The Bad Boys Girl


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Everyone has a secret, one so significant that could change their life for either the better or the worse. It... More

Chapter One: Now to face the Devil!
Chapter Three: Mr. Evans
Chapter 5: I need to punch something...someone
Chapter 6: Guess I am taking the couch...again.

Chapter Four: Promise

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Chapter Four: Promise

*Skylar's POV*

My face tightened with annoyance and anger, when I saw that it was that jerk face from before class. You know that crashed into me and made me fall to the ground. Yeah, that one.

The hunter kid - as the teacher called him - spoke up "Sorry, but I had more important things to take care of" he finished off smirking.

The teacher scowled at his words, before shrugging and saying "Just take a seat Mr. Hunter" Wow, what was with that? Teachers aren't supposed to let people off that easily are they?

Not bothering to think about anything anymore, I dropped my head and continued sketching in my book. I was gladly sketching away, keeping to myself until I heard someone clear their throat, to the side of me. I finished the line I was drawing and looked up to see that everyone was gaping at me, while the jerk face stood in front of me.

"What?" I asked rudely, wanting to get back to my drawing. This only made some of the girls and guys in the room, including the teacher to gasp.

Seriously! What is with everybody reacting like that whenever I spoke to this guy, it is so fucking frustrating!

"You're in my seat" He said getting angry. I simply shrugged. I really couldn't careless whose fucking seat this was, because it hasn't got anyone's name on it.

"I said you're in my fucking seat!" He growled out, this didn't affect me though. I had heard worse from my own father many times, so I was way more than used to this.

"Well does it have your name on it?" I asked growing even more frustrated then I was previously. He stared at me threateningly. Did he really think I was going to move for him.

I laughed dryly, before retorting "Well, I am waiting. I don't have all day you know!" I ended sarcastically.

"Do you know who the fuck you are messing with?" He growled loudly, everyone's attention was still on us and I hated it. Being the centre of attention always made me squirm, but today I held back and stayed confident.

"A jerk who has an ego the size of Russia-" before I could finish the teacher finally decided to speak up, cutting me right off.

"Miss Evans and Mr Hunter LUNCH TIME DETENTION!" She yelled, some people snickered and others were still gaping at the scene that uncovered right in front of them.

"What? You-" I began, but was interrupted again by Mrs Chapels.

"Shush, unless you want detention tomorrow! And you Jessie, take a seat beside Miss Evans" that shut me the fuck up. No way in hell was I going to get two detention's.

Groaning I ran my hands over my face. This day couldn't officially get any worse. Oh wait, it can and you want to know how, because I was sitting next to 'Jessie'. Well I think that's his name, oh whatever I don't care what his name is right at this moment.

By this the class had gone back to normal, except for the occasional student glancing back at me. I was blocking out what Mrs Chapel was saying, not really in the mood to listen at all, while I kept drawing.

"Psst" Someone to the right of me whispered. My head shot up, automatically gazing at the person who had broke me of my thoughts.

It was the Jessie guy, sighing I asked "What do you want?" I waited, expectantly.

"What's your name?"

"Skylar" I answered glaring at him. I really just wanted him to shut up and leave me alone. He got me a detention on my first day of freaking school.

"Really? I am Jessie, if you didn't know already" He smirked, winking.

Was he for real right now?

"Great" I gritted my teeth, to prevent snapping at him for not shutting up. I turned back to what I had been doing for the whole lesson, only to be interrupted again by a tapping on my shoulder.

I turned quickly causing my hair to whip the side of my face, I winced slightly before recovering and gritting out "Shut the fuck up, leave me alone"

"Frisky one, are we?" Argh! Seriously, I was going to beat this guy to pulp.

Ignoring him I went back my drawing.


*Jessie's POV*

"J, wakey wakey" I heard my sister's soft little voice.

"Hmhm" I grumbled, not really wanting to get out of bed. I felt my sister hit me across the head, making me jolt up into a sitting position.

"You fewll aswleep, in my bewd siwlly" She said giggling.

My eyes widened, casting my eyes around the room to see that I had actually fallen asleep in my sister's room. Groaning I ran my hands over my face. I glanced at the princess clock on Promise's night stand to see that it was already 8:45.

