The day I was taken

By NotPerfect_SueMe

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It was an ordinary day. I was on my way to work, walking as usual. The sun was out and the birds were chirpin... More

Chapter 1: The taking
Chapter 2: 4 walls
Chapter 3: we will find her
Chapter 4: The kill
Chapter 5: Survivor
Chapter 6: The Witness
Chapter 7: Dinner with a psychopath
Chapter 8: Mind games
Chapter 9: Friday night
Chapter 10: Dazed
Chapter 11: Anger
Chapter 12: Senior year
Chapter 13: New girl
Chapter 14: It gets worse
Chapter 15: Win or lose
Chapter 16: Prize
Chapter 17: Breaking Flo
Chapter 18: Funerals
Chapter 19: Escape
Chapter 20: 911 call
Chapter 21: Suspicious
Chapter 22: Found
Chapter 24: The Return
Chapter 25: My Darling
Chapter 26: Not so safe
Chapter 27: The ex-boyfriend
Chapter 28: The nightmare continues
Chapter 29: The Note
Chapter 30: Go F yourself
Chapter 31: Rachel
Chapter 32: Fatal
Chapter 33: Life sentence

Chapter 23: Reunited

26 2 1
By NotPerfect_SueMe

*Flo's pov*

The detectives drive me to the hospital in silence.

I dont think they know what to say. Neither do i.

Im not used to seeing anyone except for Ray. He's the only person I've seen in 5 years.

I want to look out the window and see the world that I've been hidden from for so long but the sun is too bright. It hurts to look so i keep my eyes trained on my lap.

"Wheres Ray?" I ask quietly.

Monroe looks back at me from the passengers seat, "were tracking him down as we speak."

So in other words they have no idea.

I know he will be coming back for me. The weird part is that I'm not scared, its almost like i know its unavoidable so its only a matter of time, i might as well just except it.

Once we arrive at the hospital i see flashes all around me.

"Dammit how do they know already?" Robinson says angrily, "were going to have to make a run for it."

"Great." Monroe mumbles before glancing at me quickly.

Make a run for it? Oh god.

"Here, put this over your head and stay between us." Monroe says as she hands me a jacket.

My door is opened and police officers are pushing people back.

People yell at me from all directions, i cant make out what they are saying because I'm too focused on getting to the doors ahead of me and away from the flashing lights.

Once were safely inside the detectives escort me to a private room.

They give me a hospital gown to get changed into then a nurse comes over to me with papers in her hand.

"Im going to have to ask you some questions and run some tests, okay? I need you to relax and know that your in a safe place, no one is going to hurt you here." She says kindly.

I nod.

After asking me my name, date of birth, medical history and other standard things she collects some of my DNA and gets my finger print.

"I have to ask a few difficult questions now okay?"

I nod.

"Have you experienced intercourse in the past month?"

My eyes widen, why does she need to know this?

I nod anyway.

"Any past pregnancies?"

"No." Thank god Ray always wore a condom, he had said when the time was right we would try for a kid but until then being safe was a priority.

"When were you last on your period?"

"Last week."

She writes something down before smiling softly at me, "thats all for now."

My hand goes to a knot in my hair to fiddle with as i wait for the detectives to come back.

Suddenly the door is pushed open and my parents rush through, tucker follows closely behind them.

"Oh thank god! My baby!" My mom cries before launching herself at me.

I flinch back in surprise but she doesn't notice as she squishes me in a hug.

I stiffen at the contact, its my mom, i should feel safe and yet all i feel is discomfort.

Anyone coming near me seems to put me off. I dont know why.

"We thought we lost you." My dad cries, tears fall from their eyes.

The detectives show up at the door, they glare at an officer standing off to the side, "im sorry, they just barged through, we couldn't stop them."

Robinson sighs heavily, "i know this is a hard time to separate you but we really need to ask Flo some questions before we let you catch up."

"I haven't seen my daughter in 6 years. Your questions can wait." My mom states harshly.

