Infantilism Blaine

By multifandoms23

192K 2.3K 282

Warnings for: infantilism, nappies, bottles, sippy cups, crib, dummies, oversized high chair, stroller, car s... More

Blaine's story
Bringing Blaine home
Blaine's Muslins
Meeting the Warblers
Little Dribbler
Learning how to sit up.
First Words
Birthday Boy!!!
Blaine's new room
Blaine's day at the zoo
Introducing Blankie and visiting the Doctors
The joys of babysitting Blaine and Britt
2 Doctor's Visit
Blaine's Firsts Steps
Barbecue and pool party
Blaine starts to get sick
Bad Nights
Blaine starts to get better
Finn babysits
Tired Babies and Temper Tantrums
Shopping with Blaine
Tantrum in the pushchair and saying a bad word
Cooper comes to visit
Blaine and Daddy Time
Day out at the Museum
Girls' Night In
Trying new things
Trouble Maker
Tummy Bug
Ignored by Daddy
Ignored by Daddy 2
Meeting Mummy
A Trip to the Hospital
The next day
Safety and Park Fairground
Helping mummy move
Meeting the Warblers...Again
No nappy and rainy days
Sick Again...But Worse
Car accident
Ellen Degeneres
Trick or Treat!
Christmas Shopping and Feeling Poorly
Christmas Eve and Seeing Santa
Mean Brittany
Unexpected News - Part 1
Packing and Suspious - Part 2
Flying - Part 3
Jet lag and Swimming - Part 4
Off to Disney - Part 5
Swimming and Packing for home - Part 6
Going Home - Part 7
Grandparents Babysit
Blaine's 2nd Birthday
Terrible Twos
2 Year Check Up
2 Year Check Up - Part 2
Looking for a Nursery
Looking for a Nursery - Part 2
Auntie Santana Babysits
Seeing the Warblers
Beach Day
Glee Choir Room (Shooting)
Glee Choir Room (Nightmares)
First Cinema Experience and Meeting a New Warbler
Bee Stings and Stitches - Part 1
Bee Stings and Stitches - Part 2
Daddy's Birthday
Haircuts and Shopping for new toys
Kurt's Trip to New York
Blaine and Papa Time
Sebastian's in Hospital
Lego Batman Movie
Not a Proper First Date
Unexpected Guests
Not a Good Day
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 2
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 3
Flu Shots and Ice Creams
A BBQ at Mummy's
Renewing Vows
Authors Note
Seperation Anxiety
Shoe Shopping and a Night Out
Happy Halloween!
Bad News
Terrible Tantrums
A Warbler Sleepover
A Terrible Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Two Sick Boys
A Day at Santana's
A Week in London
First Day of Nursery
Moving Out
Helping Santana Move and Redecorate
Swimming and Lazy Days
First Fights
Milk and Duck Issues
Another Day at Santana's
Stressed Out and Nappy Explosions
Friends and Barbecues
First Words and Daddy's Operation
A Beach Day
Another Warbler Sleepover
Hey guys
Babysitting Adventures
A Sick Baby
A Day In The Life
Another Wedding?
Visiting the Grandparents
Rainy Days and Sleepovers
Rachel's Birthday Party
One Grumpy Baby
Sick, Sleepy Sebastian
Soft Play and Sleepy Babies
Baby Shopping and A Date Night
New Words and Meeting Parents
A Stalker - Part 1
Reporting and Investigating - Part 2
Interviews and The Court Room - Part 3
Parks and Ice Creams
A Weekend Trip
Another Baby Regressed
Swim and Chill Day
Another Warbler Meet Up
Sleepover at the Grandparent's
More Babysitting Adventures
Growing 4 Months
Sebastian's Week Away
Happy Christmas Eve
Happy Christmas
Lots of Shenanigans
A Surprise Visit for A Sick Baby
Trampoline Park Fun
A Finchel Wedding
Grandparent's Visit
A Joint Birthday Party
Blaine's 2nd 1 Year Appointment
Finn and Rachel Babysit
A Late Night Trip to The ER
First Day Back at Nursery
A Family Photoshoot Gender Reveal
A Bad Bus Expericence
Pamela Babysits
Meeting Finn and Rachel's Baby
Fun Rainy Days with 2 Babies
Blaine's New Habits
A Sick Baby with Smashed Fingers
Blaine's 'No' Day
Looking After Three Kids
Haircuts and Picnics
A Trip to San Francisco
A Warbler Meeting
A Grumpy Baby
A Dinner Date
A Glee Club Reunion
A Proposal
A Marriage
The Aftermath

Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 1

834 10 2
By multifandoms23

Santana and I finally arranged a sleepover for the kids, which they were excited about. Sebastian said that he would come over so that he could help me out with both kids as I couldn't really handle two toddlers on my own, only when they can play nicely with each other and behave for me.

"Brittany's sleeping tonight, isn't that exciting?" I coo at Blaine as I get him ready for the day. I put him in a long sleeve Mickey Mouse bodysuit and then some Mickey Mouse trousers with some navy socks.

"When Brittany and papa get here, we need to go out" I tell Blaine.

"Yay" he cheers once we got down the stairs, it was soon not long after lunch and Santana and Brittany showed up.

"Hey" I greet them both as I hug them. Brittany wore a pair of pink jeans and a long sleeve bunny shirt with some peach coloured shoes that had white dots on them, I couldn't see what bodysuit or socks she was wearing.

"An'ana" Blaine cheers.

"Hi sweetie" Santana says as she picks him up and hugs him.

"Has she had lunch?" I ask Santana as she still had Blaine in her arms.


"Ok, are you staying for a bit or?" I ask her.

"Um, I actually need to go" she says.

"That's fine, I'll help get her stuff out from the car" I tell her as we head back to her car and go to the boot.

"Oh yeah, she wanted to bring her dollies and everything else with it, I tried to convince her to bring something else but she wasn't having none of it" Santana explains to me as she pulls out a small baby double pushchair.

"That's fine" I say as she places Blaine down so she can help with the heavier stuff. We take it all inside and up into my room for now until I sort things out.

"Right, you behave for Uncle Kurt, ok?" Santana tells Brittany as they hug.

"Uh huh"

"Alright, I love you" she says as she kisses Brittany.

"Wove wou" she kisses back.

"Any trouble, just give me a call" Santana says.

"She'll be fine" I tell Santana as I pick Brittany up.

"Say bye mummy" I smile at Brittany as she waves at Santana, who was in her car.

"Buh buh" she waves. We soon head back indoors and Blaine was crying.

"What's the matter with you?" I ask Blaine.

"Ired" he sobs as he rubs his eyes with his fists.

"Alright, let's get sorted for nap time" I say as I place Brittany down and make bottles. I take them upstairs and set up Brittany's Minnie Mouse portable crib.

I put it out of the way in my room and then take both kids to Blaine's room. I quickly change Blaine first before asking Brittany if she needed the toilet.

"Uh huh" she says. I take both kids to the toilet, making sure Blaine wasn't looking so Brittany could do her business.

"Done" she announces, I turn around and help her with her pull up and jeans.

"Come on then" I say to them as we leave the bathroom.

"Tay" she says. I grab a few books, both of their bottles and sit down on Blaine's rocking chair, both kids climb on my lap and cuddle against me, I put a blanket over all three of us and pass them their bottles. I soon start to read them a few books until they both passed out on me. I move myself as careful as possible, once up, I grab Blaine and place him in his crib with his dummy and everything else. I then do the same with Brittany before heading downstairs and clearing up a bit.

"Hello?" I answer my phone.

"Hey, I'll be over in about an hour or so, I haven't even packed yet, but I'll be over soon" he tells me.

"That's ok, they're both down for a nap anyway, I'm just clearing up, you don't mind coming to Toys 'R' Us do you?"

"No, why?"

"It's meant to be hot for the next couple of days, so I thought about getting them both a pool or something like that" I tell him.

"Oh ok, yeah sure" he says.