I got up quickly running around her room frantically, trying to gather the clothes for her to wear and the things she needed for primary school.

"J, its okawy" Promise spoke, quietly grabbing onto my hand.

"I know, but we have to be quick Promise. Get changed quickly while I get ready" I spoke up, handing over her clothes. I made my way out of her room and walked into mine. Not having any time to shower this morning I quickly grabbed my back pack and keys for my motorbike.

Since I was already in my clothes from the night before, I didn't see a need to change. I remembered that I had totally forgotten to text Colton my best mate. I pulled out my mobile to see I had four texts from him asking where I was and why I missed the party?

Colton and I have been best mates forever and he knows about my situation at home and my reasons for being a 'BAD ASS' and fighting. No one else knew, especially the people at school, they are just scared shitless of me as well as spread rumors about me. I don't know and don't care why, so don't go asking me.

I quickly texted Colton, saying I would explain what the fuck had happened at school. I know you are probably wondering why me being known as the 'Bad Boy' of the town is so eager to get to school on time.

Well I usually get to school late because I am taking my sister to school. Thats the only reason why I am rushing, to get my sister to school on time.

Plus I am on a scholarship at high school, because believe it or not I was the fucking smartest one in that hell hole.

I walked out my bedroom, knowing that my step father would have already left and my mum would be sleeping still. I waltzed into Promise's bedroom to see her struggling with the buckles on her sandals.

"Here, I'll help. These buckles are a bit tricky" I said smiling and chuckling at the same time.

"Hey, down't lauwgh at me!" She said angrily, crossing her arms over her chest. Her actions only made me laugh harder at how cute she looked.

"Okay, okay I am sorry" I said calming down my laughter.

Once I had finished doing up her buckles, we jogged down the stairs, with our backpacks strapped onto our backs. I made Promise lunch while she was eating her breakfast. I made her a nutella sandwich and gave her a pack of chips with an apple.

I would buy myself some food at school, so I didn't worry about making anything for myself.

"Okawy, I am downe J" Promise came up next to me, handing me her empty bowl.

"Good girl, soon you will be stronger than me" I gave her a wink, making her giggle.

Once I had put her lunch into her bag and zipped it all the way up, we walked to the back, to where I had parked my motorbike.

I never let anyone, except for Promise ride on my baby. It meant a lot to me and I would never let anyone ride it, not even Colton. I put on Promise's helmet strapping it on before I repeated the same actions to myself.

"Hmm yay, we arwe riwding youwr biwke" She grinned happily. I threw Promise's legs over onto the bike and got on. I started up the engine, hearing it roar loudly.

So I headed off taking Promise to school.

Within about fifteen minutes max, we arrived at the front of my little sister's primary school. The school she went to started an hour or so later then my school because she was only small, so you see where me being late to school comes in.

But today I made it on time to her school. Before I left, I told her that I would meet her at our usual spot, where I come to pick her up, also promising that I wouldn't be late.

I jogged my way, back to my bike, jumping on and riding down to my school.

When I got to school, I parked my bike in the parking space that everyone knew was mine. I actually think that everyone was to scared to park there, I didn't mind though at least they would stay out of my way. I jumped off my bike, taking my helmet off and placing it into the seat along with my sisters.

I saw Colton with a couple of our other mates. He jogged over, grabbing me into a manly hug.

"Hey man, how's it going?" He asked

"Yeah, alright. Parents scaring the shit out of Promise again" I stated. He knew what I was talking about straight away. I was thankful for that, because it saved me from explain in detail. That would only result in making me angry.

"Ahh, fuckers, want me to come over tonight?"

"Yeah look after Promise for awhile, I have another fight tonight" I whispered to him, not wanting anyone to hear what we were talking about.

Occasionally Colton would come over and look after Promise while I was out. I didn't like keeping her home alone when I wasn't there, even though my parents were home she was afraid of them so I got Colton to baby sit. It was actually not so bad, because him and Promise got along really well, according to Promise it was because he played dress ups and princess with him.

"Sure. No worries man" He punched my shoulder

I returning the favour and saying "Let's start this fucking day bitches" making him laugh. A few of the girls and guys heads snapped to us when I shouted it out, but whatever. It's not anything knew, I was used to it now.