"Ma'am, your daughter can help us find the man who took her, as well as help us to find the other girls that he may have taken. It can't wait."

"I just got you back." Mom whispers to me.

I look up to her blankly, still in a daze with everything thats changed in the last hour. Im no longer trapped in my room. Im out. Im safe. Snap out of it Flo.

"Its okay." I tell her.

I know their not going to find the other girls but i can at least help them find Ray, before he finds me.

"We will just be in the room down the hall, please stay here, it wont take too long." Monroe says.

My mom stays silent, clearly angry at them for separating us so soon.

I want to be with my family but i know there is a short time period for finding Ray. The longer we wait, the less likely they will find him.

Mother fucker has a couple hours on them.

"We will be right here Flo, when your done." My dad says gently.

I smile slightly and nod before following the detectives out the door.
As i walk i feel Tucker's eyes on me, he hasn't said a word to me yet, but hes looking at me as if he cant believe I'm really here.

I dont blame him, i cant believe im really here either.


"Alright, do you mind if we record this?" Robinson asks.

I shake my head no.

He turns on the recorder that is set in-between us on the table.
"Alright, can you tell us about the day you were taken?"

My hand plays with a knot in my hair as i think back to that dreadful day, "i was walking to work as usual, i was only 5 minutes away i think when a man-Ray came up to me. He seemed nice enough, he asked if i could help him strap in his kids carseat cause his wife normally does it."

"He has a wife and kid?"


The detectives look down and nod for me to continue.

"I said i would help, i didn't think anything bad would happen. He lead me around the corner which was strange but again i didn't think anything bad would happen. Once we got to his van he opened the door, i leaned in to look but when i noticed that there wasn't even a carseat he hit me on the back of my head. The next thing i knew, i was in my room, laying on the couch."

"Why do you refer to that place as your room?" Monroe asks softly. I think she was surprised at herself for asking because she said sorry shortly after.

"Its okay." I say in confusion, "i guess cause Its been mine for 6 years... i just kinda referred to it that way after a while."

Robinson nods and glances at Monroe quickly before asking, "was anyone else there with you at all? Any other girls?"

This question makes me tense up, i look down to the table as my hands play anxiously with the knot in my hair, almost pulling it right out of my head.

"Why do you ask?" I whisper. I knew this was coming when he told my parents i might be able to help find the other girls but now that I'm hear i don't know what to do.

I cant tell them i killed anyone but maybe i could say Ray did it, i mean who would believe him over me anyway... right?

"Well other girls with similar traits as you were taken from the same area, none have been found. Certain things indicated that you were all taken by the same man."

I swallow loudly and force my bouncing leg still, "there was a girl there when i was first taken. But she was only there a day or so with me before..." i trail off not sure what to say.

This catches the detectives attention, "what was her name?"

They both eagerly glance at the recorder in front of them.

"Jules." As i say her name her lifeless body flashes before me causing me to take in a sharp gasp. I blocked out the horrid memories of my murder spree but now I'm being forced to remember. I don't like this.


"I know." Robinson whispers, cutting Monroe off sharply.

"What happened to her?"

The memories flash before me as i relive her murder, i feel the knife slice into Her neck and the blood drip onto my skin. Ray's satisfied smile looming over me. I then see Polly's head split in half, her mangled body is laying in front of me.

"NO! NO!!! Stop it! Stop!" I yell, closing my eyes and jumping away from the table as i hold my head in my hands tightly.

The detectives cautiously stand up, "what is it? Flo... your safe, your family is just down the hall."

Tears fall down my face as i whip my head side to side only to see a normal room with the two detectives. No dead bodies. No Ray.

Am i going crazy? No. No it was just memories. Breath Flo. Just breath.

Your okay.

Your safe.

Be strong, be smart. One small mistake could get you killed.

Always remember that.


Thanks for reading!
So so so sorry for the wait! I got a little busy and had no time to write! My apologies! Anywho hope you liked this chapter!
Love you all!

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