wouldn't fall, which I had been close to doing several times during the walk. I was roughly pushed into a room and the door was slammed behind me, and bolted shut.
The room was large, bigger than the training room at the compound I had lived in for a short while. Various weaponry lined the walls, each so shiny I was sure they had never been used, even though I could see hints of blood splattering the floor. An entire wall was covered in glass, and a group of people were lined up against the wall, awaiting my fight almost eagerly, like kids watching a game of checkers. It terrified me.
    I did not want to kill people, but, if it meant getting out of here, I may just have to. As I walked over to the racks of weapons, the murmurs from behind the glass ceased, and the only thing I could hear was the sound of my own two boots clicking against the floor. I picked up a dagger from the shelf just above my head and strolled back to the centre of the room. From the other side, I stood as still as stone as two agents pushed a young man, probably in his early twenties, through the door, and he snatched a sword from off the wall. I grinned.
    "Experiment One, Volt, against Experiment Fifty-Three, Rogue." A woman's voice echoed through the speaker on the wall, and I turned to the boy. This was a game to them. They wanted to train me by killing other experiments, and they would make sure I killed. Rogue swung the sword at my head, but I quickly ducked and shoved my dagger into his arm. He cried out in pain as I slid under him and turned as he staggered back. He gripped his arm and I watched blood drip down his wrist as he grazed my calf with his blade. My knee buckled and I fell to the ground as Rogue circled me. He wasn't familiar with tricks. I threw my dagger at his throat and he moved to the side to dodge it, but he wasn't fast enough. My blade found his neck and Rogue fell to his knees and collapsed in front of me. I made sure he was dead before I ripped the dagger out of his neck and placed it back on the rack. I picked up a bow and a single arrow, notching it into place and aiming it at the door. As soon as an young woman was pushed through the doorway, I let it sink into her heart before she could pick up a weapon to defend herself. And as she fell to the ground, a tear slipped down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away and walked through the open door and back to my cell, with six armed guards on my tail.
I sat on the floor of my cell, eyes closed, awaiting another experimentation, when I heard noise in the hallway. I opened my eyes to see a young girl, no older than ten, running down the hall over a dozen guards behind her. She glanced at me fearfully as she became surrounded by agents pointing tazers at her. As the little girl was shot with bolts of electricity, I snapped.
The glass cracked as I punched through the lock, and the two guards on either side of the door were unconscious within seconds. The other men looked up as I jumped onto one of them and wrapped my arms around his neck. He fell to the ground as I grabbed the device out of his hand and ran, shooting the agent holding the girl with electricity.
"Run!" I screamed, and as she ran off down the hall, I pointed the gun at the cuff around my ankle and it fell to the ground in two. The men around me scattered, yelling orders at each other as they grabbed weapons from various places around the room. I waved my hand around myself and a forcefield pieced itself around me. I knew I wasn't going to make it out, but, I would sure as hell buy enough time for that girl to hop on a carrier out of here.
As I looked up, rows and rows of men and women surrounded me, pointing their guns at my chest. I smirked, pulling a lightning bolt from the clouds. Little did I know, it had been a week and a half, and the Avengers were on the island, looking up as the sky turned black and lightning snapped in the air.
The lightning bolt sparked and lashed out at the few who tried to break the barrier, and I let it go. It electrified the first three lines of soldiers, and my forcefield broke under the pressure, sending me to the floor. I muttered a few curses, pushing myself to my feet. Through a skylight, I saw a carrier take off into the sky, and caught the faint outline of a girl hiding behind a stack of boxes, waving goodbye. I grinned, putting my hands up in surrender. Mission accomplished.
I woke on the operation table, groaning as the scientist stuck two needles into the crease of my elbow, emptying dark violet liquid into my blood.
"This should give her more energy for the fight, give you a real show." He was talking to someone, and as I looked up, I saw the Avengers staring at me through the glass. I looked back down as the same men from before unlatched the restraints around my wrists and ankles and escorted me through the door. The Avengers followed.
I ignored their whispers and glances at me as I was put into the arena and I quickly grabbed a dagger off the wall. Fury looked down on me approvingly as I awaited my opponent, but I never expected them to push a seven-year-old boy through the door. The kid was small, probably hadn't slept in days, and I could see him visibly shaking. I couldn't, no, wouldn't kill a child.
"Give us a show, Volt!" Fury called from behind the glass, and I glared at him, lightning sparking behind my eyes. As luck would have it, my lightning surged beneath my veins, pushing through the walls. I would give him a show, but the boy wouldn't be the one to die.
I built a forcefield around the boy as he collapsed from exhaustion. Fury gave me bait, like a cat getting a fish to play around with like a toy. The lightning surged out of me and snapped at the glass separating me from the rest. The glass cracked each time I threw the light towards it, and finally it shattered.
"Well," I sighed, smirking. "I wouldn't want the glass to block your view, Director."
I let the lightning pull another dagger off the wall and grasped the twin blades in my slightly shaking hands. I lifted one towards my chest, and aimed one towards Fury. I saw Steve step forward, and Wanda yelled my name, but I ignored them as I threw the dagger at Fury and plunged the other into my chest.
The world began to spin and I frantically pulled the lightning back into my body as I fell. I looked over to the boy and smiled. He reminded me of Jess, but unlike her, the boy would not die under my watch.
    Suddenly, I realized how tired I was. I wished I could sleep. As a blur of people ran towards me, and I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I was glad to close my eyes.

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