"Alright, well I'll see you in a bit, love you"

"Ok, love you too, bye" we hang up and I finish clearing up a bit, I sit down for a while until Brittany woke up first.

"Hey sweetheart" I coo to her as I pick her up.

"Do we need to change your pull up?" I ask her.

"Uh huh" she mumbles as I lay her on my bed, I quickly change her pull up and we go into Blaine's room after hearing him shuffle through the monitor.

"Hey baby" I coo as I do the same actions as I did with Brittany.

"Let's change your nappy" I then quickly change his nappy, take the kids downstairs and give them a small snack while watching tele, once they finished their snacks, Brittany tried to get Blaine to play with her and her dolls, but Blaine was stood at the window waiting for Sebastian.

"Papa! Papa!" Blaine cheered as he jumped up and down on the spot. He runs to the door and I just check that it is Sebastian before letting Blaine out.

"Papa!" He cheers as he runs over to him.

"Hey bud" Sebastian kisses the side of his head once he picked him up.

"Daddy! Papa" Blaine tells me as he looks at me with a massive smile on his face.

"Yeah I see, hey babe" I kiss him and he kisses back.


"Papa, Bwitt 'ere" Blaine tells him.

"Is she? Let's go find her then" he says before wandering off into the living room.

"Hey sweetie" I hear Sebastian greet her.

"Hi" she greets back.

"Oh, you brought your dollies over"

"Uh huh, bwaine dint pway wif me dough" she says to him.

"Why didn't you play with her bud?"

"Ait fo' 'ou" Blaine tells him.

"Oh ok, well now that I'm here, we can all play together" Sebastian cheers and the kids join, I walk into the living room and sit down on the sofa just watching the three of them play.

"We'll go in a minute" I tell Sebastian when he sat down next to me and we just watched the kids play for a bit until they started to argue.

"Me wan' dat on'" Blaine whines as he reaches out for a dummy that Brittany had.

"Bu' it 'er one" Brittany says.

"Daddy" Blaine whines at me.

"Brittany had it first and there is another one for her" I tell him.

"Hmm" he huffs as he threw the doll at Brittany's head.

"AAAAHHHH" she sobs as she puts one hand to where she was hit before letting her doll drop to the floor.

"Come on, you can go and sit in timeout for a little while" I hear Sebastian as he dragged a now sobbing Blaine through to his rug while I lifted Brittany into my arms and walk into the kitchen. I place her on the counter and pull out an ice pack, I place it on her temple, which was where she was hit.

"Is she alright? Those dolls are quite hard" Sebastian comes through.

"I think so, you don't feel like you're going to be sick, do you?" I coo at her and she shakes her head 'no'.

"Urts" she sobs.

"I know sweetie, I know" I try and soothe.

"Here, have some water" Sebastian says as he passes her one of her sippy cups to her.

"Better?" He asks as he holds it for her and she nods her head 'yes'.

"Ok" I then take the ice pack off and look at her bump.

"It's gone down a bit, it's just a small bruise now, ok?" I tell her as she started to calm herself down.

"Ok, let's go to Blaine" I say as I pick Brittany up and walk to where Blaine was, Sebastian following.

"Can you apologise please?" I ask Blaine, who was crying his eyes out.

"Sowwy" he sobs as he hugs both Brittany and I.

"It tay" Brittany sniffles.

"Alright, let's clean you both up and get ready to head out" Sebastian says as he picks Blaine up and we go back in the kitchen to clear up both kids from tears and snot. Once they were cleared up, I quickly pack a bag for them both before heading out to the car.

"Wow" Brittany gasps at her new car seat.

"You like it?" I ask her as I clip her up.

"Eah" she smiles.

"Ok, let's go kids" Sebastian says as he gets in the drivers seat. We soon get to the shop and I set up the pushchair that I have when I have both kids.

"In we go" I say to Blaine as I put him in his seat whilst Sebastian puts Brittany in her seat. We head into a shop, not Toys 'R' Us just yet as I needed to get a couple of things before I look for pools and all that. 

