Infantilism Blaine

By multifandoms23

197K 2.3K 282

Warnings for: infantilism, nappies, bottles, sippy cups, crib, dummies, oversized high chair, stroller, car s... More

Blaine's story
Bringing Blaine home
Blaine's Muslins
Meeting the Warblers
Little Dribbler
Learning how to sit up.
First Words
Birthday Boy!!!
Blaine's new room
Blaine's day at the zoo
Introducing Blankie and visiting the Doctors
The joys of babysitting Blaine and Britt
2 Doctor's Visit
Blaine's Firsts Steps
Barbecue and pool party
Blaine starts to get sick
Bad Nights
Blaine starts to get better
Finn babysits
Tired Babies and Temper Tantrums
Shopping with Blaine
Tantrum in the pushchair and saying a bad word
Cooper comes to visit
Blaine and Daddy Time
Day out at the Museum
Girls' Night In
Trying new things
Trouble Maker
Tummy Bug
Ignored by Daddy
Ignored by Daddy 2
Meeting Mummy
A Trip to the Hospital
The next day
Safety and Park Fairground
Helping mummy move
Meeting the Warblers...Again
No nappy and rainy days
Sick Again...But Worse
Car accident
Ellen Degeneres
Trick or Treat!
Christmas Shopping and Feeling Poorly
Christmas Eve and Seeing Santa
Mean Brittany
Unexpected News - Part 1
Packing and Suspious - Part 2
Flying - Part 3
Jet lag and Swimming - Part 4
Off to Disney - Part 5
Swimming and Packing for home - Part 6
Going Home - Part 7
Grandparents Babysit
Blaine's 2nd Birthday
Terrible Twos
2 Year Check Up
2 Year Check Up - Part 2
Looking for a Nursery
Looking for a Nursery - Part 2
Auntie Santana Babysits
Seeing the Warblers
Beach Day
Glee Choir Room (Shooting)
Glee Choir Room (Nightmares)
First Cinema Experience and Meeting a New Warbler
Bee Stings and Stitches - Part 1
Bee Stings and Stitches - Part 2
Daddy's Birthday
Haircuts and Shopping for new toys
Kurt's Trip to New York
Blaine and Papa Time
Sebastian's in Hospital
Lego Batman Movie
Not a Proper First Date
Unexpected Guests
Not a Good Day
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 1
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 3
Flu Shots and Ice Creams
A BBQ at Mummy's
Renewing Vows
Authors Note
Seperation Anxiety
Shoe Shopping and a Night Out
Happy Halloween!
Bad News
Terrible Tantrums
A Warbler Sleepover
A Terrible Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Two Sick Boys
A Day at Santana's
A Week in London
First Day of Nursery
Moving Out
Helping Santana Move and Redecorate
Swimming and Lazy Days
First Fights
Milk and Duck Issues
Another Day at Santana's
Stressed Out and Nappy Explosions
Friends and Barbecues
First Words and Daddy's Operation
A Beach Day
Another Warbler Sleepover
Hey guys
Babysitting Adventures
A Sick Baby
A Day In The Life
Another Wedding?
Visiting the Grandparents
Rainy Days and Sleepovers
Rachel's Birthday Party
One Grumpy Baby
Sick, Sleepy Sebastian
Soft Play and Sleepy Babies
Baby Shopping and A Date Night
New Words and Meeting Parents
A Stalker - Part 1
Reporting and Investigating - Part 2
Interviews and The Court Room - Part 3
Parks and Ice Creams
A Weekend Trip
Another Baby Regressed
Swim and Chill Day
Another Warbler Meet Up
Sleepover at the Grandparent's
More Babysitting Adventures
Growing 4 Months
Sebastian's Week Away
Happy Christmas Eve
Happy Christmas
Lots of Shenanigans
A Surprise Visit for A Sick Baby
Trampoline Park Fun
A Finchel Wedding
Grandparent's Visit
A Joint Birthday Party
Blaine's 2nd 1 Year Appointment
Finn and Rachel Babysit
A Late Night Trip to The ER
First Day Back at Nursery
A Family Photoshoot Gender Reveal
A Bad Bus Expericence
Pamela Babysits
Meeting Finn and Rachel's Baby
Fun Rainy Days with 2 Babies
Blaine's New Habits
A Sick Baby with Smashed Fingers
Blaine's 'No' Day
Looking After Three Kids
Haircuts and Picnics
A Trip to San Francisco
A Warbler Meeting
A Grumpy Baby
A Dinner Date
A Glee Club Reunion
A Proposal
A Marriage
The Aftermath

Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 2

526 5 2
By multifandoms23

The kids had finished up with breakfast and I take them both upstairs to get them dressed. I dress Brittany first so that I could see if I had anything to match her outfit. I put Brittany in a fresh pull up and then a white shirt before putting on a turquoise short dungarees with white spots and a little bear head in the middle before putting some white frilly socks on her. I then put Blaine in a fresh nappy and a white and blue stripe shirt then a turquoise dungarees with a bit of dark blue in places and a whale and a small boat in the middle of it, I then put some white socks on him, similar to Brittany's.

"You two look so cute" I cooed as I look at them both dressed in matching outfits.

"Right, today, we are going out to buy a few things, have lunch, play for a bit, come home have a nap and then play again, sound good?" I tell them although Blaine probably didn't understand much like Brittany.

"Uh huh"


"Mummy, 'ake dis?" Brittany asks me if she can take her dolls car seat.

"Yes, come on then" I say to her as she then brings one of her dolls to put in the seat.

"Alright, let's get loaded in the car then" I say as I pick Blaine up. I had already made a bag for them both so all we had to do was load the car up. I load the kids and the pushchair up with their bag before getting in myself and heading to the toy shop.

"Yay" they both cheer.

"You guys excited?" I chuckle a little.

"Yeah" they cheer again. I get out and quickly grab a trolley before putting the kids in.

"Come on then Britt" I say to her as I place her in first with her doll in hand.

"And now you" I say to Blaine as I get him out.

"No" Blaine kicks his legs as he starts to cry.

"It's ok baby, Brittany's sitting in it" I soothe him.

"No" he cries.

"Look, can you tell me what colour the seat is?" I ask him, trying to cheer him up.

"Bwue" Blaine says as he points at his seat as I lower him in.

"Yeah, good boy" I tell him as I place him in. I soon head into the store looking for somethings.

"Wook" Brittany says as she points at random things we walk pass.

"Yeah" I say as I look at some water slides.

"Ou?" Blaine asks as he holds the trolley bars to show me that's how he'd get out.

"No baby, you can come out in a little while" I decided to do what Kurt did, which was to get a couple of water slides for the kids. I got one that had a small slide with a tunnel going underneath the big slide and then another one that had a small bouncy castle next to the slide.

I soon place the slides into the trolley and then go and find some toys for them both as Kurt brought some for Brittany so I'll do the same with Blaine.

"Alright, you guys can come out now, but you can't mess around, you can go pick out some toys" I tell them as I lifted them both out of the trolley and onto the floor. They both soon run off while I look at some bath toys for the kids, they had a pink and blue bath holder with toys that came with it so I got them one each. I soon catch up with the kids.

"You can pick two toys each as uncle Kurt have already bought you loads" I tell them, although mostly Brittany.

"Doorge, Aun'ie 'an'ana" Blaine cheers as he points out a little Peppa Pig set that had George in it.

"You want that?" I ask him.


"Go on, put it in the trolley" I smile at him.

"Britt, found anything?" I ask her.

"Dis pwease" she says as she points at some First Builders mega blocks.

"Ok, put them in the trolley too" I smile at her. We soon end up leaving with 2 bath toys with holders, blocks, a baby changing thing, a Peppa Pig set and another Peppa Pig remote control car.