Everyone parted making a walkway for Colton and I, as we walked down the corridor of the building to get to our first class. Everyone stopped their conversation as we walked by and stared at us. I was talking to Colton when something hit my chest hard.

Who the fuck was that? I mean seriously everyone made way for Colton and I, why couldn't this person!

I heard the person mumble something along the lines of "Fuck!" Before I looked down to see it was a girl. She was bent over, picking up all of the books and papers that escaped her hold, when she fell.

As I was about to say something, the girl continued, still not looking up "Would you just watch where the fuck you're going" only when she finished her sentence did she actually look up.

And let me tell you she was fucking hot. She had deep blue eyes almost grey, with long sandy blonde hair, falling loosely in waves. I hadn't ever seen her around here, I mean I would remember someone as hot as her.

Sure I don't remember half the chicks that I sleep with, but that's because they are all plastic but this one she was naturally beautiful. And I don't even think she knew.

Fucking snap out of it Jess!

"Excuse me?" I angrily asked, feeling absolutely everyone's gaze on the three of us now.

She gazed at me not making a reaction, well not one that I would have thought.

She just stood there staring not bothering to argue. I don't know why but I liked her attitude towards me, but of course I would never admit that. It is different, everyone except for Colton and Promise are scared of me. They think that if they simply defend themselves that I would suddenly snap at them and kill them. I have no idea why they thought so badly of me, but I guess it was the Bad Boy reputation that made them stay away from me.

"Are you deaf, I said-" before she could finish her sentence I cut her off.

Frustrated I gritted though my teeth "Do you know who I am?" I stared at her waiting expectantly for her answer.

The words that escaped her mouth made me smirk, she was a tough one who wouldn't let anyone, not even myself faze her and I liked that "Clearly, an A class jerk face" she spoke angrily, stressing the word 'jerk'.

It seemed as though she wouldn't leave without a fight and damn did I like it.

She was different.

Shaking my head to clear the stupid thoughts, I let a low and menacing growl come out my lips. I saw her flinch slightly before she covered it up with a sigh. I didn't mean for it to happen, honestly, it just sort of came out all on its own.

"I don't have time for this, bye jerk" With that she pushed past me.

I looked back at the girl, that I still didn't know the name of, to see her fine ass walking away. I turned back around to face Colton, only to have his eyes lit up with amusement.

I am glad someone thought that this was funny.

Without thinking I rubbed my hands over my tired eyes, then taking a look around. Everyone was stood still, probably still processing what had just happened and wondering why a girl so petit would stand up to a scary bad boy like me.

Shrugging not bothering to care about the stares I was getting or the glares that many girls sent to the girl, I made my way to my first class.

I never usually got to my first class considering that I had to take Promise to school, but today being my lucky day (note the sarcasm) I got here just in time for a sprawl out with some chick and make my way to first period.

I wasn't really in the mood for my first period but I guess it was better than being at home.

"Alright, I am off man. See ya at break?" Colton's voice brought me back to reality, reminding me that I wasn't alone.

"Yeah sure" I waved him a goodbye and walked to class.

I knew I was already late, about half way through the lesson but I didn't care and none of the teachers could do anything about it anyway. My step-father had threatened to stop supporting the school if they ever did anything to hurt his only son.

I hated that he blackmailed people into doing things for him, but I couldn't change who he was. Sighing I opened up the door to the class.

Once I opened the door, everyone's eyes darted towards me, obviously being the centre of attention. Although as I scanned my eyes thoroughly around the room, I saw that one head - belonging to a girl - was looking down at the paper that was on her desk.

"Mr Hunter, you are late" Mrs Chapels grunted, bringing my attention back to her. I honestly wasn't fazed by the way she spoke because I knew she couldn't do anything about my absences.

"Sorry but I had important things to take care of" I said winking towards Mrs Chapels, while smirking. I know its gross flirting with the teachers but it just made my life so much more interesting. I mean seeing their reaction is priceless, especially when they blush, that is just the best.

Ahh, you're such a charm Jessie, such a charm.

The teacher scowled at the way I flirtatiously spoke, before she shrugged and continued "Just take a seat Mr. Hunter" Of course she couldn't say anything else, so giving in is the easiest option.