"What do we need from here?" Sebastian asks as he walks in with the pushchair.

"Oh, I need baby powder milk, bread, some strawberry and banana shakes as the kids love that, normal milk and whatever else is about" I list of.

"Cool" he says as we look around for things we need. We soon finish up and pay for the things before heading to Toys 'R' Us, which was literally just next door.

"Yay" both kids cheered as we walked in.

"Unca 'urt wee wee" Brittany then announces.

"Ok sweetie" I tell her as I pull her out of the pushchair and take her to the toilets.

"Elp pwease" she comes out of the cubicle, struggling to pull her jeans back up.

"There we are" I say to her as I pull them up, zip and button before taking her to wash her hands and back to Sebastian and Blaine.

"What happened?" I cooed as I took a crying Blaine of off Sebastian and into my arms.

"He realised that you had left and then he started crying his eyes out" Sebastian explains to me, looking at Blaine sympathetically and stroking the back of Blaine's head.

"You missed daddy, didn't you bud?" Sebastian cooed at him.

"Uh huh" Blaine hiccups.

"Wook" we then hear Brittany gasp.

"Daddy's just going to get a trolley, papa and Brittany are here, ok?" I tell Blaine as I pass him back to Sebastian.

"No, daddy" he reaches out for me but I just walk away to grab a trolley, I come back and Blaine is still sobbing.

"Look, daddy's here" I coo to him as I take him back in my arms, yet again.

"You wanna sit in the trolley?" I ask him cautiously.

"No" he says.

"Ok, look go look for swimming pools or something with Brittany" I tell him as I place him on the floor and he runs over to Brittany.

"Dis on'" Blaine calls out as Sebastian and I look at some other ones.

"Why don't we buy a pool for you and a pool for Brittany and then something that you can both share in the garden" I tell them both.

"Eah" Brittany cheers.

"No" Blaine mumbles as he pouts.

"Why not?" I ask him.

"Wan' dat on'" he says as he points at the box.

"Maybe another time, daddy can't afford that right now" I lie to him as I rub his arm. It looked pretty rubbish anyway and I wanted Blaine to have a better one that he can actually enjoy it instead of playing in it for a couple of days then leaving it because that's what he'll do.

"Tay" he says sadly.

"It's ok baby" I soothe him.

"I'll get you some toys" I bribe him just to stop the tears that I don't want to come. I know I shouldn't do this but I can't be dealing with a tantrum in the store, not today anyway.

"Tay" he smiles at me. I find a couple of little pools for the kids and then a ball sprinkler.

"Brittany, did mummy pack any swim wear?" I ask her.

"Uh huh, she saided it 'arm 'ater" she tells me as I place the boxes in the trolley.

"Yeah, it was a bit cold this morning, but it is meant to warm up later" I tell her.

"Uh huh" she agrees.

We soon get to another aisle, Blaine wanting to push the trolley, which we had to remind him to watch out for people. As we stood and looked at some water slides while Brittany was just near the end of the aisle and Blaine swinging of the trolley, we don't know what happened but there was a crash followed by a cry and another person laughing. We turn around to see Brittany crying on the floor and Blaine with his head back, laughing.

"AAAHHH" Brittany sobs as she sat on the floor.

"Come 'ere sweetie" Sebastian coos as he picks Brittany up and she sobs into his shoulder.

"Daddy, put him in the trolley please to cool off" Sebastian tells me as he held Blaine's wrist up to me.

"Um, he doesn't like trolleys" I tell him.

"Ok, daddy put him in the pushchair please" he tells me. I pick a sobbing and screaming Blaine up and clip him into his seat, he kicks his feet about and just cries.

"You ok baby?" I coo to Brittany as I rub her back up and down.

"Urts" she sobs.

"What does?"

"Dare" she points to her legs.

"Did Blaine push the trolley into you?" Sebastian asks her as he rubs her legs a little.

"Uh huh"

"On purpose or accident?" He asks and she just shrugs.

"Ok" I walk over to Blaine and crouch down in front of him.

