Woven Desires [Completed]

By Ol-Seun

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Shannon Dugray and Quincey Mason are like cat and dog. However, there may be something more behind their cons... More

Shannon & Tiffany (Introduction - 1)
Shannon & Tiffany (Introduction - 2)
Prince Charming
He's Mine
Meeting Orson
Quincey's Eyes
Please Don't Hate Me
What they look like
Running Away
Shattered Heart
Bad News
Sweet Encounter
At Lorenzo's
Six Seconds
Going Home
Our Time
Calm Before The Storm
Falling For Orson
Back To School
Number One
Almost There
The First Spark
The Prince and I
I Hate You - I Love You
Hug Me
Please Step Down
Good Enough
Stay With Me
Disloyal Friend
Center Of Attention
Say It Again
"The Game of Love and Chance"
A Second Beginning
The Real Truth
Make Me Smile
I Need You Now
Repressed Feelings
Out Of Sight Out Of Mind?
Crossing The Line
Forever Yours
Woven Hearts (End)


511 37 2
By Ol-Seun

After packing Tiffany's hair up in a pony-tail, I wrapped my arms around her, and slowly rocked her, I sang the last part of the song for her again: "When you bloom Edelweiss, we will still be together."

I laid a kiss on her cheek, and she turned around to hug me.

"I'm sorry I forgot," I apologized rubbing her back.

"It's OK," she reassured me. "You had a lot on your plate."

"But nothing and no one is more important than you."

She pulled away, and looked at me.

"I know," she stated with a smile. "You're also my number one."

Her eyes were teary, but I already knew she was not going to cry. She probably had a hard time during summer when that period came by.

"Titi," I lightly stroked her cheek, "you know, there is nothing wrong with hope."

Her smile grew wider, she thanked me and gave me another hug. Anytime the topic of her dad comes up, I always encourage her to never lose hope, though we hadn't talked about it at all in a while. Come to think of it we hadn't talked about him for a long time, a year, maybe two. 

We went to bed after a little chat. She talked about her dad, and I listened. We laughed about a few memories we had, especially the times he embarrassed us in public with his clumsiness. Then we fell asleep relaxed and serene.


I'm hearing my heart beat. It's really loud. Why is it so loud? Why is it beating so fast? 

Then I hear a whisper, a soft voice. A low, sweet, beautiful voice.

"It's different when it's you Shannon."

I twitched as I felt a breath tickle my ear, and Quincey's voice echo in my mind. 

My eyes popped open in the dim-light of the room, and I tried to control my breathing. How could he say something like that? What did he mean by it? Why did I feel like something had changed after summer holidays?

Whatever, I sighed.

None of that mattered, I refused to dwell on it. So I chased those questions out of my head. I felt Tiffany's arm laying on the side of my belly, as I had my back to her. I placed my hand on top of hers, and keeping it in mine, I turned on the bed to face her. My two hands cuddled her hand, I held on to it, like it was a precious treasure. I smiled looking at her sleeping face.

"So cute," I whispered.

I closed my eyes ready to fall into a dreamless slumber.

"Shasha?" I heard Tiffany call me with a small voice.

"Yeah," I answered with my eyes closed.

"Are you sleeping?"

"Since I am able to answer you, I'd say no."

She chuckled a bit.

"Can I ask you a question?" her other hand clasped the top of my hands.

"Go ahead."

"I mean, a serious question."

"I'm listening," I opened my eyes to see her staring at me.

"Hmm...," she hesitated. "Do you really think we can remain friends forever?"

The question was like a sharp arrow struck directly into my heart. I sat up immediately and turned on the little lamp.

What is she saying? I thought, my fears starting to creep up in my mind. Has she already gotten tired of me? No right? Tiffany wouldn't, would she? She'll never leave me... right?

Tiffany sat up as well, and faced me.

"Titi," I started. "You know what best friends forever means. Now, if you don't feel like it, you can just say I'm you're best friend and nothing more, or even less, just a friend."

"No!" she grabbed my hands in hers. "No, that's not what I want."

"Me neither," I lightly squeezed her hands.