I began walking up to my seat, well the one tha no one ever dared to sit in because it was mine, however there was a girl with her head down paying close attention to whatever she was doing. I quietly stopped in front of her, curious as to what she was doing. When I craned my neck to have a look, I saw that it was a sketch and a really fucking amazing one. It was of a boy with a huge grin plastered on his face eating pizza. It looked so realistic I almost thought it was a photo.

Being the jerk that I am - only to keep my reputation up - I cleared my throat trying to get the girls full attention.

"What?" she asked rudely. She lifted her head from the sketch and her face contorted in annoyance, once she saw that it was me.

You wouldn't believe it, but it was the girl I had a brawl with this morning.

The way she asked 'what?' only made some of the girls and guys in the room, including the teacher to gasp.

"You're in my seat" I said getting angry. She didn't mind though she simply just shrugged and went back to doing her sketch, only this time covering it with her arm.

Did she just fucking ignore me.

"I said you're in my fucking seat!" this time growling out each word, this didn't seem to affect her though. She almost seemed like she was used to people speaking - or should I say growling - at her like that.

"Well does it have your name on it?" she asked surprising me. I could see that she was growing even more frustrated then she was previously. I stared at her threateningly. Although I had a feeling she wasn't going to budge.

Again, surprising me, she laughed dryly, before retorting "Well, I am waiting. I don't have all day you know!" ending her sentence sarcastically.

Now I was growing impatient and frustrated, she was starting to get on my last nerve "Do you know who the fuck you are messing with?" I growled louder than before. I could now feel everyone's attention on us, resulting in her squirming slightly.

"A jerk who has an ego the size of Russia-" She seriously has some nerve speaking to me like that when I was about to blow up.

The chick never got to finish what she was saying though because Mrs Chapels cut her off, yelling "Miss Evans and Mr Hunter LUNCH TIME DETENTION!" I heard some people snickered and others were still gaping at the scene that uncovered right in front of them. I sent a cold, icy glare at each and every one of them making them cower away and turn back to their work.

I got detentions most the time, so I didn't care but Miss Princess over here seemed to care a hell of a lot.

"What? You-" She began, but was interrupted again by Mrs Chapels.

"Shush, unless you want a lunch time detention tomorrow! And you Jessie, take a seat beside Miss Evans" that shut her the fuck up.

Groaning she ran her hands over her face. After an event filled start to the lesson, class went back to normal. Minus the occasional students that glanced back at us. Us - meaning the girl and I.

I could tell that the girl was concentrating on each line she drew on her paper. She was very talented, if I do say so myself.

I decided that I wanted to know more about her. I already knew she put up one hell of a fight "Psst" I whispered. Her head shot up, automatically gazing at me.

She sighed, looking exhausted, asking "What do you want?" Then she simply waited for my asnwer, expectantly.

"What's your name?" I needed to know. I know you all are thinking Bad Boys don't remember any girls names, but I had a feeling I would forget hers.

She had quiet an impact on me, for some unknown reason.

"Skylar" She answered glaring at him. I sensed that she didn't want to talked to me but you think I care what she wants?

Yes I know, I am confusing at times.

"Really? I am Jessie, if you didn't know already" I smirked and sent a wink her way. I was surprised to hear her name. It was really beautifu-


"Great" she gritted her teeth. She turned back to what she had been doing for the whole lesson, only to be interrupted again by me, tapping on her shoulder.

Skylar ended up turning quickly causing her hair to whip the side of her face, I saw her wince slightly before recovering and gritting out "Shut the fuck up, leave me alone"

This only made me grin, I loved the attitude she had. It was quite the turn on "Frisky one, are we?" At the moment that the words escaped my mouth, Skylar seemed like she was ready to go on a killing rampage.

I must say though, she was very good at hiding her feelings. Ignoring me completely she went back to her drawing for the fourth time today.


Class went by rather fast. Break and lunch rolled around just as quickliy, along with my classes.

After my first lesson with Skylar

Yes, I still remembered her name.

I told Colton about everything that happened, during our break. He cracked up laughing to the point where tears were running down from his eyes. I didn't see what he found so funny, but that's Colton for you, always finding the humour in things.