"Ok, let's go get lunch" I say as I look around for a place to eat, I soon find one and sit the kids down.

"Ok, let me know what you want" I tell them as we look at menus although the kids can't read. We look at what we want and both kids wanted a kids lasagne with garlic bread and I order a roast with some water and the kids got fruit shoots.

"Alright, let's get you two in these bibs so we don't get your clothes dirty" I say to them, although I was probably just talking to myself. I pull out their coverall bibs that I bought with me and started putting them in their matching bibs.

"Aww, they look so cute" the waitress comes over with drinks.

"Thanks" I smile at her.

"Are they twins?" She asks me.

"Ur no, this is my friends kid, I'm looking after him and they're having a sleepover" I explain to her.

"That's cute, I have one of my own so I'm not one to judge, anyway, sorry, I'll go get your lunches" she apologises.

"It's ok" I tell her before she walks off.

"Hungy" Blaine starts to whine.

"Alright baby, your lunch will be here in a minute" I try and soothe him. Their lunch soon arrives and not long after so did mine. We dig in and I'm so glad that I put their bibs on as they got lasagne all down their front.

"You two are so silly" I chuckle at them both as they look at each other and laugh because their faces were also covered in sauce.

"You done, Blaine?" I ask him after a while.

"Uh huh"

"Ok, good boy for eating some of it" I praise him.

"Brittany, you finished too?" I ask her after a few more minutes.

"Uh huh" she says.

"Ok, do you two want to go play for a while or get some ice cream first?" I ask them.

"Pway" they both cheer.

"Alright, let's get you two cleaned up first" I chuckle a little as I grab some wipes and stand up to wipe their faces. After I wiped their faces down, I take of their bibs and let them go play.

"Look after Blaine please, Brittany, he's smaller than you" I warn her before they go of to play.

"Tay mummy" she says before dragging Blaine to the play area. I clear up the table a bit and then go on my phone, occasionally looking up to check on the kids. A little while later, I order some ice cream for both kids, I didn't want any and then some more water for me and a couple more fruit shoots that they can have now and take one home.

"Brittany? Blaine? There's ice cream" I call to them, a few seconds later and they were at the table.

"Let's put these back on" I tell them as I place their dirty bibs on before giving them their ice cream.

"Mummy?" Brittany offers me some.

"No thank you baby, mummy isn't that hungry" I smile at her. Soon the kids were eating each other's ice cream and giggling and then they would go back to their own ice cream.

"You two are really silly today" I chuckle at them both as they had chocolate ice cream around their mouths. They soon finish up and I once again wipe them down and clean their bibs a bit so they can go back in the bag.

"Let's go potty" I tell them as I take the stuff and I tell Brittany and Blaine to hold hands in front of me so I know where they are.

"Here you two" I tell them as they carried on a bit when I stopped outside the disabled toilet as it was so much bigger and I could easily change Blaine while Brittany went potty. I take them inside and pull out one of Blaine's changing mats and lie it on the floor, I help Brittany undo her dungarees and help her on the toilet, once on the toilet, I then change Blaine's nappy and make bottles while I wait for Brittany to finish up.

"We all done?" I ask her as I help her finish of her business and wash hands.

"Uh huh"

"Up" Blaine whines as he rubs his eyes with his fists.

"Honey, I can't my hands are full of bags" I tell him.

"Up" he cries.

"Come on, we'll go to the car and I'll make you a bottle" I try and soothe him.

"No, up" he sobs. I sigh and try to work out how I can do this. I put their bag over one shoulder and pick Blaine up, I then grab a bag and place it on the hand I had Blaine in and then carried Brittany's baby thing under my other arm.

"Let's go" I say as we make our way back to the car. We soon get to the car and I could feel Blaine start to fall asleep on my shoulder. I place the bag down and then the box before unlocking the car and placing Blaine in. I then load the boot up, place Brittany in her seat and then make them both a bottle to have on the way home.