"What I mean is, if someone else started to really become very important to me, if someone else is taking a big place in my heart, it wouldn't change anything between us right?"

I rolled my eyes knowing exactly who she was referring to.

"Depends on who you're talking about," I groaned a bit.

"Does it matter?"

"Titi, is there something you want to say? Did someone replace me without me knowing?"

"Pff no... Of course not. What are you saying? It was just... never mind."

"What? Tell me."

She removed her hands from mine, then laid back on the bed.

"All I'm saying is that no matter what happens," she looked up at me, "you'll always be my number one."

I smiled to her, more sure than ever that we shared an unbreakable bond, that today or tomorrow she'd always be my rock, the one person I can trust wholeheartedly.

"You know you're also my number one."

She nodded with a soft smile, raising her arms to welcome me into a hug. I laid in her arms, and a few moments later, I fell asleep peacefully.

The next day we had our pyjama party with Lady and Cindy, during which Cindy talked all night about her new found love interest, John. The Cindy and John Episode is not really important. Long story short, she had a crush on him, when he hears about it he's flattered; Cindy is one of the most beautiful girls in school after all. He asks her out, she says yes, they're still going out as of now, but, like always, she'll probably break up with him in two weeks saying that he's too boring. 

Anyway, back to me, it's more interesting.

It had almost been three weeks since we were back to school, and my relationship with Orson couldn't be better. So I decided it was time to present him to the little group.

"You want me to meet your friends?"

"Yep," I answered amused by how nervous he looked as he rubbed his sweaty palms on his thighs.

"You mean right now?"

"Yeah," I stood up from the bench, "we still have about six minutes till the bell rings."

"It's just so sudden," he was still sitting down, a bit taken aback.

"You don't need any preliminary preparation. It's not like you're meeting my parents."

"That's true," he stood up. "But I want to make a good impression."

He's so cute, I knew I stumbled on a rare gem, and I had no intention of letting go. We went to meet up with the others, and much to my disappointment, Quincey was there. I had hoped he wouldn't be, as he had been making me feel very uneasy recently.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them as we got near.

"Oh," Quincey was the first to notice me, even before I talked. "Well will you look at that. A stray cat. You roam around so much, we never know where you are."

"Where I am or what I do, is none of your business," I retorted.

"That's true, what's it to you?" Tiffany let out a stifled laugh. "Is it that you joined us today expecting she'd be with us?"

Quincey looked at her but ignored her comment, then turned to the guest beside me.

"Hey Orson," he greeted him with a fist bump.

"Hi," Orson replied.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much," Orson shrugged.

Before I opened my mouth to express my astonishment, Quincey proceeded to introduce Orson to the others.

"By the way," he started as he placed a hand on Orson's shoulder, I noticed Quincey was a bit taller, "I believe you don't know who these people are yet. Let's start with Cindy, a delightful young girl."

"Hi," Cindy waved at him. "Orson right?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh," she giggled, "there's no need to be so courteous with me."

"She right," Lady added abruptly, as she eyed Cindy. "You really don't need much to have your way with her if you want."

Orson lifted his brows in surprise, and I heard Tiffany sigh. It's my habit to throw jabs, but even I knew that was too much.

"Lady please," Kenneth elbowed her. "Not now."

"What? You're taking her defense?"

"No," he glanced at Cindy. "But please, not now."

Kenneth was trying to talk with a calm voice, maybe to reassure Cindy or make Lady understand something, I don't know. Truth is, at the time I had no idea as to what was going on.

"Yeah, you're right," Lady seemed to get back to her senses. "I'm sorry Orson, that was inappropriate of me."

"It's OK."

"I'm Lady, and this is my boyfriend Kenneth."

She put so much emphasis on the 'my' it was almost ridiculous. It was clear that something was going on, but it wasn't my problem.

"Nice to meet both of you," Orson politely answered.

"Anyway, to top it all," Quincey deliberately stood in front of Tiffany, "the most amazing person you'll ever meet in your life time," he smiled, then moved aside, "miss Tiffany May."

She was so embarrassed she could hardly look up. There was no need for all the drama to present her, he almost did a fake drum roll, but I guess something told him, that would be overboard. He could have done it simply, the same way he presented Cindy.