"Did you push the trolley into Brittany?" I ask him.

"Uh huh" he hiccups.

"On purpose or accident?" I ask him.

"Pose" he starts to cry all over again as he had a hand in his mouth.

"Why would you do that?" I ask him and he shrugs like Brittany did.

"Well, you can sit in your pushchair for a few minutes, ok?" I tell him before letting Sebastian get behind the pushchair and push it one handed as he still had Brittany in his arms. I then get the trolley and we go further down the aisle.

"Do you guys like this one?" I ask them as I showed them a box, which had a picture of a double slide water slide.

"Eah" Brittany says after she calmed down.


"Uh huh" he mumbles. I place the box in the trolley before we move on.

"Shall we get a spare one?" Sebastian asks.

"Sure" I say.

"What do you guys think about this one too?" I ask them again as I showed a normal water slide but with a small tunnel.

"Eah" Brittany says again.


"Uh huh" he sniffles. I place that in the trolley before we move along again.

"Ok, Blaine, can you go and apologise to Brittany please?" I ask him, making sure that he will agree before I let him out.

"Uh huh"

"Ok, go say sorry" I tell him as I take him out and place him on the floor so he can go and apologise to Brittany.

"Sowwy" he tells her.

"It tay" she smiles down at him as she was still sat in Sebastian's arms.

"Thank you, you can go look around if you want" I tell them both as Brittany was placed back on the floor as well.

"Dis daddy" Blaine gasps as he found a small train thing that you can sit on.

"Ok, you can have one more toy and that's it, Brittany, you can also go pick two things, alright" I tell her as I didn't want her to feel left out.

"Me wan' dis one" Brittany says as she points to the same box that Blaine had.

"Ok, what colour? Yellow? Pink? Purple? Or a red one like Blaine?" I ask her as I point at all the colours.

"Urr 'ink pwease" she says.


We soon finish up in the store, both kids coming out with water slides, pools, sprinkler and two toys each, Blaine got a Peppa Pig set because it had George in it and Brittany got a little dog set with a small cage and little vet thing that came with it.

"Come on then, let's get you munchkins home" I say as I clip Blaine in his seat while Sebastian clips in Brittany after we loaded the car with boxes.

"Dum? Papa" Blaine asks.

"Urr, here bud" Sebastian says as he leans over Brittany to give Blaine his dummy.

"Sorry sweetie" he says to Britt.

"Dum?" Brittany asks Sebastian too.

"Am I the dummy guy?" He jokes to the kids, making them laugh.

"Uh huh" they giggle as Sebastian passes Brittany's dummy to her.

"You two are silly" he chuckles before shutting Britt's door and we both get in the car, we head home and both kids were passed out.

"We'll give them half an hour" I tell Sebastian.

"Yeah or they definitely won't be sleeping tonight" he says before getting out of the car, I follow behind quickly. I grab Blaine while Sebastian grabs Brittany but Brittany woke up with all the movement.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?" Sebastian coos at her as we head in.

"No" she mumbles as she lies her head down on his shoulder.

"Ok" we head inside and I take Blaine upstairs and lie him in his crib.

"Do you want me to take your dog and all of that out of the box?" I hear Sebastian ask Brittany as I walk down the stairs.

"Eah" she cheers just as I walk into the living room.

"Hey" I say as I sit down.

"Hi, let me just go grab some scissors" he says as he stands up.

"Wook, Unca 'urt" Brittany cheers again as she points to her box.

"Yeah, is uncle Sebastian opening it for you?" I ask her.

"Wou me Unca?" Brittany asks Sebastian as he comes walking back in the room with a pair of scissors.

"If you want me to be, sweetie" he smiles at her as he sits down on the sofa.

"Yay" Sebastian soon sets up Brittany's toy before setting up Blaine's for when he wakes up.

"I'll set the trains up in a minute" Sebastian says after he finished with Blaine's.

"Daddy" Blaine then sobs. I run upstairs and change his nappy before bringing him back downstairs.

"Look, papa set your Peppa Pig park up for you" I coo at Blaine.