"There we go" I say to them as I pass them their bottles. I get in the drivers seat and finally head home with two sleeping babies in the back. Once I get home, I unload the kids first and place them in bed before grabbing the shopping and heading inside. While the kids were asleep, I set up Blaine's Peppa Pig stuff before setting up Brittany's baby changing thing. They soon woke up and I change Blaine's nappy again while Britt goes potty.

"Yay, fank wou mummy" Brittany hugs me.

"Aww, you're welcome baby" I coo as I kiss the top of her head and hug her back.

"Fank 'ou" Blaine smiles at me.

"You're welcome sweetie" I smile at him. The kids soon get to playing with their new toys while I was outside setting up the slides for them as it was another hot day today. A little while later and both slides were set up.

"Blaine, Brittany, do you want to get into your swim wear and go on the slides?" I ask them as I walk into the living room.

"Yeah" they both cheer as they jump up and down on the spot.

"Come on then, let's go get changed" I smile at them as I take them upstairs. I put Blaine in a swim nappy while Brittany went potty before I put her swimsuit on, which was a spotty one with a pink bow at the top near the neck and then I just slipped Blaine's George Pig swim shorts on him.

"Doorge" Blaine giggles.

"Yeah" I take them outside and they immediately run to the slides, probably because it was really hot out. Their faces looked so happy to be in the water. I sit outside with them but in the shade so I could watch them carefully incase something happened as its slippery.

"Brittany, no" I tell her as she pushed Blaine down one of the slides.

"He too swow" she whines.

"If you're going to be like that, you can come inside" I warn her.

"No" she complains.

"Then play nicely" I tell her.

"Hmm" she huffs.

"And drop the attitude too" she soon starts to play nicely again and they soon go onto the other slide with the bouncy castle.

"Yay" they cheer as they jump up and down on it.

"Careful" I warn them both as they almost slipped over. I let the kids play for a bit until I hear both of them cry, I look up to see both kids lying on the edge of the slide with their heads near the grass, Blaine on top of Brittany.

"Oh my god, what happened?" I say as I rush over and pick Blaine up off Brittany and then help her up.

"You guys" I soothe as I take their hands and walk inside the house.

"AAAAHHHH" they both sob.

"Ok, you two" I try and soothe as I also try not to stress out because I have two crying kids and no one to help me. 'Ok, I can do this' I thought as I tried to breathe.

"AAAAHHH" they sob.

"Ok, ok, let's try and calm down so I know what happened" I try and soothe them both, I sit them down on a chair and face it my way before crouching down next to them.

"Can you try and calm yourselves before you end up being sick?" I coo as I rub their knees. I decide to let them cry it out as they didn't look like they were gonna calm down anytime soon. They soon calm down and I try to get them to talk to me.

"What happened?"

"'Ell 'ver on bwittany" Blaine hiccups.

"Me swip" Brittany says. I try and work out what they were explaining to me and soon got it.

"You slipped when coming out and Blaine you fell over onto her?" I ask them both to see if that's what they were getting at.

"Uh huh" they both sniffle.

"Ok, do you hurt anywhere?" I ask them.

"Ack" Brittany says.

"Ok, Blaine?" I ask him.

"Dare" he points to his leg. I check them over and they will probably just bruise up so I decided that they should stay in now and play while I cook some dinner. They went of to play in the living room with Brittany's dolls and new changing thing while I start dinner.

"I der daddy" I hear Blaine grumble.

"Tay, wou der daddy an' I der mummy" Brittany says.

"Tay" he replies.

"Shh, baby sweeping" Brittany says to him. I just chuckle to myself, listening to their conversation while they play and I cook.

"Tay, wat 'bout dis baby?" Blaine asks.

"No, she bad, she 'aughty"

"No, her dood durl" Blaine says.

"Nu uh"

"Dis I baby" Blaine says. I then hear him come into the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie"

"Dis I baby?" He asks as he puts the doll in the air to show me.