"Most amazing?" Orson looked at Quincey who nodded to reaffirm what he said.

"Don't mind him," Tiffany answered shyly.

"I have to go," Cindy said with such a small voice, we almost didn't hear her. "I-I have something to do."

"We aren't holding you back," Lady groaned. "Please take your time."

Kenneth elbowed her again, and she rolled her eyes. Cindy turned on her heels and walked away. I saw her look back at Lady with a sad expression, then disappear into the crowd of students. Once Cindy was gone, Kenneth also excused himself, and dragged Lady away, probably to scold her for her behavior, which was a first, as it's usually the other way round.

"By the way, Orson," I said when it remained the four of us, "how do you know Quincey?"

"Well, we have gym together," he replied.

"I see."

"Yeah, we get along quite well," Quincey added. "Orson is a very nice guy."

"Oh thanks," Orson seemed a bit embarrassed. "I appreciate that."

"No kidding," I mumbled still a bit surprised. "What a small world."

It was a Friday when I, or rather Quincey, introduced Orson to the group. During the weekend, on Saturday, Cindy came to Tiffany's house, but I didn't interfere knowing it was probably about the awkward situation of Friday, so I quietly stayed at home. On Sunday, both Lady and Cindy were at her house.

Good luck trying to solve their situation, I mentally encouraged Tiffany.

Strangely enough, even though Lady and Cindy were under the same roof, I didn't hear any screaming. Then on Monday, the whole situation exploded in school at the canteen, actually the real enemy was Kenneth. Something about him putting the moves on Cindy during summer holidays. It was a whole mess. 

A mess that didn't concern me, so I didn't put my nose in any of it. That Monday, as she didn't give in to his heartfelt apology, Lady broke up with Kenneth. I know, tragedy. It was a sad sad day. Everyone knew them as the best couple ever, they even had a name: KeLa. But it was the end for KeLa. It seemed quite unreal, but it happened. Anyway, I'm not going to get into that, because Tuesday is the day that concerns moi.

That Tuesday morning, I finally told Tiffany that there was someone I liked.

"No way!" she exclaimed excited.

"Uh-huh," I nodded, amused at her expression.

"Oh my gosh Shasha! I'm so happy for you!" She jumped into my arms.

"You don't even know who it is," I chuckled.

She pulled away and looked at me like I was being ridiculous.

"Please," she furrowed her brows pretending to be offended. "I think I have an idea."


She smiled looking behind me.

"Ah, there he is," she tickled my tummy, then very slowly walked away whistling.

I looked behind me, and saw Orson, with another guy I vaguely knew, laughing at or with someone. I took a moment to reel in his graceful figure. He's so perfect, even his laugh is wonderful. I caught up to Tiffany who was a few steps away from me.

"How did you know?" I set my arm around her neck.

"It's the way you look at him," she replied.

"That's it?"

"You should see the way you gawk at him," she giggled.



She stopped walking and faced me. Tilting her head, she breathed in, then let out a long sigh.

"Stooop," I shook her arm, understanding that she was imitating me.

"I wasn't really sure at first," she added, "because you didn't tell me anything, but you just confirmed it."

She hugged me again, telling me how happy she was for me, she was so excited. Then she asked how much I liked him. Is it deep? Is it just a fling? Did I plan on confessing? Either way, she assured me she'd always be on my side, and do everything to help me make it work. 

That was Tuesday morning. Fast forward to the afternoon of that same day at lunch break. I didn't join the others for lunch because I had the feeling that Quincey would be there, and I didn't want to see him. Plus, I had no appetite.

Instead I went to the Lounge to relax on the grass, remembering the time he laid at the same spot. The sky I gazed at was clear and beautiful. I didn't flinch when I felt my phone vibrate on my tummy, but I wondered who could be sending me a message as I had already told Tiffany I wouldn't be joining them for lunch. I held my phone up in front of my eyes, the sky becoming the background.

"Quincey?" I muttered when I saw his name.

"Where are you?" his message read.

Is he serious? I furrowed my brows a bit confused.