"Fank 'ou" he says as I place him on the floor and he goes to hug him.

"Aww, you're welcome bud" the kids played with their toys for a little while until Sebastian pulled out one of the ride on train boxes through to the living room.

"Yay" both kids cheered as they ran to Sebastian and watched him. He sets up the train and starts to put it altogether, both kids watching him.

"There we are, there's that one" Sebastian says. Both kids then argued who's getting on it by trying to put their legs over it to see who could get on first.

"Woah woah woah woah woah woah, hey, both of you aren't getting on it until both of them are set up if you're going to argue about it" Sebastian tells them. Soon, Sebastian finished both trains and they both rode around the house on them, giggling. We had an early dinner as it was really hot and we wanted to set up the water slides.

"Yay" the kids cheered again as they clapped their hands. We sat outside and watched as Sebastian and dad set up the slides.

"Let's go get changed then" I say to them both and take them indoors. I put Blaine in a swim nappy and then his Mickey Mouse swim trunks before putting Brittany in her Minnie Mouse swimsuit.

I take them both back outside and they run over to the slides that were finally set up.

"It will probably cool them down a bit" dad says as him and Bas sit down.

"Yeah and tire themselves out so they can go to bed" I chuckle.

"Kurt" Sebastian chuckles.

"Woah, Britt you ok?" I call to her as she fell of the slide.

"Eah" she says as she gets back up and climbs back to the top.


"Weeee" Blaine then giggles as he goes down the slide. We let them play for a little longer before bringing them inside to get ready for bed.

"Come on then you two" Bas calls out. They come running over and we take them inside.

"Let's get ready for bed" I say as we take them both to Blaine's bedroom. I dry Blaine off while Sebastian dries Brittany off, we then get them into nappies and pull ups before getting them into matching bodysuits and sleep suits.

"Do you two want some juice while we have supper?" I ask them as we head down.

"Eah" they both cheered.

"Alright" Sebastian chuckles as we place them both in their seats. We have supper and clean the kids up before we let them play for a little while until bedtime.

"Careful" I tell them both as they almost crashed into each other on their ride on trains.

"Tay daddy" Blaine says before he goes off again. I then remembered about Brittany's head.

"Britt, come here sweetie" I call to her, she comes wheeling in on the train, I kneel in front of her and look at her temple.

"Whatcha looking at?" Sebastian asks as he comes through.

"Her head" I tell him before standing back up.

"It dood?" Britt asks with a thumbs up.

"Yeah, it's good" we both chuckle as I give her the thumbs up back to her before she rode off again.

"Bedtime in a minute" Bas says as he hugs me from behind.

"I know, better make them a bottle then"

"We'll have to be quiet when we go to bed, Britt's in our room" I tell him.

"That's fine" he kisses my neck.

"Can you go keep an eye out please while I make their bottles?" I ask.

"Sure" he kisses my neck again before walking off. I make their bottles and grab their matching blankets.

"Come on then, bedtime" I called out. We take both kids upstairs and change their nappies and pull ups before I sit on the rocking chair with both kids cuddled into my side with their bottles as I read them a story. Sebastian soon takes a sleeping Blaine of me, both kissing him goodnight before Bas tucks him in with his blanket and dummy. I then carefully pick Brittany up and take her to our room, almost lying her down until she woke up, crying.

"What's wrong?" I coo at her as I put her back in my arms.

"Mummy" she sobs. 'This was bound to happen' I thought as I tried to calm her down.

"What's wrong?" Sebastian says as he walks in the room.

"She just misses her mummy" I explain to Bas.

"Oh, it's ok, sweetheart, we'll see her in a few hours, when you go to sleep and then wake up, maybe after breakfast, she might be there" Sebastian says to her.

"Mummy" she just sobs.

"It's ok sweetie" I soothe her as I walk around the room with her. She soon goes to sleep and I place her in her crib with her blanket and dummy. Sebastian and I then quietly go to bed ourselves heading to sleep.

"I love you"

"Love you too"

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