"If you're playing with it then yeah" I tell him.

"Tay" he says before running off back into the living room.

"Bwitt, dis I baby" Blaine tells her.

"No, dat 'ine" she whines.

"No, Aun'ie 'an'ana saided"

"Mummy" she calls out.

"What's up?" I ask her, knowing exactly what was up.

"Dat me baby" she says as she points at the doll Blaine had, who stood next to her.

"It is but Blaine's playing with it so its Blaine's for now" I tell her.

"No" she complains.

"Brittany, if you aren't gonna share, then you don't play at all" I warn her.

"No wanna pway an'more" she grumbles as she crosses her arms over.

"Dinner is almost ready so can you go clear up please" I tell her, ignoring her grumbling.

"Bwaine pway two mummy" she says.

"Ok, Blaine can you go help Brittany clear up please before dinner?" I ask him.

"Uh huh me dood 'oy fo' 'ou" he says before running off.

"Go join him" I tell her and she just walks away.

"No Bwaine, dat 'oes dare" I hear Brittany.

"Ow" I hear Blaine almost cry.

"Ow" he starts to cry.

"Blaine, come here" I call to him and he immediately comes running to me.

"What happened?" I ask him as I pick him up.

"Bwitt" he sobs into my shoulder.

"I know but what did she do?"

"Ake 'oy 'way me" he cries.

"She snatched the toy away from you?"


"Did she hurt your hand?" I ask him.

"Uh huh" he shows me his hand and there were a few scratch marks there.

"It's ok, come on dinners ready" I soothe him as I rub my hand over his scratches.

"Brittany, come her please" I call out to her while I put Blaine into another overall bib that had a train on it with 'my big adventure' written on it. A few minutes later, she came in.

"Why did you snatch the toy out of Blaine's hand?" I ask her.

"He 'ut toy in wong pwace" she mumbles.

"But there's no need to snatch, he doesn't know where things go so you have to help and show him" I remind her what we do to be kind.

"Sowwy bwaine" she mumbles.

"Thank you for apologising, now let's get your bib on and have some dinner" I kiss the top of her head. I then put Brittany in a bib that had three cupcakes on that had 'my big cupcake' written on it.

I place them in their seats and give them their plates and sippy cups before grabbing mine and sitting down with them.

"Dis 'ummy" Blaine announces.

"You like it?" I chuckle.

"Uh huh, 'ank 'ou Aun'ie 'an'ana" he smiles at me.

"You're welcome baby" I smile back at him.

"Fank wou mummy" Brittany smiles at me too.

"You're welcome too sweetie" I smile at her too. We soon eat dinner and the kids play again while I tidy up in the kitchen. 

"Play nicely" I call out to them. A few minutes later and I call out to them to get ready for bed.

"Come on, let's head up" I call out to them as I find Blaine's bag. They soon come running up to me and I pick Blaine up and we head up into Brittany's room.

"Do you need potty?" I ask Britt as I lay Blaine on his changing mat.

"Uh huh" she says.

"Ok" I help her take off her dungarees and help her on the toilet. I then go back to Blaine and start changing his nappy as soon as I finished up and put Blaine in a blue bodysuit before going back and helping Brittany off the toilet seat and putting a night time pull up on her before we walked back out to Blaine. I then put Blaine in a pair of blue trousers and a white and blue long sleeve star shirt. I find a same pair as Blaine's for Brittany and put her in them.

"You two are so cute" I cooed.

"We der 'ame" Brittany giggles as she looks at her pyjamas and then Blaine's.

"Wook" Blaine giggles too.

"Yeah, come on then, let's get our supper and then into bed" I say to them as I clear up a bit in Brittany's bedroom before taking them down to get a quick supper before bed.

"Ummy" Blaine says as he licks his lips.