I was currently walking to my bike, with Colton and a couple of our other mates.

When I heard one of my mates say "Mate have you seen the new chick in town, fucking rich bitch" I don't know why, but I was suddenly interested in what he was saying.

"What's her name bro?" Colton asked, our mate Bryan. Instantly I knew what he was thinking.


I never got the chance to catch her last name, but apparently she was new and I wanted to know if they were talking about her. Plus, it's not like people move to our town often. 

"Ski-i, I don't know something fucking shit like that" He said nonchalantly.

It was her he was talking about, this only made me more interested and slightly fustrated "Skylar" I growled out. It seemed as though I was doing a lot of growling lately. Plus I don't even know why I was getting all defensive over her. I didn't even know the chick.

Ahh, you have just gotta calm the fuck down Jess.

As if reading my thoughts Bryan said "Calm the fuck down mate, I was just saying" he paused and it made me angry that he would judge Skylar so quickly, I mean yeah she was fucking annoying and put up a fight, but she had a distant look on her face almost all the time.

"Saying what, that she is 'a rich bitch' huh?" I asked angrily. It was like an instinct to protect her and I have no fucking idea why.

You only just met her for god's sake, just stop!

I yelled in my head. I saw Bryan flinch away before raising his hands up defensively "What's stuck up his ass?" He retorted, pointing to me.

I opened my mouth but of course Colton was there to make it all...better "He likes the new 'rich bitch'" He finished off laughing, I am honestly at my snapping point. All day Colton found my frustration and the situation so funny, but he wouldn't find it funny now would he.

Stepping forward to Colton, I punched him in the shoulder and hard.

"Oww, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?" I smirked knowing I had finally gotten my best friend to shut the fuck up.

"Just for being a dick" I grinned waving at my mates, before walking to my bike.

Usually I don't go to my last period so I could get to my sister on time, but today I made sure I would still make it on time to pick her up, because I ended up going to my last period.

In last period everyone was surprised to see that I actually went. I don't know why, but I think I just wanted to see if I had any more lessons with Skylar.

Putting my helmet on, I jumped on my bike and sped down to Promise's school.

The wind kissed my face as I rode down the streets an zipped around sharp bends. I always love being on my bike. It made me feel free and it brought back so many memories with my actual father.

My father - Jason - was the one who got me into bikes and cars. We used to buy them, fix them and then sell them. It was a way we bonded.

I know sounds stupid, but I liked it.

I missed it sometimes to be honest, but I always had this bike to remind me of those times. You see this was the only bike along with another one, that my dad and I actually modified to our own liking and we kept them. He taught me how to ride and we went on rides together sometimes.

Sighing, I stopped my motorbike as I entered the school parking lot.

I walked towards my sisters class room, ready to apologise to the teacher for being late, but as I walked into the classroom I saw that it was empty.

I looked around frantically, worried that something had happened. Still there was no one in sight. I ran straight out of the room and to the office.

As I was running to the office, I bumped right into something, someone for that matter.

Without looking up, I apologised "I am so sorry, I really am-" I stopped as I looked up.

It was Skylar.

No fuck, I was freaking out and if she saw me like this she would tell everyone and - No just shut up Jess and work it out!

She was holding the hand of a little boy who looked to be around the same age as my sister. He was a cute little kid, but I had no time to fuck around and act like a jerk. All I wanted to do was find where the fuck Promise was.

"You?" She asked, disbelief written all over her face.

I didn't have time to mess about so I decided on asking if she had seen Promise

I mean it was worth a shot, right?

"Yeh me. Have you seen a little blond girl, about this tall" I paused indicating with my hand how small Promise was, before continuing "bright blues, really cute and looks a little like me?" I huffed out rather quickly.

"Uhm" Skyalr seemed kind of startled and confused " I did see her" relief washed over my body, knowing that someone knew where my little sister was, but her next words are what made the colour of my skin drain......


Hey guys, ope you are all enjoying this book so far.

I know I left it on a cliff hanger ;) Just thought it would be a nice change. Do you like Jessie's POV? I don't know if I should do more in Skylar's POV. HELP!!

Anyways I hope you are all having nice week :)

Comment, Share and Vote if you want :D


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