I squeezed the phone in my hand. I was angry at him because he was not making things easy for me. I told myself something must be wrong with him, but it was about time for him to get his head straight. I unlocked the phone ready to answer with something irritating.

"Nonya! Are you my guardian? Get lo-" I erased the message, then let out a sigh. It sounded so fake because it had nothing to do with what I wanted to say.

"Why do you care? Leave me alone you idio-" I erased that message as well. It was only three words, but I read his message over and over again: "Where are you?"

Is he actually looking for me? I wondered. Why? What does he want?

"If I tell you where I am," I slowly wrote, having no intention of sending the message, "what will you do?"


"Aaahh!!" I screamed and jolted at the same time as I squeezed my eyes shut.

I heard a familiar laugh and I was already annoyed knowing who it was.

"Zane," I said through my teeth as I slowly opened my eyes and sat up.

"Yours truly," he tried to contain his amusement as he sat next to me.

I looked down at my phone, and saw that the message had been sent to Quincey.

"Oh no no no," I mumbled placing the phone on my forehead like I had psychic powers that could delete the sent message.

"What is it?"

"This is your fault!" I barked at Zane. "Why did you have to do that?"

"It was just a joke," he shrugged, "chill."

"A joke? You... ugh!"

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, Quincey had already replied. I got a bit nervous wondering what he answered. Did he make fun of what I wrote? My message was not too crazy, though it could be interpreted in many ways. Did he think I was being cheeky?

"Cutie-pie," Zane interrupted my thoughts.

"Stop calling me that," I grumbled.


"Cutie-pie is fine."

"What about our promise?" he grinned.

"What are you talking about?"

He turned his cheek to me and tapped it with his forefinger.

"Our promise," he repeated.

I had completely forgotten, but Zane was taking it very seriously.

"Oh... Haha," I wondered how I was going to get myself out of it.

That's when I saw behind him, my rescuer: Kathy. She was heading towards the school building after coming back from buying a few sodas for her and her lackeys. She's not all bad.

"Close your eyes," I looked at Zane with a smile. "I need time to prepare so I can give you a good one."

"Oh boy," he fidgeted excited as he closed his eyes.

I quietly rustled through my bag and found a useless pen I threw at Kathy. She jolted, then turned to me ready to curse me out, but with my index on my mouth I hushed her. She frowned confused when she noticed Zane smiling beside me with his eyes closed. I gestured for her to come closer, which she did probably curious as to what was going on.

"Just a sec," I said with a sweet voice.

"Take your time cutie-pie."

"After this," I picked up my bag, as Kathy had put down the drinks and crouched next to me, "you can't ask me for anything again."

"Hmm, we'll see," Zane replied.

I looked at Kathy, pointed to her, tapped my lips, then pointed to Zane's cheek. She understood immediately. I tip toed away, and let Kathy have the captain to herself. Just as she was about to kiss his cheek, he turned to slam his lips on hers, like it was something he had been longing for since forever.

I knew it! I got goose bumps as I saw him hold her head, realizing it could have been me. He's so sly, but at least they look happy. You're welcome Kathy.

I was really grateful to her, for coming at that moment, because I would have scraped Zane's lips off if he had stolen my first kiss that way. I shook my head and left them to go at it. I have no idea as to when he realized it was not me, though I knew I would hear from him later on. 

As I walked away, I unlocked my phone, and re-read the message that was accidentally sent to Quincey, along with his reply. His answer sent shivers down my spine, and I felt my ear tickle a bit as I could almost hear his voice whisper to me when I read it.

"If I tell you where I am, what will you do?"

"I'll come to you," his text read."Tell me where you are Shannon."

Oh no..., I stopped walking for a moment, breathing in and out as I hit my chest like I was chocking, I felt the rhythm of my heart quicken. This guy is going to be the death of me.


Episode 10 Preview:

"Stop..." I sagged in his arms.

"Why?" his voice was mellow.

The back of my head laid on his chest. I felt myself giving in, even though I knew I never would.

"Quincey, please stop...," I begged him with a shaky voice. "Please... Let go."

"I can't," he whispered.

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