"You're silly" I chuckle at him. They both soon finish up and I clear both kids up and make them a bottle each with a sippy cup too just incase. I then find their dummies and place them all onto the kitchen table before going into the living room.

"Let's clear up now, it's bedtime" I tell them both. I was a little worried about Blaine though because last time he was over, Kurt came and got him and I don't know if that's what he thinks is going to happen tonight. They both help me clear up and I take them back upstairs with their matching bottles, dummies and sippy cups.

"Blaine? Do you want to sleep in Britt's bedroom or my bedroom?" I ask him.

"Ur 'ou" he says as he points at me.

"Ok, I'll get Brittany settled and we'll go set up your crib" I tell him. I place Brittany in her crib and kiss her good night. 

"Night baby" I kiss her cheek before placing her in.

"Ait" Blaine says.

"I know, you want to kiss her night too" I say as I lift him up and lean him over the bars so he can kiss her night.

"Ight" Blaine kisses her cheek too.

"Nigh" she kisses him too. I take Blaine to my room and set him on my bed with Peppa Pig on so I could quickly run down and grab his crib. I come back up to see Blaine crying on my bed.

"What's the matter sweetheart?" I coo to him as I place the folded crib down and pick him up.

"Wan' daddy" he sobs.

"Aww, it's ok baby, he'll be back in the morning"

"No" he cries as he rubs his eyes. 'Tired' I thought.

"Shall I FaceTime him?" I ask him.

"Eah" he sobs.

"Ok, calm down sweetie, I'm now calling him" I soothe him as I go and sit down on my bed with him.

"Hello" Kurt greets.

"Hi, I didn't disturb your sleep did I?" I ask.

"No, no, I stayed up a little longer because I knew Blaine would probably cry and you'd probably ring me or something" he explains.

"Ok, look Blaine, it's daddy" I tell him as I point at the screen.

"Daddy" he cries.

"Hey baby" he coos.

"Wan' 'ou" he sobs.

"Baby, you will see me after breakfast but first you've got to go to sleep, wake up, have breakfast and then you see daddy" Kurt explains to him.

"No" he sobs.

"San, just give him his bottle, he'll soon settle" he tells me.

"Ok" I grab Blaine's bottle and place it in his mouth. He soon settled down and was now drinking his bottle.

"There we go" I coo.

"Has he been ok?" Kurt then asks me.

"Yeah, the kids had a bit of a slip on the water slide and Blaine's bruised his leg and Brittany's bruised her back" I tell him.

"Oh no, how'd that happen?" He asks.

"Brittany slipped as she was coming out and Blaine wasn't expecting it and so he ending up falling on top of her, but it was all an accident, and then later on, she snatched a toy out of his hand and scratched his hand"

"Has Brittany been naughty?"

"Yeah, she was complaining about Blaine having one of her dolls and she just grumbled, but I think it was because she was tired and hungry"

"Probably, anyway, he's asleep now, so I'll see you tomorrow and let you get your sleep in"

"Ok, yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, bye" I wave.

"Bye" he waves back before we hung up. I gently place Blaine down on my bed while I quickly try to set up his crib. I then go back to him and place a dummy in his mouth before picking him up.

"Hmm" he stirs.

"Shhh shhh" I shush him while rocking him a bit as he probably hasn't properly settled.

"Daddy" he mumbles.

"Shhh baby, shhh" I soothe him as I rub his back up and down while bouncing him a little. He soon settles down and I place him in his crib, wrapping him up in a blanket. Once I knew that he was properly settled, I have a quick shower to freshen up and then getting into some comfy pyjamas. I check Brittany and then Blaine before getting under the duvet and changing the channel but keeping the volume down because of Blaine.

"Mummy" I hear Brittany through the monitor. I get up and go to her room.

"What's up sweetie?" I ask her.

"Duice?" She asks.

"It's right here silly girl" I chuckle a little as I pass her drink to her, which was just at the end of her bed. I go back to my room and turn the tele off before getting into bed and going to sleep.

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